Fortune Teller

Chapter 1257 Half-step to Supreme

Within the space folding array.

The Crimson Light Realm Master walked forward quickly, while the other two Realm Masters and Gu Xiuyun were practicing in their sleeves with their eyes closed.

Now that they know that this is a time-consuming, labor-intensive and non-dangerous formation restriction, the three of them will naturally not stay outside.

The Crimson Light Realm Master is second only to the ancestor in strength and is proficient in formations. It would be perfect for him to break through this formation.

In his sleeves, Gu Xiuyun closed his eyes, silently meditating on the rules of fate.

"With my current strength, I absolutely cannot stop the Taoist bombardment. The only way... is to break through to the Venerable realm in my martial arts cultivation."

"The Venerable-level body, both in terms of magical power and particle strength, cannot be compared to the true artistic conception. With the twist of fate rules, the hope of saving one's life is close to 50%."

Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart.

He deceived the Red Scale Palace.

The other route is indeed much easier, but it is almost impossible to get to the weapons rack within three years.

But he had to say this, otherwise, the Red Scale Ancestor would definitely not let him leave, even if he died, he would have to die in his own hands.

"The Scarlet Scale Palace doesn't care about my life at all, just like it doesn't care about Yan Yun, Luo Shan, and Ning Fang. No, to be precise, they will definitely kill me after leaving Ziyang Villa."

"A half-step world master who understands the rules of destiny and is likely to become an enemy. Who would be stupid enough to feed a tiger?"

Gu Xiuyun's heart was heavy.

From the moment the Scarlet Scale Palace caught him, he knew that he was in big trouble.

"The Scarlet Scale Palace would never have imagined that I could take the rules of destiny one step further and reach the middle stage of the Concentration Realm in a short period of time. This is my only chance."

"Of the nine major methods of destiny, only the internal cultivation method does not need to rely on outsiders. It is hidden in three chapters... The Heart Refining Platform..."

Gu Xiuyun closed his eyes tightly and concentrated on practicing.

Time passes slowly.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Patriarch Gui Ao led another group of Realm Masters into the outer courtyard and followed closely along the route left by Cang Hong.

At the same time, Chi Guang, Chi Shu and others were walking through the formation.

As for the two elders of the Cang clan and the ancestor of the Chilin family, they each had their own thoughts and moved forward along the planned route, constantly destroying the formation restrictions and killing the puppets and source beasts.

"The next stone slab is much more dangerous than the previous one."

The ancestor of Red Scale looked at the two people in the distance, "When I entered this place before, my companion who is good at the mystery of fate once deduced all the restrictions on the stone slabs. There are three stone slabs that cannot be seen. The first one has been passed, and that is You should have seen the desert origin beast in the first nine difficulties."

"Nine Dilemma Realm source beasts are indeed rare."

Cang Hong and Cang Yue nodded slightly.

There are many world-level beasts from outside the world, but not many at the Nine Difficulties level.

Each one possesses tremendous power and is extremely difficult to kill. They will try their best to hide their life core, and even use the secret realm of mixed sources to cover themselves.

Only one clone was left walking outside.

In comparison, the source beasts in other courtyards are much easier to deal with. Due to the formation restrictions left by the emperor, the life core of the desert source beast must be left outside. It can be easily solved with the help of Taoist talismans.

"On this route, there are three stone slabs that cannot be deduced. The next one is the second one, and the last one is the last stone slab in front of the weapons rack."

The old man in blood robe continued, "I am the subordinate of Tianjun. I don't want any accident to happen to you two."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist."

Cang Hong and Cang Yue looked at each other without saying anything.

They also hope to break through a few more stone slabs, and it is best to reach the weapon rack. With the help of Patriarch Gui Ao, plus the thirty Realm Masters and the only remaining Destiny Master, the two elders of the Cang clan can seize Qian. The hope for the signature is great.

"Let's go!"

The three of them tore open the void barrier and walked into the next stone slab.

In an instant, the world turned upside down.

A sun star emitting scorching flames unexpectedly appeared in front of him. The star was hundreds of billions of miles in diameter, bright and dazzling, with faint fluctuations of life.

"This is... half-step supreme?"

The three of them looked at each other, their faces turning pale.

The stars in the billions of miles are clearly an extraterrestrial beast. The flames in the stars are undulating and seem a little weak.

But even so, it cannot change the identity of Half-Step Supreme.

The Nine Difficulties Realm Master is not the Half-Step Supreme Master. There is a difference between the two. The Half-Step Supreme Master refers to the cultivator who failed to attack the Qiankun Realm. The realm has been reached, but the foundation accumulation is insufficient and the breakthrough failed.

From the realm of transcendence to the realm of heaven and earth, it is not just the rules of the living being.

The Qiankun realm represents the perfection of the immortal way and the ultimate of all things in the world. It must be flawless without any flaws in order to successfully break through.

But practitioners always have more or less flaws, and so do the beasts from outside the world.

At the moment of impacting the Qiankun realm, all flaws appear in the body, including past experiences and vows... Even if you have made some kind of vow and then violated it, it may lead to failure.

Half-step to supreme, the mind and will have reached the mind-only state, the material path has been completely perfected, there are no flaws in the realm of Taoism, and even the inner world has initially transformed, with some of the magical powers of the Qiankun state.

Such beings, even if they follow the inferior path, are not inferior to the Lord of Heaven.

The second dangerous level turned out to be Half-Step Supreme?

"What should we do now? How about we go back?" Cang Hong looked at the old man in blood robe not far away.

The Half-Step Supreme, whose strength is no less than that of Tianjun, can be called the pinnacle of beings in the Qiankun Realm, and is definitely not something they can fight against.

"Wait a minute."

The Red Scale Ancestor looked suspicious, "Didn't you notice that this beast didn't react at all to our appearance, as if it was asleep?"

Hearing this, Cang Hong and Cang Yue also showed doubts.

Half-step to the Supreme, can you also sleep?

For such a being, the mind and will already have the power to destroy the heaven and the earth. Even without the help of Taoist secrets or divine power, the pure mind and will can crush the true master to death. Do you still need to rest?

"This Origin Beast seems to have had its consciousness wiped out and turned into a puppet?" The Red Scale Ancestor observed for a long time before confirming.

"In that case, let's leave it alone and quickly find the entrance to the next stone slab." Cang Yue urged.

"No need to look for it. The space here is completely closed, and every place is covered by formation restrictions. There is only a wormhole under the scorching sun and stars."

Cang Hong pointed into the distance.

The three of them looked at each other, feeling a little heavy.

It seemed that this battle had to be fought.

Thinking about it, you know how terrifying it is to be a half-supreme-level being. Fortunately, the opponent's consciousness has been wiped away, leaving only instinct, which makes it much easier to deal with.

"Time is running out, let's do it!"

The Scarlet Scale Ancestor raised his hand and slapped the huge palm print like a mountain.


The palm prints were hundreds of millions of feet long, imprinted on the surface of the stars, leaving huge pits.

The scorching sun and stars roared furiously, and the sound waves were like a frenzy, sweeping through every place in the void, accompanied by the oppression of the soul and mind.

Half step to supreme, only the state of mind exists.

The will of the mind has boundless power, and this method alone can wipe out all the lives under the World Master.

"Yin-Yang God-Slaying Sword Technique!"

Cang Hong and Cang Yue use their Taoist techniques to create the most powerful skills once they are launched.

In the mountains and forests.

Birds and beasts chirped lowly, and Chihe Realm Master moved forward cautiously.

There is no danger here except for a kind of green and black venomous snake. The only trouble... is to cross the entire mountain range.

No one knows how vast the mountains are. He has been walking for more than four months and still has not reached the end.


A ray of light broke through the void and rushed towards Chihe Realm Master at an astonishing speed.

The rules of time and space, Taoist secrets, spiritual treasures... No means can stop the green-black poisonous snake. The only way is to avoid it in time.

The Chihe Realm Master swayed and moved half a foot sideways before the poisonous snake broke through the air. He then swung out a palm and landed on the seven-inch part of the poisonous snake, shattering it to pieces.

"Fortunately, fellow Daoist Savior of Life warned me, otherwise it would have been impossible to avoid this snake." Chihe Realm Master breathed a sigh of relief.

"This venomous snake's ability to save lives is average, but its ability to take lives is simply horrifying. At the moment of the attack, space and time are stagnant. Even the divine power and soul thoughts are affected by some kind of force. If an ordinary world master encounters it, he will definitely die."

In the sleeves, the face of the Crimson Light Realm Master has turned dark, and the divine power around his body is a hundred times weaker than before. Even his soul thoughts are a little weak, and his pupils are no longer as bright as before.

The moment he entered the stone space, he was bitten by a green and black poisonous snake. Fortunately, his body was torn open in time, otherwise even his soul would have been dissolved.

But even so, the venom of the blue-black venomous snake is still transmitted through unknown means such as the line of causality and the line of fate.

"Brother, hurry up and heal your wounds. We are still a long way from our destination." Chihe Jie Zun said.

"Don't worry, everyone, after passing two stone slabs, you will encounter a machine formation. Although there is some danger there, it is also a special moving point. As long as you use it well, you can save half the distance." Gu Xiuyun smiled.

"I hope it's true as you said." Red Light Realm Master closed his eyes and continued to expel toxins.

In a stone space.

Ancestor Gui Ao led the practitioners forward slowly.

"Ancestor, shall we wait here?" A Realm Master asked with a frown.

"With two adults, Cang Hong and Cang Yue, and the Red Scale Ancestor, what danger can stop them?"

Ancestor Gui Ao sneered, "We only need to follow behind, and wait until the critical moment to swarm up and trap Ancestor Red Scale, then we can seize the treasure and make great achievements."

"Ancestor is wise."

Smiles appeared on the faces of the surrounding Realm Masters.

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