Fortune Teller

Chapter 1253 Life Core Essence Liquid

when! when! when!

The blade like a rain of swords was shattered by the palm print, and the old man in blood robe moved forward at high speed, looking for the correct location of the life core.

"No, still no, the damn Origin Beast must be deliberately avoiding me!" The Red Scale Ancestor cursed angrily in his heart.

Even though he has monstrous means, he still has to move forward step by step in the desert in the face of the suppression of martial arts bans.

Facing a monster like the Desert Source Beast, I can only secretly sigh helplessly.

Even the life core can't be found, so no matter how strong the method is, it's meaningless.

"Emperor Ziyang is well versed in the rules of fate. He has designed heavenly secret formations in every part of the courtyard, but he still leaves a few traps that cannot be deduced. You are a majestic emperor, and you can make dry calligraphy sticks at will, so why do you need to set up so many mechanisms? "

The ancestor of the Red Scales was extremely angry.

Of course, I dare not say these words. Emperor Ziyang is dead, but the puppet beasts, formation spirits, and weapon spirits in the other courtyard are still alive. If they hear it, the trouble will be ten times greater.

At this moment, a violent roar came from a distance.

The storm above the desert began to dissipate, the earth gradually cracked, and the murderous intent everywhere in the void disappeared.

"Is the Source Beast dead? Looking at the direction, it should be towards Chiyin."

A smile appeared on the face of the old man in blood robe. In a month and a half, he finally killed this strange beast.

After a while.

Several Realm Masters from the Scarlet Scale Palace came to the broken oasis. Except for the green Yuan Core that had been torn apart, there was no one left in the world.

"Ancestor... Junior Brother Chi Yin is dead." Chi Guang and Chi Shu looked sad.

"It doesn't matter, it's just been silent for tens of thousands of years. His inner world is hidden in a secret place and is isolated by the formation. Outsiders will never be able to find it."

The blood-robed old man said calmly, "One of the three dangerous points has been passed, and only Junior Brother Chiyin was injured. It is lucky for us."

"The ancestor is right," Chihe Realm Master nodded slightly, "As long as we can get the dry sign, it doesn't matter if we die once, the inner world will not be destroyed, and we will not die. This loss is worth it."

The four of them looked at the oval-shaped core in front of them.

The green skin has collapsed, revealing the mysterious liquid inside. The liquid has a faint fragrance and seems to be a special elixir.

"The vines of this desert origin beast are so powerful, and its strength has probably reached the Nine Difficulties level. Its life core essence liquid must be of great benefit to practice."

The old man in blood robe waved his long sleeve, rolled up most of the liquid, and wanted to put it into the storage of spiritual treasures.

However, as soon as the liquid touched the Lingbao, it corroded the treasure, and drops of green liquid flowed out.

"Can't put it away?"

The four people frowned slightly.

A beast from the Nine Difficulties Realm, and a high-level life at that. The Life Core Essence Liquid is so precious, every drop is no less than the top magic medicine... but they can't take it away.

"It's a pity that my inner world is blocked by the formation, so I can't collect the treasures, so these treasures were wasted."

The old man in blood robe had a look of reluctance.

Thinking of this, he waved his long sleeves and released Gu Xiuyun and the four others.

"Gu Ximing, Yan Yun, Ning Fang, Luo Shan, the opportunity has come for the four of you," the ancestor of the red scale pointed forward, "Did you see that, that is the life core liquid of the desert origin beast, every drop is valuable Liancheng is of great benefit to tempering the body, strengthening the soul, and even consolidating the inner world. Go and refine it!"

"That's an extraterrestrial beast from the Nine Difficulties Realm. It's rare in the world. You can refine it as much as you can. Don't waste it!" Chihe Realm Master urged.

"The life core essence liquid of the Nine Difficulties Realm!"

Ning Fang's eyes widened and his face flushed.

A great opportunity, definitely a great opportunity. All the previous treasures were looted by the World Master, but now there is finally one piece left for them.

Luo Shan jumped away, rushed directly into the depths of the Yuan Liquid, and absorbed it crazily.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Fang and Yan Yun also rushed in.

On the contrary, Gu Xiuyun looked unhurried.

Only he knows how huge the desert source beast's life core liquid is. Not to mention four true masters, even four hundred true masters can only refine less than 10% of it.

"It's a pity that such a valuable treasure actually comes at an advantage to a few of their juniors." Chihe Realm Master licked his lips.

"This object has little impact on the physical body and soul. The biggest benefit is to consolidate the foundation of the inner world. The three of us don't have the inner world with us, and we can't take it away, so we can only watch it!"

The Crimson Light Realm Master shook his head.

Among the four world masters, only the ancestor of the Red Scales has brought the inner world, but the ancestor of the red scales is already the Nine Difficulties Realm Master, and the inner world is integrated and completely perfect.

The life core liquid of the desert source beast has no effect on him, and at most it can replenish some divine power.

"Remember, you only have one day. After one day, continue on your way." The old man in blood robe said loudly.


Four voices came from the eggshell.

Gulu! Gulu!

Deep in the core of life, Gu Xiuyun sat cross-legged, and strands of essence liquid poured into his body.

Those elemental liquids did not enter the depths of the black hole particles, but were absorbed by the Concentric Gu.

The Life Core Yuan Liquid of the Nine Difficulties Realm Master is so precious, no less than the bloodline of the top demon gods, and the stimulation to the Tongxin Gu is even more unimaginable.

In just a short moment, the bloodline in Tongxin Gu's body increased significantly.

"Hurry up and absorb it. Even if your body is stretched, you can't stop," Gu Xiuyun urged. "This is the life core of the Origin Beast at the Nine Difficulties Level. Looking at the infinite world, it is also a near-peak existence."

Gulu! Gulu!

Tongxin Gu frantically absorbed the Life Core Essence Liquid, but in just a moment, it was completely filled.

After all, this insect beast is in the Fourth Refinement Realm. Its cultivation is too weak and its endurance is much worse. How can it withstand the essence liquid of the peak world master?

Looking at this scene, Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "It's a pity that my inner world is blocked and I can't absorb the life core liquid. Emperor Ziyang's blocking power is too strong."

Thinking of this, he tried to activate the Space Rules, Five Elements Rules, and Wind and Thunder Rules. Sure enough, no matter which rule, the inner world could not be opened.

"By the way, what about the rules of the Infinite Species itself?"

Gu Xiuyun suddenly remembered the power of the original rules in the deepest part of the inner world.

That is the power of the rules of the Infinite Seed, which is similar to the rules of the starry sky of Wuya Pseudo Realm Master. Although there is nothing special in its power and it is a bit complicated to display, it can work wonders in many cases.

For example, at Ziyang Tomb before.

It was with the help of the Star Sky Escape Rules that he came into contact with the real cemetery and successfully repaired the Life Star Orb.

A weak ray of original rules was activated.


Invisible power surged out from the depths of the inner world and came to the edge of the world barrier. After a moment, a small crack was opened, and the inner world... actually opened a crack.

"How can it be?"

Gu Xiuyun was extremely shocked.

It was just an idea, and it actually worked.

The ban set by Emperor Ziyang has no impact on the power of rules of the Infinite Seed, as if the two are not in a parallel space.

It's like using material means to block soul attacks.


A trace of essence liquid poured into the inner world, and the world within a billion miles began to tremble violently.

Slowly refining the essence liquid is not as good as swallowing and merging it directly.

Every trace of Yuan liquid is filled with the aura of the peak realm master, and it is different from the realm master. It is the aura of the beast from outside the sky, which goes deeper into the essence and has a greater impact on the inner world.

After all... the celestial beast itself is a world-level life, and the essence liquid containing its life essence is more beneficial to the stability of the world.

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