Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,889 Demon Scale Flying Insect

At the same time as the fate line was cut off, a violent counterattack swept over from somewhere.

In an instant, the human race's real body and the second clone collapsed at the same time, and nearly 90% of the black hole particles were annihilated.

But just a moment later, the two bodies recovered again.

"If you kill a respected person with the life-cutting technique, the backlash is really strong."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath and looked forward.

There are many treasures scattered in the void: thorns shining with green light, amber scales, seven or eight true soul-level treasures, and a large number of magical medicines refined into elixirs and sealed with formation patterns. Every piece of Dan Jade is filled with ocean-like original power.

This is only part of the savings of the Venerable Bodhisattva.

In addition, there were a large number of rare spiritual materials. Gu Xiuyun glanced at them casually and saw several rare materials that made him excited.

Wind Punishment Sand: It is said that it originates from the fifth layer of the void and contains the pure power of heavenly wind. With this object alone, a semi-finished treasure with wind attributes can be refined.

At the same time, for the demon clan, the Wind Punishment Stone also has the special effect of enhancing bloodline and condensing magical powers.

Jade Yan Bead: A divine jade stone, also a must-have for the Venerable Level Living Spirit Array.

In order to set up the Living Spirit Array, Gu Xiuyun searched everywhere for the ancient jade of immortal spirits. Although it did not play much role later, the significance of the Living Spirit Array to practitioners cannot be denied.

A complete formation can at least double the strength.

Immortal ancient jade is only useful for the Douxiao realm. After entering the true realm or even the transcendent realm, a stronger living spirit array must be deployed. As the core of the array, only divine jade like the Jade Yanzhu can withstand the impact of divine power.

Feng Xing Sha and Jade Yan Bead are rare treasures in the world, and any one of them is enough to make the venerable one fall in love.

In the void in front of him, there were hundreds of such treasures, most of which... Gu Xiuyun couldn't even pronounce their names.

"The Supreme Master is really rich and powerful. Compared with the Bodhisattva, Li Kong doesn't even have a decent treasure on his body."

Gu Xiuyun couldn't help but sigh.

Although they are both at the pinnacle of the Supreme Being, Ji Xie's net worth is a thousand times richer than that of Li Kong. It is right to think about it. Although Li Kong is at the pinnacle of the Three Difficulties Realm, he is also the remnant of the Eight-Eyed True Lord. He needs to be stationed in the chessboard realm all year round. Time to travel around the world, looking for opportunities?

After the Eight-Eyed True Master fell silent, Li Kong was busy with Li Daitao's plan. He wished he could stay outside Wuxiangtian every day, let alone leave the realm!

At the same time, it can also be seen that Bamu has been wary of Li Kong for a long time, and he has not taken out any truly useful treasures.

If not for this, Gu Xiuyun would not have won so easily in that battle decades ago.


The black and white palm fell in the air, sealing all the treasures, leaving only an amber scale floating in front of him.

"Although there are many treasures on the body of the borer, the only ones that can really threaten the peak master are this scale and the Uray Spear."

"It's nothing more than a Uray Spear. It should have been refined by Boerfly himself. Only by combining the killing skills with the power of the spiritual treasure can it explode into astonishing power."

"What's going on with this scale?"

Gu Xiuyun looked at the amber scales carefully.

The whole body of the scales is covered with fine textures. It does not look like an acquired spiritual treasure at all, but more like the scales on an alien beast.

While the real human body was observing the scales——

Like a whale swallowing water, Baikongze drew out the dead soul of Lord Boer from the depths of the void and slowly refined it.

The power contained in the peak of the Three Difficulties Realm is unimaginable. This harvest alone can allow it to understand the mystery of seventh-level killing.

In the Killing Way, the more powerful the opponent you kill, the greater the killing power you draw.

Of course, you have to kill it yourself.

After all, Gu Xiuyun and Bai Kongze are one person, so the killing power obtained is intact. If they join forces with other sages, the killing power will be weakened by at least 90%.

This is also the reason why Bai Kongze asked Gu Xiuyun to join forces.

"In a hundred years at most, I will be able to refine the dead soul of the Venerable Bodhisattva. At that time, not only can the killing path be promoted to the seventh level, but the perception of the space lineage will also be greatly increased, and it will be easy to deal with the psychic Yin zombies. Much easier!”

Bai Kongze felt excited in his heart.

The killing lineage focuses on plunder. It can be said to be the most brutal and domineering system among all living beings. Whether it is the infinite world or the endless void, the practitioners of this system are feared by the world.

"The dead soul of the borer has been extracted by you, Bai Kongze, it's time for you to leave!" The real human race glanced at the blood-red figure and said indifferently.

"Not urgent."

Bai Kongze shook his head slightly, with red light flashing in his eyes, "Juniors of the human race, we can continue to cooperate and kill more venerables. You should know very well that the Patriarch Tianji will not give up like this. He is proficient in the rules of fate and knows your way. It’s clear, but he doesn’t know the method of killing a lineage, so we can both benefit from our cooperation.”

No matter how talented Patriarch Tianji is, he cannot count on Killing Heavenly Lord.

After all, he was a peak realm master or even a half-step Qiankun realm, and the huge gap in Taoist levels was enough to make Grandmaster Tianji despair.

"Join forces with you?" Gu Xiuyun's lips curled up slightly, "If I had a choice, I would kill you right now."

"Young man who doesn't know how to live or die, there will always be a time when you ask for my seat."

Bai Kongze hummed and turned into blood-colored mist to escape into the teleportation array.

Outside the palace city, only the human race was left standing in the sky.

"After this battle, Bloody Mind will soon be able to understand the mystery of seventh-level killing. It will be even harder to deal with it in the future!"

Gu Xiuyun sighed.

He also wanted to deal with the other party, but what kind of existence is the Slaughtering Heavenly Lord... After Bai Kongze sacrificed, he had dedicated his body, mind and even soul to this person.

Unless Gu Xiuyun dies and his Tao disappears and re-enters reincarnation, or his Tao mind and will are raised to the point where he can resist the Slaughter and Lian Tianjun, he will never be able to get rid of the bloody thoughts.

"Take a step and see what happens!"

"Behind the endless void is the great being who built the Source World of Ten Thousand Dharmas. He shouldn't just watch the Slaughtering Heavenly Lord massacre the world."

Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart.

Even so, he still felt a little heavy in his heart. The Patriarch of Tianji, the Eight-Eyed Master, the Zen Master, the Eternal Master... every peak powerhouse regarded the world as ants, and the one behind the source of all laws would He really couldn't tell if he wouldn't take action.

There is at least a 70% chance... no.

This is easy to predict. After years of painstaking planning, Tianjun Slaughter Lian must have a lot of confidence. If the person behind the source world of ten thousand laws really knows how to take action, how can Tianjun Slaughter Lian dare to invade this world?

To the world, the arrival of the Slaughtering Heavenly Lord means a catastrophe, but to Endless Void, this is just a reincarnation.

"Even if the Killing Heavenly Lord does come, it will only happen in an unknown number of years. I'd better get through the catastrophe in front of me first!"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly and looked at the scales in front of him.

The amber scales are vaguely divided into three layers. The outermost surface is a layer of gray-white scale powder. After injecting Zhen Qi, the scale powder begins to wake up on its own and turns into flying insects.

There are many colorful ribbons floating under the scale powder.

As Gu Xiuyun's true energy continued to be injected, some flying insects gradually merged with each other, and their bodies changed from gray to white.


A roaring sound came from Gu Xiuyun's palm, and at every moment, a tide of true energy poured into the scales, making it difficult for the physical body of the ninth level of true meaning to hold up.

At the same time, a vague wave surged into his mind from the depths of his scales.

Gu Xiuyun saw a huge beast covered in scales, and every scale on its body was exactly the same as the one in his hand.

"Demon... scales..."

Two unusually awkward characters came from somewhere. Although they were not the language of the endless void, he still understood them.


The earth shook.

The two characters seemed to contain monstrous power. The moment they arrived, millions of miles around them were gone, and all the rules of heaven and earth disappeared.

Although it was only for a moment, it made Gu Xiuyun feel fear from the bottom of his heart.

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