Fortune Teller

Chapter 1229 Beetle and Alien Beast

"Yes, they took the initiative to provoke them. Who can we blame if they are killed by us?"

Chu Yuan's eyes lit up, "Let's go, quickly enter the spiritual veins and collect the original spiritual stones."

The three of them were refreshed.

With the cooperation of Gu Xiuyun's soul secret technique, ordinary Zhenzun would just die. As for the Five Difficulties and Six Difficulties, they usually sit around the mountains and rarely interfere in the mining of the original spiritual stones.

The true deities in the outer world are different from those in the realm of heavens.

Almost all the true masters in the realm of heaven have been reincarnated more than seven or eight times, and their cultivation level cannot represent their true strength.

There is no reincarnation in the outer world.

There is a huge gap between the Five Difficulties and the Four Difficulties. The gap between each realm is not only the cultivation level, but also the level of Taoism, mind and will, and soul and soul. The actual gap is more than ten times.

For example, Uncle Mo Chengyu of Qingmo Library is at the peak of the Five Difficulties Realm, his sect has a very high status, and his training years are unimaginably long.

How could such a being take action so easily?

Deep in the spiritual veins.

The original spiritual power was surging, a hundred times stronger than the cave palace of Qingmo Library. Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath, and the feeling of lack in his body suddenly subsided a bit.

"The spiritual power here is really abundant, and the coverage is wide enough. If it can be completely refined, at least 30% of the divine power in the inner world can be restored."

Gu Xiuyun thought to himself.

Although it is a small spiritual vein, it has a radius of hundreds of millions of miles. Between breaths, an endless stream of spiritual power pours into the body and turns into a river of divine power.

In just a moment, the surrounding spiritual energy became much thinner.

"There are no spiritual stones here, go to the next place."

Yang Lingzhi said.

Everyone flew deeper into the spiritual veins.

Everywhere they went, Jia Shu, Chu Yuan, and Yang Lingzhi began to search for the source of spiritual stones with great interest. Only Gu Xiuyun stayed on one side, immersed in sucking the spiritual energy from the earth's veins.

Time passes slowly.

Before I knew it, six days had passed.

During these days, they searched an area of ​​a million miles and collected a total of thirty-six origin spirit stones, five of which came from the depths of the earth, and the other thirty-one were snatched from the hands of sect disciples.

"Thirty-six spiritual stones are 108 points of sect contribution, and they are really paid this time." Jia Shu looked excited.

"Origin spirit stones are nothing. We have killed sixteen sect disciples, eight of them are the true masters of Luojian Island, worth 240 points of contribution, this is the big deal." Chu Yuan said.

Nearly 350 contribution points, for ordinary Zhenzun, may not be possible in millions of years.

New spiritual veins are not encountered every day.

Under normal circumstances, it would take tens of thousands of years for a new spiritual vein to appear. Most of the time, Zhenzun's disciples could only immerse themselves in cultivation and wait for the opportunity.

"Compared to the realm of the heavens, the spiritual energy in the Wuyang sea realm is too thin." Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

If the realm of the heavens is like a vast and endless forest, where wild fruits are everywhere and elixirs can be found everywhere, the realm of Wuyang sea is like a desert. In order to compete for a cup of clear water, the sages will fight to the death.

This is not surprising.

According to the records of Black Suo Mountain, the Wuyang Sea Realm originated from a supreme being in the Universe Realm. It is said that at that level, the inner world is so huge that it cannot even be carried by the physical body.

It can only stay in the void outside the sky.

Day by day, the Wuyang Sea Realm continues to expand, and more and more creatures live there. Until now, just in the Floating Spirit Sea Realm, there are a large number of sects such as Scarlet Scale Palace, Luojian Island, Qingmo Library, and even several sects. Ten world lords.

There are even countless true sages, venerables, and the creatures under them.

How could a Qiankun Realm Supreme be able to withstand such a huge amount?

Therefore, spiritual veins are becoming more and more scarce. For some original spiritual stones, the true masters will even fight to the death.

"I found another spiritual stone!" Chu Yuan shouted excitedly.

The words have not yet finished.

An extremely violent spatial fluctuation came from deep underground, and two sect disciples were seen hurriedly tearing apart the earth's veins and walking past the four of them.

The two of them did not know what sect they belonged to. Their Taoist robes and clothing were in tatters and they looked extremely miserable.

The moment the two left.

The cracks in the ground opened, and a beetle beast that was a million feet long poked its head out from the depths of the earth's veins. Its eyes flashed fiercely, and its eyes were like green flames.

The beetle beast's body is filled with chaotic turbidity. Wherever it goes, the earth is dark and its original spiritual energy is eroded, as if it is naturally repelled by the alien beast.

"Extraterrestrial beast?!"

Chu Yuan's expression suddenly changed, "Quickly, this is an alien beast."

However, the beetle alien beast had already struck at them with its huge claws. Chaos and turbid air filled the void, turning the surrounding thousands of miles into a forbidden land. Heavy traps shrouded the four people's heads, making it difficult for them to move.


Yang Lingzhi quickly threw out the scroll, and mountains and rivers appeared. Mountains smashed towards the huge claws. As soon as the two touched, they turned into flying smoke.

"How can it be?"

Jia Shu's face turned pale.

Among the three, Yang Lingzhi's Taoist realm is undoubtedly the highest. With the Lingbao scroll and the brush, the condensed mountains contain overwhelming divine power.

However, these mountains are actually vulnerable to the beasts from outside the sky.

"Six Dilemma Origin Beasts!"

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes, "This is clearly the Wuyang Sea Realm, how could a source beast appear? Could it be..."


The source beast's eyes flashed fiercely, and its huge claws passed through the gravel and struck towards Yang Lingzhi.

At the same time, another pincer fell towards Chu Yuan.

The power of the six-dilemma source beast is far beyond the comparison of ordinary Zhenzun. What's more, what this source beast is best at is brute force, and its strength is unbelievable.

Looking at the huge claws, the two true masters looked desperate.

"Am I going to die here today? My origin spirit stone, sect's contribution, divine book and jade book... can no longer be seen." Chu Yuan tried his best to activate the secret technique.

But no matter what method is used, facing the violent power of the source beast of the Six Difficulties Realm, it is like a dog made of bricks and tiles, vulnerable to a blow.

Seeing that the giant claw was about to arrive, two black and white palms suddenly appeared in front of Chu Yuan and Yang Lingzhi.


The black and white palms are extremely tough, and their palm strength is incredibly violent.

As soon as the two came into contact, the void underground was torn apart, and the beetle beast was pushed back for a hundred miles by this huge force.

"This is……"

Chu Yuan and Yang Lingzhi quickly turned their heads and saw black and white palm prints connected to Gu Xiuyun's arms, and the majestic divine power filled the void.

"Go quickly, I won't be able to hold you back for long." Gu Xiuyun shouted urgently.

The three of them had no time to ask, so they fled quickly along the cracks in the earth's veins, and disappeared after a few breaths.


The beetle beast rushed over again.

However, this time, Gu Xiuyun's palm prints were even more violent.

Than brute force? He has never been afraid of anyone.

Not to mention how powerful the martial arts energy combined with the true immortal Taoism is, and how terrifying the power of the true master-level insect beast is. Just a twist of fate can borrow power from the past and exert ten or even twenty times the power. Juli.

Although the beetle beast in front of me is in the Sixth Dilemma, it does not know the secrets of Taoism and is far inferior to the ten thousand beetles in terms of strength.


There was a loud noise.

The beetle beast stumbled and flew out.

"I have no time to talk to you, just stay away."

Gu Xiuyun brushed up his long sleeves, turned and left.

The beetle alien beast's eyes widened, but it did not dare to catch up. The alien alien beast also had wisdom. From the two collisions just now, it could be seen that the opponent's power was far superior to it.

And that's even if his body size hasn't increased dramatically.

Once the opponent completely breaks out, it can be killed by force.


The beetle beast took a deep breath and fled underground.

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