Fortune Teller

Chapter 1225 Leaving

"Damn it, if this guy doesn't break through sooner or later, but he breaks through at this time, the karma will be at least three hours away. What should we do?"

Patriarch Tianji looked at the figure running in the distance, his brows furrowed.

He knows the strength of the Eight-Eyed True Master better than anyone else.

The origin of time and space is almost perfect, and he has mastered the three ultimate Taoist techniques of the True Immortal. Coupled with the rules of life and death, and the True Master-level body, in terms of strength, he is almost as good as a real World Master.

This kind of character can no longer be fought against with ordinary means.

Even if Chaofeng operates the formations in the Demon God Realm to the extreme, he cannot stop the fists and kicks of the Eight-Eyed True Master.

Not to mention the void barrier formed by the karma of cause and effect.

There is no place in the Holy World of Samsara that can resist the Eight-Eyed True Lord.

"Mocking the wind, activate the power of the heavens and open the passage to the holy world." Patriarch Tianji roared angrily.

"Open now? Only 50% of the Holy World barrier has been reduced. If it fails..."

The dragon-shaped dragon beast's eyes widened.

"Eight Eyes has awakened!" Patriarch Tianji explained continuously, "He has understood the rules of life and death, and has broken through to the True Venerable Realm through the body refining lineage. Once this person comes, you and I will definitely die."

After the words fell, Patriarch Tianji waved his hands, and a jade stone that was as big as the sky bound the robbery cloud.

The void barriers surrounding Karma Tribulation also dissipated.

"Hurry up, it's too late!"

"Open the formation!"


The ancient divine formations exploded to the extreme, and the power of the heavens in the dragon-shaped shadow turned into sword light, slashing towards a certain place in the realm.


The mighty and endless sword light from the heavens shattered the void and traversed along the dark abyss, forming a temporary passage.

The barrier of the holy world has really been broken through.


Patriarch Tianji and the dragon-shaped dragon beast rushed into the depths of the passage without hesitation.

Dozens of venerables followed closely behind, and a group of venerables and true sages watching from the outside of the realm also fled into it.

"Want to leave? Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will kill you."

The Eight-Eyed True Master took a few steps and came to the depths of the realm.

At this moment, the barrier of the holy world showed signs of being closed. He punched several times in succession, and the energy of life and death merged with the edge of his fist, breaking the barrier again and entering the depths of the passage.

"This lunatic, in order to kill Tianji, even gave up the opportunity of Taiyi Immortal Emperor!"

In the depths of the void, Zhenzun Tianxing stopped and stood, shaking his head and sighing.

Once you leave the holy world of reincarnation, you can never return.

It doesn't matter to others, those true sages and venerables will never be able to enter the realm of world sages throughout their lives. If they leave the holy realm, they can at least live for a while longer.

The Eight-Eyed True Master has reached the ultimate level of True Master, and is only one step away from the Realm of Realm. However, in order to kill the Patriarch Tianji, he gave up the opportunity that was easily available to him.

It's really frustrating.

"He has always been like this, otherwise he would not have reached this point," Bai Ze Zhenzhen said with a calm expression, "In the lineage of life and death, one must have the arrogance and character to be arrogant and arrogant, in order to let go of life and death and understand its mysteries."

"Chaofeng left the Holy World of Samsara in order to survive. He already has cowardice in his heart and will never be able to break through again in his lifetime."

"Ba Mu knows this very well. Killing the secret of heaven is his biggest obsession at the moment. Compared with it, what is the opportunity of Taiyi Immortal Emperor? If you shake your Taoist heart for an opportunity, it will really outweigh the gain."

"So that's it." asked, and the two True Masters of Tianxing looked astonished.

The Tao of Life is actually the cultivation of Tao mind. Once the Tao mind is damaged, no opportunity can make up for it.

At the same time that the Eight-Eyed True Master left.

Gu Xiuyun also came to the edge of the Demon God Realm. The rules of heaven and earth permeated his whole body. He wanted to kill the creatures in the inner world, but was forcibly blocked by the power of fate.

"At this point, there is only one way I can go."

"Whether it's for myself, my mother, or my eldest sister... I must leave the holy world of reincarnation."

Gu Xiuyun raised his head and glanced into the void.

If I leave today, I'm afraid I will never have the chance to return to the realm of the heavens. As for the second true body... separated by a big world, there is no way for the two bodies to communicate.

To him, Bai Kongze was as good as dead.

"Senior Dong Yan, Senior Long Yang, the second true body will repay the oath I owe you, but the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect... has to rely on you to take care of it!" Gu Xiuyun looked at the two true masters in the distance.

"Don't worry, as long as we are alive for one day, the Eight-Eyed Sect will not die, and technological civilization will not dissipate."

Zhenzun Long Yang said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, senior."

Gu Xiuyun bowed and handed the magic scale flying insects, broken mirror and other spiritual treasures to the hands of Zhenzun Long Yang, "Senior, please transfer these treasures to Bai Kongze, and I will go ahead."


The void cracked.

The cyan figure passed through the crack, and when it reappeared, it was already at the edge of the abyss passage.

"It's time to leave!"

Gu Xiuyun glanced at the sky one last time and flew deep into the passage.

The abyss passage is dark and gloomy, without any light or sound, only the extremely violent void storm.

No one knows where the end of this passage is.

If you take this step, your life or death will be uncertain.

"Tianji is gone, Chaofeng is gone, Bamu is gone, and Junior Xi Ming is gone as well. There is another batch of missing true masters at the pinnacle of this world."

Looking into the distance, Zhenzun Bai Ze shook his head and sighed.

There are many ways to leave the Holy World of Reincarnation. For example, the deepest part of the Rift Zone will also form an abyss passage. But compared to those methods, the Demon God Realm is undoubtedly the safest.

Because this passage originated from the true dragon ancestor.

"It's okay to leave. Old Ghost Tianji almost destroyed two realms with one plan. If we let him stay, I'm afraid our lives will be in danger." Tianxing Zhenzhen said with a smile.

Black Lock Mountain.

Bai Kongze sat cross-legged, his face solemn.

Without the true body of the human race, it is equivalent to the absence of the twisting rules of fate. The soul, body, and even the mind and will of this body have been eroded by the mystery of killing.

Gu Xiuyun just used his astonishing thoughts to forcefully control it, but it didn't mean that he could cast the rules of fate.

"The killing mystery of the second true body has reached the peak of the seventh level, and it may break through at any time. From today on, you can no longer fight with others. It is best not to go out even to Black Suo Mountain to avoid the bloody thoughts."

Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart.

He can only control most of Bai Kongze, and part of his mind is firmly controlled by the bloody thoughts. If he is walking outside, no one can say when the bloody thoughts will break out and hurt people.

"When the true master of the human race walks in the outer world, nine times out of ten, he is mainly based on the five elements, space, and the rules of fate. If this is the case, I will turn to wind, thunder, and time."

Bai Kongze stood up and walked towards Daozang Palace.

In the Daozang Palace of Black Suo Mountain, a large number of classics related to wind and thunder and time are recorded.

PS: The first half of the volume is finally finished! Sprinkle flowers...

The next volume is Wuyang Sea Realm.

In the outer world, Gu Xiuyun would not be so unlucky, and there would no longer be any restrictions from heaven and earth. It was time to pretend to be B.

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