Fortune Teller

Chapter 1213 The secret arrives

Underground abyss.

The demons and corpses were gone, but Gu Xiuyun did not solve the dilemma. As soon as the flesh-burning calamity passed, the second most difficult calamity - the blood-burning calamity came quietly.

Just heard a scoff.

Gu Xiuyun's entire body burned violently, and every trace of blood turned into fire oil, burning his skin, bones, internal organs and even his soul.


The inner world began to collapse from the edge.

Compared with the first calamity, the second calamity has a significantly greater impact on the soul and the inner world.

"It's nothing more than soul thoughts. With the support of black hole particles, no matter how much time is spent, it will not endanger life. On the contrary, the inner world, without the support of the rules of the great road, can block the first catastrophe, but it may not be able to block the second catastrophe. "

Gu Xiuyun sat cross-legged and began to work hard to refine the Taoist insights of the life star plate instrument spirit.

It doesn't matter anything else, the origin of the five elements must be integrated as soon as possible.

Without the support of the rules of the great road, the world within billions of miles is ultimately an illusion. Once it collapses, Gu Xiuyun will lose one of his biggest trump cards.

This is also the real reason why the rules of heaven and earth bring disasters one after another.

Could the first three physical tribulations really threaten Gu Xiuyun's life?

How can it be!

There are three disasters and nine disasters. The first three are notoriously easy. As long as your cultivation reaches a certain level, you can get through it. What's more, Gu Xiuyun has a twelfth-level martial arts true body. Even he can't get through it. Who is qualified?

The rules of heaven and earth are aimed at...actually the immeasurable cultivation of heaven and earth.

As long as the inner world collapses, Gu Xiuyun will lose one of his most important trump cards. Without a massive amount of divine power to maintain it, how long can it last even with monstrous means?

On the land of the abyss.

The billions of feet of giants were surrounded by flames, and demons and infernal corpses approached from time to time, but they were all crushed by the true immortal Taoism. The death energy of the underworld scattered in the void was also swallowed up by the black hole particles, making it difficult to resurrect for a while.

"Since unlocking the black and white pattern, the second clone has been studying the secret techniques in the black jade platform and increasing the accumulation of the Five Elements Taoism, until now."

"At the origin of the Five Elements, I have integrated all low-level rules, medium-level rules and even high-level rules. Every change is clear to me, and only the last step is left."

"But how long it will take to take this step, even I can't tell."

Facing the blazing blood-burning flames, Gu Xiuyun suppressed his anxiety and kept himself absolutely calm.

To twist your fate, you can borrow physical power, Taoist secrets, and magical bloodline, but these are all temporary. When Taoism dissipates, everything will disappear with it.

If you want to withstand three disasters and nine disasters, you can only have true eternal power.

There is no other way but to understand the rules of the great road.

Time passes slowly.

Patriarch Tianji walked across the sky, getting closer and closer to the chessboard realm.

Finally, he came to the edge of the realm.

"Long time no see, fellow Taoist Tianji is just like before. I think he has fully understood the origin of time and space."

An old man with white beard appeared in front, blocking the way of Patriarch Tianji.

"Bai Ze, do you dare to stop me?"

Patriarch Tianji’s eyes were stern.

"I have always been independent of the world, so how can I block your path to enlightenment?" The white-bearded old man shook his head slightly, "Now your opponent is the Taoist Taoist Xi Ming, not the Eight Eyes. Fellow Taoist, please think twice."

Patriarch Tianji narrowed his eyes, was silent for a moment, and sneered: "Now that I'm back, you should know that some things can't be avoided until the first day of the year, but not until the fifteenth day. How many days can you delay?"

"It takes a day, but at least I tried my best."

The old man with white beard looked calm.

"Okay, I'll give you a few more days."

Patriarch Tianji glanced at the distance, waved his long sleeves, and more than a dozen divine lights merged into the depths of the realm, then passed through the turbid currents and rushed towards the underground abyss.

After a while.

Zhenzun Wendao and Zhenxing Tianxing came to the side of the white-bearded old man.

"I didn't expect that old ghost Tianji would come back so quickly!"

"There is no movement in the Wuxiang Heaven. According to this situation, the hope of Bamu Zhenzhen to understand the rules of life and death is slim. He will lose after all."

"Who can know the outcome until the end?" Zhenzun Bai Ze looked at the void below his feet indifferently, "No wonder the power of the void is surging. It turns out that Taoist Xi Ming survived the tribulation in the underground abyss and the mocking wind came to the realm of demons and gods, presumably for this reason."

"Shaofeng also wants to take action?" Tianxing Zhenzhen frowned.

"It shouldn't," Zhenzun Bai Ze shook his head slightly, "Whether it is Tianji or Taoist Xi Ming, the karma behind it is too great. Before the door of the Demon God Realm is opened, it will never intervene easily. Chaofeng and Tianji... …It’s just about everyone getting what they need.”

Zhenzun Wenwen and Zhenxing Tianxing were a little confused.

Regarding the changes in the Demon God Realm and the Chessboard Realm, all the powerful men in the world are confused. The only one who knows the truth is Bai Ze Zhenzhen, and he is a person who does not speak easily.

But one thing is for sure.

Patriarch Tianji must have done so much in order to survive the karma and become the legendary World Master.

Deep underground.

Hundreds of millions of figures sitting cross-legged.

As the blood-burning flames became more and more intense, Gu Xiuyun's soul and inner world began to fail.

It’s just a thought from the soul.

He followed the path of martial arts, and was supported by black hole particles. No matter how weak his soul was, he could recover in an instant.

The real trouble is the inner world!

Even if the seven sources of the five elements, wind and thunder were gathered together, they still could not withstand the impact of the Burning Blood Tribulation. The heaven and earth within billions of miles continued to collapse and disintegrate. Until now, nearly 30% of it had dissipated.

"The origin of the five elements is divided into metal, wood, water, fire and earth."

"Gold is strong and sharp, and its sharp edge is revealed;"

“The wood is tough and full of vitality;”

“The water moves softly and changes without any reason;”

"Fire is scorching and violent like madness;"

"The earth is thick and thick, carrying everything..."

Thoughts flashed in his mind, and at the same time, two sky-holding palms fell into the distance from time to time, knocking back the demon corpses.

The collapse of heaven and earth within billions of miles caused Gu Xiuyun to lose his main source of spiritual power.

Fortunately, the martial arts true body is much stronger than before. The particles of the twelfth level are extremely heavy and the true energy contained is even more majestic. As long as the death energy in the body of the Infernal Corpse Demon is continuously refined, the normal fighting can be maintained.

Suddenly, an inexplicable crisis surged into my heart.

Gu Xiuyun opened his eyes suddenly, looking through the heavy turbidity, he saw the virtual figure in the distance.

"Master Tianji!"

He had seen this figure countless times in Tianji Calculation, and each time it was extremely blurry. But now, the figure in the distance was extremely clear. From the corners of his clothes to his face, there was a strong murderous intent in the majesty.

"In just tens of thousands of years, you can understand the twisting rules of fate. Taoist Xi Ming, I do underestimate you."

The figure in the distance was walking slowly, but for some reason, every step he took fell heavily on Gu Xiuyun's mind, causing him to fall into inexplicable depression.

The terror of Patriarch Tianji has reached an unimaginable level.

"As the saying goes, the more hardships, the greater the achievements," Gu Xiuyun looked ahead, "No matter you or the rules of heaven and earth, every setback is the push of the great road of destiny. Pindao can control the rules of destiny in just tens of thousands of years. Thank you very much.”

"In return, I will erect a monument for you after your death."

"What a big tone!" Patriarch Tianji said with a smile on his lips.

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