"He's dead."

"Yes, he is dead."

Madison and Blanca embraced each other, standing on the same spot on the left and right, looking at Jason who was overwhelmed by the witches.

Girls' friendship is so strange, well, at least it's the kind of friendship Branca thinks she is.

She and Madison talked, exchanged names, and talked about Hawaii, so they were already good friends, weren't they?

As for what they have discussed now, another common topic is about Jason.

At this time, Jason was no longer visible. Yes, he had been completely buried by the witches, like an innocent person caught in a group of zombies. It seemed that the next moment, he would turn into a zombie and stand up again.

There are too many witches, Jason's machete can kill one, and his hands can strangle the throats of two witches.

But in the face of dozens, hundreds of them.

If one witch is killed, more will rush forward. They hug Jason's legs, his arms, and even his machete.

He became unable to move at all.

"Nice job."

Ava said.

"Let's hand him over to the witch mother, she will definitely"

Ava didn't finish her sentence.

To be honest, she didn't know what Jason was or where he came from. Although the Crystal Lake camp was not far from their Su town, they were closed and never thought of getting to know their good neighbors.

She didn't know Jason.

In fact, this is also the first time she has come into contact with extraordinary powers other than their witches.

Although there are a lot of extraordinary powers in this world, even in my own circle, it is very closed, such as the British magic world, the French magic world, these mainstream areas are notoriously xenophobic.

If it weren't for Shire's familiarity with the plot, it would be impossible for him to find one right, and appear to have extraordinary power so frequently.

Just like the small town where Madison is located, the voodoo religion regards it as an experimental site, and it has been planned for at least five years, which means that the town is remote and has few external contacts. I'm afraid it will take at least three or four days, or even more than a week before being discovered.

This is normal in the vast and sparsely populated New World.

Therefore, although Ava belonged to Su Zhen's witch, she had no contact with other extraordinary powers.

She went to a third-rate university in Seattle, which was far away, so she could only come back during the holidays. Her studies were actually very good, but she chose a third-rate school in order to follow the tradition of witches.

Although the school is third-rate, there are no strange legends, no vampire classmates, werewolf seniors and so on.

In school, except for stupid boys who want to make friends with her, they are stupid men.

Other than that, nothing else.

So this was the first time she met someone other than them who possessed the power of immortality, a man.

Well, this guy wears a mask, so he can't see his face clearly, and he doesn't like to talk, but Ava thinks that he is so tall and has a very good figure, so he must not be too ugly.

Before we take him down and give him to the witch mother...

Ava, who was floating in the air, saw that the witches had finally taken Jason down. She was relieved and thought so, and then she saw that Jason had disappeared.

Yes, gone.

He was suppressed and grabbed by the witches, and disappeared so abruptly.

"Watch your back."

Charlie's reaction was faster than Ava's. Seeing the cheering witches suddenly appear stupefied, he knew that Jason must have done something.

And no matter what he did, when facing Jason, the only thing he needed to guard against was his back.

He reminded Madison, but he didn't expect her to react. Madison had no combat experience, so he didn't expect her to do anything.

Fortunately, he was here. If Jason chose Madison as his target, it would definitely be a mistake.


Jason's sudden disappearance made Ava very dazed, she was very dazed, let alone other people, and then at this moment, a scream suddenly came from not far away.

It was a young witch, a machete dripping with blood suddenly protruded in front of her, and behind her was a tall figure.

The machete rose slowly, and she was slowly lifted up, and then Jason drew the knife quickly, and when she fell to the ground, she was already out of breath.

it is as expected.

Charles raised his guard.

"Back to back."

he said to Madison.

This time Madison reacted, and she quickly pulled Blanca roughly, forcing her and her back to each other.

In Charles' vision, Jason had two ways to deal with this group of witches. One was the simple and direct way, which was the door he blocked.

Kill whoever comes.

But there were too many witches, and it seemed that Jason couldn't bear it.

The second way is to give full play to his advantage as a murderer.


Whether it's Jason, Freddy, or Michael, these guys seem to have 100% tracking skills, and they will almost accurately appear behind their targets.


After finishing off a witch, Jason stepped back suddenly. He seemed to be hiding behind a stone pillar. When the surrounding witches chased after him, he found that there was no one there.

The second characteristic of the killers is that they disappear without a trace.

When the prey are running, the savvy hunters will often notice the traces, but when the hunters hide, they often only need to turn a corner before they disappear.

Like now.

Of course, Ciel suspected that this might be a special ability, because Jason had been caught by the witches before, and he could forcefully disappear.

This means that he can teleport directly, turn the corner, enter the door, hide behind the stone pillar and then disappear, just to save face for everyone.

In a hurry, he teleported directly!

"He disappeared!"

"He's gone!"

The witches howled.

Ava in the air is a little bit blind, what's going on.

It was clear that they were fine before, and they seemed to be winning, but in an instant, the prey disappeared, and they killed their people instead.

The moment Ava caught her blind, Jason had appeared behind a lonely witch again. He quickly took away the head, and then disappeared again.

Almost within a few breaths, five witches had already died on the ground.

Although they are immortal, their resurrection requires the power of the witch mother. The ghost knows when the witch mother will resurrect them. If the witch mother is lazy, it may take a few days.

Moreover, this is a huge blow to their morale.

After the successive deaths, except for those middle-aged and elderly witches who were fanatical, not afraid of death, and gave everything to the witch mother first, they were still eager to try to jump and hug something, while the other witches had already shown expressions of fear.

Including Madison, also became a little nervous.

Charles knew that he had to find a way to deal with Jason, otherwise he could drag all the witches into this hall by himself.

Don't even think about the birth of a holy child.

Everyone who plays games on weekends knows, so I will update today and keep accounts.

Tomorrow, double updates will be resumed, and will be added one after another.

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