Fortune Teller

Chapter 1021: Burial of a Thousand Tribulations (Second Update)

"I don't know how high the sky is."

"Do you know that ghost cultivators contain the death energy of the underworld, and the abyss environment allows us to use our methods to our heart's content. Even if the rules of heaven and earth change, I can still exert true master-level combat power."

The Yinshan True Master sneered, and the huge beast opened its huge mouth, turned into a black hole, and sucked it towards the thousand-foot-long figure.

There are no other true masters here, let alone the Ancient Palace of Samsara and the Hundred Saints Mountain. If he can suppress Daoist Gu, the thorn flowers and the thin fragments of ghosts will all belong to him.


What greeted the black hole was a hand that was ten thousand feet wide.

The surface of the palm is like a millstone, covered with Taoist patterns. Each pattern perfectly matches the palm lines and contains majestic power.

Deep in the palm of the hand, there was a faint ink-colored light emanating, showing a biting chill.


The ink palm print suddenly landed on the top of the beast's body, fanning the giant beast out like a cattail leaf fan. The black hole secret technique collapsed instantly, and it was unable to hold on even for a moment.

"How can it be?"

Zhenzun Yinshan was shocked.

His black hole secret technique not only contains the magical power of the blood in the giant beast, but also contains the ultimate Taoist technique of Yuanxian. It is so powerful that it can severely damage the Three Difficulties Realm Venerable, and was actually annihilated by the opponent in an instant.

The giant beast fell far away, its face full of surprise and horror. He even suspected that the figure in front of him was not Gu Daoren.

"How did your strength improve so quickly?"

"Because this is the abyss of the earth, ghost cultivators can use the terrain, can't I?"

Gu Xiuyun looked into the distance with an indifferent expression.

The blow just now seemed to be the ink palm print that repels the giant beast, but in fact it was the void realm that really had the effect.

The rules of the abyss have changed drastically. Even if the true master comes here, half of his combat power will be suppressed, because the rules here are completely different from those in the endless void.

Yinshan Zhenzun can only drive part of the rules of the avenue, and naturally cannot resist the void realm.

Thousands of miles around you are covered by the realm of martial arts, and all rules are dispersed. This is the strongest method for a warrior.

A strong martial artist does not practice rules, nor does he need to rely on the power of rules. Wherever he is established, all rules will disappear. As long as the opponent's Taoist methods do not exceed the limit, they will be suppressed by the void realm.

Diyuan cooperated with the Void Realm to nearly double the suppression of Yinshan Zhenzun.

"Okay, very good," the giant beast stared with meteorite-like eyes, "No wonder you, a junior, dare to stay here. You do have some abilities, but these alone are far from enough to fight against the true master."


The abyss trembled violently.

The endless death energy of the underworld surged forward, forming clouds all over the sky. As the black death energy continued to condense, thunderous sounds were emitted, and streaks of lightning loomed.

"Junior, my Thousand Tribulations Burial Life has endless power in the abyss of the earth. I want to see how long you can last."

The clouds suddenly pressed down, and streaks of lightning struck at Gu Xiuyun.

At the same time, the void fell into stagnation, and every inch of space was extremely hard. Even a strong person who understood the origin of space could not escape from here.


The electric light was bright in the depths of the clouds, condensed into a black thunder spear, and struck vertically towards the figure thousands of feet tall.

The moment the lightning collided with the physical body, the electric light instantly became dazzlingly bright, a hundred times brighter, like a heavenly sword, tearing apart the body thousands of feet apart.

Yinshan Zhenzun's eyes were filled with joy, and he continued to run for a thousand kalpas.

He didn't notice that the void of the abyss in the distance gradually dimmed.

Millions of miles away, a boundless illusory heaven and earth envelopes the world. The projection of heaven and earth covers hundreds of millions of miles of abyss. The range is so wide that it far exceeds the sensing limit of Zhenzun Yinshan.

If it were in the endless void, with the power of Zhenzun's mind, he would be aware of it in an instant.

But here is an underground abyss, and the soul cannot be dispersed. It can only rely on the projection of the inner world to control the surrounding void. The inner world of Yinshan Zhenzun is only 1.2 million miles away, and the area he can control is limited to this.

But Gu Xiuyun's inner world is hundreds of millions of miles away, and the gap between the two cannot be measured by reason.

Zhenzun Yinshan didn't know at all that he had been completely enveloped by the opponent's inner world projection.


The endless stream of death energy from the underworld surged forward, blended into the depths of the clouds, and turned into a source of death for thousands of tribulations, while thunder struck down in the sky one after another.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Gu Xiuyun turned his hands over, and his palms were filled with ink-colored light, blocking the electric light.

Except for the first thunder, all subsequent thunder and lightning were blocked by ink-colored palm prints, and there was an inexplicable fluctuation in the palm. It seemed ordinary, but even the true immortal Taoism could hardly damage it.

"No, this junior has a defensive true soul treasure in his hand."

Yinshan Zhenzun observed for a long time, and finally saw the difference in the ink palm prints. Each palm print was extremely mysterious, far beyond the ability of the newly promoted sages to evolve, and more like a spiritual treasure.

Thinking of this, Zhenzun Yinshan's face changed slightly.

He also has a true soul-level treasure, but this is the abyss of the earth. Any spiritual power exerted will be suppressed by invisible rules, and the death energy of Huangquan... cannot activate the true soul-level treasure.

Lingbao, like practitioners, contains vitality and is inherently repellent to the rules of the abyss.

The endless void contains the power of life, and what is in the abyss is the power of death. Once here, most of the practitioners' methods cannot be used.

Including the Five Elements and the rules of wind and thunder, they are all severely suppressed.

Unless it directly touches the two qi of life and death, and the two qi of yin and yang, the rules and secrets can be used here.

How did Gu Daoren activate the true soul-level treasure without being suppressed by Diyuan?

Zhenzun Yinshan doesn't understand, is there a third kind of power in the world besides spiritual power and death energy?


Another bolt of lightning fell from the sky.

At this moment, the ground suddenly opened, and an extremely sharp sword finger stabbed towards Gu Xiuyun.

That was an attack from the psychic Inferi.

Within a short time, many psychic Yin zombies had taken action, but none of them could truly threaten Gu Xiuyun.

The physical body of the ninth level of True Meaning, combined with the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand and Xuanyin Inkstone, has extremely strong defense. Even the Master of Three Difficulties can hardly break through the flesh.

The sword finger in front of me is completely different.

The finger light streaked through the void, leaving a dark trail, and time fluctuations permeated it, making its speed increase by more than ten times.

This is a finger from a true master, and it is a true master who understands the rules of time and is extremely powerful in Taoism.


The sword finger was ten times faster than thunder and lightning, and it arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye.

"Psychic Inferi!"

Zhenzun Yinshan was overjoyed. God was really helping him. With the help of his sword, Taoist Gu would never be able to stop him no matter how powerful he was.

Unless he has two defensive true soul-level treasures.

Facing the sudden sword finger, Gu Xiuyun looked calm as usual, his steps trembled slightly, and he actually took half a step back, just enough to avoid the sword light.

At the same time, another sword finger appeared, but it was aimed at Zhenzun Yinshan.

There is no distinction between friend and foe of the Yin Corpse. Its target is all living things, and the Yinshan True Master is naturally among them.

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