Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,554 Master Hanling


The huge demon fox swung its twelve tails and looked into the distance from time to time. After a long time, a smile appeared in the corner of its eyes.

At the end of the void, colorful lights slowly came from a distance.

"I really didn't expect that you could actually win this battle," Yaohu's eyes flashed strangely, "Li Kong's causal line is still there, but he was sealed?"

"I didn't seal it." Venerable Gengyang shook his head slightly.

The demon fox raised his eyebrows, which was tantamount to admitting that Lord Li Kong was indeed sealed.

A person at the peak of the Three Difficulties Realm and a Venerable Realm of the Body Refining lineage, just disappeared without a trace. I am afraid that only the True Master can do that.

"Did the true master behind you take action?" The demon fox looked around, used his soul to transmit his voice, and asked cautiously.

The white-haired figure shook his head and said nothing.

Gu Xiuyun's strength is still a secret for the time being. Although it was exposed a little in the Yin-Yang Tribulation battle, it was only the early stage of the Three Dilemmas.

Compared with Venerable Li Kong, it is far behind.

If others knew that Venerable Li Kong was suppressed by Gu Xiuyun, it would definitely cause an uproar. Then it would be much more troublesome to face Patriarch Tianji's last move.

Not to mention, it seems that it is really the true master... The demon fox nodded secretly.

Leiyun Pavilion.

Patriarch Qinglei is sitting cross-legged and practicing with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, an invisible wave pressed down in the sky, covering the entire palace like the power of heaven.

"I've met Master."

Patriarch Qinglei stood up quickly.

"No need to be polite, there is something you need to do immediately," Venerable Lei Yun appeared, "The four sects of Changli have suffered disasters. The three Venerables Weoshui, Wuhen and Hanyue have all fallen. Li Kong There is no whereabouts. This is a great opportunity for Leiyun Pavilion to rise. You should set out immediately to capture at least one sect. "

"Something happened to the four Changli sects?" Patriarch Qinglei's eyes widened.

How famous are the four great sages, not to mention that the strongest venerable Li Kong is comparable to half of the true sages, Weoshui and Wuhen are also famous figures in Endless Void, how could such beings fall?

"Master, who killed them?"

"I don't know for sure," Venerable Lei Yun shook his head and sighed. "The Venerable's fights were all in the void outside the territory. Except for the battle between Han Yue and Taoist Xi Ming, no one knows what happened to the other three."

"Perhaps...the master of the Time and Space Palace knows, but he will definitely not tell me."

Patriarch Qinglei took a deep breath.

The four great sages of the four sects of Changli died quietly.

Suddenly, Patriarch Qinglei's expression changed. If he heard correctly, what Venerable Lei Yun was talking about just now was... the battle between Han Yue and Taoist Ximing.

Could it be that Venerable Hanyue was killed by Taoist Ximing?

True Illusion Killed a Venerable?

"Master...Master, Venerable Hanyue...died in the hands of Taoist Xi Ming?" Patriarch Lei Yun couldn't believe his guess.

The gap between the true artistic conception and the venerable one cannot be measured by reason.

Looking at the endless void, there are very few ninth-grade ancestors who can reach the Heavenly Star Realm, and the Heavenly Dao Realm is even rarer, with only two or three people in an era.

As for the Venerable, the weakest one is still at the sixth level. With a little practice, you can reach the seventh level.

Venerable Hanyue, as a Venerable Yinan and a person who has been enlightened for more than 100,000 years, how could he be defeated by Taoist Ximing? He couldn't even save his life.

"You don't need to know too much about some things," Venerable Lei Yun looked slightly cold, "Remember, when attacking the four sects of Changli, if you encounter priests of the divine religion, avoid them if you can, and don't fight with them."

Venerable Lei Yun disappeared without a trace.

"It seems that the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect has really risen again." Patriarch Qinglei's eyes were filled with wonder.

The four Changli sects were such powerful behemoths. Just one Venerable Likong could chill countless sects, and they were actually defeated at the hands of the divine sect.

In the middle of the chessboard realm, in the vast void land, a mountain range lies on the ground like a dragon.

The Panlong Mountain Range is extremely open, with a radius of one million miles, and there are many cities. At a rough count, there are probably more than 70,000 cities.

Almost all people living in the city are cultivators, and their lowest cultivation level has reached the Pulse Opening stage.

Compared with the Eight-Eyed Sect, the four sects of Changli undoubtedly have a much deeper foundation. They not only occupy countless world spaces, but also a large number of secret spaces.

Each small space provides an endless supply of practitioners to the four major sects.

South of the mountains.

In the majestic and vast hanging city, a woman with long hair wearing a purple robe sat cross-legged, with seven or eight Douxiao Realm disciples standing below her.

"Master, in the past hundred years, a total of 2,760 people from the Hanling lineage have entered the Douxiao realm. Among them, 50 have reached the top level, which is six more than the previous batch." A Douxiao. Jing disciple said respectfully.

"The competition between the various veins is not far away. You should pay more attention and don't get a single spot like last time," the woman with blond hair said softly, "Except for Lingwei, everyone else should step aside!"


The Douxiao Realm disciples in the palace retreated one after another, and only a girl in plain clothes remained.

The girl's body has a pure aura, and she has reached the peak of the Xuanxuan. However, it can be seen from her smart eyes that she is not very old, only about a thousand years old.

"How has the situation been in the Wuxiang Heaven in the past hundred years?" The haired female Taoist looked towards the girl.

"As in the past, the four Changli sects did not intervene in Wuxiangtian's disputes, and under the influence of...'that person', the human nation became more and more prosperous, with an extremely large number of strong men. In addition, the major sects secretly protected them. Even if the Four Sects wanted to take action, they couldn't find the opportunity for a while. "

The girl bowed and answered.

The female Taoist with disheveled hair nodded slightly, "I have worked hard for you these years. As a teacher, you are closely watched by the sect. You can't do many things, so you can only take risks. Wuxiangtian didn't find out your identity, right?"

"Master, please rest assured. This disciple was born in the Wuxiang Heaven, and his actions are quite low-key. I don't think anyone noticed."

Just as he was talking, two soul thoughts rushed from a distance.

The face of the woman with disheveled hair suddenly changed, and she saw two eighth-level experts in Taoist robes standing outside the palace, their eyes like sharp swords.

"Junior Sister Hanling, Grandmaster invites you to come over." One of the eighth-grade experts said coldly.

"When the Patriarch summoned me, I could just send two juniors. Why trouble two senior brothers?" A strange color flashed in the corner of the woman's eyes, and she sent a message to the girl with her soul thought, "Disciple, this is a disaster for me. You should return immediately. Wu Xiang Tian, ​​no matter how the sect calls you, don’t come back.”


Lingwei suppressed the shock in her heart and didn't understand what the master meant by her words.

How could a true master of artistic conception be killed in his own sect?

She suddenly remembered a secret rumor spread deep in the Li Kongmen. It was said that Master Hanling was also born in Wuxiangtian and came from Youning City.

Youning City... although it is a small city, all the disciples and disciples of Changli Four Sects know it, because in that city, a terrifying existence that resounds throughout the heavens was born.

The Ninth Grade Patriarch is already at the pinnacle of the Immortal Way, the strongest person below the Venerable.

And that man killed several ninth-level Patriarchs one after another, including Patriarch Li Jing of Li Kongmen, Patriarch Baozheng of Wuhen Sect, and even the famous Patriarch Dingyin who was almost invincible under the Venerable. Behead.

How could the hometown of such a being not be remembered by the world?

Youning City has long since become a place where Li Kongmen disciples talk about it with dismay.

The void trembled slightly, and the woman with disheveled hair followed the two eighth-level experts and flew towards the deepest part of the mountain range.

Compared to the past, today's Li Kong Sect seemed particularly quiet. Soul fluctuations enveloped the void, and every place was covered by eighth-grade power.

"Ever since my identity was revealed, the sect has been trapping me in the door for more than two thousand years in the name of cultivating future generations." The woman with blond hair frowned slightly, "I haven't done anything for so long, and now I am suddenly summoned to see you. After all, What do you want to do?"

Master Hanling was extremely confused.

While they were thinking, the three of them came outside a quaint palace.

In addition to Patriarch Li Xuan, there were also two elders Tianshu in the hall, each of whom looked at Master Hanling with cold expressions on their faces.

"Disciple Han Ling, pay homage to Patriarch Li Xuan, and pay homage to the two elders Tianshu." The woman with disheveled hair bowed and saluted.

As True Illusion Realm masters, except for the ninth-grade Patriarch, almost all of them are peers, but Elder Tianshu is different. The two elders have Tianshu level combat power, and their status in the sect is very important, much higher than ordinary True Illusion Realm.

When Patriarch Li Xuan was in seclusion, the two Tianshu elders were responsible for the affairs within the sect.

In fact, before the death of Patriarch Li Jing, Li Xuan himself was one of the Tianshu elders.

"You Ning City... is really a land of outstanding people. In one era, three true artistic conceptions were born." One of the Tianshu chiefs looked at the woman with long hair, "Han Ling, if I remember correctly, before you enter, layman My name is Gu Xiuhan!”

PS: It’s such an old foreshadowing, I’ve probably forgotten all about it.

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