Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,557 Entering the Mountain

Inside the empty gate.

Teams were waiting in front of the teleportation array, with doubts and uneasiness on their faces.

Not long ago, the sect's senior leadership suddenly ordered that all disciples of the core lineage immediately go to the teleportation array without any mistakes.

These disciples didn't even have time to pack their bags, so they hurried over.

After arriving, they found that a long queue had formed in front of the teleportation array. Both the masters of the Xuan Dynasty and the elders of the Douxiao Realm could only wait outside the array.

Every time the Void Teleportation Array operates, a massive amount of spiritual power must be accumulated. No matter how high your status is, you can only wait slowly outside the array.

"What happened within the sect and why are you in such a hurry to send us away?"

"I heard that evil spirits came in. The sect was afraid of hurting innocent people, so they asked us to leave quickly."

"Evil demon? What kind of evil demon can't even be dealt with by the Venerable?"

"I don't know. I guess His Holiness was held back by other things!"

Disciples chatted from time to time, and until now they didn't know what happened to the four sects of Changli.

Above the teleportation array.

Gu Xiuhan stood in the air, looking at countless disciples, his face changing.

She doesn't have much nostalgia for the Li Kongmen, and even has a bit of hatred. If it weren't for the Four Sects of Changli, the Wuxiangtian human race would not be in such a situation.

For tens of thousands of years, the Wuxiang Heaven has been ruled by monsters. Human beings can only live in a cage-like city. Those who see the sun are okay, at least they can live like human beings.

But those are only a minority. More than 90% of mortals go from birth to death without even knowing what the sun, moon and stars are, and have never seen mountains, rivers, and rivers.

All this is because of Changli Four Sects.

The hatred of his tribe and his own hatred were intertwined. Except for his master, Master Li Cheng, Gu Xiuhan had almost no attachment to the four sects of Changli.

"Those mistakes were committed by the senior officials of the Four Changli Sects, so what do they have to do with ordinary disciples?" Gu Xiuhan looked at Yuan Kong, "Master, if you are still alive, you must also hope that the sect's orthodoxy can be maintained. "

She made a fist.

For the sake of Master's kindness, some things must be done.

At this moment, a roar echoed across the sky.

Master Han Ling quickly raised his head and saw outside the sect's divine formation, a thousand-foot-high silver sword light crashing down. With just one move, it shattered a large number of formations.


Gu Xiuhan's eyes widened. After all, the four Changli sects were also top powers, and the Void Continent was the sect's home base. How could the two divine formations be broken so quickly? Could it be that the Venerable was here in person?

While he was thinking, a dozen figures roared towards the edge of the divine formation, including two Tianshu elders.

"Han Ling, don't participate in this battle. If someone comes to kill you, tell him that you are a blood relative of Taoist Xi Ming."

"Remember, you must live. Only if you live can the Four Sects of Changli have the possibility to continue."

Elder Tianshu reminded him repeatedly.


The sound in his ears was still echoing, and a dozen figures had already flown to the edge of the divine formation, fighting with the silver sword light.

At the same time, there was a roar outside the divine formation.

The sect disciples who were waiting in line panicked. Many disciples rushed towards the teleportation array, but before they even got close, they were blown away by the light of spiritual power.

"Quiet, the evil spirits can't get in for a while. You have enough time to evacuate this place."

A true artistic conception expert shouted loudly, "The direct descendants of each major branch will wait beside me first, and the rest of the disciples will line up in order. If anyone dares to push forward, don't blame me for being rude."

The disciples of the Li Kong Sect lowered their heads one after another and lined up in an orderly manner. As for the direct descendants of the sect, they were left at the edge of the teleportation array.


A cold light flashed in Gu Xiuhan's eyes.

If the true artistic conception is powerful, it can only deceive the disciples, but it cannot deceive her at all.

There is only a large teleportation array away from Kongmen. Every time you accumulate spiritual energy, you have to spend half a stick of incense. In addition, the power of the array is limited. To send away a master of Shangmiao, you have to spend nearly 30% of your spiritual energy.

Among the direct lineage disciples waiting in line at the front, there were three Masters of Shangmiao, and many others. Even if they waited for three or four days, they would not be able to send all these people away.

Will the major sects give them so much time?

Thinking of this, Gu Xiuhan turned around and flew towards the south of the mountain range, where the Han Ling lineage was stationed.

Compared with other branches, Hanling's branch seems quite quiet. There are only about 10,000 Douxiao Realm disciples scattered in the empty mountains, which seems quite sparse.

In the center of the mountain range, a suspended city is located above the clouds. In addition to disciple Lingwei, there are many Douxiao in the city.

The faces of these disciples were a little ugly, as if they had encountered some trouble.

"Lingwei, why are you still here? Didn't my master ask you to leave Li Kongmen immediately?" Gu Xiuhan flew down.

"Master, I have been to the teleportation array, and it has been surrounded by water for a long time. The status of the Hanling lineage is not high, so..."

Lingwei looked bitter.

She had heard the roar outside the sect's divine formation, and also knew the news spread among the disciples. Once the evil spirits came in, the true meaning might be able to save their lives, but they, the Douxiao disciples, would never be able to escape.

"I see."

After Gu Xiuhan pondered for a moment, he said, "Lingwei, Lingcai, Lingyang... You guys will first summon the disciples from the Hanling lineage here, and then tell the disciples from other branches that if you want to survive, come to me. "


Lingwei looked confused.

These disciples still don't know the extent of the trouble that the sect has encountered, but they know that it must be a disaster that Zhenyijing cannot cope with.

Master Hanling's strength is inferior in the real world. What ability can he have to protect his disciples?

"Go quickly," Gu Xiuhan waved his hand, "Be sure to come back within two hours, otherwise you may encounter evil spirits!"

"As you command!"

Lingwei and others dispersed one after another.

Outside the Kongmen Shen array.

Lan Chonghe held a silver sword in his hand, and at the point where the sword pointed, the true artistic conceptions retreated one after another.

With his current Taoist realm, coupled with the true energy of the ninth level of Douxiao, his strength is no less than that of the peak Tianshu realm. Even when faced with the siege of two Tianshu elders and more than a dozen powerful masters of the True Inspiration Realm, he has no chance. frightened.


The sword light cut through the void and shattered the inner heaven and earth of a senior eighth-grade man. Yuanli surged out and filled the heaven and earth.

"What a powerful sword energy, and the physical defense is also ridiculously strong. Even the ninth-grade Taoist talisman can't do anything to him."

The two Tianshu elders looked at each other and understood the identity of the person in front of them.

Lan Chonghe, the direct disciple of Taoist Xi Ming, suppressed High Priest Shen Fan with one man and one sword. In terms of strength, he was not inferior to the ninth-grade ancestor.

"The Taoist talisman is useless, and the venom can't hurt him. Do we need to use the sect's secret treasure?"

"No, this person's life-saving methods are extremely powerful. The sect's secret treasure may not be able to kill him. Have you forgotten the scene of the Taoist Xi Ming coming back to life in the battle of Wuxiangtian?"

After discussing with their souls, the two Tianshu elders decided to retreat temporarily.

The sect's secret treasure was wasted on Lan Chonghe, so it would be better to use it against the three ancestors Qing Lei, Leng Leng, and Akao.

Although those ancestors were strong, their methods of saving lives were not as weird as Lan Chonghe's.

The figures retreated one after another, leaving only Lan Chonghe alone in the divine formation.

"You're going really fast. The Li Kong Sect is also the first of the four sects. How could it be that such a famous sect among the top forces doesn't have a few trump cards? Are you trying to lure me in?"

Looking at the scene deep in the formation, Lan Chonghe stepped forward.

The most powerful thing about a warrior is to protect his life. He has three parts of his body. Except for weird methods like causal powers and life-cutting techniques, no other Taoism can do anything to him.

If the four sects of Changli were without their venerable master, what else would there be to fear?


The silver sword light swept through the void, tearing open the barrier of the divine formation, but after only walking a hundred feet, there was another formation blocking the way.

Of course, there cannot be only one sect divine formation. Even a five-attribute fusion divine formation cannot cover millions of miles of land. Only the combination of a large number of formations and the suppression of spiritual treasures can form a super large sect divine formation.

This also means that the formations outside Kongmen will not be too powerful. The truly terrifying formations are all in the most critical areas deep inside the sect.

The silver sword light swept through the void again and again, and the divine formation was constantly being split open.

After three full hours, he finally passed through the outer divine formation and entered the hinterland of Li Kongmen.

A vast Panlong Mountain Range appeared in the eyes. The mountain was winding and long. Every once in a while, the light of the divine array shrouded the void, dividing the huge Likong Sect into countless branches.

In the deepest part of the Panlong Mountains, the earth was almost pitch black, and endless flames steamed up, forming thousands of fire dragons, guarding the sect's main hall.

There is no doubt that that is the most precious place in the Li Kong Sect.

In a sect, elixirs, jade, and spiritual crystals are definitely not the most precious. What is truly valuable is the blessed places of practice, such as the Jade Spring Cave of the Eight-Eyed Sect, the Wuquan Secret Realm, and the Zihua Pond...

A treasured land for cultivation can cultivate countless disciples and make the entire sect prosperous.

But this kind of cultivation treasure land cannot be moved, unless the venerable one takes action and splits the void with such great magical power to form the Sumeru space.

The real goals of Leiyun Pavilion, Qianbao Mountain, and Jiyue Celestial Palace are this type of cultivation treasure land.

"First capture a few disciples of the Li Kong Sect to find out the situation within the sect, and then deal with the divine formation." Lan Chonghe glanced around and landed on a mountain range in the south.

Compared with other mountain ranges, the protective divine formation on that mountain peak is much dimmer. It is obvious that the divine formation has just been established and is slightly weaker.

In addition, there are many aura fluctuations in the divine formation, and there are even powerful soul auras of true artistic conception.

Lan Chonghe immediately rushed towards the south of the mountain range.

In the mountain, Gu Xiuhan was sitting cross-legged. Thousands of disciples gathered around him, ranging from Kaimai Realm to Douxiao Realm. Except for a few of his disciples, the rest were only in the early stages of Douxiao Realm.

Obviously, Master Ruxuan would not come to her place.

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