Fortune Teller

Chapter 1269 The rules of fate and heart


The void trembled violently, and countless bloody threads poured into Gu Xiuyun's body. Each thread was filled with strange fluctuations like Sanskrit sounds.

Like a long snake, like a wasp, like a termite, it was tearing at Gu Xiuyun's divine body crazily.

From the skin and flesh to the muscles and bones, and even the sea of ​​soul consciousness, every part is bound by invisible power. At this moment, even a slight breeze blows, like a steel knife ripping flesh and blood.

"The Art of Locking the God and Devouring the Heart is divided into four levels. Throughout the ages, no one can withstand the torture of the fourth level. Even I am curious, how painful will the fourth level of Locking the God and Devouring the Heart be?"

The corners of the blood-robed old man's mouth were slightly raised, "I once heard that a heavenly king used this method to kill a Nine Dilemma Realm Master. Junior, enjoy it!"


The Red Scale Ancestor showed his true form, and the dragon tail covered with spikes gently scraped Gu Xiuyun's skin.


In an instant, a roar shook the void.

Compared with the first three levels, the pain of the fourth level has increased by more than a hundred times, and has completely exceeded the level of refining the artistic conception. This is a torture that can make any practitioner suffer to the point of death.

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun's mind went blank, no memories or obsessions... were gone.

Only pure pain remained.

He had even forgotten his life and death. His whole mind was shaking violently, and pieces of memory began to collapse.

What about the later stages of refining the artistic conception? So what if the will is like a knife?

The fourth level of pain was beyond His Majesty’s ability to bear.

Within the body, the black hole particles collapsed rapidly, severe pain spread to every particle, and the martial arts energy that was perfectly integrated with spirit, energy, and spirit also began to disintegrate on its own.

"Want to die? It's not that simple."

The old man in blood robe waved one hand, and the majestic divine power enveloped Gu Xiuyun's soul and black hole particles, making it impossible to decompose them for a while.

Countless bloody threads penetrated deep into the bone marrow, biting every bit of flesh crazily.

The fourth level of the Soul Locking and Heart Devouring Technique closely connects flesh and blood, soul, and mind and will. The three are inseparable. Biting the flesh and blood is tantamount to biting the mind and will.

The pain reaches the deepest part of my heart and cannot be resisted by any means.

In the void.

A huddled half-human body collapsed on the cloud, almost completely losing its breath.

The fourth severe pain made him unable to think, and he couldn't even feel the passage of time.

Even if the pain is extreme, it can also erase the imprint of time.

"I thought how long you could hold on, but it turned out to be nothing more than that," the Red Scale Ancestor narrowed his eyes with a smile on his lips, "In front of the fourth level of the God-Locking Heart Devouring Art, no matter how strong your will is, it's just a joke. You can still hold on." How long? One day?"

"There are still thirty-five thousand years until the next test of will. I have plenty of time."

Endless pain filled every part of my mind.

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun was extremely eager to escape from his physical body and his soul. His endless desire merged with his mind and will.

Unknowingly, a special force grows in the body...the rules of fate and heart.

Among the nine great methods of destiny, in addition to the rules of destiny distortion, the entanglement of destiny and the relationship between destiny have also reached the peak of the seventh level.

At this moment, the endless desire burst out with the ultimate power, coupled with the mental will in the late stage of refining the artistic conception, unexpectedly broke the limit of the mysterious mind and condensed into the power of rules.

If it is the material realm, this is of course impossible.

But the Tao of Life itself originates from the soul, and the ultimate desire combined with the mind and will form a huge force, breaking the shackles of Taoism.

"Rootless duckweed!"

The moment the power of rules gathered, Gu Xiuyun instinctively used a secret technique to peel away his consciousness.

The Soul-Locking and Heart-Eating Technique is indeed very powerful. It can lock the practitioner's mind, soul, and body, unify the three, and increase the pain a hundred times.

But a tactic is a tactic after all. How can it compare to the rules of fate?


In an instant, consciousness left the physical body.

The endless pain dissipated from the depths of the mind, the shattered memories were reunited, and everything in the past, including the Taoist understanding, was gradually restored.

"Fortunately... I understood the rules of destiny at the last moment, otherwise I would have been tortured by the red-scaled old dog and my mind would have collapsed, I would have lost all consciousness, and turned into a walking zombie."

Under the shroud of rootless duckweed, the mind and will regrouped.

At the same time, this force of destiny is slowly dissipating.

The effect of rootless duckweed has its limit after all. Even if Gu Xiuyun doesn't take the initiative to break free, it won't last long.

After all... his mind and will are too strong!

Late stage of refining artistic conception.

If the ninth-grade Patriarch's will is like a grain of sand, Gu Xiuyun's will is like the sun. The difference between the two is no longer a quantitative difference, but an infinite leap in essence and level.

"In another twenty breaths, the consciousness will return to the physical body... In that state, I have to hold on to at least half a stick of incense to regroup the power of the rules and get rid of the physical body."

Gu Xiuyun's mind flickered with thoughts.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the divine power and true energy are sufficient, Wugen Duckweed can perform it continuously, and even use this method on dozens of venerables at the same time.

But under severe pain, even thinking becomes an extremely difficult task, let alone activating the secret technique?

Half a stick of incense is already very fast.

"No matter what, by understanding the rules of the mind, I will have a chance to breathe. At least I will not be tortured to the point where my will collapses and I become a walking zombie."

After twenty breaths, the power of fate dissipates, and the consciousness merges into the fate line, combining with the soul and body.

In an instant, the extreme pain invaded again.

Gu Xiuyun's mind went blank.

The fourth level of the Soul Locking and Heart Devouring Technique is really terrifying.

Half a stick of incense passed.

The rootless duckweed condensed again, peeling away the mind and consciousness. The shattered will slowly healed, and the past memories and Taoist insights were restored again.

After a while.

The power of fate dissipated, and the mind and consciousness returned to the physical body.

The extreme pain invaded again.

In this way, Gu Xiuyun was tortured by life and death again and again, constantly experiencing the reincarnation of hell and the human world. His mind and will collapsed, then recovered, collapsed again, and recovered again...

There is no end to the pain, no end to the torture.

Between life and death, he could no longer remember how many times he had gone back and forth, and even some Taoist insights began to become blurred, leaving only the most important memories and obsessions.

"Red-scaled old dog, if I don't die, I will cut your body into thousands of pieces, crush your bones and scatter you into ashes, and let you be tortured in purgatory forever."

"Kill, kill you, kill you..."

After countless painful reincarnations, Gu Xiuyun's character began to change unconsciously.

He used to be extremely calm. No matter what enemy he encountered or what scene he faced, he was like a pool of clear water without any ripples in an ancient well.

But now, the anger in his heart is getting stronger and stronger.

Time passes, I don’t know how long it has been.

Finally, the painful torture stopped.

Gu Xiuyun tried his best to open his eyes. The old man in blood robe was standing in front with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. No one can survive the torture of the Soul-Locking Heart Devouring Art. You are just a little True Master. Why?"

"Old dog, are you exhausted?" Gu Xiuyun opened his mouth and his twisted body trembled slightly, "You should really follow the guidance of Kun Zi Zhu. Could it be that Emperor Ziyang can't do it without you? It's ridiculous. You claim to be smart in vain. In the end Just a joke."

"It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be, the Nine Difficulties Realm Master has not survived the torture, why do you have it?" The ancestor of the Red Scales shook his head, "It shouldn't be like this, you must have used some means."

Gu Xiuyun gasped quietly, silently recovering his shattered mind and will.

Until this moment, he didn't know how long he had been tortured - thirty-two thousand years.

Thirty-two thousand years!

The fourth level of the Soul Locking and Heart Devouring Art had tortured him for 32,000 years. Compared to tens of thousands of years ago, his mind and will were many times stronger, but even so, he was still unable to withstand the painful torture.

Deep in the mind and will, there is a faint edge condensed, as if gold sand is mixed in the soil, emitting a faint light.

The will turns into light, which is the sign of perfecting the artistic conception.

As long as a grain of will shines, that's enough.

There are actually hundreds of golden gravels deep in Gu Xiuyun's mind and will. If it weren't for his insufficient Taoist realm, he could directly step into the legendary Dharma realm with this power of will alone.

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