Fortune Teller

Chapter 1041 No response

Within the Sumeru space.

Lord Li Kong and the Scarlet Scale Demon Lord were sitting deep in the Youkong Hall, their gazes piercing the void and falling into the distance. Master Tianku stood on one side, the aura around his body fluctuating, as if he was urging the magic formula.

"Tianku, how are you?" The giant couldn't help but ask.

"The Patriarch has not responded yet, please wait a moment, Your Majesty."

Master Tianku frowned and ran the Nine Elements Calculation again and again, praying for a response from Master Tianji, but after a long time, there was still no movement.

The giant's face gradually darkened.

The biggest obstacle to destroying the Eight-Eyed Sect is Gu Xiuyun. All the actions of Changli Four Sects and Youkong Palace are to kill this person.

The world of Tianjipan is undoubtedly Gu Xiuyun's biggest reliance.

As long as the Tianji Pan is solved, with the strength of Lord Li Kong, it will be easy to kill a junior of the True Illusion Realm.

But now, everything is ready, but the founder of Tianji cannot be contacted, and all the previous arrangements have turned into running water.

"Tianku, are you kidding me?" Lord Li Kong's eyes turned cold.

"If I hadn't received the instruction from my ancestor, I wouldn't have dared to deceive the venerable master even if I had given him ten courages." Master Tianku had a bitter look on his face, trying his best to calculate with both hands, and the secret treasure around his waist was constantly trembling, and it seemed that it had reached its peak.

"Fellow Daoist Li Kong, there is no need to be anxious," the Scarlet Scale Demon Lord said calmly, "Based on Master Tianji's plan, this matter is absolutely no accident. Perhaps it is because the time has not come yet, so Master Tianji is too lazy to respond."

"Tianku, you continue to use the secret technique until the ancestor responds."

"Junior understands."

Master Tianku moved his hands over and over again, and the spiritual energy in his body was consumed rapidly. After a while, he swallowed a pill and started counting again.

At this time, the two venerables looked into the distance.

The fighting in Dingyin Mountain was in a tense state. The four sects of Changli dispatched four ninth-grade ancestors, plus High Priest Shen Fan, a total of five ninth-grades, but they were still unable to suppress the opponent.

"Hanke, you go too!"

The Red Scale Demon Lord glanced at the side of the palace.

The four hall masters of Youkong Hall, the main hall master Qu Lin, and the second hall master Zang Feng all left the chessboard realm and went to invite the venerable elsewhere.

Only Han Ke, the master of the third hall, stayed in the chessboard realm because the Red Scale Demon Lord happened to be practicing nearby.

The Scarlet Scale Demon Lord was a little puzzled by the actions of Patriarch Tianji. He wanted to ask the Lord to take action. Why not send the message through his own mind and send the master of Youkong Palace there, which would be unnecessary.

With the help of the four sects of Changli, this matter can be solved quickly. Why do we need so many venerables!

After the words fell, the master of Hanke Hall stood up, bowed to the two venerables, and walked out of the Sumeru space.

On the top of Dingyin Mountain, only Gu Yue remained.

Yan Sushi and Patriarch Li Xuan fought hard. Both ninth-grade masters were good at fire-moving Taoism. They were like two dazzling fireballs, gradually killing into the distance.

The battle between Buse Luohan and Patriarch Shuiyuan seemed a bit dull. Zen Taoism emphasized defense, and Patriarch Shuiyuan also focused on defense. Neither of them could do anything to the other, so they didn't fight too hard.

Only the battle between Lan Chonghe and Shen Fan was the most intense.

Shen Fan was a traitor to the Eight-Eyed Sect and the main cause of this fight. As a disciple of the high priest, one can imagine the anger in Lan Chonghe's heart.

Similarly, Chen Fan hated Lan Chonghe so much that his teeth itched. When he thought about it, if Lan Chonghe hadn't fought for the position of Star Lord, Gu Xiuyun would not have come to the cult, and he would not have been exiled to the Hanlun Secret Realm. .

After thousands of years, he has long been the real leader of the Eight-Eyed God Sect.

"Junior, I will wipe you out in ashes today."

High Priest Shen Fan waved his hands one after another, forming a series of secret techniques and slashing towards Lan Chonghe. The surrounding void was shrouded by the projection of the inner heaven and earth, and the invisible force pressed down in the air, making it difficult for the opponent to break free.

The gap between ninth grade and eighth grade is really too big.

Whether it is the original rules or the inner world, there is a big gap. Coupled with the gap in Tao, magic and secret techniques, the strength can even exceed a hundred times.

Lan Chonghe has profound martial arts, his Taoist realm is close to the eighth level, and his martial arts cultivation has reached the ninth level of Douxiao, but compared with the ninth level patriarch, he is still half way behind.

This is not surprising. After all, he is not Gu Xiuyun. The only true meaning of the rules he has understood is water. Even if he reaches the eighth level, he will not be able to improve his combat power much.

Back then, Gu Xiuyun integrated the rules of the Five Elements and developed the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand. His Taoist and secret skills were no less than those of the ninth-level ancestors. With the addition of Yuanxian Taoist skills and the true energy of the twelfth level, he was able to step into the Heavenly Star Realm and suppress it steadily. The ninth-grade ancestor.

Lan Chonghe's rules and methods were far inferior to those of the Five Elements Skyshattering Swordsman, and he was unable to perform Yuanxian Taoism, so his strength was naturally limited.

The true energy of the ninth level of Douxiao can allow him to reach the peak of Tianshu level, which is already the ultimate.

"If you want to kill me, you're still far away."

Lan Chonghe wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the true energy in his body was running wildly, constantly refining the elixir to replenish his body's consumption.

For this battle, he has prepared a large amount of elixirs. There are elixirs stored deep in every particle formation. Unless the opponent annihilates his entire body with one move, there is no way he can be defeated in a short time.


The sword light streaked across the void, and the true energy merged with the divine sword, forming a dazzling edge that tore open the defensive shield on the body of High Priest Shen Fan.

call out!

Lan Chonghe moved as fast as lightning, rushing towards High Priest Shen Fan.

So what about the Ninth Grade Patriarch, Shen Fan has never practiced the Divine Art, and his physical body is weak. As long as he is close to him, there is a possibility of falling.

Another place.

Patriarch Baoguang waved his sleeves and fought hard with the battle formation formed by the priests of the divine religion.

There are strong and weak among these priests, and the weakest have just entered the eighth level. Not to mention the full blow of the ninth level ancestor, even the aftermath can make them fall.

But under the protection of the battle formation, the weakest eighth-level warriors always hid in the rear, leaving all frontal fighting to the strongest priests.


There was a sword cry.

Priest Jin Heng held a heavy sword and split the body-protecting aura of Patriarch Baoguang. However, he did not rush forward greedily. Instead, he took a few steps back and left the battle to his companions.

Among the battle formation composed of twenty-four priests, the strongest ones have reached the Tianfang realm, and Jin Heng is one of them.

Over thousands of years, his strength has improved as much as others, and he is one of the oldest priests. With many resources such as the Origin Spirit Fruit and the Core Land, it is only natural for him to reach the Heavenly Realm.

Of course, you can't compare with High Priest Shen Fan.

After Chen Fan obtained the token left by Master Tianji, he was able to make rapid progress in a short period of time and break through to the ninth level. No matter how hard an ordinary practitioner practices, it is impossible to cross a large realm in just a few thousand years.

The price paid for this kind of improvement is extremely staggering. Even the founder of Tianji only refined nine tokens.

"Raging Dragon Flame!"

As soon as Jin Heng retreated, his companions rushed forward. With the support of the battle formation, his strength surged several times. A mouthful of flames spurted out from his palm, forming a red fire dragon and crashing into Master Baoguang.


The protective aura was split open, and the red fire dragon rushed into Patriarch Baoguang's body without any hindrance, burning his whole body to black.

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