During the afternoon meal, Tang Ning had already learned from her father-in-law that the things lost by the Chu envoy had been recovered.

Governor Dong originally wanted to order the three criminals to be severely punished. What was strange was that several envoys from Chu State actually pleaded for mercy at the same time. In the end, they just suffered some physical pain and were imprisoned for a period of time.

The case made a lot of noise, but it ended calmly. Lingzhou City was no longer full of storms, and there were no government officials on the street asking questions when they saw anyone. The people were relieved. The third uncle's breakfast shop has since Starting yesterday, business started to pick up.

When business is good in the morning, Uncle San will set up some tables and chairs outside. Tangning ate a drawer of steamed buns, while Fang Xiaopang sat opposite him and had already eaten three drawers of steamed buns.

The steamed buns that Uncle San used to sell were fist-sized, with thin skin and plenty of filling. Two days ago, Tang Ning suggested that he make some steamed buns. Originally, it was just to satisfy his own appetite, plus he had promised Fang Xiaopang to treat her to them. Later, Uncle San tried to sell Xiaolongbao. Unexpectedly, it became very popular. Many people lined up in front of the steamed bun shop.

There is a little girl beside Fang Xiaopang. Although she is only four years old, she is not as thin and thin as an ordinary child. She looks like a shrunken Fang Xiaopang.

The little girl is the daughter of Butcher Zheng next door. Butcher Zheng is busy selling meat. When Qiao'er is not busy, she helps him look after the children.

Maybe because of sympathy for fat people, Fang Xiaopang takes good care of the little girl and often gives her his snacks. Not many people can enjoy this kind of treatment. Tang Ning counts one, Tang Yaoyao counts half, and the last one is The little girl in front of me.

A figure sat on a bench at the next table, looked up and said, "A drawer of xiaolongbao."

Tangning looked in that direction and saw the beggar she had met that day.

The beggar who graduated from the Department of Philosophy said, "Life is like a play, if someone plays the role of an official, there will always be someone playing the role of a thief."

The third uncle came out and looked at the beggar with a scrutinizing gaze.

The beggar looked at him and knew what he meant. He took out a few copper coins from his arms and put them on the table.

The third uncle counted the coins, put away the coins, and gave him a drawer of steamed buns.

Beggars are not allowed on the table in other places. Uncle San does not discriminate against beggars, as long as he pays, he is a guest.

There were five buns in one drawer. After the beggar finished eating, he raised his head and said, "One more drawer."

The third uncle looked at him, waiting for him to pay.

"Wait a moment." The beggar did not take out the copper coins from his arms this time. He stood up and walked to the street.

He stood in the middle of the street, then raised his head and looked at the sky.

Tang Ning raised her head in confusion. The sky was as blue as blue, without even a single cloud.

Fang Xiaopang also looked towards the sky, blinked curiously, and murmured: "What is there in the sky?"

Tang Ning looked for a while but didn't find anything in the sky. He looked away and looked at the beggar again.

On the street, many people were attracted by the beggar's behavior and looked up at the sky.

"What's in the sky?"

"What are you looking at?"

"I don't know, everyone is watching..."

Just when everyone was looking up at the sky and mumbling to themselves, Tangning saw the beggar lower his head, take out a purse from the arms of a fat man wearing satin clothes, and take out a piece of broken silver. , put the purse back again, and walked over here.

On the street.

"There is nothing in the sky, what are you looking at!"

"You're sick, my neck feels sore just looking at it!"

“I’m so full and have nothing to do!”

The crowd complained to each other and dispersed unhappy. Tangning saw the fat man mutter something, shook his head, and disappeared into the crowd.

The beggar walked to the table again, put a piece of broken silver on the table, looked at the third uncle, and said, "These are all changed into steamed buns."

As soon as he finished speaking, two hands were placed on his left and right shoulders respectively.

Before Tang Ning could recover from the beggar's coquettish tactics, she saw Peng Chen and the policeman she had met at the Nghe An County Government Office last time.

Later, Tang Ning heard from her father-in-law that this man's surname was Xiu and his given name was Qingfeng. He was a famous arrester in Lingzhou and the chief arrester in Lingzhou. He worked in the governor's Yamen.

"Is it you again?" The head catcher surnamed Xiu looked at the beggar, "You've only been out for a few days, can't you live in peace?"

The beggar swept his sleeves, and the broken silver on the table rolled under the table. He looked at the beggar mother and daughter in the corner, looked at the third uncle again, and said, "Just give them everything."

After saying that, he walked straight behind Na Xiu, the catcher, and let the two catchers tie him up with chains.

The head catcher surnamed Xiu didn't pay much attention to the scrap of silver. He glanced at Tang Ning and finally looked at Peng Chen. He raised his eyebrows and said, "I asked you to come to my place and double your monthly salary, but you have to shrink from that small yamen... …”

Peng Chen looked at him but said nothing. He took out a few coins, put them on the table, and said, "A drawer of steamed buns."

"What I say will always count. You should think about it." Xiu Qingfeng glanced at him again, glanced at Tang Ning, and turned to leave.

The third uncle made two drawers of steamed buns and placed them next to the beggar mother and daughter. He handed them the coins he found, then came back and gave Peng Chen a basket of steamed buns.

Tang Ning sat opposite Peng Chen and asked, "Do you know him?"

Peng Chen dipped a bun in vinegar and said lightly: "Senior brother."

Although Peng Chen is the head catcher of Yong'an County Government, compared with his senior brother who is the chief catcher of Lingzhou, he is still a bit unsatisfactory.

Tang Ning had heard some rumors about this head hunter. It was said that his name was enough to scare the thieves near Lingzhou. It was also said that his martial arts were unfathomable and he was proficient in eighteen kinds of weapons. He looked at Peng Chen asked, "I heard that he is very powerful in martial arts. He knows all eighteen kinds of weapons. Is it true?"

Peng Chen ate another bun and nodded.

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you are proficient in all eighteen kinds of weapons. You can do everything, but you can't do anything well."

Tang Ning looked in the direction where the sound came from and saw the old beggar leaning on the corner and walking over with a bun in his hand. He looked at Peng Chen and said, "I want you to lend me some vinegar."

He dipped the buns that the mother and daughter gave him in vinegar and put them into his mouth.

Peng Chen glanced at him, then at the two remaining buns in the cage, and stood up.

The old beggar looked at him, pointed at the two buns on the table, and asked, "Do you want more?"

Peng Chen shook his head: "No more."

The old beggar simply sat in his seat, picked up the remaining buns, dipped them in vinegar, and continued: "When it comes to martial arts training, the more moves you know, the more weapons you know, the better. Some people pursue magnificence. Some people pursue a variety of weapons, and some people don't care what moves others use or what weapons they use, just let him use his fists or his legs, swords, guns, swords and halberds, just one sword..."

When he said this, he stretched out his palm and stroked it casually in the air. His eyes seemed to accidentally glance at Butcher Zheng who was chopping meat in the shop next to him. Butcher Zheng made eye contact with him, and then smiled honestly, Continue to chop the meat.

Tang Ning was a little surprised. The beggars in Lingzhou City were all really incredible.

Some beggars spoke their philosophy of life, and some beggars spoke the true meaning of martial arts. If the old beggar hadn't had bruises on his face from being beaten, he would have almost believed it.

Especially when she saw that he was holding a bun dipping it in vinegar with one hand and picking at his black feet with the other hand. If Tangning remembered correctly, he was picking his feet with the hand holding the bun just now...

But after careful consideration, what the old beggar said makes some sense. It seems that this is what Dao Zhijian said...

"Do you think what I said makes sense?" Seeing the thoughtful look on Tang Ning's face, the old beggar smiled, took out three exquisite books from his arms, and said, "I have three martial arts secret books here. Sell ​​it to you for money..."

Tang Ning glanced at him. She bought three hardcover erotic albums for ten taels of silver. Although it was not a loss, it was of no use to him. It was difficult to make a difference in the sea. After seeing a certain kind of art from Japan in later generations, who would treat this as a treasure? ?

"Martial arts secrets?" Fang Xiaopang's eyes lit up and he ran over quickly and said, "I want to see it, I want to see it!"

The old beggar didn't dodge at all and allowed her hand to reach over.

Damn it!

Tangning's eyelids twitched and she cursed angrily in her heart. She grabbed three books from the old beggar's hand, took out a silver coin and put it on the table. She stuffed the three "secret books" into her arms and touched them. Fang Xiaopang turned his head and said: "The secrets of martial arts are for adults, not children!"

Fang Xiaopang was very disappointed. He looked at Tangning, thought for a moment, and said, "Then when I grow up, you must let me see it!"

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