Fortune Teller

Chapter 1187 Ten Thousand Bearded Insects (Part 1)

"It's just the two of you. Isn't old ghost Bai Ze here?" Ying Huang glanced around with a stern look.

"Looking at the world, the person who knows the secrets of the Ancient Palace of Samsara best is Bai Ze. He would have done it long ago, so how could he wait until today?" the stone giant snorted.

"Bai Ze is proficient in time and space. Even if he comes, we may not be able to find him." Bauhinia Dragon Lord said.

Ying Huang nodded slightly and looked deep into the Langhuan Realm.

White mist filled the air, and a violent roar could be vaguely heard. It seemed that practitioners were fighting in the depths of the mist. Other than that, there was no movement.

"It's this move again!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ying Huang's mouth, and bone spurs penetrated the void and penetrated into the white mist area.

At the same time, the pupils of the moss Cyclops were filled with black halo, like ripples on the water, passing round and round to the depths of Shenhuan Continent.

The Bauhinia Dragon Lord was not idle either. The scales all over his body turned into dragon-shaped golden threads, thrusting towards the white mist.

There are twenty true masters at the pinnacle of the realm of heavens.

Only the three of them came in person, and the rest watched from a distance across the endless void, because these three true masters were good at breaking through illusions and had special magical powers to explore the white mist area.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Roaring sounds sounded one after another, and pieces of mist were annihilated and dispersed. Dongyan Zhenzhen and Longyang Zhenzun moved forward at high speed.

At this moment, they no longer care about the life of the Taoist.

As time passed, the fog became heavier and heavier, and an inexplicable sense of crisis enveloped his heart. Dongyan Zhenzhen even felt that a disaster was coming.

hold head high!

The dragon's roar resounded through the void, and the golden dragon's body forcibly tore open a thousand feet of space. Immediately afterwards, the flame-chasing gun spewed hot flames, sweeping away the mist.

The two true masters used Taoist secrets again and again without any delay.

"I can already sense the void fluctuations in normal space, and I can break out of the fog within a million miles at most." The golden dragon said in a deep voice.

"Hurry up and leave within thirty breaths."

Dongyan Zhenzhen waved his arms, and the power of time combined with Taoist secrets continued to annihilate the mist in front of him.

Under normal conditions, it would take at least a breath of time to perform the True Immortal Dao Technique, but with the blessing of the time rule at this moment, Dong Yan and Long Yang's time to condense the Tao Technique was shortened by more than a hundred times. In just a few moments, they traveled more than 100,000 miles. .

Just when the two were about to rush out of the white mist area, a dark poisonous snake fell from the sky. The snake's body was ten thousand feet tall, blocking the path of Dong Yan and Long Yang.


The poisonous snake opened its bloody mouth and bit at Zhenzun Long Yang, its sharp fangs emitting a faint cold light.

"What kind of evil beast dares to stop this emperor!"

The golden dragon roared angrily, stretched out its claws, and faced the poisonous snake.


The all-powerful dragon claw was actually blocked by the poisonous snake. The snake's body was extremely slippery and its whole body was covered with suction cup-like tentacles. As soon as it touched the golden dragon claw, it was firmly absorbed.


The poisonous snake opened its fangs and bit off a large piece of flesh from the golden dragon. The black venom penetrated into Zhenzun Longyang's body along the wound.

In just an instant, the golden dragon's body was dyed black.

"Physical refining lineage? Then try Pindao's Divine Sun Flame."

Dongyan Zhenzun turned his palm over, and a wisp of blue-purple flame condensed and formed.

The moment the fire appeared, the surrounding void burned faintly, and even the white mist was a little unbearable. It seemed that this flame contained the most terrifying heat in the world, and everything would be completely burned.


Fear flashed in the viper's eyes, and he spat out the snake letter softly, as if hesitating whether to stop him or not.

All things in the world are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. The beings of the body-refining lineage are not afraid of ordinary attacks. Even Yuanxian Taoism can't stop them. However, no matter how powerful the physical body is, there are ways to restrain it.

Sunlight Divine Flame is one of them.

This fire came from outside the sky. After Dongyan Zhenzhen obtained it, it took tens of thousands of years to finally refine it into his body.

Wherever the divine flames reach, no matter how strong your body is, it will be burned to ashes.

Especially for bloodline cultivators, the bloodline in their bodies is like fire oil, which will be completely ignited with the slightest touch.


Blue-purple flames flew across the sky and pierced into the poisonous snake's body.

In an instant, the dark poisonous snake was covered in flames, every piece of its skin was pierced by flames, and the scorching flames even extended to the end of the mist.

"Hell, how long is this snake?"

Zhenzun Long Yang looked along the firelight, but could not see the edge of the snake's tail except for the vast mist.

"No, this is not a snake."

Dongyan Zhenzun's expression suddenly changed, and six blue-purple flames traveled along the void, completely lighting up the surrounding area.

Deep in the mist, one could vaguely see venomous snakes one after another, passing through the void. Each venomous snake showed its red fangs and looked extremely ferocious.

"so much?"

Zhenzun Long Yang couldn't help but take a breath.

The firelight only illuminated for a moment, but in just a moment, he had already seen hundreds of venomous snakes, each of them twisting and twisting like mountains and hills, no less than the dead one.

"Go quickly."

Dongyan Zhenzun's face instantly turned pale, and there were hundreds of venomous snakes... just within a radius of ten thousand miles.

No one knows how many venomous snakes there are further away.

Although he has the Divine Sun Flame in his hand, it is rare in quantity and extremely difficult to refine. Facing hundreds of venomous snakes, even a peak true master cannot help but feel chilled in his heart.

"Can't leave!"

The second clone suddenly spoke, "Those venomous snakes are gathering towards the edge of the mist. The further out you go, the more venomous snakes you encounter."

"Tung Yan, is it true??" The golden dragon looked hesitant.

One venomous snake would cost him a lot. If he encountered three, four or even a dozen venomous snakes at the same time, he would be torn to pieces in an instant.

He has personally experienced the power of those venomous snakes.


Dongyan Zhenzhen nodded slightly, "But at this moment, we have to rush out with all our strength, and rush out of the white mist area before these poisonous snakes seal the entire border, otherwise we will definitely die."

"Then try your best!"

The faces of the two true masters showed determination.

"Senior Dong Yan, Senior Long Yang, if you believe me, you might as well wait here for a while. The human true form of this junior is trying his best to come. With the combined efforts of the three of us, the hope of breaking out will be greater." Gu Xiuyun said.

"Wait a moment?"

The golden dragon frowned slightly.

The poisonous snakes in the mist are gathering towards the edge area. Every moment of delay, it will be much more difficult to rush out. Although Gu Xiuyun's human true form is powerful, how much strength can it show in front of the peak true master?

Dongyan Zhenzun pondered for a moment and waved out a wisp of blue-purple flame.

The area at the edge of the fog was lit up again, and densely packed venomous snakes were seen intertwined, numbering in the hundreds or even thousands, covering almost all places within sight.

What's even weirder is that the poisonous snake's body is faintly transformed into formation patterns, which combine with each other to increase the power of the mist by more than ten times.

"No wonder these strange beasts didn't rush to stop us. It turned out that they wanted to use formations to block the mist space." Zhenzun Dongyan narrowed his eyes. "So, its target is not just us, but also the group outside." The venerable ones watching the battle.”

"You mean, those venerables watching the battle are likely to rush into the mist space?" The golden dragon thought thoughtfully.

Everyone knows that the Ancient Temple of Samsara and the Zen Sect have two ancient true deities who have lived forever in the world. The guardians of the Zen Sect are proficient in the rules of cause and effect, and have the entire Moro Realm as their foundation. No one dares to provoke them.

The Ancient Palace of Samsara is different.

No matter how powerful the Eternal True Master is, he has never understood the rules of cause and effect, and his methods are far inferior to those of the guardians. Naturally, there will be many strong people who will target him.

"Just now, I sensed three inexplicable fluctuations. One of them is the Bauhinia Dragon Master from the Demon God Realm. The other two auras are quite obscure and difficult to detect, but they must be the pinnacle true master."

Dongyan Zhenzun took a deep breath, "Under this situation, it is impossible to rush out in one go. Even if we can break through the poisonous snake seal, we will be attacked by the Zhenzun who is watching the battle and force us back into the depths of the fog. "

"Those people have already regarded us as a pathfinder, so how could they let us go so easily? Joining hands with the little friend who cares about his life and stopping by calmness is actually the best way."

"You're right, it's all my fault for being reckless and accidentally killing Wan Gu'er."

Zhenzun Long Yang sighed repeatedly.

According to the original plan, the two True Lords would stay outside the palace and prevent the Eternal Lord from entering the Ancient Palace of Samsara. Judging from past history, as long as they did not enter the depths of the ancient palace, there would be no danger of life or death.

Who would have thought that the Eternal Lord, who was in the Sixth Dilemma, would be directly killed by the Longyang True Lord without any resistance.

This result was not only beyond the expectations of the Lords of Heaven, but also made many people wonder whether the Eternal True Lord walking outside was his true body?


Deep in the mist, the sound of poisonous snakes kept coming, and occasionally there would be slight impacts, causing the rocks to tremble.

"The surrounding fog is getting heavier and heavier. My dear friend, how far are you from here?" Zhenzun Dongyan asked, "If you have trouble walking, Long Yang and I will go back and take care of you."

"No need."

The second clone shook his head slightly, with a solemn look on his face.

It seems that the little friend Xi Ming has encountered a lot of trouble. Also, the fog is so heavy that even the peak true master cannot bear it, let alone Taoist Xi Ming... The two true masters looked at each other and guessed in their hearts.

A million miles away.

A green figure was walking forward quickly, surrounded by thousands of venomous snakes. If Dongyan Zhenzhen and Longyang Zhenzun saw this scene, their scalps would be numb with fear.

Thousands of venomous snakes, each possessing astonishing strength, and their bodies are so long and winding that there is almost no end in sight.

In the entire mist space, nearly half of the poisonous snakes gathered around Gu Xiuyun.

The other half is sealing the surrounding void.

Compared to Tongxin Gu, the life and death of Dong Yan and Long Yang were insignificant, and naturally they would not be cared about by the Eternal True Lord. Except for the one that they occasionally encountered near the edge of the mist, the other poisonous snakes did not even bother to pay attention to them.


More than a dozen venomous snakes opened their bloody mouths at the same time and bit at Gu Xiuyun.

"Get away!"

The cyan figure turned his hand into a knife, and with his majestic strength combined with the mystery of fate, he tore open the body of the poisonous snake. The poisonous snakes and beasts that made Zhenzun Long Yang afraid of him were actually vulnerable to a single blow in front of the cyan figure.

The difference in physical strength and bloodline power between the Fourth Refining Realm and the Second Refining Realm is more than a hundred times.

If it weren't for Gu Xiuyun's lack of Taoist skills, he would have been able to forcefully break out of the white mist area with just a few steps.


The venomous snakes stared at the cyan figure, their eyes flashing fiercely, faintly revealing bloodthirsty murderous intent.

"If it was before the fusion of Tongxin Gu, I would still be afraid of you. Now -" Gu Xiuyun looked calm, "I want to see how much divine power you have to support resurrection."

As he spoke, his fist fell down.

The black and white light surged in the palm of the hand, and the five elements of Taoism combined with the magical power of blood, coupled with the Nine Songs of Heavenly Forbidden, increased his combat power to the extreme.

Almost every moment, a huge amount of true energy is consumed.

At the same time, the heaven and earth within billions of miles surged, constantly refining Yuan Power to make up for the loss of True Qi.

For others, even if they were fused with insect beasts, they would not be able to exert Gu Xiuyun's combat power. After all, the more powerful the means, the greater the amount of true energy required.

A true master-level insect beast consumes an astronomical amount of divine power every moment.

Without a large enough inner world, it simply cannot bear it.

For example, Long Yang Zhenzun can maintain a body of hundreds of millions of feet on weekdays, but after falling into the mist space, he can only maintain a body of ten thousand feet. Why? ?

Because his divine power can no longer support consumption, even if his physical body doubles in size, his divine power will decrease rapidly. At most, the divine power in his body will be exhausted in half an hour.

A true master without divine power is like fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered by others.

Peng! Peng! ! Peng!

The roar resounded through the void, and one venomous snake after another was smashed to pieces. The true-level bloodline was already incredibly strong, let alone combined with the Taoist secrets and the Nine-Turn Heavenly Forbidden?

The green figure moved forward and finally arrived at the place where Dong Yan and Long Yang were.

"That is?"

Seeing the figures in the distance and the densely packed venomous snakes and beasts around them, the two True Masters' scalps went numb and they almost ran away thousands of miles away.

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