
Charles, who was stuffing the fried bacon into the slices of bread and making two simple sandwiches, suddenly heard the crisp whistle sound from outside the car.

He turned off the ignition and walked into the cab. Madison behind him also put on a black exquisite dress, changed his face, put on the classic Mai-style expression, and even painted himself a light makeup.

With the embarrassing experience of her and Ava being singled out by Brother Jason last time, Charles also began to gradually teach her some magic.

A witch like Madison is fundamentally different from Hermione. Even if she is given the Elder Wand, she won't be able to use even a clear spring like water.

But there is also magic suitable for her, that is the magic of witches themselves.

Repelling things, igniting fire, resurrecting the dead, cursing, etc. are the seven powers of witches, which are their talents, not acquired skills.

Witches also have skills.

Although unlike Hogwarts and Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft, it is not organized and systematic teaching, but witches also have their own small circle.

For example, witches in the Eastern District who love to fall in love with ordinary people, live at home and give birth to babies, and witches who like to hang out with vampires and write diaries, and there are even those who are naturally awakened and have extraordinary talents, but they have brain hormones and yellow hair. Scrap's adolescent witch.

All kinds of witches are good at different things, but they are not self-deprecating. If they find a circle, they are happy to communicate with each other and learn from each other.

It's a pity that 90% of witches are good at love magic.

Simply speechless.

Fortunately, not all witches are love brains, and some valuable magic is still created. Although Charr in the game cannot learn or use it, it does not prevent him from knowing and seeing it.

Recall it through the Pensieve, and you can teach it to Madison.

Beauty magic is one of them.

In fact, the effect of this spell is not just make-up, it is more accurate to put on imitation makeup. problem.

Charles is only responsible for teaching the spell to Madison. He believes that with Madison's talent as a woman, she will definitely understand the true effect.

Sure enough, after only two days, she played tricks with this spell.


The two came to the front and passenger cabs, and soon saw the car honking its horn. It was an old-fashioned convertible jeep painted red on the outside.

Although the appearance of the jeep is old-fashioned, it is not shabby. Instead, it has the exquisite texture of a work of art.

As a man, of course, Charles also likes industrial products such as automobiles very much, and he has also studied this very well. He recognized it at a glance. This is also the traditional model that is resident in the movie, the Skoda two-door convertible.

Like the impala, this car often appeared in movies in the 1980s and 1990s, but the former mostly appeared in gangster-related movies, while the latter were love movies.

Of course, there is also the family-style broken jeep that Jessica, Michael and others drove before, which is exclusive to Youth Plasma.


The people in the car waved their hands to Charles and the two excitedly.

Madison leaned on the co-pilot, tilted her head lazily, pulled down her sunglasses, raised her top hat that covered half of her small face, and looked at the people in the car next to her.

They were a couple of quite young age. They looked to be in their thirties. The husband looked quite upright, wearing glasses, very gentle, with the temperament of a university professor and an old scholar.

Although the wife next to her has passed the shelf life, her temperament is not bad, gentle and virtuous, with the aura of a good wife and mother from a middle-class family.

"Good morning, my friends."

Shire knew that although Madison had become a lot more casual in front of him, his mouth was still terribly rubbish in front of others, and of course there was no shortage of babbling in front of him.

She didn't bother to respond, he couldn't be rude.

"I'm David Sumner and this is my wife, Amy."

The middle-aged man is very enthusiastic and familiar.

Charles thought for a while, the name was somewhat familiar.

"I'm Charpin, and this is my girlfriend, Madison."

He didn't use the pseudonym Maizi. Madison was inexperienced at first glance. Maizi sounded more like a nickname, like the relationship between Ronald and Ron. It was used to deceive those ignorant witches in Su Town. It won't work outside.

It doesn’t matter if the name Madison is spoken out. There are eight hundred people with this name. As long as the last name and the person are three in one, and one of them cannot correspond, most of the curses will not take effect.

Just like Bing!

As a matter of fact, David is a very self-cultivated person, and he didn't think that Charles' fake name was so interesting. The two families lowered the speed of the car by coincidence, and after chatting for a few words, they quickly became acquainted.

It didn't take long for David and his wife to realize that the Shires were taking advantage of the holidays to go on a road trip and play, so they began to share some of their experiences.

In fact, they don't always come forward to talk to any car they see.

Like those old old trucks and weird circus cars, they also hid far away early in the morning, wishing to disappear from each other's rearview mirror.

As a middle-aged American, David certainly knows how dangerous road trips can be.

That is to say, Shire's Chevrolet Impala doesn't look like a bad guy, and he and Madison are too young, which makes David and his wife let down their vigilance.

"After talking for so long, where are you going?"

After talking about his own question, Charles also asked curiously.

The names David Sumner and Amy Sumner are really familiar. Although Shire has a pensieve, you can often come to retrieve memories and recall strategies, but the small towns in the United States are poisonous, and so are the roads. There are 180 roads. There are problems in Qianba's small town, even if there is a pensieve, sometimes he can't remember it for a while, and it doesn't fit the plot.

And he saw the big and small boxes the two threw behind the Skoda early in the morning, and he could tell that they were not traveling, but were planning to move.

This is also a common plot in the plot. Maybe because of someone's illness, maybe because of a child's problem, the family gave up life in the big city and moved to a small town in the countryside, and then... Then of course there is no more .

Thanks to the fact that this guy is not named Nathan Gardner, nor does he have the face of the king of bad movies, otherwise Shire would really explode on the spot.

"We're going to Eden Town."

David didn't hide anything, and said very directly, because the town of Eden is at the end of this road, and the few people will arrive soon after a certain distance.

Charles thought for a while, and felt that he didn't have much impression.

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