Fortune Teller

Chapter 1273 Changes in Taoist Heart

Looking at the ancient palace, Gu Xiuyun closed his eyes and wiped away the last trace of nostalgia in his heart.

"time to go!"

The divine power surged and turned into a void sword light, slashing towards the sea of ​​consciousness.


The sword light tore open the edge of the sea of ​​consciousness, and at the moment it touched the soul, a bloody aura surged up, shattering the sword light and completely covering the soul.

"It's not that easy to die."

Deep in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, sharp laughter resounded in his heart.

"How can it be?"

Gu Xiuyun was shocked, where did this bloody power come from? He clearly suppressed all the killing power, how could there be any residue?

"Are you surprised? After all, you are not what you used to be!" Bloody Mind sneered faintly, "Without the rules of fate as a foundation, there is only a will. You don't even know when you were affected."

"If it were you back then, you would have committed suicide a month ago. How would you have given me a chance to plot?"

"It's a pity that your mind has been completely affected by me. In order to survive for one more day, you even ignored the risks hidden behind it. Gu Xiuyun, you will always be my puppet for thousands of years and eternity."

The sharp laughter was like a blade, shattering the last bit of determination in Gu Xiuyun's heart.

At this moment, the mystery of killing permeated the whole body, and the bloody aura infiltrated the body, soul, mind and will, leaving no place uncontrolled.

"Success, I finally succeeded!"

"I have endured for so many years and watched helplessly as you, a junior, comprehend the mysteries of the Seventh Grade and the rules of destiny. I have been patient. Now... you are finally mine."

"There is only one last step left - the rules of killing. The split soul of the Heavenly King can come to this world and use the power of the entire holy world of reincarnation to achieve greatness."

In Bai Kongze's body, the wild laughter continued.

Just as the bloody aura surged, a mysterious power of will spread from the distant void.

This power was ethereal, but it was like a raging wave that instantly submerged the boat of bloody thoughts.

The artistic conception of refining is perfect, and far beyond the level of perfection. It has condensed hundreds of light gravels. Coupled with the rules of fate twisting and the rules of fate and heart, it is hard to imagine how strong the human race's real willpower is.

Before heading to the outer world, Gu Xiuyun's mind and will were just a small river.

Now it is a vast ocean.

Peng! !

The violent power instantly crushed the blood-colored thoughts and awakened the sinking Gu Xiuyun. The will of his mind gradually formed into water mist, and then condensed into ice crystals... until finally, it formed diamond-like gravel.

"I... woke up?"

"No, my mind and will have been infiltrated by the mystery of killing. The person I am at this moment is no longer the person I was before." Gu Xiuyun stood up and looked into the void, "How could the true will of the human race be so strong? what happened?"

He clenched his fists, feeling endless murderous intent in his heart.

Although the bloody mind collapsed, the soaked mind and will could no longer be restored. It was like a piece of clothing thrown into a dye vat. How could it be restored to its original state?

The true body of the human race is outside the Holy World, separated by the Holy World barrier. Apart from the induction of willpower, no message can be transmitted between the two bodies.

"No matter what, I finally survived."

Gu Xiuyun looked around, blood-colored fluctuations filled the void, and every fluctuation was incomparably consistent with his own. After all... this was his own power.

The bloody mind collapsed.

In Bai Kongze's body, only Gu Xiuyun's mind and will remained, firmly controlling every ounce of divine power.

Only then did he realize that he could no longer sense the power of fate, and even the line of fate had become extremely blurry. On the contrary, every trace of murderous intent in the void was extremely clear.

"The mind and will have been completely integrated with the mystery of killing, and even the Tao heart has been changed. Can one person really cultivate two kinds of living things??"

Looking at the quaint palace, Gu Xiuyun was a little confused.

The outer world.

Above a majestic and vast sea of ​​blood.


The bloody figure shot straight into the sky, and the abyss-like aura of death filled the void, covering the entire sea.

"The Lord is above!"

The moment the bloody figure appeared, countless cultivators of the killing lineage knelt down with terrified expressions.

The Killing Heavenly Lord, the top expert in the Yin Evil Realm, is almost invincible in the Qiankun Realm, and is also one of the world-suppressing Heavenly Lords in the entire Qingxiao Realm.

"My mind imprint...has collapsed?"

"It's impossible, it shouldn't be," the bloody figure said with disbelief on his face, "I have gone through all the hard work to get a boundary-breaking bead from the Qingxiao Realm and put my mind imprint into it. How can a junior? Could it destroy my will?"

Lord Slaughter Lian couldn't believe it.

That is the imprint of the mind, which is condensed with pure mind and will. It is not affected by divine power, soul thoughts, and true energy. Only the most tenacious mind and will can destroy it.

Gu Xiuyun is just a junior, how many years has he been practicing?

Actually destroyed the bloody idea?

After a moment of silence, murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Lord Slaughter Lian, "I am sending you an order to search for a human cultivator named Gu Ximing. This person practices martial arts and is proficient in the rules of fate. His cultivation has probably reached the realm of the realm... …As soon as any trace of this person is found, report it immediately without any mistakes.”

"Tianjun, what is the scope of the search??" asked a Bananjie Zun.

"The entire Qingxiao Heavenly Domain." Tianjun Slaughter Lian's eyes were fierce.

Everyone immediately took a breath of cold air.

"How could the second true form become like this in just five or six years?"

In the Waning Moon Pond, Gu Xiuyun frowned.

That crazy and violent aura... Even though it was far away in the void and blocked by the Holy World of Reincarnation, he could still sense some of it.

"Has Bai Kongze already understood the rules of killing and completely become the puppet of Lord Slaughter and Lian? No, if that's the case, my mind and will have already been wiped out, so how can I still have half of it left?"

"Forget it, continue to understand the Taoist secrets. The higher the cultivation level and the stronger the mind and will, the more likely it is to break through the barriers of the Holy World. There is no point in thinking about it now."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly and continued to practice.

Outside Ziyang Villa, the old man in blood-robed stood in the sky, waiting silently.

Three years after another, before I knew it, twenty years had passed.

"Seven times. According to the rules of Ziyang Villa, the difficulty of each test of will will increase. Gu Ximing is just a junior, how can he last for so long?"

The ancestor of Red Scale turned blue.

At this point, he had to believe that Gu Xiuyun did have the ability to escape from this place.

"Junior, I'll leave the signature in your hand first. I don't believe it. In just a million years, you can break through to the realm of Dharma Sui?"

The old man in blood robe turned and left.

In the dead silence of the void, there was only a deserted courtyard left.

Deep in the courtyard, you can vaguely see a cyan figure walking in front of the bookshelf, picking up a book from time to time and immersing yourself in reading.

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