Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,110 Half a Year

In front of the jade platform, the spiritual power of Master Bujie surged around his body, turning into a series of mysterious techniques, while he explained in a low voice. Since it is a question of inquiry, of course you have to use all your methods to get an accurate answer.

For the ninth-grade Patriarch, a correct direction is far more precious than any chance. The further back the path of cultivation goes, the easier it is to go astray.

Why do the great masters of the Heavenly Star Realm go to the Realm of the Heavens to visit the immortals and ask?

Because everyone's perception of the avenue is different.

Only by confirming each other can we find the most correct and broad smooth road and avoid countless crooked roads. In contrast, Gu Xiuyun had the Six Deduction Techniques before him and the Secret Technique of the Broken Stele after him. His cultivation path never went astray, and he saved the trouble. I don’t know how much strength.

"In addition to the origin of water, the old monk has a lot of insights into the rules of gold and fire, but he has never been able to break through the bottleneck and understand the second origin." The host shook his head in confusion.

"If I guess correctly, fellow Taoist's path has gone astray."

Gu Xiuyun's expression was solemn, "The five elements of Taoism are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. Metal generates water and water generates wood. Since Taoist friends have understood the origin of the water element, why not also practice the wood element, but instead go to understand the gold element and the fire element? Is there something about Zen techniques? Pay attention to it?”

"Sure enough, that's the reason."

Hearing this, the host's eyes trembled in confusion, "Fellow Taoists don't know that the top secret techniques of Zen Buddhism can only be taught by the Zangxiang Temple and the Holy Buddha Hall. Thirteen thousand years ago, the old monk stepped into the ninth level , go to the Tibetan Temple to seek the top secrets.”

"Uncle Zangchen was still in charge of many matters at that time. After thinking about it, he chose the Sun-Swallowing Sea God Technique for me and told me to practice it diligently without delay."

"The Sun Swallowing Sea Divine Technique contains the three origins of gold, fire and water. Its power is extremely powerful, second only to Yuanxian Taoism. The old monk had just broken through at that time and was at the peak of his spirits. How could he know the trap? Since From then on, it will be difficult to make further progress in Taoist practice.”

Thirteen thousand years ago, when the Buse Arhat had not yet left the Zen sect... Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes.

From this point, we can also see another hidden danger under the rule of Zen Buddhism.

The entire Moro Realm is controlled by the Zen Sect, and the cultivation resources and Taoist scriptures are completely controlled to death. There is no chance for casual cultivators and low-level temples, and they will never be able to turn around for eternity.

There are seven giant void cities in the chessboard realm, and here——

Except for fixed markets, there is no trading place. Everything from fairy elixirs to jade crystals are distributed by temples. Those with low backgrounds can always stand at the bottom.

Even the ninth-grade abbot of Zhengon Temple was secretly plotted, let alone an ordinary practitioner?

"The Sun Swallowing Sea God Technique is indeed an extremely powerful secret technique, but it is not suitable for fellow Taoists." Gu Xiuyun thought about it for a moment and then said, "There should be other secret techniques in Zhenyan Temple. Fellow Taoists might as well try to practice it and use water to move." Evolve into the wood element, and by then, with your foundation in the metal element and fire element, you will soon be able to understand the four origins.”

"Is it still too late for the old monk to switch to other secret arts?" The host frowned in confusion.

Giving up all 13,000 years of practice would be unbearable for anyone. It's not that he hadn't thought about this possibility, but it would be too difficult to actually do it.

Just like a person who has been working hard for half his life, it is really difficult to suddenly give up everything and start contacting a new industry.

"Pindao can only give suggestions. It is entirely up to fellow Taoists to decide whether to go or not."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head secretly.

Thirteen thousand years of wasted time have cut off all this person's hopes of enlightenment. There is no turning back, and it actually doesn't make much sense anymore.

"Thank you."

The host staggered towards the Zhengon Temple Dharma Hall without understanding. There was still the possibility of making amends without saying anything or arguing. As for him... maybe there was really only one path left for reincarnation.

But after reincarnation, will it still be him?

Time flies.

Before I knew it, two months had passed.

Only one hundred and seventy-six Douxiao realm disciples of Zhenyan Temple have realized the mystery from the scroll and are qualified to go to Yutai.

Among them, there are three Shangmiao people, one hundred and sixty-seven people who have entered Xuan Dynasty, and only six people in the early stage of Douxiao realm.

From this, we can also see the talent and understanding of each person. Those who are truly talented have long understood the secrets of the sixth level and have entered the middle stage of the Douxiao Realm.

Ordinary Douxiao realm... except for a very few, almost all are blocked from the gate.

But Gu Xiuyun did not take away the drawings. Diligence can make up for weakness. If talent is not enough, use time to make up for it. Those who can really reach the end are not necessarily geniuses. As long as the Taoist heart is tenacious enough, there is a possibility of success.

On the left side of the palace, a Douxiao realm man stared at the scroll in front of him from afar.

He was the first disciple of Zhengon Temple to ask questions on the day of the opening sermon, and he was also one of the disciples of Shouxin.

This person who became a disciple of Shouxin's sect was indeed very unlucky. Fortunately, he had a tough mind and was never discouraged in the slightest, so he was able to fully understand the basic Taoist charm of the sixth-grade secret technique.

"Yan Lu, give up!"

"It's been two months. One hundred and seventy-six senior brothers in the temple have figured out the secret, but we haven't realized it at all. It's a waste of time to stay here. We might as well go to Foguang Ridge to practice."

Another master of the Xuan Dynasty persuaded.

"Grandmaster Xianyun didn't take away the scroll, which shows that we still have hope."

Yan Lu looked determined.

What a stupid head, without even a hint of insight, where is the hope... His companions sneered secretly.

None of the one hundred and seventy-six people before had realized the truth early on, and only after practicing day and night did they realize the complete mystery.

Yan Lu didn't realize anything. Let alone two months, even if he was given another ten years, he wouldn't be able to make any progress.

The companion turned and left.

Compared with two months ago, the number of disciples in the hall has decreased by more than half, with only about 30% remaining. They look around from time to time, and only a few are looking at the scroll with their eyes fixed, and Yan Lu is one of them.

"In the cultivation of immortals, secret techniques are far more important than the external objects of spiritual treasures. From today on, you must study the Grindstone Diagram day and night until you understand more than three mysteries. Pindao has left nine ancient characters in your body. Practicing is very beneficial.”

Gu Xiuyun waved his hand, signaling Douxiaojing in the audience to leave.

"Thank you, Patriarch, for the tip."

The disciples of Shingon Temple walked towards the secret realm of time and space with joyful expressions on their faces.

After a while, another Douxiao Realm walked under the jade platform and silently performed Taoist secrets... one disciple after another... every three months, there are Douxiao Realm coming.

Gu Xiuyun was outspoken, and he barely concealed anything he could point out.

For him, whether he is a Zen disciple or a disciple of the Eight-Eyed God Sect, since he is destined, it doesn't hurt to give him a few words.

Tibetan Xiang Temple.

Patriarch Zangchen sat cross-legged, overlooking the figure below. Several eighth-level experts had slightly bowed bodies and looked a little reserved.

"Uncle Master, in recent months, Patriarch Xianyun has been giving guidance to the disciples of Zhenyan Temple. With his level of Taoism, it is really possible for several powerful figures to emerge." A powerful man said respectfully.

"He dares to give advice to an outsider, can't you?"

Patriarch Zangchen sneered, "Fifteen ancient temples join forces, plus Zangxiang Temple, can't we get a few powerful disciples? Don't bother me with such trivial matters in the future."

"Disciple knows his mistake."

All the powerful officials walked out of the palace helplessly.

"What should we do? Master Zangchen is unwilling to take action, so we just watch?"

"Six years is neither long nor short. Zhenyan Temple will definitely do its best to use all the spiritual treasures and treasures on those disciples. Coupled with the guidance of Patriarch Xianyun, six years is enough for them. A big improvement.”

The great powers in various ancient temples felt a little heavy.

I thought that as long as Patriarch Xianyun was dealt with, there would be no trouble in the Dharma Incense Association, but I never thought that this person would dare to risk his karma and give guidance to the disciples of Zhenyan Temple.

Isn't he afraid that one of his disciples will cause a big disaster in the future and affect him?

"If it doesn't work, we will also train a group of disciples. We must completely defeat Zhenyan Temple and not give them any chance to stand up." Qinghan said angrily.

"This is the only way."

Time passed slowly, and half a year passed before I knew it.

The ancient moss tower thousands of miles away suddenly trembled, and a violent aura filled the void, almost shattering the entire tower.

"what happened?"

The great masters of Shingon Temple all looked into the distance.

I saw a monk in plain clothes walking in the air, his whole body covered with bright green light, as if covered with an invisible cassock. There were three kinds of regular power in the blue light, which were incompatible with each other, but perfectly combined.

"Junior Brother Shouxin? Did he really... master Xianyun Patriarch's secret technique within half a year?" The silent monk looked surprised, and there was a hint of joy in the corners of his eyebrows.

"Impossible. In just half a year, without the help of the Secret Realm of Time and Space and the Treasure of Cultivation, why should he pass on the top secrets to the door?"

The monk who kept the precepts was shocked and angry.

He possesses many cultivation treasures from Zhenyan Temple, and has received the full guidance of Patriarch Xianyun, but he is not as good as a fellow disciple who is imprisoned. With his arrogance, how can he endure such humiliation?

"It must be Patriarch Xianyun who is biased and secretly taught the secret method of cultivation, or gave him some treasure."

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