Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,039 Coming


Gu Yue's brows moved slightly and she looked into the distance.

A frenzied wave rose in the void, and a thousand-foot-high wave of evil energy rushed toward Dingyin Mountain and was annihilated by the mountain-protecting formation.

Immediately afterwards, a dragon roar sounded from the end of the sky.

Vaguely, you can see a team heading towards Dingyin Mountain. At the front is the dragon that is opening the way. It is ten thousand feet tall and covered with silver scales.

"True artistic conception dragon!"

The Buse Arhat's eyes narrowed slightly, "It's such a huge formation, and they actually use dragons as ceremonial guards. Aren't they afraid that the Dragon Clan will cause trouble for them?"

"The Red Scale Demon Lord was born as a fish dragon and has a close relationship with the True Dragon Clan. This scene is not a big deal." Yan Sushi said in a deep voice.

Using dragons as a guard of honor is equivalent to treating the dragons as slaves. If you were to do this in an ordinary ninth grade, it would take at most three to five years before a strong dragon would come to your door.

But the Red Scale Demon Lord is different. He was born as a fish dragon. After entering the realm of the venerable, he is already a real dragon. He has several dragon slaves under his command, which will not affect the majesty of the dragon clan.

While talking, the honor guard had arrived not far ahead.

The silver-armored dragon lowered its head, revealing the golden luanjia behind it. A black-robed Taoist was sitting on it, with Patriarch Li Xuan and Patriarch Shuiyuan beside him.

"Chen Fan?"

Seeing the figure in the middle, Yan Sushi and Gu Yue were startled at the same time. The priests of the cult below raised their heads one after another, and some couldn't help but even stood up.

"Yes, it is me," High Priest Chen Fan walked out of the golden chariot, "I am no longer a priest of the divine religion, but the master of the four halls of Youkong Hall. I am here today to avenge the past."

"Chen Fan, what grudge does the Divine Sect have against you," Yan Sushi shouted angrily, "If it weren't for the cultivation of the Divine Sect, you would have turned into a handful of loess long ago, unable to even enter the path of cultivation. Ask yourself, what are we sorry for? you!"


High Priest Shen Fan raised his head with disdain on his face, "What is the purpose of cultivating me? Or do you want me to work as a horse for you?"

"My talent is outstanding. I have entered the true realm in just a few thousand years. With my qualifications, it is natural for me to take charge of the power of the divine religion."

"But Taoist Xi Ming... he was jealous of my talents, suppressed me, and even banished me to Hanlun Secret Realm. I have clearly seen your shameless face."

"White-eyed wolf!" Yan Sushi's body trembled with anger.

Gu Xiuyun did so much for the Wuxiang Celestial Human Race and the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect. The harvest from the Golden Que Secret Realm back then was all used to build the human nation.

He even did not hesitate to fight with the four sects of Changli.

From Youning City to the Hengjiang Kingdom, and then to the entire Wuxiangtian, the rise of every human nation was built on the accumulation of large amounts of elixirs and corpses. It is true that the strength of the human nation is indispensable to each of its ancestors.

But Gu Xiuyun's contribution cannot be concealed by anyone.

If he hadn't blocked the four sects of Changli and suppressed the demon kings from all sides, the human nation would never have prospered. Countless human beings are still trapped at the bottom of the city, living a life without seeing the sun and wearing no clothes.

High Priest Shen Fan was also one of them back then, but he turned a blind eye to all this.

Perhaps in the eyes of such people, all good things are natural, but as long as they are not the same at all, all the past kindness will turn into hatred.

"Chen Fan, have you ever thought about how the four sects of Changli treat Wuxiangtian?"

Yan Sushi's white fists were clenched tightly, and the veins were almost completely exposed, "Yes, the divine religion cultivated you to bring the sect back to its former peak, but don't forget that you were the ones who voluntarily joined the religion. of."

"Without those elixirs, treasured cultivation places, and the guidance of seniors, would you be able to realize your artistic conception?"

"No matter how much the Eight-Eyed Sect does, it can't change its bad reputation in the past," High Priest Shen Fan shouted angrily, "When the Eight-Eyed True Master was still alive, he looted everywhere. Which of the priests and demon kings under his sect would not be resented by others? Like this? Our sect has no right to exist in the world, and I am ashamed to associate with you.”

"Yes, the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect should have been destroyed long ago," Patriarch Shuiyuan stepped forward and said loudly, "Fellow Daoist Chen Fan is not just for revenge, but also for the righteousness of the heavenly sects, to destroy the demon sect and distance himself from the four worlds. The duty is unavoidable.”

"Chen Fan——" Yan Sushi turned pale and was about to refute, but was stopped by Gu Yue.

"give up!"

Gu Yue shook her head slightly, "Such a cold-blooded person, no matter what you say, he will never look back. In his eyes, whether it is Wuxiangtian or the divine religion, everything in the past is not important. He can betray today If the Eight-Eyed Sect takes refuge in the Li Kong Sect, it will be able to betray the Li Kong Sect for greater interests in the future. "

"This kind of's useless no matter how much you say."

"Fellow Taoist Gu Yue has seen through it all," Buse Arhat chuckled, "Compared to the Zen Sect, the Eight-Eyed Sect is really much better at doing things. It has given so many elixirs and has a treasured cultivation ground for its disciples, but Not asking for any benefits.”

"Even if we are facing the four Changli sects now, we are only sending second clones and not letting them actually die."

As he said this, Buse Luohan secretly sighed in his heart. As long as the Zen Sect had the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect with its full intentions, he would not have escaped to the southern void.

At the foot of Dingyin Mountain, the priests of the divine sect looked indifferent.

No matter what Shen Fan said, it could not change his identity as a traitor.

What's more, using the bad name of the past to slander today's divine religion is just to inflict a crime. Ever since Gu Xiuyun rebuilt the human kingdom and revitalized the sect, when have the disciples of the divine religion ever robbed, intercepted, and killed?

In the final analysis, they are all excuses to stay away from the four sects.

"Chen Fan, stop talking nonsense and take action if you want. Pindao is waiting here today to see what you are capable of." A Yaoritai priest walked out of the crowd.

"Jin Heng!"

High Priest Shen Fan's pupils narrowed.

Nearly ten thousand years have passed, and Priest Jin Heng has already entered the true realm. Although he has not become the holder of the throne, he is still one of the most important and powerful people in the sect.

The relatives and friends of those days are now strangers.

"Chen Fan, follow the plan and don't let anyone go." Patriarch Li Xuan said coldly.


High Priest Shen Fan took a deep breath, and the indifference in his eyes turned into murderous intent.

As long as the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect is eliminated and Dingyin Mountain is destroyed, he will be the greatest contributor to Youkong Palace. When he thinks that the Patriarch has trained three sages, including the Red Scaled Demon Lord, High Priest Chen Fan's heart trembles violently.

What is the Eight-Eyed God Sect?

When he reaches the realm of the Venerable and becomes the pinnacle of beings in the world, he can rebuild the ten divine religions at any time. No life-loving Taoist is even qualified to carry his shoes.

"Do it!"

Give an order.

The bodies of the two true realm dragons expanded tenfold again, and black fireballs gradually condensed in their mouths. Their hot breath filled the void, almost burning through the formations on the outside of Dingyin Mountain.

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