Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,100 Hiding

The empty zone is cracked and turbulence surges.

Drops of pitch-black water flew out from the cracks in the space, melting flesh and blood wherever they went.

The cyan figure held the black jade palace in his left hand, and moved his right hand across the sky and earth, taking pictures of the spiritual treasures and remains of the three demon masters in front of him.

At the same time, invisible fluctuations filled the void.

"The line of fate has completely disappeared. It seems that Xuan Han and others do not have a second true body."

Gu Xiuyun whispered to himself.

In the endless void, there are only a handful of people with the second true body. After all, no one is sure whether a Douxiao realm can become a venerable person in the future?

Your Majesty, you not only need extremely high talent and understanding, but also great opportunities and a bit of spiritual luck.


The true energy surged out suddenly, putting away all the spiritual treasures and rare treasures in front of him, Gu Xiuyun turned around and flew deep into the rift zone.

The reason why he chose the Hollow Zone was not only because the rules of heaven and earth here were incomplete, but also because it was isolated from the cause and effect of heaven and earth.

The death of the three Demon Lords will not be discovered in the Demon God Realm for a short time, and Gu Xiuyun has enough time to leave.

The realm of demon gods is extremely deep.

A black turtle giant beast was closing its eyes and immersed in practicing. Suddenly it raised its head, with a look of confusion on its gloomy face.

Just a moment ago.

The soul imprint left by Venerable Xuanhan trembled violently, but after just a moment, there was no movement.

"Master sent me a summons. Could it be that something happened?"

"Probably not. Master Xuanhan is in the Three Difficulties, and he belongs to the Xuangui clan. He is extremely capable of saving lives. Who can hurt him?"

While he was thinking, another soul thought sounded deep in his mind.

"Xuan Bi, is the soul imprint left by your master still stable?"

"Replying to Uncle Master, everything is fine." The giant black turtle replied quickly.

"It seems I'm worrying too much."

The thoughts quietly dispersed.

The black turtle giant beast felt a little uneasy in its heart. The message came from the second venerable member of the clan and the only venerable turtle clan member besides Xuan Han.

The venerable man suddenly spoke, and there was a high probability that something had happened.

But the other party is a Venerable, and the Black Turtle Giant Beast is just a ninth-grade Patriarch, so how can he dare to ask?

After a long time, the roar of the dragon sounded, and a purple-gold divine light flew out from the depths of the Demon God Realm at an incredible speed.

Almost every moment can span tens of billions of miles.

The speed of the Zhenzun is far beyond the comparison of ordinary Zhenzun. Especially the Zhenzun who understands the rules of time can change the flow of time around his body with just a thought, reaching ten times or even a hundred times of the normal state.

Of course, there are certain limitations to the time rules.

It's fine when escaping, but the distance traveled is longer, and the impact on the world is not great. It can be increased to a hundred times.

If the Yuanxian Taoist technique is used, it can be maintained at most three or four times, and this must be done without interference from other true masters.

Just half an hour.

Purple-gold divine light appeared near the cracked sky zone. The divine light dissipated, and a true dragon with a height of one million feet appeared between heaven and earth.

Bauhinia Dragon Lord, the contemporary True Lord of the Dragon Clan, is also one of the top powerhouses in the Endless Void.

"It's strange. Why haven't Xuanhan and Jiniu responded? Are they trapped somewhere?"

The eyes of Bauhinia Dragon Lord swallowed divine light, and several clear cause and effect lines appeared in front of him, extending to the edge of the rift zone, and then disappeared without a trace.

This is not surprising. The rules in the cracked sky zone are incomplete, and the restrictions on the cause and effect of heaven are far better than those in ordinary secret realms. Except for practitioners of the cause and effect lineage, it is difficult for others to determine the life and death of Xuanhan and others through the cracked sky zone.

Bauhinia Dragon Master cultivates the mysteries of life and death, and his sense of cause and effect is not much better than that of ordinary masters.


The void tore open, and the purple-gold divine light rushed towards the agreed direction.

The cracked void zone is extremely deep.

In a dark space, a cyan figure sat cross-legged, with a black pig lying on his shoulder, his face full of fear and uneasiness.

"Can we really avoid the True Master here?"

"It won't last too long, but ten days and a half month should be fine." Gu Xiuyun looked around, and he could hardly sense the power of the rules in the surrounding void.

Without the power of rules, many methods cannot be used, and the sound transmission jade talisman will be greatly suppressed.

Coupled with Gu Xiuyun's deliberate concealment, even if the Zhu Wu strange beast had supernatural powers, it would be difficult to determine its specific location. At most, it would know that it was in the rift zone.

"If I'm not wrong, the three Demon Lords should invite the Redbud Dragon Lord. Only he can take action legitimately and without fear of all the Heavenly Lords."

Gu Xiuyun looked relaxed.

The place where the three demon kings fell.

A huge dragon head stretched out from a distance. There was nothing in front of him. Not even flesh and blood could be found. All traces had been erased by Gu Xiuyun in advance.

But the look on the Bauhinia Dragon Lord's expression was somewhat desolate and cold.


The void space cannot block the gaze of Bauhinia Dragon Lord. As one of the top True Lords in the world, he has understood the secrets of life and death in the seventh level. Gu Xiuyun can take away the remains of the spiritual treasure, but he cannot take away the death energy that fills the sky.

Bauhinia Dragon Lord took a deep breath, and the divine light in his eyes increased a thousand times.

In an instant, invisible fluctuations appeared in front of him. There were strong vitality and dull death. Each fluctuation represented a life.

Among them, there are six clearest ones, from Gu Xiuyun, Zhu Wu, Xuan Han...

"In the past six months, only six lives have appeared here. Xuanhan, Jiniu, and Yinghu have all fallen. The remaining three are still intact. It seems that Xuanhan and others died at the hands of the other three."

"No matter who dares to kill the venerable person in the Demon God Realm, they will only die."

Bauhinia Dragon Lord's eyes were cold. He didn't care about the life or death of Xuanhan, Jiniu, and Yinghu. What he cared about was his face.

The dignified True Lord of the Dragon Clan, one of the strongest men in the contemporary era, cannot even protect his subordinates. Isn’t that making people laugh?

Golden light filled the air, and the seven-level mysteries of life and death began to circulate. In an instant, the fluctuations of life and death in the void became extremely clear, and even formed a faint link that extended into the distance.

There are means of detecting fate and cause and effect, but there are no means of detecting the laws of life and death?

Of course there is.

Any life that travels through the void will leave fluctuations. Most people cannot see these fluctuations, but those who practice the mysteries of life and death can see them clearly.

"No one can escape in front of me."


The purple-gold divine light travels rapidly along the trajectory formed by the fluctuations of life, spanning hundreds of millions of miles in the blink of an eye.

However, when he came to the edge of the void zone, he stopped.

There were more than a dozen life trajectories appearing in front of him, each one mixed with three life breaths, extending into the distance.

"What a deep scheming. It seems that this person has arranged everything before taking action."

Bauhinia Dragon Lord's expression changed slightly.

There are more than a dozen different life trajectories, with almost the same strength and weakness. From this aspect alone, it is impossible to tell which one is the correct route.

The other party has made arrangements in advance and must have a way to cover it up. Continuing to search along the path of life is just a waste of time.

Thinking of this, the Bauhinia Dragon Lord circulated his soul thoughts to send a message to the sages in the demon god realm. He believed that besides Xuanhan, there must be other sages who have Zhu Wu's jade talisman for communication.

As long as Zhu Wu is found, the murderer of Xuan Han and others can be found.

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