Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,047 The Realm of Life and Death

"Han dead?"

Deep in the void outside the territory, Venerable Li Kong, who was fighting fiercely with Gu Xiuyun, was shocked.

As the strongest person among the four Changli sects, the other three sages did not leave any soul mark in his body. After all, with the mark, they could monitor him at all times.

Venerable Li Kong has many secrets, how could he allow others to monitor him?

It wasn't until Venerable Hanyue completely fell and the line of cause and effect collapsed that he was horrified to discover that one of the four Changli sects had actually died.

"What's going on?" The giant asked Wu Shui and Wu Hen through his soul thoughts. The two venerables had his imprint on their seas of consciousness.

"Senior Brother Likong, the strength of the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect is more terrifying than we expected. In addition to Gengyang, there are also Qingshui, Fangcun, and Black Ridge in the Jade Immortal Realm... Just a moment ago, Venerable Yuecheng was intercepted and killed by Taoist Ximing. , the body dies and the path disappears.”

Venerable Ruoshui responded quickly.

"What? Yue Cheng died in the hands of Taoist Xi Ming, and he still has a clone?" The giant's expression suddenly changed.

At the same time, nine scorching suns crashed down.

He tore open several cracks in the giant's body. They were said to be cracks, but they were actually no less wide than the rivers, lakes and seas.

With such a serious injury, if it were any other Three Dilemma Venerables, they would have lost half their lives.

To the giant, it was just a small scar.

"It's really hard!"

Gu Xiuyun licked his lips. So far in his practice, except for the time with Yinshan Zhenzun, Lord Likong is definitely the most terrifying opponent he has encountered.

To deal with the Yinshan Zhenzun, it relies more on strategy and the Zhenzun-level Inferi, and the killing method itself is not important.

But this place is an endless void. Even if he wants to attract the Inferi, he can't do it. He can only rely on fighting head-on to slowly wear away the power of the sky-holding giant.

"Little dear, was it you who killed Han Yue?" Lord Li Kong shouted angrily.

"So what?"

Gu Xiuyun responded loudly.

"Very good, I have another reason to kill you," the giant said with a murderous look on his face, "As a true artistic conception, it is indeed not easy for you to fight with me for so long, but don't think that these are the only methods I have."

"In addition to Yuanxian Taoism and the physical body, I also have stronger secret techniques, which are far beyond your imagination."

"Oh? I'll wait and see."

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes.

Lord Li Kong has a trump card, doesn’t he?

The seventh-grade mysterious destiny has only been used to twist the destiny so far. As for the rootless duckweed and the horoscope, it has not been used, just to wait for a better opportunity.

In addition, the magical power of thunder and fire and the void domain, which are unique to martial arts experts, have never been used.

"Cherish your life, little kid...I will make sure you die without a burial today!"

An almost beastly roar.

Countless scales appeared all over the giant giant, and his whole body transformed into a dragon shape. What was even more frightening was that layers of gray clouds emerged from his body, filling a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

As soon as the gray mist appeared, it completely suppressed Gu Xiuyun, and even Venerable Gengyang in the distance was affected.


There was a muffled sound.

Venerable Gengyang was crushed into bloody water, and the divine power in the sky fled very far away. He did not recover until he had traveled a billion miles.

"What a terrible oppressive force, and it ignores Taoist secrets. Is this a physical magical power? Impossible. The physical magical powers in the early stage of the Venerable Realm will never reach this level."

Venerable Gengyang took a deep breath, fear flashing in his eyes.

The strength of the Sky Giant is so terrifying, can his disciples cope with it?

Deep in the gray clouds.

Gu Xiuyun stood proudly, his body creaking under the pressure, but even so, he still did not fall.

"Junior, what is my power in the realm of life and death?" Venerable Li Kong transformed into a half-human, half-dragon form, with half of the scales on his body appearing black and half white.

Black and white rays of light intertwined and condensed into gray mist, completely covering billions of miles of void.

"Gray mist... I see, this is the Taoist magical power left behind by the Eight-Eyed True Master!" Gu Xiuyun sneered.

"It seems that you, a junior, know a lot. Yes, I am the remnant of the eight-eyed human race. This magical power was also left behind before he turned into a human body. I have practiced hard for hundreds of thousands of years and finally understood the secrets of life and death at the sixth level. Take control of this magical power again.”

Venerable Li Kong laughed loudly, "The more you know, the faster you will die. I cherish my life, but no one can save you today."

The giant holding the sky waved his big hand, his palms filled with dark flames, and the Yin Fire Burial Seal was launched again.


Under the pressure of the gray mist, the majestic palm print was also reduced to a radius of thousands of miles, and was shot towards Gu Xiuyun.

"Why do we need others to save us?"

A cold light flashed in Gu Xiuyun's eyes, and the void realm activated. In an instant, the fog within a radius of thousands of miles dissipated sharply.

In the void realm of the ninth level of true meaning, there is still a long way to go before the rules can be dissipated, but after all, it is the top magical power.

No matter how powerful the gray mist is, it cannot fight against the void realm within a range of thousands of miles.

Black and white light surged, and then the world dimmed.

Lines of red flame light appeared across the sky and hit the dark palm prints.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Each red flame contains the ultimate power. The ninth level true energy is much stronger than the second clone, and the power of Taoism has also increased by nearly a hundred times.

Then there was a final roar.

The red flames and the pitch-black flames were all annihilated, and the giant's dragon-scaled palms were almost burnt black, and the palms were covered with cracks, as if they had been severely injured.

"Can you actually break through the realm of life and death?"

Venerable Li Kong was shocked again, and then sneered, "The realm of life and death left by the Eight Eyes is almost as powerful as the ultimate Taoist magic of Yuanxian in the field, and it is infinitely better. As long as the divine power is enough, it can be activated continuously." , I don’t believe it, the divine power in Taoist Xi Ming’s body is greater than mine!”

Thinking of this, he once again used the Yuanxian Taoist technique - Lihuo Jie Shengzhi.

The thick fingers turned into divine axes and struck at Gu Xiuyun.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Nine scorching suns came to the world again and hit the fingers.

The two sides fell into a fierce battle again.

Venerable Li Kong has been practicing for hundreds of thousands of years. Relying on the foundation left by the Eight-Eyed True Venerable and his long years of accumulation, his divine power is endless.

Behind Gu Xiuyun, there was a vast world that swallowed up the Yin and Yang calamity.

The divine power and true energy of both sides are unimaginably huge. Unless there are absolute means of suppression, this battle is bound to be protracted.

Outside Dingyin Mountain.

The four patriarchs are fighting Yan Sushi, Buse Luohan and others. As time goes by, the four Changli sects gradually fall into crisis.


The crimson phoenix spread its wings, smashed the spiritual treasure in front of it, and chased Patriarch Li Xuan.

The Buse Arhat waved his Zen staff again and again, tearing open the water-indestructible body incarnated by Shuiyuan Patriarch. With each bombardment, the power of the weak water became weaker and weaker, and the water-indestructible body gradually approached its limit.

"Qinghui, how long will it take??" Patriarch Shuiyuan asked urgently.

Patriarch Qinghui was shrouded in weak water, and the two founders worked together to withstand the bombardment of the Buse Arhat. Without the water-moving immortal body, Patriarch Qinghui would have perished long ago.

There is a huge distance between the Heavenly Wheel Realm and the Heavenly Star Realm.

"Wait a minute, hurry up, His Holiness will be here soon." Patriarch Qinghui said over and over again.

Suddenly, his face turned pale.

The imprint of the soul in the sea of ​​consciousness began to collapse, just like the sourceless water being exposed to the scorching sun, it began to evaporate and annihilate.

"Master? Master, what's wrong with you?"

Patriarch Qinghui hurriedly summoned the message, but received no response.

At this time, the water-eternal body trembled violently, as if it had been greatly stimulated.

"Venerable Yuecheng...has fallen!" Patriarch Shuiyuan shouted in shock, "Master asked us to escape from this place immediately. If we don't leave, we will all die."


Patriarch Li Xuan and Patriarch Baoguang looked shocked.

Patriarch Qinghui raised his head, but there was no look on his face. His eyes were full of despair and gloom, "Master... is really dead... without Master, is Yuecheng still far from being destroyed? Even if I escape, What’s the point?”

"Go quickly!!"

Patriarch Shuiyuan transmitted the message three times in a row, and at the same time, the immortal water body turned into hundreds of small streams of water and rushed into the distance.

At this moment, the red gauze covering hundreds of millions of miles of void burst into light again.

A super formation condensed into shape in an instant.

"Want to leave? Now that you're here, don't go back!!"

The cold light flashed in the eyes of the Buse Arhat, and the Zen staff fell again, hitting Patriarch Shuiyuan like thunder. Hundreds of streams of water were instantly annihilated by 70%.

Patriarch Li Xuan took out a black Taoist talisman from his waist and activated it. As soon as the talisman emitted light, his whole body was already shrouded in a blue shadow.

The ninth-grade space Taoist talisman seemed to be suppressed invisiblely and dimmed.

Not only Patriarch Li Xuan, but Bao Guang was also affected by the cyan shadow and could no longer open the cracks in the void and escape.

"There are four sects in Changli. Don't even think about leaving."

Yan Sushi holds a blue jade plaque and has a cold gaze.

This treasure comes from the Lingbao Star of the Eight-Eyed God Sect. It is a purely space-type sealing spiritual treasure. Its power reaches the peak of the ninth level. It has no other effects and its only function is to suppress it.

Logically speaking, Yan Sushi cannot control the ninth-grade space spiritual treasure, but besides her, Gu Xiuyun of the Eight-Eyed God Sect can also enter the spiritual treasure star.

With the original rules of space and the martial arts true energy, let alone the ninth-grade peak spiritual treasure, even the true soul-level treasure cannot escape.

"What's going on? The four Changli sects are trying to escape?"

High Priest Chen Fan looked into the distance and felt anxious.

The situation of this battle has exceeded his expectations. First, Venerable Gengyang came, and then Venerable Qingshui, Fang Cun and others appeared.

Now that the company commander and the ancestors of the four sects are all on the run, has something really happened?

"Damn it, my jade talisman was taken away by Taoist Xi Ming. I can't leave even if I want to."

High Priest Shen Fan was filled with resentment.

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