Fortune Teller

Chapter 1255 Awareness

In the courtyard.

Two figures appeared quietly, wearing thick blue armor, with divine power surging like a frenzy.

At the same time, an invisible wave came quietly.

"Cross the wooden plank waterway and enter the outer courtyard. You are qualified to stay here. Remember, every three years, there will be a test of will. If you cannot survive, you will be expelled from the outer courtyard."

"By the way, I would like to remind you that a cultivator entered the courtyard a year ago, so the test of will will take place in two years."

"There are some treasures in the pavilion, which are the emperor's reward for you."

The invisible fluctuations quietly dispersed.

"The reward from Emperor Ziyang?"

Cang Hong and Cang Yue looked at each other and quickly walked into the pavilion.

There are nine treasures placed on the stone table, two Kun-character inscriptions, two jade-inscription inscriptions, and some elixirs and jade stones.

"This is... the legendary Kun sign?"

Cang Hong couldn't help but take a breath, "Emperor Ziyang is proficient in the Tao of Destiny. He has refined countless spiritual fortune tellings in his life, but most of them are jade fortune tellings. There are only a handful of Kun character fortune tellings and dry character fortune tellings. There are actually two of them here?"

The Kun character sign can be said to be one of the most precious treasures in the spiritual world.

What is most important to a practitioner? money? Fame and fortune? ? No, cultivation realm is the most important.

Even if you have huge wealth, it will be easily taken away by more powerful practitioners.

For example, the Scarlet Scale Ancestor sits in the Floating Sea Area, and all practitioners in the sea area are his slaves. As long as the Red Scale Ancestor is willing, he can turn all sects and sages into puppets.

A single word from Scarlet Scale Palace can make thirty-seven sects madly pursue Gu Xiuyun, and it relies on strength.

In front of the strong, there is no reason. If you are asked to die, you will die, and if you are asked to live, you will live.

"No wonder Old Chilin became the Master of the Nine Difficulties Realm. Kun must be the credit of Kun Zizi."

"Senior brother, this treasure is extremely precious. To avoid accidents, it is better to refine it as soon as possible!"


Cang Hong and Cang Yue each picked up a purple jade stick and began to refine it.

After a while, countless illusions poured into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The two looked at each other, with surprise and excitement on their faces.

"It turns out that our chance lies in the Hunyuan Heaven... the nine-color tala flower. If we can get this thing, we have at least 30% hope of entering the Dharma Sui Realm."

"Kun's signature is truly worthy of its reputation. Not only does it point out the flaws in practice, it can even calculate where the nine-colored tala flowers are in the Hunyuan Heaven. With the addition of several other treasures, the Nine Difficulties Realm Master is within reach."

"By the way, senior brother," Cang Yue's brows moved slightly, "Chilin old man is already a Nine Dilemma Realm Master, but he is still so keen on exploring other courtyards. Could his goal... be the legendary dry sign? "

"This is just a separate courtyard, how can there be a dry signature?"

Cang Hong shook his head, "According to what Tianjun said, before the fall of Emperor Ziyang, a total of eight dry calligraphy sticks were refined, five of which already had owners, and the remaining three were left in the dojo. If not, how could Tianjun Will you send two of us? We’ve already come here in person.”

The value of the "Qian" sign is much higher than that of the "Kun" sign.

A dry calligraphy sign represents the universe where a person may be born.

Refining such treasures will not only be punished by the power of fate, but also contaminated by infinite cause and effect, so the number is very small, and Emperor Ziyang only refined eight in his life.

Cang Yue smiled, "The eight dry calligraphy sticks are just rumors from the outside. Who knows if Emperor Ziyang secretly refined the ninth one?? Old man Chilin must have his reasons for being so crazy. Maybe there is something... …Even Chifeng, Chihe and others don’t know.”

"If this is really the case, we will have to fight tooth and nail." Cang Hong's face condensed slightly.

According to Cangyan Tianjun's speculation, in addition to the secret techniques and rare treasures left by the emperor, there will also be some Qiankun realm practice manuals, as well as Kun-character inscriptions and other treasures in the Ziyang Villa.

But there is definitely no dry signature.

After all, this is just an individual hospital.

I never thought that the weapon spirit of Ziyang Villa would be so generous. Just entering the outer courtyard, he gave two Kun-character stamps. I really can't say whether there are more precious Qian-character stamps.

"Send a message to Gui Ao and ask him to rush over immediately, including the group of realm masters," Cang Hong said coldly, "There will be no changes to the formation outside the other courtyard in a short period of time."

As he spoke, he waved his long sleeves and released several Six Difficulties True Masters, "Look carefully where the people from Scarlet Scale Palace are hiding and the route they take."


The seven True Masters looked around and tried their best to make calculations.

At this moment, a stone slab in the distance fluctuated violently, and vaguely, a figure walked through the void and walked towards the next stone slab.

"over there!"

The expressions of the seven True Masters suddenly brightened up, and their calculation speed was several times faster.

Cang Hong and Cang Yue looked at each other with a bit of nervousness in their expressions.

If there really are dry signatures in other courtyards, it's not just as simple as exploring the way.

Ordinary Zhenzun doesn't know the value of dry calligraphy signatures, so he will be indifferent. Looking at such treasures, you can't find a few in the entire infinite world, which is enough for Tianjun to fight for life and death.

Who would have thought that in just a separate courtyard, there would be hidden signatures?

Half a month later.

The seven true masters put away their divine power and looked at the weapon rack with piercing eyes, "Senior Canghong, we have calculated the walking route of the Scarlet Scale Palace. In just half a month, they passed three stone slabs. The suitable route is not A lot, plus the time limit..."

"After this incident, I will reward you based on your merits. You guys will set off with me and be sure to get there before Old Man Chilin." Cang Hong pointed to the weapon rack in the distance.

No matter who gets a treasure like a dry calligraphy sign, they will refine it immediately.

The only way to win the treasure is to be faster than him.

"Senior, don't worry. The restrictions in the courtyard are different from those outside. Every stone slab is a test. As long as we follow the route of the Red Scale Palace, it won't take much time." The seven true masters were full of confidence.

next moment.

Cang Hong put the seven people into his sleeves and walked towards the first stone slab.

Sure enough, the puppet beast in the stone slab had been seriously injured, and most of the formation restrictions were damaged. The two elders of the Cang family walked over easily.

Stone slabs passed by one after another, and the distance between the two sides became closer and closer.

Within the formation space.

The old man in blood robe looked around, his hands like cattail fans striking the void, constantly destroying the formation patterns.

"Junior, have you figured it out?"

"There's still a little bit left, senior, please wait a moment."

Gu Xiuyun pinched his fingers repeatedly, and occasionally urged fate to bend the rules.

At this moment, his eyes widened suddenly. Several other figures appeared in the future scene. Two of them were vague and had extremely powerful auras. The remaining ones were all Six Difficulties True Masters.

Someone came in... Thoughts flashed through Gu Xiuyun's mind.

The opponent's future figure appears in the formation space, which shows that they are taking the same route. It won't be long before the two sides meet.

"In addition to the Scarlet Scale Palace, do other forces know the news about Ziyang Villa?"

"The other party is tracking all the way. It should be no weaker than the Scarlet Scale Palace, or even more terrifying. Should I say something about this?"

Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly.

Neither the Scarlet Scale Palace nor the powerful men behind it could tolerate him.

"Let's tell it in advance. At least Scarlet Scale Palace can use me now, and if the other party can get all the way here, they must have a strong person of the destiny lineage in their hands. My life is not worth anything to them."

Thinking of this, Gu Xiuyun said loudly, "Senior Chilin, another team has entered the other courtyard and is chasing after them from behind. If my calculation is correct, they will enter the formation space in half a day at most."

"What? Another team??" The expression of the old man in blood robe suddenly changed.

Several other Realm Masters also looked shocked.

Could it be...

"Junior, can you figure out their origins?" Chihe Realm Master asked quickly.

"Senior, I have overestimated. Although destiny practitioners have the ability to spy on the secrets of heaven, they are not omniscient. From the shadow of the future, it can be seen that there are at least six people on the other side, two of whom have reached the level of Jie Zun or above. By the way, I saw a dazzling rainbow light in the shadow, there should be swordsmen practitioners among them."

"Sword practitioners..." The expression of the old man in blood robe changed, and after a moment, his expression trembled, "Could it be them?"

"Ancestor, have you thought of it?"

"Looking at the Wuyang Sea Realm, except for the Cangyan clan, it is impossible for anyone else to know the news about Ziyang Villa," the old man in blood robe said solemnly, "there is a pair of Taoist couples in the Cangyan clan, who are not only powerful in cultivation, but also good at killing. The most famous Taoist technique is their Yin-Yang God-Slaying Technique, which is no less impressive than that of the Nine Difficulties Realm Master."

"If it were really them, things would be a little troublesome."

"Ancestor, you can't even deal with me?" Chi He, Chi Guang, and Chi Shu looked slightly condensed.

"It's better to say that in other places, this is Ziyang Villa. My inner world is blocked, and the rules of the world cannot be used. However, their Yin Yang God-Slaying Technique is not affected, and their strength is probably three points better than mine."

"What can we do?" Crimson Light Realm Master's face turned pale.

"There is no other way, we must strike first." The old man in blood-robed eyes showed a cold light.

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