Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,113 Healing (Second update)

The starry sky remains.

On the surface of the dark stars, the three venerables were thousands of miles apart, and the divine power around them was undulating and rumbling like a frenzy.

Suddenly, Venerable Qingshui opened his eyes and looked towards the end of the space, "Heiling, Fangcun, be careful, someone is coming!"

"Could it be Bai Kongze?"

Venerable Fang Cun raised his eyebrows.

Thousands of years have passed, and the injuries in their bodies have fully recovered. Even if the heavenly formation comes back, the three of them are not afraid at all.

"Unlike, Bai Kongze traveling through the void will not cause such violent fluctuations. That person seems to be relying on his strong body to withstand the pressure of space."

Venerable Qingshui's eyes were solemn. He did not sense any divine power, which showed that the other party did not use Taoist secrets.

"Can the physical body alone resist the oppression of space? Could it be that he is a venerable person from the body-refining lineage."

Fang Cun and Hei Ling's expressions suddenly changed.

At the end of the distant space, a cyan figure stepped out. He looked slightly younger, but his whole body was filled with terrifying fluctuations.

Even though they are millions of miles apart, the three venerables still feel a sense of suffocation.

"Fellow Daoist Gu?"

Seeing the figure in the distance, Venerable Fang Cun showed astonishment. In just a few thousand years, Gu Xiuyun had reached such a state. He could cross the main trunk of the starry sky with his physical body alone?

"He is definitely not a Taoist Gu," Venerable Qingshui repeatedly reminded him. "No matter how talented Gu Ximing is, he cannot break through the body-refining lineage to the realm of transcendence in just two thousand years. Be careful, this person has bad intentions."

"The three seniors are worrying too much. The juniors really care about their lives." The cyan figure shook his head, "Appearances can be faked, but the causal lines cannot be faked."

After hearing this, Master Qingshui quickly pinched his fingers. After a moment, shock flashed in his eyes.

Venerable Fang Cun and Venerable Heiling looked at each other with expressions of disbelief on their faces. The green figure was actually Gu Xiuyun.

"Long time no see. How are the injuries of the three seniors?" Gu Xiuyun asked.

"We have recovered 80%, but if we want to cure it completely, we still have to practice hard for six thousand years." Venerable Qingshui shook his head and sighed, "The imprint left by the Mirror of Fantasy in our bodies is too deep. If it is not eradicated, God knows when it will happen again. break out."

"The last 20% are left..."

Gu Xiuyun frowned, pondered for a moment, and then continued, "Can you three give me a try? Maybe I can help you erase the imprint of the Fantasy Mirror."


Venerable Fang Cun didn't believe it.

If Gu Xiuyun is a true master, it is not surprising that he has such a method, but the other party is just a true spirit. No matter how powerful his body is, he cannot be the opponent of the Fantasy Mirror.

"It doesn't hurt to give it a try."

Venerable Qingshui nodded slightly.

Six thousand years is indeed too long. If they can recover early, they don't have to hide here and worry every day.

The three of them discussed secretly for a moment, and Lord Black Ridge took the lead in sitting down.

His cultivation level was the lowest. Even if Gu Xiuyun had evil intentions, the other two sages could take action in time and save Heiling.

"Senior, relax and don't offer any resistance."

As Gu Xiuyun reminded him, he was running the mysterious destiny, and the invisible fluctuations merged into the depths of the soul of Lord Black Ridge.

In an instant, the void fell into stagnation.

You can vaguely see a line of destiny stretching for hundreds of millions of miles, standing in the middle of the sky and the earth, and its reality is uncertain.

The fate line has been partially separated from the shackles of heaven and earth, and there is almost no end in sight. But even so, this fate line is still firmly controlled by Gu Xiuyun, and the mysterious power envelopes it, like the power of heaven, running through the past and future of the fate line. .

"The mysterious destiny of the seventh grade?"

Venerable Qingshui and Venerable Fangcun looked at each other, their eyes full of shock and horror.

In just two thousand years, what has Daoist Gu gone through? Not to mention his physical body, even the most special creature path has reached the peak of the seventh level.

"Gu Ximing's current strength is probably no less than that of me," Venerable Qingshui secretly transmitted, "It's even more terrifying. It is said that he has practiced the Way of Life to the extreme and possesses incredible power. His body alone is not a newcomer. The Lord can deal with it.”

The three venerables knew very well how strong the oppressive force of the starry sky backbone was.

Even the Venerable must try his best to resist. Gu Xiuyun actually crossed here with his physical body, which is really unbelievable.

In the void, the line of fate is looming, invisible fluctuations cover it, and traces of illusion are peeled off from the body of the Lord Black Ridge.

The imprint that Huanshijing spent 200,000 years planting was mostly erased in just a few hours.

"It's terrible. This is the legendary way of destiny."

"Not many of the seventh-grade living beings, even the true masters, can master it. With fellow Taoist Gu's ability, as long as he doesn't die, there is at least a 30% chance of becoming a world master in the future."

The doubts in Qing Shui and Fang Cun's hearts gradually dissipated.

Gu Xiuyun wanted to kill them, so he didn't need to use any tricks. He could easily injure the three of them with the help of the Tao of Destiny and let the imprint of the Fantasy Mirror explode.

Thinking of this, they felt very happy.

Fortunately, Gu Daoren is a friend, not an enemy. With such a terrifying opponent, even if there is no danger in a short period of time, he will definitely die in ten thousand years.

Before I knew it, seven days had passed.

The invisible fluctuations are getting more and more violent, and the line of fate has extended to 200,000 years ago, which was also the time when the Mirror of the Fantasy World first planted its mark.


With a muffled sound, the brand completely dispersed.

Venerable Heiling suddenly opened his eyes, and his whole person seemed to have transformed. His eyes shone brightly, and his whole body felt indescribably relaxed.

"Heiling, how do you feel?" Qing Shui and Fang Cun asked quickly.

"Very good. The mark in my mind has completely disappeared. Even if the Fantasy Mirror comes back, it will never control me at all."

Venerable Heiling stood up and his divine power began to circulate.

At this moment, he actually faintly sensed his own bottleneck. One step further would be Yuan Xian's ultimate Taoist technique. If he could fully understand it, his strength would be no less than Venerable Fang Cun.

In terms of talent and understanding, among the three sages, Heiling is undoubtedly the most powerful.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible to reach such a level in just a few hundred thousand years, but the torture of the Fantasy Mirror caused unimaginable damage to his mind and body.

For three thousand years, Venerable Black Ridge has spent every day in nightmares. Now he has finally gotten rid of it, and his mind and will have also been transformed.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, I will never forget this kindness."

Venerable Heiling bowed and bowed, his expression extremely sincere.

While Gu Xiuyun helped him peel off the brand, he also used Destiny Heart to eliminate the traces of the Mirror of the Fantasy World. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to escape from the shadow of the Mirror of the Fantasy World.

"Senior, take a rest for a while, wait for me to erase the mental imprints of the two Venerables Qing Shui and Fang Cun, and then we can leave the Starry Sky Remnant World together."

Gu Xiuyun said.

The three sages were a very important part of his plan.

The Jade Immortal Realm is different from other realms. There are countless crystal stones and spiritual jades there, and the world and the world are very stable. Complete mountains and rivers have been formed, which is most suitable for Douxiao Realm superpowers to reside.

There will be the key to the rise of scientific and technological civilization.

Only three venerables can resist the Patriarch Tianji.

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