Fortunately, the Main Line is at Hogwarts

Chapter 428 In the Future (3)

"You don't seem to welcome me very much."

Ciel was still laughing, but the coolness in his voice could be felt by everyone... No, maybe it wasn't just in his voice.

Instead, there was a gust of coldness that swept over, as if the temperature had dropped to freezing point in an instant, and a thin layer of crystal-clear frost had condensed on the ground, and it quickly spread towards them from the direction of Shire.

Lucius' sharper guys immediately found the source, the witch next to Charles, her hands were emitting a hint of coolness.


Charles comforted Ge Duo.

Ge Duo learned magic very quickly. In a few days, she was already comparable to a graduate of Hogwarts, because she could use many simple magics almost immediately.

Of course, as a forest witch, her spellcasting method is completely different from that of wizards such as Shire. She can use a wand or not.

A wand would have enhanced her strength, but it didn't, and it didn't matter.

Comforting Ge Duo, Charles returned his gaze to these pure bloods.

"always like this."

"always like this."

"It's always been like this."

Charles sighed in an exaggerated tone.

It's not that he has never played the hegemony mode, and naturally he has dealt with these pure-blood wizards a lot. They are the ones who are arrogant and pretentious.

And it's not just the magic world in England, it's the same in the magic world all over the world!

Wizards always feel that they are superior to others. They regard any non-wizard magical existence as inferior, and brutally turn all non-human creatures into magical creatures.

Obviously everyone has their own name, werewolf, vampire...

But pure blood nobles are even better.

Charles never expected to buy them off with a video, even if it was an immersive experience, after all, this thing is not uncommon in the magic world.

Lucius, Qiwei, even Xenophilius and Amos were silent.

Their thoughts were actually similar to what Shire had expected.

Indeed, Shire showed them a future that, whether true or not, was just another Sybill Trelawney, even if it was true.

Prophecy is a rare talent in the wizarding world, but it does not exist.

It's a joke to make all of them surrender based on a prophecy.

Not to mention, the other party is still a half-breed, or even a little wizard who is not yet an adult.

"Then, let us prove all this in the wizard's way."


"I'm not going to be silent."

As Ciel's voice fell, the surrounding ground began to move slowly. During the shaking, Lucius and others found that they were scattered and separated, but they were faintly surrounded, enclosing Ciel.

Wizard duel.

This is the way of the wizard.


Ge Duo exited the field, and Charles stood in the field.

As the inviter, he certainly couldn't have a one-on-one duel, and that wouldn't convince these people, so he needed a scuffle next.

Even without the power of the Obscure, Ciel is ready.

The metaphorical magic has turned this field into his home field, and the equipment that appeared in the dungeon is not very protective, and it was even worn by Charles.

There are also Dumbledore and the Black Swan team in the outermost line.

Yes, the assassination was cancelled, but the Charr hadn't lost touch with Black Swan, and they were waiting outside Godric's Hollow now.

But not to deal with these pure-blood wizards, with the power of the arena, they can't escape at all, but to guard against Dumbledore.

For this old bee, Charles will always need to guard against him.

Soon, the pure-blood wizards had dispersed and surrounded Shire, and Shire in the middle spread out his hands.

"what are you waiting for."

he asked.

"Waiting for me to start first?"

"Then I won't be polite."

After the words fell, a dark red light silently pointed at Amos.


Although the latter was not a member of the Order of the Phoenix, he was considered an outstanding graduate back then, and he reacted quickly, but no matter how fast he reacted, it was meaningless in the face of absolute strength awareness.

The dark red luster tore through the Iron Armor Curse he had just released in an instant, and hit his chest directly.

The latter let out a muffled grunt, flew straight into the air, spun several times in the air, and flew upside down for a short distance before landing heavily on the ground.

The dull voice sounds painful.

Charles spread his hands again.

This time, someone finally made a move.


The one who took the lead was Qiwei's good friend Sandy, who was more talkative, not only to avenge Qiwei, but also because he could not understand Shire.

Whether he was a mixed race or not, even if he drank the aging potion, it couldn't hide that he was just an underage wizard who was still studying at Hogwarts.

What gave him the courage to challenge so many pure-blood wizards.

Not even the Ministry of Magic Aurors dared.

It is true that Charles did not become the Obscure. Facing Sandy's stun spell, he just waved his wand lightly, and it seemed to hit some invisible barrier, and it dissipated in the air in an instant.

It's inappropriate to come and go, the moment he put down his wand, a spell has spread out along with Shire's movements, flying straight towards Sandy.

The latter had Amos's tragic situation before him, and he had already raised his vigilance, and also released the Iron Armor Curse on himself, but he still rolled to the side on the spot.


And sure enough, at the same time that Sandy jumped to the side to hide, the red light also hit the place where he was standing before, and a shallow pit appeared there among the splashes of gravel.

"Disarm you!"

Someone shouted out again, and at the same time, several spells of different colors flew towards Shire from this angle without a sound.

These pure-blood wizards really couldn't bear it.

"Crack! Crack!"

But Charles raised his hand lightly, and a series of spells were dissipated by him in the air after all. There were countless spells like disarming spell, stun spell, petrification spell, etc. that he had dealt with.

He easily counteracted his own spell, and this scene seemed to make these pure-blood wizards a little confused, but the next moment, Charles' counterattack had arrived.

But after all, there were so many of them, except for one clumsy guy who looked like he hadn't done anything for many years, Shire put him away in an instant, and everyone else used various deft or ugly moves to hide.

After the two warm-up rounds were over, the remaining purebloods, except for a small number of neutral wizards who did not join the Order of the Phoenix and favored Dumbledore, almost all of them took action.

Of course, they are all non-lethal spells, they are not stupid enough to kill a wizard in front of so many people...for no reason other people have a weakness.

But even so, dozens of spells were flying all over the sky, rendering the sky almost extraordinarily gorgeous.

And in this ray of light, Qiwei hiding in the crowd looked uncertain, and in the next moment, a dark green spell with an ominous luster was released from his magic wand.

Cough cough, the remaining chapter is waiting for tomorrow _(:з」∠)_

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