Fortune Teller

Chapter 1223 Waiting to Die

While Patriarch Tianji was going through the tribulation, Gu Xiuyun was already in danger.

The nine pseudo-realm masters joined forces to surround and kill him. The Taoist magic and secret techniques alone were so overwhelming that it was difficult for him to breathe. If it weren't for the extremely powerful power of the Nine Songs of Heavenly Forbidden Power, and the help of the magic scale flying insects and the life star board, he would have been dead at this moment. .

"Sure enough, Old Ghost Tianji's place of overcoming calamity is in the realm of demons and gods, not the chessboard realm. But I didn't expect that the Tianji Plate is actually a removable treasure."

Gu Xiuyun's face turned pale.

One wrong step, every wrong step.

Now he is trapped in the chessboard realm, surrounded by divine formations, and trapped by time and space barriers. Even if he has the power to recover, he cannot escape.

In despair, a distant voice came from the depths of the void, "Junior, do you want to live?"

"Senior Bai Ze?"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes suddenly lit up, "I wonder what the seniors can do?"

"It's very simple. As long as you can enter the depths of the world of Tianji Pan, the Pseudo Realm Master will not dare to go there. They are controlled by the rules of heaven and earth and will never dare to leave the endless void. In this way, before this big world collapses, you can Save your life for now.”

"Senior, are you joking?" Gu Xiuyun looked bitter, "The Heavenly Secret Disk has collapsed. The world's barriers are so tough and protected by the divine formation. How can I break through them?"

To travel through the big world, one must not only be strong enough, but also master the rules of time and space in order to tear down barriers.

"You can't, but I can," Zhenzun Baize continued, "But I have a request. You must take Wuxiangtian with you. With your current strength, it is not difficult to twist the large world. As for the consequences that will follow, Karma... You have already been hunted down by the False Realm Master, so you don’t lack this little karma.”


Gu Xiuyun nodded without hesitation.

As long as you can survive, karma is indeed nothing. No matter how miserable you are, it is nothing more miserable than being hunted down by a false world leader.

next moment.

A huge force tore open the void and struck at the edge of the silhouette. The silhouette was changing, as if it were imaginary or real, as if it was just an illusion.

But in front of this force, it was torn apart.

Baize Zhenzhen has already perfected the Dao of Time and Space, and he possesses both branches. His martial arts form has entered the realm of the venerable. In terms of strength, he is no less than the Patriarch Tianji.

"Hurry up, I can't hold on for long." Zhenzun Bai Ze urged.

Gu Xiuyun quickly waved his hand, picked up the Wuxiang Tian in the distance, and fled towards the depth of the silhouette.


As soon as he passed through the barrier of the holy world, Gu Xiuyun seemed to have crashed into the depths of a quagmire, and endless pressure came towards him.

As a big world, how can we allow others to break in easily? ?

But at this moment, the world of Tianjipan was broken, and it had been colliding with the endless void for a long time. The space barriers were constantly crumbling, and the power of time and space was also rapidly drained. After a while, Gu Xiuyun adapted to the oppression of the void and drilled deeper into the big world.

Ghost outline edges.

The nine false realm masters looked at each other and did not move forward.

As a World Master, of course he would not care about a broken world. However, the nine World Masters at this moment are just puppets, controlled by the rules of heaven and earth.

Once entering the shadow outline, the rules will become invalid, and the pseudo-realm masters will be out of control.

How could the rules of heaven and earth allow the pseudo-realm master to enter?

"Brother Bai Ze, how can you help him?"

"There is a huge cause and effect behind Taoist Xi Ming. If you do this, won't you also be contaminated by the cause and effect and be tabooed by heaven and earth?"

Outside the Shanshui thatched cottage, Ask and Tianxing looked shocked.

Zhenzun Baize has always been aloof from others, he will not take action if he can, and he is not even willing to pay attention to the fights of ordinary sages.

Now that he would actually help Gu Xiuyun, it was difficult for the two true masters to understand.

"I owe him some kindness, and I have to repay it. Besides, he also helped us. When Wuxiangtian enters the Tianjipan world, the disintegration speed will be much slower, and the eight eyes will have more opportunities." Bai Zezhen Zun said.


The two true masters still couldn't understand.

"Who told you that helping him will contaminate karma?" Bai Zezhenzhen shook his head and laughed, "The situation has changed now and then."

"Previously, old ghost Tianji hadn't overcome the tribulation, and the attention of the rules of heaven and earth was all on Taoist Xi Ming. But since Tianji started to overcome the tribulation of cause and effect, haven't you noticed that those pseudo-realm masters have tried to break out of the chessboard realm again and again? "

"You mean... Endless Void doesn't want to kill Taoist Xi Ming anymore?" Asked Zhenzun with a look of surprise on his face.

"Killing is definitely necessary, but in comparison, the old ghost Tianji who is about to become the Realm Master is the biggest trouble." Bai Zezhenzhen smiled slightly, "I sent Taoist Xi Ming into the big world, which accelerated the disintegration of the world. For The rules of heaven and earth are a good thing, so how can they be contaminated by karma?"

Regarding this world, Zhenzun Baize knows a hundred times more than ordinary Zhenzun.

He knows very well what to do so as not to arouse the hatred of heaven and earth!

According to the rules of heaven and earth at this moment, killing Tianji and cutting off his path to become a world leader is the most important thing. As for Gu is too late to kill Tianji after he has solved it.

This person can't escape anyway.

Therefore, Baize Zhenzhen sent Gu Xiuyun into the world of Tianji Pan. In this way, the disintegration speed of the big world was accelerated, which was equivalent to reducing the time that the world masters were trapped.

Not only is there no fault, but it is meritorious.

"Bai old fool, you really have no good intentions."

Deep in the realm of demon gods.

The roar of thunder continued, and Grandmaster Tianji's eyes were red as he looked far away in the direction of the chessboard realm.

As the controller of the divine formation, he is fully aware of every change in the realm.

Zhenzun Baize broke through the barrier of the realm and sent Gu Xiuyun into it. Patriarch Tianji could see it clearly.

"According to this situation, in two hours at most, the big world will completely collapse, and the space-time flow speed in the chessboard realm will reach seven times. In other words, I only have one day left."

Patriarch Tianji’s eyes were stern.

"Within one day, I must survive the karma of cause and effect and step into the Realm of Realm. I will settle matters with you one by one then."

"Chaofeng, continue to absorb the power of the heavens."


The true dragon's phantom grew larger and larger, continuing to increase the power of the Karmic Tribulation, and the thunder and lightning fell a little faster than before.

Peng! Peng! ! Peng!

Amidst the roar, the aura of Patriarch Tianji became more powerful.

Deep in the outline of the shadow, the green-robed giant was dragging Wuxiang Tian with one hand, pushing aside the turbid current in front of him with the other hand, and moving forward quickly.

With bombardment after bombardment, the turbid current in the void accelerated and disintegrated, and the power of the world continued to escape.

"The fate of my mother and eldest sister has not disappeared. They should still be alive. Unfortunately, the amount of longevity medicine in my body is too small to save them."

Gu Xiuyun felt a little heavy.

Once the big world collapses and the rules of heaven and earth come to pass, Mrs. Yu, Gu Xiushu, Yan Suqing, the Wuzong disciples, and the priests of the divine religion will all perish.

Even though he has monstrous means, he can't stop the rules of heaven and earth from passing away.

"No matter what, let's go see him first."

After walking for a long time, the green-robed giant left the Wuxiangtian in one place, returned to normal human height, and continued to pass through the turbid current.

Although this is not the realm of living beings or demons, it is close to the center of the big world. It is worthy of Baize Zhenzun to leave the Wuxiangtian here.

After a while.

A cyan figure appeared deep in the Realm of Living Beings.

Cracks have begun to appear in the void in front of you, and the earth has split into countless pieces. Wind and thunder roar, and there are bursts of magical sounds.

In the distance, a group of supernatural beings were tremblingly hiding in the warship, their expressions full of fear.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a moment to live a little longer."

Gu Xiuyun waved his hand and brought all the superpowers and warships into the inner world.

After entering the realm of the Venerable, the inner heaven and earth transform from virtual reality to a real prototype of the world, which can already carry life and place objects.

Immediately afterwards, he took a few steps, traveled thousands of miles, and collected all the practitioners in the entire realm of living beings.

After doing all this, Gu Xiuyun raised his head and looked towards the Spiritual Realm.

At this moment, the Divine Realm has completely collapsed, and all the gods and practitioners have perished. Among the three realms, the Divine Realm has collapsed the fastest.

"That's all, it's just the difference between one step forward and one step after. Even I can't protect myself, let alone them??"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly and flew towards the demon realm.

There are a large number of divine priests and Wuzong disciples in the Demon Realm. After the drastic changes in the world, almost all Douxiao Realm disciples fled to the Demon Realm.

Here is the most powerful formation of the Eight-Eyed God Sect, and there are also many powerful people stationed here.

In the eyes of everyone, as long as they escape into the demon realm, they can definitely save their lives, but they don't know that what they are facing this time is not a unicorn giant beast, nor is it a ninth-grade ancestor.

It is the power of the rules of the pinnacle true master, the pseudo-realm master, and even the entire endless void.

Even Gu Xiuyun couldn't protect himself, let alone them?

Looking at the cracked earth and the frightened and panicked crowd, Gu Xiuyun raised his hand and brought all living creatures into the inner world.

After doing all this, he sat down cross-legged and waited quietly for the disintegration of the world.

Gu Xiuyun didn't want to explain the changes faced by the world of Tianji Pan to the priests of the sect and the disciples of the Wuzong. He said that it would only increase their fear. It would be better to let them die quietly, at least they would die peacefully without having to worry.

"According to the current rate of disintegration, the world will completely collapse in two hours."

"These are also my last two hours."

Gu Xiuyun looked into the distance with a blank expression.

Twenty thousand years!

Twenty thousand years have passed since I entered the path of spiritual practice.

Over the long years, he traveled through countless realms, from the northern void to the western void, and then to various secret realms.

I have fought against the True Master of the Spirit Clan, fought against the Ten Thousand Bearded Insects, and I have also gone to the Source Realm of Ten Thousand Dharmas to read the Guizang Scroll of the Ancestor of the Black Turtle...

Taking risks again and again, Gu Xiuyun liked this feeling very much.

He already likes to travel around the world and visit famous mountains and rivers. In addition, he also likes all kinds of food. However, he has been traveling all these years and has almost forgotten what good wine and food taste like.

"Whether I am alive or dead, I have tried my best!"

Gu Xiuyun closed his eyes.

Another place.

The Wuxiang Tian didn't know when it started to tremble, breaking away from the endless void. Without the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth, this boundary space seemed to have loosened some kind of shackles.

Deep in the void, a breath of life and death is rapidly increasing.

Faintly, one can hear the chanting of life, "The Eight-Eyed God will forever rule the heavens..."

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