Fortune Teller

Chapter 1080 Shocking Everyone

On the surface of the stone pillar, Jinshan Tuwu tried his best to climb.

But after only passing a hundred feet, it stopped.

"The will pressure of the third level is extremely strong. It's not bad if it can hold on for a hundred feet!"

Looking at this scene, the Jinshan clan leader nodded slightly.

"It's just good. Whether he can pass the test is still unknown," Chief Wei He said with a sneer, "You can exchange a purple thunder pill for your cold-resisting shuttle. I can afford to lose."

The Jinshan clan leader smiled and did not respond.

On the surface of the stone pillar, Jinshan Tuwu sat cross-legged and glanced at the sky without revealing anything.

The soul thoughts of the two eighth-level experts thought they were silent, but they didn't know that they all fell into Gu Xiuyun's eyes.

"You want me to bet? The Jinshan clan leader is really good at picking people."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head secretly.

He really had to pass the fourth level test. According to the rules of the Qianmai Dharma Association, only by passing the fourth level could he join the main lineage and become a core member of the Spirit Clan.

That messy text is probably in the heart of the Eldar.

After a while, Jinshan Tuwu stood up and continued climbing along the stone pillar.

In this way, walking through a hundred feet every half an hour, we gradually approached the end of the third floor.


There was a loud bang.

Jinshan Linhan fell and flew out, with hundreds of cracks torn open all over his body. The most serious scar was on the top of his head, which cut his skull into two parts. If not for the amazing vitality of the spirit race, he would have died at this moment.

"Jinshan Linhan, do you think you can pass the third level test?"

"Don't think that you can pass the test after awakening the magical power of the clone and the power of Yu Ya. Over the past hundreds of millions of years, only a few people in the second level of Xuanling have entered the fourth level, and you will definitely not be among them."

From the edge of the platform, jeers echoed through the void.

"Wei Heyan, before you laugh at others, think about yourself first," Jinshan Linhan glanced into the distance, "I only have the second level, so it's normal that I can't get through, but you... the Xuanling third level, but you haven't been able to pass it. The test, in my opinion, you broke through with the Blood Coagulation Pill!"


Wei Heyan's face suddenly darkened, but he could not refute.

He indeed swallowed three blood-coagulating pills. Only twenty-four people from the Wei He family attended the Qianmai Dharma Assembly because all the blood-coagulating pills were given to him.

The blood-coagulating pills of major families are distributed by the main lineage, and the quantity is limited. The original intention is to cultivate some tribesmen who are born with incomplete but strong minds and wills. Over time, it has become a means for each family to deal with the Thousand Meridians Ceremony.

At this moment, a figure flew out from under the stone pillar.

The Eldar on the platform all looked over.

"Tuwu?" Jinshan Linhan's eyes widened when he saw the figure in the distance, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Another member of the Jinshan clan."

Wei Heyan frowned slightly, "Including Suluo and Linhan, there are three people from the Jinshan clan who came to this level. Did they also give the blood coagulation pill to the peak of the second level?"

Before anyone could speak, a figure in the distance rushed towards the end of the platform.

"hold head high!"

With a roar, the guarding beast stepped forward to greet him.

The tests of the Tongtian Divine Pillar are similar. They are all twelve puppet beasts. As long as you choose one of them and defeat it, you can go to the next level.

"You are so brave. You dare to challenge the third-level puppet beast without any preparation?" The Eldar on the edge of the platform showed strange expressions.

The twelve puppet beasts have different strengths. Some are extremely powerful, some are amazingly fast, and some are good at soul methods. Even a strong man like Jinshan Guluo does not dare to directly attack without preparation. Break through.

"In my opinion, he is not courageous, but arrogant and ignorant," Wei Heyan sneered. "He dared to directly challenge the puppet beast without even asking clearly about its methods. He is really looking for death."

The words just fell.

The figure in the distance has collided with the puppet beast.

Only a violent roar was heard.

The scaly figure shook hands into a fist and smashed it towards the puppet beast.


The puppet beast fell straight away, Jinshan Tuwu didn't pause at all, and clenched his fists again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two fists turned into phantoms and fell on the puppet beast like a heavy rain. In just a few dozen breaths, the guarding alien beast's skin was torn apart, its body was covered with concave marks, and even its joints and skeleton were shattered.

"How can it be?"

Looking at this scene, the Eldar around the platform widened their eyes with disbelief on their faces.

That's the puppet beast on the third level! !

The third level of Xuanling must also be treated seriously. A terrifying beast that can be seriously injured if you are not careful was actually directly disabled by Jinshan Tuwu?

"Am I hallucinating? This man must be good at illusions and magical powers."

"What kind of illusion? Brother, I am best at breaking illusions. What he used is definitely not illusion."

"It's not an illusion. You can cripple a puppet beast just by relying on your bloodline magical power? Are you kidding me?"

Everyone couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

Above the clouds.

Chief Wei He looked at his feet with a shocked expression, "The secret technique of the Immortal Way, this boy has actually understood the sixth level of mystery, and it is also a killing type of mystery."

Of course, the pure power of the Ancestral God cannot destroy the puppet beast.

But if it is combined with the secret method of immortality, it will be different.

The power of the third level magical power combined with the secret killing technique is beyond imagination. Even if it has not reached the top level, it is not far behind.

"Old Jinshan ghost, have you known this for a long time??" Chief Wei He looked forward angrily.

"If I say I don't know, do you believe it or not?" Jinshan Clan Chief had a sly smile on his face.

"Old ghost!"

Chief Wei He’s teeth trembled with hatred.

Of course he didn't believe it. Jinshan Skulluo would definitely not be able to break through to the fourth floor, but Jinshan Tuwu couldn't say for sure!

If this person also comprehends other mysteries, the fourth-level puppet beast may not be able to stop him.

"What the hell, when did a Taoist genius appear in the Jinshan clan? Why have I never heard of it before?"

"It's not that simple. Jinshan old man must have wanted to take this opportunity to deceive Wei He, so he kept hiding the news. If my guess is correct, Jinshan Tuwu's strength is not even that of other members of the clan except this old ghost." Know."

The powerful people around started talking quietly.

Spiritual Lord Blood Jade!

It is worth hundreds of millions of Xuanjia coins and is of great benefit to spiritual practitioners. It is not surprising that a trap is set for this purpose.

What's more, the Jinshan clan and the Weihe clan were old enemies.

"Brother Jinshan, did you secretly train this junior?" the Rule Realm expert on the side asked via voice transmission.

"I said no, do you believe it??" Jinshan Clan Chief replied.

The Rule Realm expert smiled and said nothing.

"Well, even I don't believe it myself. This is really a coincidence." The pride on the Jinshan clan leader's face gradually dissipated.

I'm afraid that from today on, all the great powers of the Spirit Clan will be wary of him!

Very deep in the void.

Two giants with a height of one million feet stood on top of the starry sky, looking down at their feet.

"Jinshan Yuya... must be your disciple!! I have to say that this scheming is the same as yours. In the future, you can take him with you to expand the void and conquer all major realms."

"Compared with Jinshan, I value his younger generation more. This child should have awakened the ancestral blood and understood the secrets of the sixth level. If he can be admitted to the court and cultivated seriously, he is expected to enter the ninth level in the future."


"The third level test... just passed it like that?"

Jinshan Linhan had a dull look on his face, "Is he really Tu Wu, that coward? Impossible, I must have seen it wrong, absolutely impossible."

After defeating the puppet beast, the figure in the distance rushed directly to the end, speeding along a small passage towards the fourth floor.

The entire process did not take more than a hundred breaths in total, and the spirit tribes around the platform were not even sure whether that person was Jinshan Tuwu!

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