Fortune Teller

Chapter 1227 Spiritual Vein

The Eighth Grade Destiny Rule is a method that only the Realm Master has, and it is not an ordinary Realm Master.

Looking at the entire floating sea area, he could not find a Realm Master who practiced superior Taoism. At least from the mouths of Chu Yuan and other Qingmo Bookstore disciples, Gu Xiuyun did not hear any information about superior Taoism.

Time passes, and before you know it, three years have passed.

Gu Xiuyun has been living in Qingmo Library. Under the recommendation of Chu Yuan, he joined the sect and became a guest minister of the outer sect.

A practitioner like him who has become a monk on the way can only become a guest minister and cannot be an inner disciple, unless he abandons his own method and turns to Qingmo Bookstore's method.

But obviously...impossible.

"Qingmo Library mainly focuses on calligraphy and painting scrolls, and the practice method actually incorporates the system of the Dao of Life. Every time you take a step, the realm of the Dao of Life will naturally improve."

"In this way, when you reach the Realm of Realm, your mind and will will be enough to withstand the nine origins, and there will be no danger of sinking."

Looking at the classics in front of him, Gu Xiuyun was amazed.

This is probably the perfect Taoism that Long Yang Zhenzhen and Dongyan Zhenzun long for.

The material path and the living path are integrated, and every step is done steadily. The only flaw is that the practice is too slow.

Compared with the realm of the heavens, every practitioner in the floating sea realm can be called an old monster.

For example, Chu Yuan, seven hundred epoch is one hundred thousand years, that is a full 70 million years.

Seventy million years to reach the early stage of the True Venerable Realm?


"No matter how perfect this Taoism is, it is not suitable for the realm of heavens. One hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred years is too short."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

It can be seen from this that practicing in the holy world of reincarnation has great benefits and great disadvantages.

For example, in terms of the material path, the nine origins are very distinct and extremely clear, and they can sense the origin of the world, and there are a large number of origin spiritual fruits.

Without considering the path of life, it would take at most a few million years to understand the nine origins and complete the cultivation of the material path. If someone like Gu Xiuyun was good at heavenly calculations... it might not even take half a million years.

But at the same time, the restrictions on the path of life are also ridiculously high.

Not only are they always suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth, but they are also involved in karma, which makes countless true deities despair.

The most important point...the lifespan limit.

While he was watching the reading, the round-faced young man came to the courtyard anxiously and said, "Fellow Daoist Gu, quickly bring your spiritual treasure weapons. Another spiritual vein has appeared. You are now a guest of the sect and must participate in the battle."

"The spiritual vein appears!"

Gu Xiuyun's brows moved slightly.

Compared with the vast spiritual power in the realm of the heavens and the inexhaustible flow of Gangsha turbidity, the world outside the heavens is obviously much barren.

A single spiritual vein can cause the major sects to fight and fight. Except for the Realm Lord who will not take action, ordinary True Lords will come on stage to fight.

The last battle between Qingmo Library and Luojian Island was because the other party crossed the boundary and occupied Qingmo Library's spiritual veins.

"Hold on!"

Gu Xiuyun stood up, grabbed the emerald Gu worm on one side, and put it in his palm.

"Fellow Taoist, this insect beast has made so many people envious."

A look of envy appeared on Chu Yuan's face. True Lord-level insect beasts are rare in the world. Not only are insect eggs difficult to find, but they are also time-consuming and labor-intensive to cultivate. The demon god's bloodline alone costs a lot of money.

A true master-level insect beast means that the physical combat power is no less than that of a true master of the body-refining lineage. Coupled with Taoist methods, the strength is terrifying.

If he could have a Zhenzun-level insect beast, why would he care about Luojian Island? He rushed over directly against the sword light.

"Let's go!"

After the Tongxin Gu merged with his body, Gu Xiuyun's aura suddenly changed, faintly exuding pure blood fluctuations.

"With the help of fellow Taoists, we will definitely be able to grab a lot of precious source spiritual stones this time, and maybe even occupy a core spiritual vein."

Chu Yuan said with a smile, "Uncle Mo Lang is so stingy that he only gave you a middle-class guest. Daoist friend is a true respecter after all, and he has insects and beasts at his disposal, so he must be a high-class guest."

"I'm just relying on my physical toughness and no other abilities. Being a middle-ranking guest is already a compliment."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

The higher the status, the greater the responsibility. The strength of middle-level guest ministers is generally at the early stage of the True Master Realm, which is enough for him.

If you really become a distinguished guest, it will be troublesome.

Over the sea.

Rays of escaping light swept across the sky, and those who dared to walk outside in the outer world were in the realm of the Venerable. Those below the Venerable were not even qualified to fight and fight.

Because this is the outer world.

Even Gu Xiuyun can develop a scientific and technological civilization, let alone a powerful person from outside the world?

When the humans and monsters in the Wuyang Sea Realm are born, they are no lower than the Douxiao Realm. With a little hard work, they can reach the early stage of the True Inspiration Realm.

It's not that their talents are too high, but that their bloodline system has reached an extremely high level.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, this time the spiritual vein appears 700 billion miles away in the south. According to the rules, the thirty-nine surrounding sects can fight for it. Qingmo Library is too far away from there, so it is impossible to occupy the spiritual vein. As long as we can It’s not a loss if you take away some source spirit stones.”

Chu Yuan said.

"Seven hundred billion miles away, how to calculate the ownership of spiritual veins?" Gu Xiuyun looked surprised.

As far as he knew, sects such as Luojian Island and Qingmo Library were all on a giant submarine spiritual vein. Compared with the exquisite small spiritual veins, this super large spiritual vein was scattered and turbid, and almost no spiritual stones could be found.

We can only set up formations and slowly extract spiritual power.

Gu Xiuyun, Chu Yuan and other ordinary sages all relied on giant spiritual veins to practice. Only the Six Difficulties True Masters such as Mo Chengyu and Mo Lang and the core disciples of the sect were qualified to use small spiritual veins.

The small spiritual veins 700 billion miles away in the south have been separated from the coverage of the giant spiritual veins. They are too far away and even the World Lord cannot touch them.

"According to the rules, only the Scarlet Scale Palace can mine such remote small spiritual veins. We can only dig some original spiritual stones. When the time comes, we must leave." Another disciple of Qingmo Library said.

"Owned by Red Scale Palace?"

Gu Xiuyun's brows moved slightly.

The number one force in the Floating Sea Territory is really domineering!

"Then what can we do? There are six Realm Masters in the Scarlet Scale Palace, and among them there is the legendary Nine Difficulties Realm Master. How can a small family like us be able to fight against them?"

Chu Yuan sighed repeatedly, "The Scarlet Scale Palace is different from us. It belongs to the family power and does not accept outside disciples at all. Only the most powerful true masters can become disciples and become guests, such as Taoist friend Gu."

"Fellow Taoist possesses a true master-level insect beast, and he is a true master himself. With the combination of Taoist secrets and physical body, his strength is no less than the peak of the five difficulties. Only a person like you can enter the eyes of the Scarlet Scale Palace."

"We...are not even worthy of carrying shoes for the Scarlet Scale Palace."

The wind howled, and the disciples of Qingmo Library were talking as they flew to the south of the sea.

The space in Wuyang Sea Realm is extremely stable and is not divided into different voids. The rules of space are of little use except for fighting. The distance of 700 billion miles requires at least five or six days of travel.

A few days later.

They finally came to the seabed spiritual vein.

Just hearing the sounds of fighting, many practitioners have already broken into it. Occasionally, you can see huge alien beasts passing through everywhere, biting madly at the human race.

"Hurry in," a disciple in the library urged, "Origin Spirit Stone is a good thing. One spirit stone can be exchanged for three points of contribution. I am still waiting to accumulate enough contributions to exchange for the Divine Book and Jade Code! "

"Only you, you still want to practice the Divine Book and Jade Code?"

Several people on the side showed disdain, "That is the sect's secret skill. If you practice it to the extreme, you can step into the world master realm. How can you understand it?"

"Fellow Daoist Gu, let's go in!"

Chu Yuan glanced around and flew towards the left side of the mountain range.

Gu Xiuyun followed closely behind.

He has no interest in the so-called origin spirit stone.

Qingmo Library, like the sects in the heaven realm, uses sect contributions to attract disciples. As long as enough contributions are accumulated, they can be exchanged for top secrets and even world master level secrets.

For example, the Divine Book and Jade Code is a world-level technique.

This type of technique doesn't even exist in Black Suo Mountain.

Of course, it's not that Heisuoshan is not strong enough, but because those skills were destroyed by the rules of heaven and earth, and all that is left are some secret fighting skills.

In the realm of the heavens, perfect techniques that combine the path of life and the path of matter are not allowed to appear. From this, we can see that the great existence behind the holy world of reincarnation... I hope that the powerful people in the heavens can understand the path of life by themselves and understand the superiority by their own strength. Taoism.

Only such people are qualified to live in the world forever.

In addition to Chu Yuan and Gu Xiuyun, there were also two disciples from Qingmo Library accompanying them.

One of them is a woman named Jia Shu, who looks quite pleasant.

The other one is named Yang Lingzhi. He has a somewhat withdrawn personality, but has a good relationship with Chu Yuan. He is also the strongest among the three. His cultivation has reached the peak of the Four Difficulties Realm, and there are faint signs of breaking through to the Five Difficulties Realm.

Cultivation in the Wuyang Sea Realm is far more difficult than in the Heaven Realm. From the Four Difficulties to the Five Difficulties, it is by no means as simple as three disasters and nine disasters. The real trouble is the path of living beings.

Yang Lingzhi's cultivation years are about the same as Chu Yuan's, about 70 million years. He had entered the True Master Realm as early as 50 million years ago, but it was only now that he reached the peak of the Four Difficulties Realm.


As soon as the four of them reached the mountain range, a wisp of sword light struck across the void.

"The bitch of Luojian Island!"

Chu Yuan's expression suddenly changed, and he waved the brush in his hand repeatedly, drawing a dozen mountains, blocking the front of the sword light.

At the same time, Yang Lingzhi waved his hand, and a long picture scroll floated out.

Endless waves surged out from the depths of the scroll, forming a heavy rain that covered the source of the sword light.

"There are quite a lot of trash from Qingmo Library. Even if the four of you join forces, you are still no match for me."

A harsh sound came from deep in the mountains.

I saw the sword light flashing, seven sword lights crossing the void, six of them flashing red light, only the seventh one condensed into an entity, it seemed to be an extremely terrifying spiritual treasure.


Gu Xiuyun took a step forward, and the divine power surged around his body, urging Tongxin Gu's bloodline magical power to the extreme, blocking the front of the seventh sword light.

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