Fortune Teller

Chapter 1600 Cracks in Stone Turtle

Underground abyss.

A ray of light swept across the void along the underworld's death aura, sometimes fast and sometimes slowly, as if it was looking for something.

"According to the guidance of the heavenly calculation, the stone turtle is in this area." Gu Xiuyun's eyes were filled with divine light and he carefully observed the surrounding scene.

How to deal with the four sects of Changli is enough to be left to Lan Chonghe.

For him, repairing the horoscope and understanding the rules of the five elements are the most important things at the moment.

"Xiao Hei, did you find anything?" Gu Xiuyun looked to his side.

The black-striped golden dolphin shook his head, "There is nothing but corpses and dead bodies for a million miles around. Did you miscalculate? The treasures needed for the True Master-level spiritual treasures are at least at the level of divine medicine."

"It's impossible to miscalculate. Maybe that stone turtle has surpassed the treasures of heaven and earth, so Qilin's magical power will not notice it."

Gu Xiuyun said in a deep voice.

With his current destiny method and the coordination of his destiny horoscope, he can forcibly calculate even the most powerful treasures.

In comparison, the magical power of the Black-patterned Golden Dolphin is obviously weaker. After all, this magical power comes from blood. The power of the Black-patterned Golden Dolphin's bloodline is only in the middle stage of the ninth grade, which is much worse than the fate method.


A black and white sword light swept through the void, splitting the dead air of the underworld, revealing the distant scene.

The sky and the earth are dark and vast, and the endless death energy of the underworld is surging in the abyss. You can see patches of gray light slowly condensing in the death energy.

Those rays of light are the demon's life core, distributed endlessly everywhere in the abyss.

The light may be strong or weak.

The weakest one is not even as good as Douxiao Realm. Even if it is successfully conceived, its strength will not exceed the eighth level.

The strongest light is like a star, protected by the original rules, and its power is not inferior to that of the Venerable. Once born, it will be at least the True Venerable level.

"How come there are so many demon cores!" The Black-striped Golden Dolphin frowned, with a look of disgust on his face.

Qilin is the divine beast of fortune, the spiritual energy of the world, and is naturally opposed to the demons born from the energy of death. Seeing the dim light, the black pig instinctively waved his energy to destroy them.

Before he could take action, he was stopped by Gu Xiuyun.

"These demon cores cannot be destroyed."

"Why?" The Black-striped Golden Dolphin was a little confused.

"Before the demon takes shape, the elemental cores can gather and disperse, and can devour each other. The destroyed light will not dissipate, but will merge with each other to form a more powerful elemental core."

Gu Xiuyun pointed at the gray star-like light in the distance, "Did you see it? It's a super-large Yuan Core. It hasn't been conceived yet, and its power is no less than that of a Venerable. Once born, its strength will be at least three-headed crocodile level." "

"Ten thousand eighth-level demons or one true master-level demon, which one do you think is more dangerous?"

The black-striped golden dolphin couldn't help but take a breath.

While he was talking, a weak fluctuation came from the depths of the void.

Only wisps of gray light were seen rushing towards the void, and after a moment, they disappeared without a trace.

"Space cracks? There are actually space cracks in the underground abyss?"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes lit up.

The space in the underground abyss is countless times more stable than normal void. There is only one layer of space. It stands to reason that there should be no space cracks.

Even if it does appear, it can only last for a moment, and it will only be formed when powerful people above the True Master are fighting each other. Apart from Gu Xiuyun and the Black-striped Golden Dolphin, no one can be found here. How could there be a crack?

The only possibility is Stone Turtle.

Gu Xiuyun quickly separated a body and flew towards the crack in the void.

An instant later, the clone disappeared, and even the telepathy was disconnected.

"Another independent world? Or a special space like the Killing Heavenly Lord?" Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly.

The treasures used to repair the horoscope are too weird.

The first one is Ziyang's Tomb, which is known as the forbidden place of life. Even Zhenzun has gone there and never returned.

Now I have seen another mysterious crack that seems to be the space of thoughts.

"What's going on inside?" The black pig looked at Gu Xiuyun's frown and couldn't help but ask.

"It's not clear yet, but it's definitely not simpler than Ziyang Tomb."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, feeling a little curious. How did Yan Suqing refine the horoscope back then?

To restore this treasure, we actually need to rely on strange things such as the Ziyang Tomb and the mysterious stone turtle.

"Forget it, let's wait for now!"

Gu Xiuyun sat cross-legged and began to practice with his eyes closed.

He won't go in easily until the clone comes out of the crack.

After several days of fighting, the four sects of Changli were finally completely destroyed. A large number of practitioners either died or fled, and nearly half of the true artistic conception escaped.

The three major sects and the Eight-Eyed Sect did not pursue him.

Ordinary true artistic conception does not pose a great threat to the top forces. Even if it escapes, it will have no impact.

But the Ninth Grade Patriarch is different.

Ninth-level powerhouses who are expected to step into the realm of venerables must eradicate the roots, so Li Xuan, Shuiyuan and other ancestors did not try to escape. They knew that once they escaped from the Void Land, the venerables would definitely take action.

Instead of dying so aggrievedly, it would be better to delay some time for the sect.


Rays of escaping light passed over the mountains and reached the deepest part of the Likong Gate.

On the top of the majestic and broad palace, Lan Chonghe stands with one hand on his back, overlooking the Panlong Mountains.

"Master, everything above Li Kongmen and Xuan has been wiped out. Except for a few disciples of the Hanling lineage, all the others have been killed."

Ji Wenting bowed.

"Very good," Lan Chonghe nodded slightly, "The Void Continent is the foundation of the four Changli sects. Without this sect, the cultivation paths of the disciples of the four sects will be almost cut off, and it will never be possible to give birth to the master Shangmiao Zhenren again."

Cultivation in the Immortal Way requires a lot of resources and external materials. Before Douxiao Realm, it was easy to say that as long as you are talented enough, you can break through even if you work hard.

After reaching the Douxiao realm, you must resort to various cultivation treasures, such as Wuquan Secret Realm and Yuquan Cave.

Without these treasures, let alone thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, we may not be able to enter the true realm.

"The next step is to attack Changli Tian and the small Jie Kong, and bring the surrounding three billion miles into the sphere of influence of the Eight-Eyed God Sect."

After the words fell, Lan Chonghe took a deep breath.

The priests in front of the palace also looked solemn.

The next fight will not be so easy. The four Changli sects control a large number of realms. There are two large realms alone, one is Changli Tian and the other is Qingyang Tian.

The two realms are near the Wuxiang Tian, ​​forming a triangle, covering three billion miles of space, and there are more than 300,000 small realms among them.

"Master has not set a deadline for us, but you should understand that the sooner we control the surrounding airspace, the more beneficial it will be to the development of the divine religion."

"Ji Wenting listens to the order!" Lan Chonghe shouted.

"The disciple is here."

"I order you to lead a group of divine priests to Changli Heaven. You must uproot the foundations of the four Changli Sects within ten years and completely control the sky."

"Jin Heng, Jiang Yu, you two are here to help. Although the true artistic conception cannot enter the realm, it can be replaced by a thousand threads of soul-splitting thoughts."

Immediately afterwards, Lan Chonghe looked at the other priests and selected three of them as the leaders of the attack on Qingyangtian.

"The remaining priests must sweep away the surrounding void and re-establish the branches of the divine religion. They must cultivate the first batch of disciples within thirty years."

"As you command!"

Dozens of divine priests bowed in salute.

After two battles in Dingyin Mountain and Void Land, everyone in the cult was convinced of Lan Chonghe. After all, strength is the most important thing in the world of cultivation.

Lan Chonghe's combat power is no less than that of the ninth-grade ancestor.

Southern Panlong Mountains.

Master Hanling stood in the sky, looking at the sect disciples around him from a distance.

Compared to the grand occasion before the Void Continent was attacked, most of the sect's disciples had been lost, and even the Douxiao Realm and Kai Pulse Realm had many casualties.

Although the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect has promised to the three major sects not to take action against those in the early stages of the Douxiao Realm, if these people take the initiative to join the war, the Divine Sect and the three major sects will not be polite.

Among practitioners, there are many who are proud, so the damage will naturally be great.

"Master, there are still 30% left in the Douxiao Realm of Kongmen, and only 20% left in the Traceless Sect and the Weak Water Sect. The most practitioners who have survived in Moon City are 70%." Lingwei stood on one side and said respectfully. said.

Master Han Ling nodded slightly. She was not surprised by this result.

If the Weak Water Sect and the Wuhen Sect were not suppressed by Master Hanling, the fight would have been much more brutal.

As for Moon's a little different.

Yuecheng is not a pure sect, but more like a business alliance.

Venerable Hanyue was originally a casual cultivator, and later became a disciple of the Merchant Alliance. After many twists and turns, he joined the Eight-Eyed Sect and became a deacon of the outer sect.

After entering the realm of the Venerable, Venerable Hanyue gathered surrounding families and chambers of commerce to form Moon City. With the Venerable behind him, the major chambers of commerce would naturally be happy.

Lord Hanyue can also use this to collect wealth.

The two sides were more of an alliance than a sect. After the death of Lord Hanyue, these chamber of commerce families fell apart one by one without any intention of resisting.

"Lingwei, Lingcai, go and gather those disciples. If my guess is correct, the divine sect will have to summon me in a few days."

Gu Xiuhan's expression was a little complicated.

She was both looking forward to and fearful of the life-loving Taoist. Her third brother had actually become the high priest of the divine religion, and was at the pinnacle of the Immortal Dao. Even the top sects were afraid of him.

Just thinking about it makes me feel like I'm dreaming.


Lingwei seemed to want to say something, but after hesitating for a moment, she closed her mouth again.

Several people left in a hurry and headed towards Ruoshui Sect, Wuhen Sect, and Yuecheng respectively.

Outside the landscape hut.

Three figures sit cross-legged.

Zhenzun Baize stared far ahead, as if observing something, while the other two Zhenzun frowned and said nothing.

After a moment, Zhenzun Bai Ze's eyes turned cold, and there was a hint of murder in his expression, "Old ghost Tianji... it was indeed his idea. If this old ghost wants to kill Gu Xiuyun, he has to implicate us."

"He really wants to do that?"

The asked Zhenzun's face darkened slightly.

True Lord Tianxing also frowned.

"This old ghost knows that we don't dare to taint Karma, so he dares to act so boldly. If we really let him do it, the three of us will not be able to repay the favor of Eight Eyes."

Zhenzun Baize hummed, his eyes flickering, as if he was thinking of a countermeasure.

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