Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,116 The Illusion of Destiny (Second Update)

"found it?"

Gu Xiuyun opened his eyes and looked at the beautiful woman in front of him.

"It turns out that what I opened is an illusory virtual realm, but it is not a simple illusion, but the past and future that the creatures' hearts desire most. It belongs to both fate and illusion."

"The past and future you desire most?" Gu Xiuyun was a little confused.

What kind of dharma is this?

"Every life has a past that they regret and a future that they long for, but without exception, what they long for is not a real scene, so it is an illusion."

Gu Yue explained continuously, "But this is also one of the scenes of the past and the future. It only exists in people's hearts and does not really exist. The direction of the heart is my way."

"It turns out to be the illusion of fate..."

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes, suddenly feeling enlightened.

There are countless ways of life, and the most common ones in Endless Void are fate, cause and effect, killing, and life and death. Not because these four ways are easy to practice, but because they have the most inheritance.

Throughout the endless void, there are hundreds of realms that record fate, life and death. As for cause and effect and killing, they all come from the realm of the source of all laws.

Gu Xiuyun suspected that the source of the killing path was the killing and refining Tianjun.

The origin of the path of cause and effect is the legendary being who established the Shenhuan Continent.

As for the way of life and death, it is said that it is related to the ancestor of the dragon clan. Whether it is true or false is unknown.

But one thing is certain, the dragon bloodline spreads throughout the heavens, and almost all races are related to the descendants of true dragons. This goes far beyond the boundaries of bloodline inheritance and is definitely not something that can be achieved by ordinary means.

The True Dragon Ancestor must be a peak existence who understands the way of life and death, so that he can inject the power of blood into life and exist in the world forever.

As for the path of destiny, its source is no longer known. Many mysterious ruins have records of mysterious destiny. For example, the void chessboard that Gu Xiuyun once saw is still unclear as to where it came from. (He had his memory wiped)

In addition to these four living beings, there are countless dharma in the world, but the foundation of endless void is too shallow and no one can understand it!

For example, the way of weapons: the way of swords, the way of spears, and the way of sticks. Each weapon will form its own way after understanding it to the end.

Another example is piano, chess, calligraphy, painting...

Even an obsession can form the path of life. As the saying goes, the direction of the heart is the path.

In the Luoshen Realm, there are 47,900 kinds of living beings' Taoist methods recorded, among which is the Illusionary Tao of Destiny developed by Gu Yue.

This avenue does not belong to fate or illusion, but it integrates the two systems. It is a very special way that only creatures with an incomparable desire for the past and future can understand.

"This girl actually understood the illusion of fate. This method can only appear under extremely special circumstances."

Gu Xiuyun was secretly confused.

The illusion of fate reflects only one kind of past and future: the most regretful past and the most desired future.

This is not simple regret and longing, but a desire that comes from the depths of the soul and is almost desperate.

Every living being has some regretful past that they want to make up for, change, or even go back to the past and rewrite history.

But this is impossible.

No one can change the past, not even the World Master who practices the Path of Destiny.

Unless it' illusion.

"If it is the illusory path of fate, it would be a bit troublesome to comprehend it," Gu Xiuyun pondered for a moment and looked at Gu Yue, "There is no effect of practicing this path and practicing hard. You can only find regrets or longing for a certain future. Only by satisfying them with their own lives can they absorb the power of living beings and increase their merits.”

"Girl, since you can open a virtual pass, it shows that you already have a certain foundation. Coupled with the secret technique of Tianji, it will not be a problem to comprehend the fifth-grade Taoist rhyme-"

Before he finished speaking, a thunder struck in the sky.

The thunder turned into sword light, tearing open the void field and stabbing Gu Xiuyun in the forehead.

Teaching the Tao of living beings is definitely the most taboo thing in the world. Even Jin Chong and Zhenzun Bai Ze dare not teach it, but Gu Xiuyun doesn't even do anything to cover it up. How can he not be punished?

"Want to stop me? You are worthy of your karma."

Gu Xiuyun hummed, and the true energy around his body surged like a frenzy, condensing into black and white light and blocking it in front of him.


The thunder was annihilated, and the black and white light suddenly dispersed.

The power of this thunder and lightning is no less than that of the Three Difficulties Realm Venerable.

"Brother cherish your life?"

Gu Yue exclaimed.

"It's okay, God doesn't like me, not just once or twice," Gu Xiuyun said calmly, "Girl, mind and will are the key to practicing martial arts. If you want to improve your will, the best way is to understand the way of life. "

"You have integrated the two advanced rules of the Wind of Annihilation and the Thunder of Destruction. If you understand the origin of wind and thunder, you can reach the peak of the ninth level, only half a step away from the Venerable Realm!"

"But remember, don't be in a hurry to make a breakthrough. Where the true artistic conception can go, the Venerable cannot go. Once some opportunities are missed, they will never be seen again."

Gu Yue blinked and understood what the former meant.

Her current strength is not strong enough. The true energy of the twelfth level of Douxiao, combined with the immortal method, is as strong as a powerful person in the Tianxing realm.

But that's all.

Which of the great powers in the Heavenly Star Realm in the Langhuan Realm doesn't have a great opportunity? For example, the old man Guanshu has extraordinary talent and understanding. In just tens of thousands of years, he can understand the point formation method and practice the body training line to the early stage of the ninth level.

Another example is Patriarch Luoyin, who was born in the Ancient Palace of Samsara and was born as a proud son of heaven. There is almost nothing in the Taoist law books in the endless void that he does not know.

Characters like this are just ordinary existences in the Source World of Ten Thousand Laws.

Only the strong ones above the Sixth Realm can enter the inner realm of the Source Realm and get real opportunities.

"Now that I know what kind of Taoism you are practicing, there is no need to stay here anymore. Let's go back to the chessboard realm first."

Gu Xiuyun waved one hand, tearing open the crack in the void, and led Gu Yue into the water flow space.

The breakthrough of the four demon emperors is destined to be a long process, at least seven to eight hundred years. After all, they are all eighth-grade bodies.

From the eighth level to the ninth level, and then to the peak of the ninth level, one needs to awaken again and again, and the time it takes is difficult to estimate.

Of course, Gu Xiuyun will not stay here forever, he still has many things to do.

"Brother Xi Ming, what should we do with the four Demon Emperors?" Gu Yue asked.

"Don't worry, Xichaoya is extremely far away from the chessboard realm, and the records are all living creatures' Taoism. There will be almost no venerable ones. As for the true sages... those beings will not attack a few true realms."

"And I have planted the mark of destiny on them. Ordinary opponents cannot hurt them."

Gu Xiuyun said quietly.


The cyan figure flew through the void and rushed towards the north. Even in the water flow space, the speed reached an almost terrifying level.

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