[PS: The last name was written incorrectly. Tang Jing is not Qin Jing. He is getting older and his memory is getting worse...]

Miss Tang was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. From the moment she was born, she was the richest girl in Lingzhou City. She could earn a hundred taels of silver just by reciting a poem. Naturally, she didn’t know what frugality meant. Xiao Ru and Third Uncle have always lived a hard life, and they have never been as wasteful as her.

When the breakfast shop first opened, they couldn't sell out all the tofu nao. My third uncle ate it all by himself until he vomited, but he didn't waste a single bowl.

Xiaoru's cloth shop has opened. It is called a cloth shop, but in fact it sells more accessories, fabrics and the like. It is small and meticulous and is very popular among women. The business is very good every day.

Whether it's Uncle San's breakfast shop or Xiao Ru's cloth shop, Tang Ning doesn't think about making money. Only when they have something to do can they feel at ease.

When he was about to reach the shop, he saw the beggars squatting in the corner, each holding a few buns in their hands.

Judging from the size of the bun, it should have been given to them by their third uncle.

Tang Ning was a little confused. Third uncle had always recognized money but not people. Apart from the beggar mother and daughter, he had never given alms to other beggars.

"Sir!" Several beggars saw him coming and immediately stood up to greet him.

Tangning noticed that they looked a little embarrassed. Although they were all beggars and were a bit slovenly, there was no reason why they all had bruises on their noses and faces.

"There was a group of beggars causing trouble in front of Xiaoru's shop just now. The customers were so scared that they didn't dare to go in." The third uncle looked at Tang Ning, pointed at the beggars, and said, "Thanks to their help."

"Making trouble?" Tangning looked at her third uncle and asked, "Is Xiaoru okay? Why are they causing trouble?"

"Xiao Ru is in the shop. She's fine." The third uncle shook his head and said, "I don't know why they went crazy. They were sitting at the door of the shop, so scared that the guests didn't dare to go in."

A beggar stood up, put a bun in his arms, looked at Tang Ning, and said, "Sir, those guys are from another street. They must have been ordered by others to collect money to do things, and deliberately came to cause trouble... …”

Tangning looked at him and asked, "The beggar on the other street?"

The beggar nodded and said, "This is not the first time they have done this kind of thing."

The state has national laws, the family has family rules, and a beggar must also follow the rules of being a beggar. The Beggars Gang is known as the most upright gang in the world. The gang rules are strict, including the "Eight Essentials" and "Ten Commandments". They have always behaved decently, how could they be so bad? act?

Tangning looked at the beggar and asked, "Don't you beggars care if they do this?"

"Beggars' gang?" The beggar looked at him doubtfully and asked, "What beggars' gang?"

Tangning looked at him and asked doubtfully, "Have you never heard of the Beggar Clan?"

The beggar shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it."

"Really not?"


"Third uncle, please have two bowls of tofu nao." Tangning thought for a moment, greeted her third uncle, then looked at the beggar, pointed to a stool, and said, "Sit down, let's talk."

"No, no, no, sir, my body is dirty. Sitting down will make the stool dirty. Just stand and listen to what you say." The beggar waved his hands repeatedly and stood beside Tang Ning in a panic.

Tangning waved her hand and said, "Sit down if I ask you to. I have to raise my head to talk to you while you are standing. I'm tired."

When the beggar heard this, he hesitated for a moment, then walked over to sit opposite Tang Ning, but he only dared to touch the stool with half of his buttocks.

Tangning thought for a while, looked at him and asked, "Your name is Liu Laoer?"

When he was chatting with these beggars before, he asked his name. Among the beggars on this street, Liu Laoer was still somewhat famous. He was the leader of the several beggars in this alley.

The beggar said quickly: "Young Master has a good memory, so I will call you Liu Lao Er."

Tangning nodded and continued to ask, "What happened to the beggar on the other street you just mentioned?"

Liu Laoer explained: "Back to the young master, those guys from Jin Mazi on the next street are just a bunch of scum. They cheat, kidnap, and steal, and they do whatever they can. The girl's shop opened here. She must have disturbed someone, so she let her go." Jin Mazi and the others came to cause trouble."

The so-called colleagues are enemies. The opening of a new store in Xiaoru, and the business is booming, will naturally attract the jealousy of many people. Tang Ning is not surprised by this, so she asked Liu Laoer and the others to help keep an eye on it. Unexpectedly, it has only been a few days. , some people can’t help it.

Don't worry about settling these accounts yet, Tang Ning looked at Liu Laoer and asked, "How do you beggars in Lingzhou calculate your power? Please tell me in detail."

When Tang Ning first started looking for the little beggar, she had learned about the general situation of the beggars here.

Scholars have their own circle of scholars, businessmen have their own circle of businessmen, officials have their own circle of officials, and beggars naturally have their own circle of beggars.

Every street in Lingzhou City, which can even be subdivided into the first half and the second half of each street, belongs to different spheres of influence.

Almost every beggar in the city has a fixed begging place, which is like a territory. If you invade other people's territory, the other party will fight tooth and nail.

So it’s not that easy to be a beggar these days.

It is human instinct to hug together. Beggars in an area will form small groups. Seven or eight people like Liu Laoer occupy an alley or half a street. Jin Mazi's younger brother in the next street has more, about a dozen Personal appearance.

There is no Beggar Clan, and naturally there is no Lingzhou branch of the Beggar Clan. There are only small forces like Liu Laoer.

A beggar who doesn't want to be a gang leader is not a good beggar. A beggar must be enterprising. Just guarding this alley will lead to nothing in life.

There are many beggars in Lingzhou City, and there are even more beggars in the world. Although the world's largest gang, the Beggars' Gang, is only a fiction in the novel, if all the beggars in the world can be gathered together, it will also be a very powerful force.

Tang Ning looked at Liu Lao Er and asked, "Have you been displeased with Jin Mazi for a long time?"

Liu Lao Er was stunned for a moment, then nodded and gritted his teeth and said, "Half of the street next door was originally ours, but it was later taken away by Jin Mazi. Many brothers suffered a lot at his hands."

Tang Ning thought about it, looked at him and asked, "Do you want to take revenge and take back your territory?"

Liu Lao Er hesitated for a moment, looked at him, and said awkwardly, "They have more people, we can't beat them."

Tang Ning pointed at Peng Chen who was sitting on the side eating buns, looked at Liu Lao Er and asked, "Do you know who he is?"


Lingzhou City, at a street corner, more than a dozen beggars gathered here.

A beggar handed a whole chicken wrapped in lotus leaves to a pockmarked beggar in the front, flattering: "Brother, this is the chicken you wanted."

Jin Mazi tore off two chicken legs, handed the rest back, and said: "These brothers share it."

The beggars showed joy on their faces and hurriedly said: "Thank you, brother!"

A beggar next to Jin Mazi gnawed the chicken butt and muttered: "Brother, it's all Liu Laoer's blind gang. If they hadn't ruined our business, that person would have given more money!"

Another beggar interrupted: "Liu Laoer and his gang are meddling in other people's business. Sooner or later, we will have to deal with them!"

Jin Mazi took a big bite of the chicken leg and accidentally pulled a bruise on his face, and his face twitched.

This bruise was left by Liu Laoer's punch today.

They had an old grudge with Liu Laoer and his gang, and today's incident added new hatred to the old hatred.

A beggar ran over from the street in a panic and said, "Brother, Liu Laoer sent someone to tell us that he wants to fight with us this afternoon on Changping Street!"

Beggars in Lingzhou City often fight to compete for territory. The loser either gives up the territory and gets out of Lingzhou City, or submits to the winner. Jin Mazi didn't expect that before they had troubled Liu Laoer, the other party came to them!

Jin Mazi narrowed his eyes and said, "What time?"

The beggar said, "Xu Shi."

"Let them wait!" Jin Mazi stood up and said, "This time, we will settle old and new accounts together!"

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