Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,336 The Arrival of Lan Chonghe

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Groups of demon kings charged into the sky, each one of them like a ten thousand-foot mountain, shaking the void.

After a while, warships flew out one after another.


The leader of the human team gave an order, and the nine-color light condensed and took shape.

call out!

One after another, the Nine Refining Mysterious Gang tore through the void and crashed into the Demon King.

The huge monster body, the skin and flesh were torn open by the Nine-Colored Mysterious Gang, revealing the dense white bones.

"Use Taoist talismans to resist. We must kill these human brats today."

The tiger-headed demon king roared sharply.

hold head high!

The sound of beasts resounded in the void, and demon kings rushed towards the sky without fear of death. With their powerful bodies, as well as the elixirs and armor given by Youkong Palace, even if thirty or forty Nine Refining Mysterious Gangs were around them. An explosion cannot damage the roots.

"Stop them."

The priest of the divine religion deep in the void looked at him fiercely.

It has been a full year since these demon kings came to Dingyin Mountain. At the beginning, although the demon kings were powerful, they were not familiar with the human race's methods and suffered a lot.

As the number of fights increased, they gradually gained the upper hand.

As of today, half of the world has been swept away.


There was a loud bang.

The demon king successfully tore open the barrier of the red veil and rushed into the depths of the void.

At this moment, hundreds of divine priests rushed out from the depths of the base, each holding a weapon, and their surroundings were filled with strong mysterious fluctuations.

There are more than three hundred masters of the Miao Dynasty.

"So many?" The Red Scale Demon Lord in the water flow space looked surprised. "How did they hide? They can even avoid the Lord's induction."

"The Eight-Eyed Divine Sect has many methods, and that Taoist who cherishes his life is not an ordinary person. Just watch!"

The corners of Venerable Li Kong's lips curled up slightly, and he whispered in his heart, "The more people come, the better. I want to see how many disciples there are in the divine sect. When they all fall, that's when I will take action."

Thinking of the golden bug, Lord Li Kong secretly looked forward to it.

He had been waiting for so many years just to devour the golden bug and replace the Eight-Eyed True Master.

With the strength of Lord Li Kong, it is not difficult to forcefully break into the main altar of the divine religion, but if you do so, the Eight-Eyed True Lord will wake up immediately.

He could only figure it out slowly.

Now that he has received the promise from Patriarch Tianji, this matter will be much easier to handle. As long as he kills Gu Xiuyun and then solves the ninth-grade Patriarch in the divine sect, there will be no more problems.

"This old ghost of Tianji clearly has the means to control the Tianji Disk, but he didn't take action earlier, making me wait for ten thousand years in vain." Venerable Li Kong cursed in his heart.

Little did he know that the Patriarch of Tianji had been watched by the rules of heaven and earth before. Not to mention controlling the Tianji Disk from a distance, he didn't even dare to detect his soul thoughts.

Until now, Gu Xiuyun's strength has become stronger and stronger, making the rules of heaven and earth feel threatened, and the constraints have been relieved.

As soon as the three hundred divine priests appeared, they fought with the demon king.

The two sides refused to give in to each other. The demon king was physically strong and proficient in channel magic and secret arts. Each one's strength was no less than the best.

The priests of the divine religion have all practiced martial arts, and with the help of Taoist secrets, their strength is not weak at all.

These priests, already the most elite disciples of the Eight-Eyed Sect, can only be sent out to fight the Demon King to the death.

After a long time.

The small space was completely deserted, and the human superpowers, together with the three hundred priests of the divine religion, all fell into the depths of the space.

"Master, the last group of priests of the divine religion... have also died."

Ji Wenting stood outside the palace gate, looking at the Lan Chong River from a distance.

There were more than a dozen figures sitting in the hall. In addition to Lan Chonghe, there were also Yan Su Shi, Gu Yue and the holders of the major thrones.

"It's time to go!"

Yan Sushi looked around, "The war will become more and more urgent. I'm afraid you all have to take action. Make preparations as soon as possible."

"Priest Yan, we can definitely stick to the divine religion. There is no need to fight with the four sects of Changli and Youkong Palace."

"The secret world is so hidden, who can find it?"

The faces of those in charge of the throne in the temple were pale and pale. They were not afraid of death. In fact, they would not die in this battle.

Because all the priests of Yaoritai have already entered the world of Tianjipan, and only their second clones remain outside.

But no one was willing to lose a clone for nothing.

"We can survive, but what about the high priest? Scientific and technological civilization is extremely important to the high priest's practice. Once he dies, who will open up the world of Tianjipan and protect us?"

Yan Sushi looked around, her pretty face looking slightly cold.

Everyone lowered their heads.

Almost all the Yaoritai priests of the Eight-Eyed Sect were taught by Yan Su Shi. In their hearts, Taoist Xi Ming was just a legend. They only heard of his name but never saw him. Yan Su Shi was the real high priest.

Gu Yue sat on one side and said nothing.

She is the only one in the Temple of Sacrifice who knows the truth, and the only one who knows what this battle is for.

After a long time, the priests walked out of the main altar of the divine religion one after another and entered the world of Tianjipan.

Dingyin Mountain.

Buse Arhat lay on his side, half leaning on the top of the mountain.

Two young novice monks sat cross-legged and moved their hands in a flower-like shape, as if they were practicing some kind of skill.

Suddenly, a void passage appeared on the side of the mountain.

More than a dozen divine priests stepped out, all of whom had reached the eighth level of cultivation. The leader was Lan Chonghe.

"Looks like it's the turn of the true artistic conception."

Buse Arhat's face darkened slightly.

Ever since he came to Dingyin Mountain, he knew that he would take action sooner or later, but he never thought that this day would come so quickly.

call out!

As soon as the priest of the divine religion appeared, he flew to the island.

On the island, Ji Wenshan was pacing back and forth, with several divine priests standing on both sides, looking sad.

Three hundred of the most elite priests of the divine religion have fallen, and the strength of the human race has dropped to its lowest ebb. However, the demon kings only lost half of them. They will wait until the other side has rested and then come back to fight again.

Small worlds will become lambs to be slaughtered.

"Island Master, all the adults in the sect are already aware of this matter. I think it won't be long before they come to support us." A divine priest bowed.

"What's the use of support?"

Ji Wenshan shook his head slightly, "This is a war in the Douxiao Realm. Once the True Intention Realm intervenes, the Four Sects of Changli and Youkong Palace will have an excuse. When the time comes for the Venerable to come in person, who can resist?"

He remembered his senior brother's instructions and tried to delay as much time as possible.

How to delay?

Thousands of top-notch demon kings have appeared in Youkong Palace, and they are all rough-skinned and powerful demon kings. The human race has not yet risen, and being able to fight the demon kings for a year is already the limit.

"Junior brother, don't worry. I'm here today to help you solve this crisis." A voice came from a distance.

"Senior Brother Lan?"

Ji Wenshan quickly looked into the distance.

Above the island, Lan Chonghe and a dozen Yaoritai priests stood in the air, looking at the meeting hall from a distance.

The island-protecting formation was opened, and everyone flew into the island.

"Senior brother, are you here to take action?" Ji Wenshan had a mixture of joy and sorrow on his face.

Fortunately, Lan Chonghe and others took action, and the immediate crisis was immediately resolved.

No matter how powerful those superior demon kings are, they are still ants when faced with the power of true artistic conception.

The worry is that if the divine sect breaks the rules first, the Four Sects of Changli and Youkong Palace will definitely take advantage of the situation and force them. The person who will attack and kill next time will probably be the ninth-grade patriarch.

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