Fortune Teller

Chapter 1278 The Origin of Xishan

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your help." Patriarch Xishan took a deep breath and bowed, "I can't repay my kindness today. I can only remind my fellow Taoist that after today, you must be careful of the practitioners of Red Wolf Palace."

"Oh, what should I say?" Gu Xiuyun raised his eyebrows.

With his methods, no one can detect the slightest trace. The martial arts master's control of breath is far better than that of his peers. When fighting against Yaolan, except for world projection, he did not use any other methods until he activated Wugen Duckweed.

But at that time, the other party had been stripped of his mind and will by the power of fate, so what could be seen?

Ancestor Yaoyang has also fallen. No matter how angry the Red Wolf Heavenly Lord is, there is no way he can be found.

"Friend Daoist, I don't know. Red Wolf Palace has good relations with Wu Gu Palace. If you kill Ancestor Yaoyang, Red Wolf Heavenly Lord will also ask the Karma Realm Lord of Wu Gu Palace to take action and lay down a blood spirit spell for the sake of face."

Patriarch Xishan explained in a low voice, "You are a practitioner of destiny, so you are naturally not afraid on weekdays, but once you meet a disciple of the Red Wolf Palace, you will be exposed immediately."

"I see."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

The line of destiny has many methods, and the line of cause and effect is also the superior Taoist method, and it is not much different!


Patriarch Xishan spit out a mouthful of black blood.

"Fellow Taoist Xishan, are you okay??" Gu Xiuyun's expression suddenly changed.

Even with his body as a Realm Master, he could not suppress the injuries in his body. It seemed that Patriarch Xishan's situation was not as peaceful as it seemed.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on much longer."

Patriarch Xishan smiled bitterly.

"Aoyang is so powerful?" Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly.

"It's not Yan Yang, it's the hidden injury from Lao Chan's past," Patriarch Xishan shook his head and said, "To be honest with fellow Taoists, Lao Chan came from Banbu Zhizun's sect. He was once a disciple of Heisuoshan in Guyang Prefecture. Two years ago, Heisuoshan Encountered a great change, all the disciples died. Only Lao Chan and a few fellow disciples survived, but they were also seriously injured and will never recover from the hidden illness. "

"Black Lock Mountain?!"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes suddenly widened.

What a coincidence!

To sum it up, Black Lock Mountain entered the endless void 30 million years ago. The 30 million years in the Holy World of Reincarnation is equivalent to the 30 billion years in the outer world, which is indeed about the same.

"It seems that Taoist fellow Taoist has heard about this," Patriarch Xishan sighed, "The Black Suo Mountain was so powerful back then. The Half-Step Supreme Lord was in charge and occupied four states, even more powerful than the Red Wolf Heavenly Lord. However, after that Hunyuantian, a large number of strong men gathered together to besiege Black Suo Mountain."

"Among the whole sect, only Lao Chan and five fellow disciples survived. All the other sect members perished. Even the master... also died."

"Although the old man saved his life, he was also poisoned by the soul. From now on, he only has half a life left, and his combat power is only less than 50% of what he was in his heyday. Otherwise, with my cultivation at the peak of the Concentration Realm, how could I not be able to defeat the monster Aoyang? beast?"

Patriarch Xishan sighed sadly.

It turns out that this is how Black Suo Mountain was destroyed... Gu Xiuyun suddenly understood.

Queen of Hunyuantian? ?

The legendary Hunyuantian has been mentioned a few times in Qingmo Library. It seems to be a very special secret realm that can only be visited by World Masters and above.

It seems that it was the Half-Step Supreme of Black Suo Mountain who got a great opportunity, which attracted strong men from all sides to gather together and join forces to lay siege.

"Fellow Taoist Xishan, is there any way to relieve the poison in your body?" Gu Xiuyun asked.

"Unless the Supreme Lord of Qiankun takes action himself, there is no cure." Patriarch Xishan shook his head slightly, "That is a poisonous master. The poison has already invaded the depths of the inner world along the line of cause and effect. Even without Yan Yang, I It won’t last much longer.”

"Speaking of this matter, I would like to ask my fellow Taoist to do two favors."

"Please tell me." Gu Xiuyun said solemnly.

"Can Fellow Taoist take the disciples of the Xishan Sect and the human beings away from this place... If Yaoyang falls, the Red Wolf Palace will definitely turn its anger on the human race."

Patriarch Xishan's face became increasingly gray, "In addition, if fellow Taoists can see my senior brothers, please give this jade order to them. After the destruction of Black Suo Mountain, we have been living in Lishan in Cangzhou. They are called the Six Deities of Lishan. You should be able to see them if you go there.”

"Don't worry, I will definitely deliver the jade order." Gu Xiuyun nodded solemnly.

If it were anyone else, he might not be so attentive, but Patriarch Xishan came from Black Suo Mountain, and he was from the same sect. Naturally, he would not refuse such a trivial matter.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist."

Patriarch Xishan looked at the broken earth veins and murmured, "Senior Sister, Junior Brother Xishan is here, on the road to Huangquan..."


The white-haired old man's physical body collapsed, his soul dissipated rapidly, and his inner world began to collapse.

Patriarch Xishan died.

"Senior, have a good journey."

Gu Xiuyun sighed slightly.

The former disciple of Black Suo Mountain, now the founder of Xishan Sect and a generation of world sages, has died.

Red Wolf Palace.

A True Master of the Six Difficulties hurriedly walked into the majestic temple, "Sir, the life talisman of the Master of the Aoyang Realm has been annihilated."

"Huh? Aoyang?"

At the end of the temple, a huge wolf-shaped beast opened its eyes, "This idiot has always been very timid, how could he fall? Forget it, just back off!"


The Six Difficulties True Master bowed and left.

"Aoyang is actually dead?? What a waste at this juncture. After all, he is also one of Tianjun's disciples. Who is so bold as to kill him?"

The wolf-shaped beast shook its head and walked towards the Tianjun Palace at the top.

Half a day later, an order came out that the Red Wolf Palace and the seventy-two ethnic sects under its command would track down the murderer of Yao Yang and kill him if found.

Half a month later.

A Karma Realm Lord appeared above the Bone Plains. He glanced around and then flew deep into the ground.

"The line of cause and effect is severed here, and there are also the remains of the inner world. It seems that he did die here."

With a wave of his hand, invisible power merged into the depths of the world's wreckage, and a dissipated causal thread regrouped and turned into a bloody rune.

The blood spirit curse condenses into shape.

"You dare to kill even the disciples of Red Wolf Heavenly Lord. You are so audacious. With the Blood Spirit Curse, let's see where you can escape??"

The Lord of Cause and Effect Realm moved his fingertips slightly, and then frowned, "I can't sense any trace. Could it be that this person has some means of isolating cause and effect? ​​Or is he also a practitioner of superior Taoism?"

"Forget it, since it can't be sensed, let the disciples of the Red Wolf Palace investigate on their own!"

The Lord of Karma turned and left.

With the power of the Blood Spirit Curse, as long as it is within a range of thousands of miles, it will be sensed. The opponent can escape the first grade of junior high school, but cannot escape the fifteenth grade. Sooner or later, he will be discovered.

Elsewhere, the void surged.

The cyan figure tore through the space storm over and over again, finally reaching the edge of the Floating Spirit Sea.

"Without the cross-domain teleportation array, traveling across the state is indeed a bit troublesome. Fortunately, Fuling Sea Area is not far from Qingyang Prefecture."

Gu Xiuyun looked around, looking through the void to see the far distance.

The entire sea area is extremely quiet, but for some reason, there is an inexplicable wave that permeates the sky and the earth, covering everything from the deepest part of the earth to the sky.

"What a powerful method, it actually enveloped the entire sea area. It should be the work of Cang Yan Tianjun." Gu Xiuyun's lips curled up slightly.

This is a good thing.

With Cang Yan Tianjun watching over him, the Red Scale Ancestor would never dare to enter the Floating Spirit Sea, and he could practice quietly for a period of time.

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