Fortunately, the Main Line is at Hogwarts

Chapter 310 The Waste Wood Alliance

"We have to get out of here."

For Shire's decision, Beth definitely supports it. Although the newly joined Cage is taciturn and looks fierce, he seems to be very talkative.

As for Britney's opinion, no one cared.

Although Beth didn't go to the point where she had to kill Britney, or beat her up and leave her here, she wasn't a good person either. When Britney almost killed him, whether intentionally or not, she still chose to smile. right.

What she did was ignore.

Charles led a few people and started to retreat along the way they came.

Amusement parks, haunted houses, lakeside huts, they are like gas stations in road movies, they are almost 100% high-risk plots in horror movies.

It is not wise to stay here, because this is the home of the killer.

Although Shire and the others found Cage, just like the antidote often grows next to the poison, his passive skill Tianke can kill the killers with the nature of immortality.

But fighting each other at the other side's home court is not a wise choice either.

"The door is locked!"

Cage and Shire are vigilant around, one in front and one behind, with Beth and others being protected in the middle.

They didn't need to pay attention to the sneak attacks around them. Naturally, as soon as they approached, Beth immediately discovered that the door had been closed again when they came, and was even hung with a thick lock and iron chain.

Several people came to the gate.

Charles and Cage looked at each other, and the latter didn't say anything, he felt that he was stronger than the little boy like Charles, he found a fire ax from the side, and raised it high, the muscles on his arms were charged.


The fire ax slammed down heavily.

Sparks flew, and the chains on the gate remained motionless.

Ciel stopped Cage who tried to continue.

"it's useless."

In horror movies, the back road is blocked, the gate is locked, and the operation is routine.

If you have to compete with this door, it's not impossible to open it, but it will cause a series of unexpected situations just like in a horror movie.

Cage thought for a while, but didn't listen to Charles' persuasion. He spat in his hand, and hit it with a few more axes.

Although the iron chain is still not broken, there is already a gap.

"Iron chains shouldn't be this strong."

"And it wasn't locked when we came here, there should be something peeping in the dark."

"Well, let's get rid of them first."

Charles said calmly.

In the original plot, this Cage is a character who doesn't talk too much. Instead of letting him compete with the iron chain here, it's better to go directly to the monster.

Although an away game is not a good choice, Charles is more afraid that they will trigger a plot kill here.

In the outside world, there is no need to worry about plot kills. Ciel's save experience can save him from desperation, and his strength is enough to solve most situations.

However, in the Yumanji game, plot kills are really plot kills, and everyone must abide by the rules. Unless there is a detective character like a detective who has the skills to avoid plot kills, everyone will lose one of the plot kills. Life.

Cage thought about it for a while, and felt that this was more tricky. He turned the fire ax around in his hand and found a convenient angle.


"Although I know in horror movies, locked doors are routine, but"

"Isn't that too much?"

Abdi pointed to the door lock behind him and complained solemnly.

He was born with a robot face, and his expression rarely changed, but his four companions already knew who he was after a semester of working with each other.

Tucao expert Abdi, American Spice Girl Britta, Jewish sweetheart Annie, and lawyer Jeff, black little Gothic Troy are all students at the same university and in the same study group.

Of course, community colleges.

If Shire was here, he'd recognize these guys, from the Scrap League drama, a totally everyday sitcom.

I don't know how it got into the Yumanji game.

Along with them, there is Hank, a former marine played by Dwayne Johnson, and his son Sean, of course not his own, but his second-married wife's own.

Sean's biological father has quite a background, not only has he been to the earth's core, he may also have a silver tongue.

Of course, this background is not small now. You can race cars on the street, climb skyscrapers with your bare hands in the sky, and find Atlantis and the mysterious island in the sea.

That's right, these two people are from the plot of Journey to the Center of the Earth, and Hank is still a model of Dwayne Johnson.

And what Abdi just complained about was the gate behind them.

The door behind them was also locked with thick iron chains and heavy locks.

but! The locked gate was not the problem. The real problem was that they just opened the door and broke in half a second ago. When they turned around, they found that the gate was locked tightly, even with a half-pound lock on it.

Isn't this kind of method like cutting a camera too much? !

"All right."

"Since Abdi is complaining like this."

Jeff looked at the lock, raised his eyebrows, and sighed.

"It seems that the situation is really serious."

If Jeff encountered such a situation a day ago, he would either scream in horror, or deny everything in disbelief.

However, after this weird game dragged himself to this weird place, he experienced an even weirder day.

He felt that nothing could defeat him.

Isn't it just a locked door?

Doesn't it mean that you can't go out?


Jeff screamed, then Britta, then Annie, then Abdi, then...

The calls became one piece.

SpongeBob SquarePants in the depths of the playground covered his ears impatiently.

After a while, after a lot of noise, they managed to calm down again, but a group of people had different opinions on the next action.

Jeff thought they should get out of here immediately, out of this ghost place where they would be trapped if they turned around.

But Abdi felt that they should continue to go deeper. The amusement park is a place where horror stories frequently occur, but they are here at this time but they meet another condition in the movie, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Or this is their safe house, where they turn defeat into victory and start their fight back.

But Jeff thinks Abdi is crazy.

This is not making a movie.

In desperation, they began voting.

Jeff, Troy, and Sean felt that they should find a way to open the lock and leave here, even if they had to face the group of monsters outside.

On the contrary, Abdi and the two girls, Anne and Britta, felt that they should go deeper, maybe there were other people in it, other people who were not murderers.

Three to three, the votes were tied, so the decision fell to their temporary captain, Hank.

"All right."

Hank rubbed his hands nervously.

He didn't want to go deeper, but he didn't think it was a good choice to leave here and continue to face the group of freaks behind.

It's a real dilemma.

"Not as good as us..."


"Boom! Boom!"

Just as Hank was thinking, there was a sudden violent slam on the door behind him, and it sounded like something was knocking on the door.

In the next moment, Hank ran away almost without thinking, and at the same time greeted other people.


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