Fortune Teller

Chapter 1025: Ghost Dragon Valley (sixth update)


A ray of sword light penetrated the ground, and after a moment, a unicorn with two sharp horns came out running.

"You guys, you finally remember me."

The unicorn cub bumped into the cyan figure unceremoniously, and with a 'bang-dong' sound, he was knocked out and fell flat on his face.

"Who makes you refuse to return to Tianjipan? Life in Diyuan will be comfortable!"

Gu Xiuyun smiled.

When Venerable Mojiang chased him, the Black Pattern Golden Dolphin was so frightened that he no longer dared to enter the Whirlpool and was unwilling to go to the Tianji Pan World, so he could only let it stay in the underground abyss.

The psychic Yin Zhi has low intelligence and is easily affected by the rules of heaven and earth. With Qilin's magical power, there is no problem in staying here.

"Go quickly, go quickly," the Black-patterned Golden Dolphin urged repeatedly, "The Abyss is not much better than the Langhuan Realm. In addition to the Yin Corpse, there are many messy things. I will never come again."

"In such a hurry, are you in trouble again?"

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes.

The underground abyss is filled with the death energy of the underworld. Apart from the inferi and the evil spirits of the abyss, there is almost no life, let alone rare treasures.

But in such a realm, once a strange object appears, its value is inestimable.

With the personality of the Black-striped Golden Dolphin, how could he let go of the treasure hunt? In two thousand years, he would most likely wander around.

"How can there be?" Black Pig said bravely, "I have been practicing underground and have never left the ground."

Gu Xiuyun chuckled, understanding in his heart.

When the black-striped golden dolphin said this, he must have been wandering around in the depths of the abyss. He didn't leave the ground, but that didn't mean he was always in the same place.

"I can't leave for now. I have two things to do. The underground abyss is the most suitable."

With that said, Gu Xiuyun grabbed the black-striped golden dolphin and sped towards the south.

The abyss is filled with the death energy of the underworld, and the heavy turbid flow turns into seven colors, vaguely revealing the fluctuations of the five elements of wind and thunder, but it is completely different from the rules of the five elements and wind and thunder.

The vast and endless void world is so huge that the rules of heaven and earth are distorted.

The clear air rises and forms the starry sky;

The turbid air sinks and turns into an abyss;

The middle is the most stable void world.

The rules of the abyss are completely different from the rules of the void. The death energy here is so strong and the yin energy is turbid that all the rules are biased towards death.

As time goes by, the death energy of the underworld will become more and more intense, and eventually a complete world of rules will evolve. At that time, life will also appear here, just like the human race, demon race, and void creatures, and a new practice system will be born. .


The cyan figure kept tearing open the void, escaping at extremely fast speeds. In just a short moment, it had traveled hundreds of millions of miles.

"Gu Xiuyun, where are we going?" The black pig lay on his shoulder, shaking his head and sniffing around. His immature nose trembled, as if he was looking for something.

"Repair the spirit treasure."

Gu Xiuyun responded quietly without explaining too much.

With his current strength, whether it is secret skills or cultivation, he has reached the extreme. It is almost impossible to break through in a short time.

As for the origin of space, the human race's real body has very low talent in space and can only rely on Bai Kongze.

If you want to improve your strength, the best way is to get a true soul-level treasure that suits you. The life star chart... is undoubtedly the best choice.

Is there any treasure in the world that is more suitable for him than the horoscope?


The black pig's eyes lit up, and he sniffed hard twice with his broad nose. His eyes suddenly fell on Gu Xiuyun's right palm, "I smell the smell of a true soul-level treasure. Hand it over quickly, I will suppress it."


A muffled groan sounded from the palm of his right hand.

The black pig was furious, bulging its belly, and was about to use the Qilin beast's "aura" to suppress the opponent, when he saw a black inkstone fly out of his sleeve and hit him straight.


The young sharp horn of the unicorn beast was broken in half.

"You alone are worthy of suppressing me?"

The black inkstone hangs in the air, rising and falling, as if showing off its power.

"You two, stop making trouble. The next section of the road is not safe. We have to be careful." Gu Xiuyun looked ahead with a serious look on his face. "From the Whirlpool to Zijin Mountain, the most dangerous thing is the Ghost Dragon Valley. It is said that the True Dragon Ancestor once attained enlightenment here and understood the true rules of life and death.”

"Since then, a large number of evil spirits have gathered here. Today, this place has become one of the most dangerous places in the underground abyss."

"True Dragon Ancestor!" The black-striped golden dolphin quickly shrank its neck.

There was no sound from the ink-colored inkstone.

The reputation of the True Dragon Ancestor had already resounded throughout the heavens long before the fall of the Wuya False World Master. Although it is not certain whether the True Dragon Ancestor has truly become a World Master, one thing is certain. The understanding is far beyond that of the true lord in the world.

"Xuan Yin."

Gu Xiuyun grabbed the ink-colored inkstone, injected his energy into it, and carefully walked into the wide canyon.

The canyon before us split open along the earth, a million miles wide, stretching into the distance along both sides.

If you stand at a very high point in the abyss, you can see that this is a winding and twisted valley with rugged stone walls, as if they were torn apart by wild beasts, and some of the stone walls still have the teeth marks of giant beasts.

"No one knows how long the Ghost Dragon Valley is, but whether it is the chessboard realm or the Moro realm, there is this dragon ditch in the underground abyss." Gu Xiuyun explained in a low voice.

The black-striped golden dolphin took a breath of cold air and shrank its neck deeper.

The canyon is a million miles wide. You can imagine how huge the body of the true dragon ancestor is, and it has far exceeded the ninth level.

What's even more terrifying is its power, tearing open the endless abyss, extending from the north to the south of the void. The energy consumed alone is enough to make Zhenzun despair.

"Let's go!"

Gu Xiuyun stepped forward, and before he had gone far, he felt his body sink. The pure dragon energy filled the depths of the abyss, and every strand was as heavy as a mountain.


The black-striped golden dolphin was lying on its shoulders, its round belly was almost flat, and its two sharp corners were faintly cracked.

"Stupid pig, you are like this, you still want to suppress me? You don't know how high the sky is." Xuanyin Mo Yan laughed sarcastically.

"Xiao Hei, be patient," Gu Xiuyun said, "The oppression of dragon energy is also a test. With the power of the unicorn beast, it shouldn't be difficult to cross the canyon."


The little black pig raised his mouth with difficulty, then held it back.

It is really difficult to speak here.

Gu Xiuyun continued to move forward.

He did not help the Black Pattern Golden Dolphin to eliminate the pressure of dragon energy. True Dragon and Qilin are both the top divine beasts with similar origins. Suppression of dragon energy is of great benefit to Qilin's bloodline, not to mention the breath of the ancestor of True Dragon.

The Black Pattern Golden Dolphin desperately breathed out the dragon energy from the Golden Dragon Palace in order to make up for the shortcomings of the Qilin bloodline, stimulate the vitality of the bloodline, and make itself stronger.

Now that you are in Guilonggou, of course you can’t miss the opportunity.

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