Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 968: Snitch

Lao Zheng came back from the grassland this time, and he actually brought back Wan Yanyan's master.

He said he was practicing swordsmanship, but how could he practice swordsmanship on others? Tang Ning understood Lao Zheng's hunger for being single for more than ten years, so he patted his shoulder and said, "Practice in another place next time, the ground is dirty..."

Once the war on the grassland is over, if nothing unexpected happens, the several countries on this continent will be able to develop harmoniously and steadily. The court also learned about this matter soon. Officials looked into the future and seemed to have seen that Chen was about to enter a new era.

In the next few years, although the four borders are stable, all countries are developing. If Chen is not careful, it will be left far behind by other countries. It can be regarded as an opportunity and a challenge.

But if Chen seizes the opportunity, the ones who will be surpassed may be Chu and the Western Regions. Obviously, the officials of Chen are full of confidence in this.

In the past few days, the officials have worked hard. Some seemingly trivial things on weekdays will also be magnified in this special situation.

The most active, of course, is the Imperial Censorate.

It would be fine in normal times. Considering that they are all colleagues, they would turn a blind eye to some minor things.

But this time is different. When the whole Chen State is working hard to enter a new era, no one can be allowed to drag their feet.

So, these days, the impeachment memorials submitted by the censors have increased.

The impeachments in these memorials are nothing more than some crimes of abuse of power for personal gain and accepting bribes. They are not big or small. Tang Ning does not need to deal with them personally. He handed them all over to the officials below.

In general, he has been living a leisurely life since he returned to the Shangshu Province.

At this moment, Tang Ning was sitting in the Shangshu Yamen, drinking the good tea that Princess Anyang had looted from Prince Fu. He heard footsteps outside. He looked up and saw a figure walking in from outside.

Seeing Zhong Mingli coming in, Tang Ning immediately stood up, poured him a cup of tea, and said, "Father-in-law, please."

Zhong Mingli felt uncomfortable when his boss called him "Father-in-law", but he had almost gotten used to this feeling over the years. He took a sip of the teacup and handed a memorial to Tang Ning, saying, "Take a look at this memorial first."

He would not show it to himself for ordinary trivial matters. Tang Ning took the memorial, opened it and looked at it, and a strange look appeared on his face.

This memorial was written by an imperial censor. It said that the remnants of the Liang Kingdom may have sneaked into the capital, and asked the court to investigate the matter strictly.

The four words "remnants of the Liang Kingdom" were not a good word in the Chen Kingdom. The Jiangnan Rebellion was provoked by them, so the court was extremely sensitive to these people. Once any clues were found, they would definitely investigate thoroughly.

Tang Ning had also suspected that those people were lurking in the capital. After all, the poison that Emperor Chen was poisoned with was only found in Guizhou. Unfortunately, they did not get anything out of the Tang family, and the matter was eventually left unresolved.

The censors were originally reporting on hearsay, and many things did not require any evidence. Many of their memorials were directly ignored by the Shangshu Province, but this matter should be treated seriously even if there was no evidence.

Zhong Mingli looked at him and said, "This matter is very serious. The Shangshu Province cannot make a decision. Should we take it to His Majesty?"

His father-in-law had been in the Shangshu Province for so long, and he had obviously developed some keen political sense. Tang Ning nodded and said, "Let's pass this memorial to His Majesty."

For his own life, Emperor Chen had long since stopped fighting as hard as before.

However, he did not completely ignore the affairs of the court. If there were any major events in the court that the officials could not decide, they had to be presented to him.

Emperor Chen's hatred for the remnants of the Liang Kingdom was beyond Tang Ning's expectations.

It was only half an hour after the memorial was submitted that the palace issued a notice.

Regarding the Liang Kingdom remnant, Emperor Chen ordered all the major government offices and secret agents in the capital to investigate with all their strength, even if they had to dig three feet underground, they would find them out.

It seems that the Jiangnan incident has left a big shadow in Emperor Chen's heart, but Tang Ning did not pay much attention to it.

In his eyes, Bai Jin and Gongsun Ying were just stray dogs who could not make any waves. It would be better if they could hide in a place where no one could find them, hide their identities, and live a peaceful life for the rest of their lives.

If they still want to do something, Tang Ning doesn't mind making them completely desperate.


Prince Huai's Mansion

It is rumored that the remnants of Liang State are hiding in the capital, and there is already a panic outside. Bai Jin looked at King Huai, a little exasperated, and said angrily: "What is going on?"

"You shouldn't ask me about this matter." King Huai said indifferently: "This matter was reported by the Censorate and directly submitted to my father by the Ministry of Shangshu. The reason why the court has such a big reaction is also the order of my father."

He glanced at Bai Jin and said: "You should ask your people when the news leaked out, instead of asking me here..."

Bai Jin looked at King Huai and asked: "Besides you, who else knows about us?"

King Huai looked at her and asked: "Are you doubting me?"

Bai Jin took a deep breath and said slowly: "I just remind you that we are grasshoppers tied to the same rope. If something happens to us, you will not be much better..."

King Huai said: "You don't need to remind me of this. I know it better than you. Don't forget that my life is still in your hands."

Bai Jin's expression softened slightly and he said, "In that case, you can help us solve this matter."

King Huai glanced at her and asked: "Do you want me to die with you and collude with the rest of Liang Guo's party? Do you think my father will let me go?"

Bai Jin looked gloomy and said, "If we let them continue searching like this, we will be exposed sooner or later, and when the time comes, you won't be able to escape!"

This was a naked threat. Bai Jin's meaning was very clear. If the Chen court found them, they would definitely expose King Huai.

However, King Huai didn't mind at all and said: "In order not to attract other people's attention, I can't help you openly. These days, the court will conduct strict searches in the capital, and any suspicious people will be interrogated. You can no longer appear in the open. Come on, I have a secret courtyard in the capital. You can hide there first and wait until the news passes before coming out. During this period, I will have people send you all the things you need... In addition, I will try my best to take over the search and help you avoid this disaster..."

Bai Jin thought for a long time and finally nodded.

This is the capital of Chen State. No matter how conceited she is, she doesn't think she can escape the Chen State's dragnet search.

After King Huai told her the address of the villa, Bai Jin left the study.

She walked to the door, paused again, looked back at King Huai, and said, "You'd better pray that nothing happens to us, otherwise, you only have half a year to live..."

After that, she left without looking back.

King Huai looked out the window, a smile appeared on his face, and said: "How can I use half a year..."

There was no fear of death in his eyes, but only deep exhaustion and relief...

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