Fortune Teller

Chapter 1164 Bewitching people

"Then where does luck come from... Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil..."

"Everything in the world must have a cause and a result. The destiny of this life is accumulated from the previous life... As the saying goes, if you sow melons, you will reap melons, and if you sow beans, you will reap beans. If you have good ties in the previous life, you will have blessings in this life... If you sow evil obstacles in your previous life, you will definitely get them in this life. Suffer.”

"No matter how hard you practice, it will be meaningless, because your destiny has already been determined. For example, you... will only be the Supreme Master throughout your life, and you will never be able to break through the bottleneck."

Zhenzun's mouth was full of eloquence.

The faces of countless Zen disciples showed confusion.

"The cause in this life, the result in the next life?"

"Our fate has already been determined... In this case, what's the point of practicing hard day and night?"

If others had said these words, they would have scoffed at them, but the person preaching now is the True Master of Zen Buddhism. The True Master exists, and every word contains the truth, so how can he talk nonsense?

Countless Zen disciples have doubts about their Taoist mind.

"What nonsense is this True Lord talking about?"

In the crowd, Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes.

There are indeed past and present lives in the holy world of reincarnation, but they are just reincarnations again and again. What are the causes of past lives and the results of this life?

If his fate was already determined, how did he break free from the shackles of the Destiny Clan and embark on the path of cultivation?

If fate cannot be broken, there should not be an existence like the Venerable that transcends the rules of heaven and earth. Since it exists, it makes sense.

Yes, there are indeed some established rules between heaven and earth, but fate... is never fixed.

Everyone's future is uncertain until it happens.

The words of the true master of the Zen sect have made countless disciples of the sect believe that their fate has been determined long ago and that the cycle of cause and effect cannot be changed. Making them believe in the so-called past and present lives and reincarnation is equivalent to eroding their Taoist heart, and they may not be able to reach a higher realm in their lifetime. .

"The True Master of deceiving people. What exactly does he want to do?" Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly.

"Sure enough, just like 300,000 years ago, the ancestor started making nonsense again," the Venerable Tibetan Prime Minister shook his head and smiled bitterly, "After today's sermon, I don't know how many disciples' Taoist hearts collapsed, and they have never made any progress since then."

Once you believe in the causes of past lives and the results of this life, and the cycle of cause and effect, and that heaven and earth have destiny, who will fight life and death for that glimmer of opportunity?


These Zen disciples just lie flat.

Indeed, everyone's origin is unfair. Some people are at the end of their lives.

But as a practitioner, you are going against nature. As long as you believe in yourself, you will succeed one day. If you even start to doubt yourself, what qualifications do you have to step into the pinnacle of immortality?

"Although the ancestor has an eccentric temperament, he will not act without aim. He may have understood something and wants to use his disciples to verify the Taoism."

The Zen Master shook his head slightly, "It's just a pity for these disciples. After today, I'm afraid not many of them can maintain their Taoist mind."

"If they are gone, then they will be gone. There is no shortage of them in the Moro Realm." Another venerable said softly.

In front of the Venerable, the status of ordinary practitioners is too humble, just like ants, who let you live and die, and have no qualifications to resist.

Zhenzun's sermon lasted for seven days.

During this period, many Zen disciples collapsed and fainted, and some even began to doubt the meaning of their existence. Since everything in the world has already been determined, is there any difference whether they live or die?

After all, they are all dolls of fate.

"This person... is definitely not the true master of Zen Buddhism," Gu Xiuyun looked at the end of the world from a distance, "He is manipulating cause and effect. Once everyone believes that there is a destiny in the world, destiny has reincarnation, and cause and effect has a cycle, then everyone's cause and effect line will be If controlled by him, then the entire Moro Realm will probably be his plaything."

"The only ones who can do this...are Zen protectors."

Gu Xiuyun secretly took a breath.

Good deeds are rewarded? Evil is rewarded? This kind of words will also deceive some ignorant people.

There are so many evil people in the world who are free and easy and cause trouble to the world; how many kind-hearted people are in dilemma of life and death and have ill-fated fate.

If there really is a cycle of cause and effect, what else do we need laws and regulations for?

Wait for God to retaliate!

"Sure enough, this Taoist protector, the Patriarch Tianji, and the Eight-Eyed True Master are the same kind of raccoons. They all want to use the power of all living beings to achieve their own goals, but they chose the easiest way."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head secretly.

Talking about evil - who is more evil than Patriarch Tianji, Eight-Eyed Zhenzun, or Zen Protector?

The founder of Tianji Pavilion established Tianji Pavilion, which caused countless practitioners to be contaminated with karma and sink from then on.

The Eight-Eyed True Master takes the Wuxiang Heaven as his foundation, uses the life and death of mortals to understand the great truth, and single-handedly planned the tragic annihilation of the Wuxiang Heaven human race. Over tens of thousands of years, it is unimaginable how many mortals suffered because of him.

The protectors of Zen Buddhism used the idea of ​​cause and effect to confuse people's minds, causing harm to the world and cutting off the paths of countless people.

If there really is a causal loop, the three of them... deserve to die more than anyone else.

"If we have to harm all sentient beings in order to achieve greatness, I would rather not do it." Gu Xiuyun shook his head. "The poor Taoist does not seek the next life, does not look at the previous life, but only seeks freedom in this life. Heavenly secrets, eight eyes, and guardians of the Tao. They are no longer immortals, but magic."

After the sermon, there was a sect competition.

Perhaps because they were distracted by the guardians, all the Zen disciples were a little listless, and only a few maintained a high-spirited attitude.

After fighting round after round, he successfully got his spot.

"In a few days, we will go to the stupa!"

Gu Xiuyun was a little excited, but at the same time he was also secretly vigilant. From what the protector said, it could be seen that this person was at a high level, even better than the Patriarch Tianji.

Once the original relic is captured, it is likely to face a life and death crisis.

"Over the course of a thousand years, I have thoroughly understood the introductory chapter of the Book of Horrors, and also understood some of the mysteries of the Nine Songs of Heavenly Forbidden. Together with the treasures such as the Gou Shan Palace, it should not be difficult to save my life."

"No matter what, you have to give it a try."

Gu Xiuyun clenched his fists.

The origin relics are too important to him. Whether it is to integrate the origin, step into the realm of the Venerable, or comprehend the Nine Songs of Heavenly Forbidden, he must rely on the complete origin rules.

This day.

A figure walked out from the foot of Black Lock Mountain, with a sleek black pig lying on its shoulder.

Compared to a thousand years ago, the true form of the human race today is a bit more ethereal.

There are a large number of Taoist books in Black Suo Mountain. The more you read, the higher the level of Taoism. Although he has not survived the three disasters and nine disasters, he has surpassed most of the true masters in terms of knowledge.

"Gu Xiuyun, we have agreed that you will have a share of the original relic and I will have a share. The Five Elements and Wind and Thunder must be included. I will accompany you on your adventure. This benefit must be there." The Black-striped Golden Dolphin blinked.

"Don't worry, I won't miss you."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

Stealing one share is still stealing, stealing two shares is still stealing. Anyway, you will offend the Zen sect. There is no difference between seven relics and fourteen relics.

Of course, you can’t take too much.

If the relics were served in one pot, the guardians would probably fight him to the death.


The cyan figure flew through the void and disappeared.

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