Fortune Teller

Chapter 1276 Earthline Battlefield

"Senior Xianyun, we have no fear of life or death, but there are still trillions of people in the Xishan Sect. Some of them have just been born, and some have not even learned the language yet. Their lives have just begun, and they cannot die here."

"Senior, please show mercy and take these humans away!"

The Xishan Sect elder stared at the cyan figure with sincere eyes.

"No." Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

The seven elders suddenly felt cold in their hearts.

Sure enough, Patriarch Yaoyang was so powerful that even the Realm Master did not dare to go against him. Apart from Patriarch Xishan, was there another Realm Master in Qingyang Prefecture who was willing to take action?


For hundreds of millions of years, the Withered Bone Plain has always been the Shura field of the human race. Ancestor Yaoyang devoured it wantonly, and even held 'human banquets', 'ear dishes'... all kinds of disgusting monster beast banquets.

The cruelty of his methods and the viciousness of his actions are beyond words.

The disciples of the sect in the Floating Sea Territory kill living beings in order to refine evil weapons and increase their strength, while Ancestor Yaoyang... just to satisfy his perverted desires.

"Even if I can take away the Xishan Sect's human race, wouldn't Ancestor Yaoyang continue to slaughter them?" Gu Xiuyun's eyes were cold, "If we want to do this, we must eradicate them."


The seven elders trembled slightly, with excitement on their faces, "Are you going to save Patriarch Xishan?"

If Patriarch Xishan can return safe and sound, all crises will be eliminated, and the trillions of people of the Xishan Sect will have a place to settle down and live without having to wander around.

"You guys wait here."

Gu Xiuyun turned and left.

Save Xishan? No, he wants to kill Ancestor Yaoyang.

The root of all disasters stems from Ancestor Yaoyang. As long as this Yaoyang is alive, there will be no peace in the Bone Plains, and the human race will fall into endless disasters.

Sect disciples are nothing. One hundred thousand sect disciples are nothing compared to the calamity caused by Ancestor Yan Yang.


The void was torn open.

The cyan figure appeared in the very depths of the Bone Plain. In front of him were mountains and rivers, surrounded by hills. Each of the mountains was ten thousand feet high, but the relatively vast plain could only be regarded as the occasional raised hill.

Spiritual power surges deep in the earth's veins.

The spiritual power in Qingyang Prefecture is a hundred times stronger than that in the Fuling Sea. Small spiritual veins can be seen everywhere, and there is also a giant spiritual vein that spans most of the state.

These realms are all firmly under the control of the Heavenly Lord. Except for his disciples, no one else can touch them at all.

Even the Xishan Sect, which has a Jie Zun at its command, only built a suspended city and did not dare to occupy any spiritual veins.


Divine power surged from deep underground, making waves like a tide.

"It seems the battlefield is down there."

Gu Xiuyun gently moved his fingertips, tearing open a long and narrow seam in the ground, and walked towards the ground.


The spear light was like lightning, penetrating into the depths of the black formation. Each spear light contained the power of heaven and earth, but it was blocked by numerous demonic shadows.

"Xishan, stop struggling to your death. Do you think anyone will come to save you?"

"If I dare to set up this trap, I have already received the news that the other five of the six Lishan deities have been sent to Hunyuantian by Cangyan Heavenly Lord as the vanguard. They will not be able to come out for hundreds of thousands of years."

Jie Jie's sneer echoed throughout the ground.

"Cang Yan Tianjun?!" In the center of the black bone array, Patriarch Xishan's face was purple and blue, and his whole body was covered with black devilish energy.

"Yangyang, why are you telling him this? Quickly deal with this person. We still have to go to the Red Wolf Palace to listen to the edict," Yaolan Jie Zun said, "This time the Hunyuan Heaven is no better than before. I heard that there are several ancient worlds. The secret realm has appeared, and even the half-step supreme has gone a lot."

"Sister, don't worry, this human race won't last long."

Patriarch Yaoyang's body swayed, and countless phantoms turned into claws and struck at Patriarch Xishan.


The claws are like lightning.

The defense around Patriarch Xishan was torn apart in an instant, and weak spear rays came forward, but were forcibly shattered by the beast's claws.

If it had been the heyday of Patriarch Xishan, how could he not have been able to break through the claws of Patriarch Yaoyang with the rules of gunfire? But now his soul has been severely injured, poison has penetrated into his bones, and even the inner world has begun to collapse. Even Sancheng, who is at his peak, cannot If not, being able to save one's life is already the best.


Dozens of claws crashed down, mixed with the power of the world.

The pure power of the world blends with Taoism, increasing the power of the secret technique by more than several times.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Patriarch Xishan's body was torn apart and riddled with holes, and he fell out.

On the other side, Jielan Jiezun transformed into a wolf shape, roaring continuously, and the sound waves swept across the earth like a frenzy, binding Patriarch Xishan deep in the Black Bone Formation, making it difficult to break free.

Bombarded again and again, Patriarch Xishan's aura became weaker and weaker, and his body gradually ossified. The black shadow merged into every piece of flesh and blood, causing the micro-formation deep in the flesh to continuously disintegrate.

"In the end, we still lost."

Looking at the ferocious-looking Ancestor Yanyang, Patriarch Xishan smiled sadly, "Master...Senior Brother...Senior Sister Lan...Junior Brother is here."


Another claw light fell, but before it came, the entire earth veins shook violently.

"what happened?"

Ancestor Yao Yang and Yao Lan Jie Zun raised their heads.

I saw a cyan figure standing deep in the earth, and the majestic Dharma Restriction swept around like the power of heaven, enveloping the three world masters and the black bone array.

"Where did the Realm Master come from?" Yaolan's face changed slightly.

"Fellow Taoist, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business," Ancestor Yaoyang said coldly, "I am the disciple of Red Wolf Heavenly Lord. We have been ordered to kill the rebels. If you dare to interfere, you are going against Heavenly Lord. "

"What kind of person is the Red Wolf Heavenly Lord? He still cares about a small Seven Difficulties Realm Master?" The green figure raised his lips slightly, "Besides, I haven't heard about the relationship between the Xishan Realm Master and the Red Wolf Heavenly Lord. What's the matter? Want to rebel?"

Sure enough, it was Old Ghost Xishan's helper... Ancestor Yaoyang looked slightly cold, "Senior Sister Yaolan, help me stop this person, and we must not let Xishan escape from the underground."

"Hurry up, this person has carried the inner world, and with the blessing of the power of the world, I won't be able to hold on for long." Yaolan Jiezun said.

Whether or not there is an inner world has a great impact on the strength of the Realm Master.

Under the suppression of the world projection, any means will be greatly weakened. In addition, the power of the world also blessings one's own Taoism.

Two Realm Masters of equal strength, one has no inner world and the other has an inner world, the gap between them is nearly several times.

But at the same time, with the inner world, there is the possibility of falling.

Patriarch Xishan and Patriarch Yaoyang were fighting to the death, so naturally they had to carry the inner world with them, but Yaolan Jie Zun would not risk his own life.

"Don't worry, Xishan won't survive more than three days."

Ancestor Yaoyang waved his hands continuously, and claws shot out one after another, but they were all stopped by the shadow of the purple spear.

On the other side, Yaolan Jie Zun turned into a vast ocean and charged towards the cyan figure.

As soon as the two divine powers touched, they roared.

Obviously, Yaolan Jiezun is also good at domain-based methods. Although he does not carry the inner world, with his profound Taoist cultivation, he is as good as Jiuqu Mitian Forbidden Dou.

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