Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,776 The Dharma Conference Begins

At the edge of the stone pillar, a dozen Jinshan clan members looked coldly into the distance.

The Wei He clan and the Jinshan clan have a deep hatred, and they started fighting as early as a million years ago.

Every time during the Qianmai Dharma Assembly, the two branches would fight each other, but this time, they were indifferent to Wei He's provocation.

"That loser Jinshan Yuxiu... He overestimated his abilities and swallowed a blood-coagulating pill. Do you really think he is in the second level of Xuanling?" Jinshan Yufeng sneered, with a bit of resentment in his expression.

The Blood Coagulation Pill should have been his.

If the Jinshan clan leader hadn't distributed the blood-coagulating pills to Yu Xiu, Tu Wu and others for the sake of face, he would have at least 70% chance of becoming the third level of Xuanling.

He won't be stuck at the peak of the second level until now, unable to break through for a long time.

"Brother Yufeng, the Wei River lineage is coming fiercely, why don't we take action?" Another member of the Jinshan clan asked.

"There's no rush. We can wait until Jinshan Tuwu is defeated, so we can teach them a lesson. Two blood-coagulating pills were just wasted."

Jinshan Linhan said in a deep voice.

These tribesmen obviously cannot accept the actions of the Jinshan clan leader, especially Jinshan Yufeng and Jinshan Linhan. Both of them have reached the peak of the second level of Xuanling. If there is blood coagulation pill to help, there is at least hope of entering the third level. There are 70%.

But it is a pity that the Jinshan clan leader distributed the blood-coagulating pill to other clan members just to save face.

They did not dare to vent their grievances against the clan leader, so they could only transfer their anger to Yu Xiu, Tu Wu and others.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a roar.

The Weihe clan member was a hundred feet tall, covered in hair, with a thick horn on his forehead, and his two feet were like ox hooves, rushing towards Gu Xiuyun.

When the spirit beings are first born, they are very similar to ordinary mortals, but as their bloodline awakens, their appearance will continue to change. Some gradually turn into beasts, and some grow seven or eight arms.

The people of the Weihe clan in front of them turned into a half-man, half-ox form.

In contrast, Jinshan Tuwu and Jinshan Yuxiu have always retained their human appearance because of their weak magical powers.


Wei Heshi rushed forward, panting heavily, and slammed down a huge hoof.

Facing this scene, Gu Xiuyun did not dodge or evade, still keeping his eyes closed, seemingly unaware of anything.

"Tuwu this idiot!"

The expressions of the Jinshan clan members in the distance suddenly changed.

When fighting at the same level, who wouldn't use all their strength, and no matter what happens, they have to use their bloodline magical powers to protect their whole body. Jinshan Tuwu actually closed his eyes, really thinking that the other party didn't dare to kill him? ?

Just when the cow's hoof was about to hit the ground, a ray of golden light passed by Jinshan Tu Wu, and the huge hoof actually passed through his body and landed on the ground.


The roar sounded, and the Weihe clan members were blown away by their own strength, but Jinshan Tuwu disappeared without a trace.

Everyone looked around quickly, and after several breaths, they saw the figure a hundred miles away.

"When did he leave?" Jinshan Yufeng's eyes widened.

"I didn't see it clearly either. Could it be that Jinshan Tuwu has realized another magical power?" Jinshan Linhan frowned.

As far as he knew, the two magical powers that Jinshan Tuwu had mastered were the power of the ancestral gods and the golden eye of the sun, and they were neither good at escaping.

With this person's speed, how could he cross hundreds of miles in a few breaths without anyone noticing?

"It's not magical power," Jinshan Guluo's voice came from above the stone pillar, "We all underestimated this person. What he used should be the unique secret method of immortality of his lineage - Jin Xingdun."

"Jin Xing Escape??"

The Jinshan clan members looked shocked.

Before the Rules Realm, spiritual practitioners would hardly be involved in the Immortal Way, because compared to bloodline magical powers, Taoist secrets are extremely difficult to understand, and the power is far from enough.

The bloodline magical power of the second-level Xuanling realm is comparable to the sixth-level mystical power.

Without any resources or external objects, it would take at least four to five thousand years to comprehend the mysteries of the sixth level, and it would require a genius who is one in a million.

How many spirit races are there in the entire West Extreme Realm? A full calculation would only cost tens of billions.

Therefore, before entering the realm of rules, the people of the Ling tribe would almost never try to practice Taoist secrets. After the realm of rules, the mind and the origin are integrated, and the soul and soul have reached the level of the true soul, and the difficulty of comprehending Taoism is much lower.

At that time, it was the best time for the spirit clan to turn to the path of immortality.

"Jinshan Tuwu is actually one of a million immortal wizards?" Jinshan Yufeng couldn't believe it.

This person has such ability, why has he been so quiet before?

"Perhaps he only made a breakthrough recently. Don't forget, Jinshan Tuwu only realized the Sunlight Golden Eyes after he entered the second level of Xuanling. That magical power is very helpful in unlocking spiritual intelligence." Jinshan Guluo said. .

Everyone nodded slightly.

Only this statement can explain it.

In the distance, the Weihe clan members looked at the figure a hundred miles away with bewildered expressions, not daring to take action again. If the opponent could escape hundreds of miles away in full view of everyone, he could return at any time to attack and kill.

Facing such an enemy, even if he is at the third level of Xuanling, he must be careful.

"It seems that the Jinshan clan has produced many powerful figures in this generation, Yuluo, come back!" said the third level realm leader led by the Wei He clan.

The tribesman turned around and returned, no longer as arrogant as before.

As for the other spirit tribes, they all hid in the distance and did not dare to say a word.

The Jinshan clan can be ranked among the top five in the entire Quyanghai. The number of clan members exceeds 10,000. Compared with some small clans, they are already a giant.

On this star, only a few families such as the Wei He family and the Ling Kong family dare to provoke him.

Now that the Wei He family had suffered a loss from a little-known Jinshan Tuwu, they naturally did not dare to take action again, and other families also stopped.

Time passed and the Qianmai Dharma Ceremony finally arrived.


The sound of wind howling came from the sky and the earth, and all the spiritual life on the surface of the stone pillar was blown away. Then, a giant shadow stretching into the sky appeared in the depths of the nebula.

"The Venerable Spirit Clan."

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes and secretly activated the mystery to integrate Jinshan's black fate line with his own fate line.

After reaching the pinnacle of the seventh-level destiny method, he has far better control over the destiny and mind than before, and can integrate the destiny lines for a long time.

Even the Venerable couldn't see the flaw.

Of course, no matter how powerful the method is, there are certain flaws. When using Destiny Mind, the mind of the person being cast will continue to struggle, and a large amount of energy will be consumed every moment.

That's why Gu Xiuyun chose Jinshan to be painted black.

The lower the cultivation level and the weaker the soul, the less Qi is consumed. If it is a powerful spirit clan, the Qi in Gu Xiuyun's body will be exhausted in two or three months at most.

The sky-supporting giant stood deep in the nebula, looked around the sky, and nodded after a moment, "A total of 140 million tribesmen participated in this Qianmai Dharma Assembly, which is 2.06 million more than the last time. It's very big." Well, it seems that all the branches are very attentive.”

"It is our duty to strengthen the clan." A voice came from above the nebula.

Gu Xiuyun looked up. Deep in the thick clouds, a large number of figures could be vaguely seen. Each figure was filled with rules fluctuations. It was obvious that they were all powerful figures in the rules realm.

"It seems that the clan leaders of each branch are here too!"

Gu Xiuyun whispered secretly.

To establish a branch of the Spirit Clan, you must have at least a rule realm cultivation level. Many powerful branches even have dozens of rule realms, such as the Jinshan clan and the Weihe clan.

In the entire Western Realm, there are nearly 100,000 large and small branches, and more than 300,000 powerful players in the Rule Realm, dozens of times more than in the Chessboard Realm. This is despite the fact that the resources of the Six Western Realms are poor and suppressed by the sects of the heavens.

This shows how terrifying the cultivation system of extraterrestrial beings is. If they are allowed to grow, the endless void will sooner or later become the world of the spirit race and ghost race.

"You all should know the rules of the Thousand Meridians Dharma Assembly. If you pass through the first three floors of the Tongtian Divine Pillar, you can receive bloodline gifts...if you pass the fourth floor, you can worship under the main meridians and practice the most exquisite Taoism. And enjoy the treasured land of cultivation...break through the fifth level...remember, you only have twenty years."

The sky-holding giant spoke quietly, and his voice resounded like thunder throughout the world.

After a moment, the Tongtian Divine Pillar erupted with bright light, and tiny lightning bolts appeared on the surface of the stone pillar.

The eyes of the Eldar on the surface of countless stars were red, and they rushed towards the stone pillars.

"Twenty years is really a long time to test."

Gu Xiuyun stepped forward quickly and followed the crowd to the edge of the stone pillar.

The surface of the Tongtian Divine Pillar is carved with complex and dense patterns. It does not look like Taoist patterns, nor does it look like the Five Elements Wind and Thunder Formation. The patterns are simple and mysterious, with inexplicable fluctuations, and seem to come from an ancient existence.

Even standing on the edge of the divine pillar, you can feel this wave.

Gradually, Jinshan Tuwu's body began to heat up, the blood inside his body began to boil, and traces of turbid air escaped from the depths of his blood.

"The Tongtian Divine Pillar actually has the effect of purifying blood. No wonder a twenty-year trial period is set up. During this period, many clansmen at the second level of Xuanling should be able to break through!!"

Gu Xiuyun stretched out his palm and pressed it against the surface of the stone pillar. The weak thunder and lightning continued to stimulate his body.

At the same time, the surrounding Spirit Race people have climbed to a height of a hundred feet. The higher they go, the greater the power of thunder and lightning, and the stronger the blood fluctuations.

"Brother Tuwu, hurry up and rush forward."

Jinshan Yuxiu urged and climbed up alone.

But after only thirty feet, he was out of breath from exhaustion. In addition to blood fluctuations and thunder and lightning, the Tongtian Divine Pillar also had an invisible oppressive force.

This oppressive force has a great impact on the physical body and the mind. Even at the second level of Xuanling, it is impossible to hold on for too long.

Gu Xiuyun shook his head secretly and climbed thirty feet before stopping.

"Is Jinshan Tuwu's mind and will so weak?"

Six hundred feet away, Jinshan Guluo looked down, frowning slightly.

After seeing Jin Xingdun, he thought that Jinshan Tuwu's mind and will would be stronger, but he never thought that he was almost the same as Yu Xiu.

With such strength, let alone twenty years, even two hundred years can break through the first three levels.

"I thought Jinshan Tuwu was capable of something, but it turned out to be nothing more than that." One hundred and twenty feet out, Jinshan Yufeng looked at his feet and sneered.

"No matter how talented he is in cultivating Taoism, he is only in a small Mysterious Spirit Realm. In my opinion, it is impossible for him to enter the Rule Realm in this life!!"

Jinshan Linhan stood on one side, with sarcasm flashing in his eyes.

Regarding Gu Xiuyun's previous outburst, they were not only shocked, but also jealous. Geniuses who practiced immortality rarely appeared among the spirit tribe. Jinshan Tuwu could actually perform the Golden Element Escape, which showed that his talent and understanding were far above others.

This is undoubtedly a blow to everyone who has always looked down on Jinshan Tuwu.

"It's almost time to rest, let's go!"

Jinshan Yufeng took a deep breath and continued to climb the sacred pillar.

At the same time, Jinshan Yuxiu at the bottom also climbed towards the top of the stone pillar. His strength was far inferior to Yufeng and Linhan, let alone Jinshan Guluo, who was at the third level of Xuanling. He could only climb thirty thirty at a time. Husband.

But even so, Jinshan Yuxiu didn't have the slightest idea of ​​giving up, and still gritted his teeth and climbed.

Above the clouds and mist, more than 100,000 figures stood in the air, with a sky-holding giant standing at the front.

The giant has vertical eyes on its forehead, and its ears on the temples are like cattail fans, with a faint golden light. Other than that, it is no different from the human race.

Looking at the giant in front of him, the face of the powerful spirit race was full of respect and piety.

The spirit clan is similar to the monster beasts. There is a clear hierarchy between the clansmen, and the blood connection makes them naturally influenced by the superiors.

The giant looked down for a long time, shook his head and sighed, "There are 140 million tribesmen, and only about 100,000 of them have truly reached the high-level potential. The rest are just fake, so forget it. I will leave for now, and you will host the ceremony here."

"Best regards, Your Majesty."

The powerful spirits of the spirit clan knelt down one after another.

Silently, the giant disappeared. At the same time, Jinshan Tuwu at the bottom of the stone pillar looked up at the sky.

"Leaving so soon?"

"That's right. The Thousand Meridians Ceremony is held once every ten thousand years. Spiritual Clan Venerables have long been accustomed to it. Why do they stay here all the time?"

Gu Xiuyun breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was not afraid that the other party would see through his identity, there was always a certain venerable figure hovering above his head, which made him a little uneasy.

As his thoughts flashed, Gu Xiuyun climbed thirty feet again, keeping in line with Jinshan Yuxiu.

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