Fortune Teller

Chapter 1280 Current status of sea areas

Floating Island.

In a palace that specializes in selling basic exercises, two figures walked between the stone tablets, sometimes stopping to watch.

"Among the inferior Taoist methods, the main ones are Sword Tao, Gun Tao, Painting Tao, Mountain Tao, and Star Tao. The number of practitioners is also the largest, and it is much easier to understand." Gu Xiuyun pointed to the stone tablet in front of him, "Suqing , this Qingming River Painting has a total of 3,600 volumes, describing all the changes in the painting, what do you think? "

Yan Suqing shook her head slightly.

"Then let's look at the other books."

The two walked along the stone monument.

There are more than a thousand stone tablets in the vast palace. Each stone tablet records a kind of life path and the corresponding basic skills.

Ninety-nine percent of them are inferior vehicles, and there are more than a dozen intermediate vehicles.

As for the superior method, there is none.

After a long time, the two came to a stone monument. This monument was three feet higher than other Taoist monuments. A large number of patterns were imprinted on the body of the monument, forming a faint formation.

"Array Dao..."

Looking at the stone tablet in front of her, Yan Suqing looked a little moved.

"The Formation Dao is a medium-vehicle Dao method, and it is quite difficult to comprehend." Gu Xiuyun held the woman's wrist, "It is not easy to understand the rules of living beings before the Venerable Realm."

"Husband, you said before that as long as you can understand the mysteries of the seventh level, your mind, mind and will can resist the passage of time and live for three or four Taoist years. If this is the case, what's the problem if you don't understand the rules of life?"

Yan Suqing smiled slightly, "And I'm also good at celestial calculations. You gave me the horoscope, so it's much easier to deduce the formation."

As he spoke, Yan Suqing moved her fingertips gently, and her spiritual power was outlined in the void, condensing into a simple and exquisite divine formation.

"Five attribute divine formation?" Gu Xiuyun looked surprised, "When did your formation level become so high?"

"I have been staying in the world of Tianji Pan for these years. In my spare time, I will deduce formations to pass the time. Unknowingly, I have understood the point formation method." Yan Suqing said.

Gu Xiuyun blinked.

In a place like Tianjipan World, a five-attribute divine formation can actually be deduced? It can be seen that Yan Suqing's understanding is extremely high, no less than Gu Yue, and combined with the secret skills of Tianji, it is indeed possible.

If it weren't for the lingering thoughts from his predecessor, with his gift of words and emotions, he would probably already be the ninth-grade Patriarch.

"In that case, let's choose the formation!!"

The two of them walked towards the side of the palace.

On the jade stone platform, a middle-aged man in a short robe was sitting cross-legged. When he saw Gu Xiuyun and Yan Suqing walking over, he forced a smile on his face, "Have you two made your choice? There are not many others in this store, and the living skills should have an end. , and they are the most widely spread methods. When practicing these methods, you don’t have to worry about finding guidance from seniors.”

"Chief, we want a volume of the Formation Dao Classics." Gu Xiuyun said.


The middle-aged man in short robes looked surprised, and the smile on his face became stronger, "This is the Middle Way, and the price is a little higher. There are two kinds of classics in our store: one is a simplified version, which only costs 500,000 square meters of divine crystal. You can buy it; the other is the complete version, which requires three million square meters of divine crystals. Which one do you want? "

Gu Xiuyun threw out a piece of Zhenzun Divine Crystal, "Second type."


The middle-aged man in short robe excitedly walked towards the back hall. After a moment, he came over holding a mountain of jade albums and said, "What a coincidence that you two have come. It is extremely difficult to copy the formation and Tao classics. We must ask the six masters of the Zhongcheng Taoist method." Nian Zhenzun takes action, and there is only one roll left in the store. If it is a few days later, he may not even be able to sell it. "

"Shopkeeper, what you said is not completely true," Gu Xiuyun shook his head and smiled, "In Zhongyuan Taoism, there are the most practitioners who have understood the Tao of Formation and Tao of Talismans. How difficult is it to find a Six Difficulties True Master??"

"Well, that was before."

The middle-aged man in short robes said continuously, "Since the destruction of Scarlet Scale Palace, Gui Ao Island has also suffered changes. I heard that Gui Ao Ancestor's life talisman was broken. The entire Fuling Sea area is in chaos, and the major sects are fighting every day. , how can you still think about writing any classics?"

"Ancestor Gui Ao is dead?" Gu Xiuyun raised his eyebrows slightly.

The two top forces in the Fuling Sea are the Scarlet Scale Palace and Gui Ao Island.

Now that Ancestor Chilin is on the run and Ancestor Guiao is also dead, it’s no wonder that the entire Floating Sea Area is in chaos!

"It has been dead for decades. At first, the major sects didn't know it. Suddenly one day, Gui'ao Island disappeared from the Fuling Sea, and then the news came out." The middle-aged man in short robe shook his head, "The two major sects The top forces have been destroyed, and the major sects are competing for spiritual veins like crazy. It seems that the peaceful days are gone forever. "

"Without Scarlet Scale Palace and Guiao Island, there must be other top forces, right?" Gu Xiuyun asked.

"We are here in the Floating Sea Region. The only giant spiritual vein is not as good as the large spiritual veins in other states. Moreover, there are no cultivation treasures, and no treasures of heaven and earth can be found. Who would take a fancy to it?"

The middle-aged man in short robes said, "Your distinguished guests may not know that the richer the spiritual power in the land, the higher the life talent. Those top forces have already established their roots in other states. How can they look down on us?"

"Back then, before Ancestor Gui Ao broke through the Eight Tribulations, there wasn't even a single top force in the Fuling Sea. Now that both Scarlet Scale Palace and Gui Ao Island have been destroyed, this sea area may be in chaos for hundreds of millions of years."

"That's it." Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

After a while.

The two walked out of the palace and headed towards another shop.

"Husband, did Gui Ao die at the hands of Ancestor Chilin?" Yan Suqing asked quietly.

"It's very possible that except for Chi Lin, there are few people in the entire Wuyang Sea Realm who have this ability, and the time is right," Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly, "For me, this is a good opportunity."

"Opportunity?" Yan Suqing looked curious.

"To understand the superior Taoism, you must rely on the power of living beings. There is no point in practicing hard," Gu Xiuyun explained via voice transmission, "Do you still remember the story I told you about the founder of Tianji and the Zen protector?? Each of them likes to start a joke. Zongli Sect.”

"Even Bai Zezhenzun, who has always been detached from the world, built a golden palace and selected a group of talented elites every three thousand years to stir up the world. Do you think they did this just to teach Taoism?"

"No, they are here to understand the path of life."

"So, the Eight-Eyed True Master established the divine religion also to understand the rules of life and death?" Yan Suqing blinked.

"Roughly the same!"

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly, he didn't want to say too much about the Eight-Eyed True Master.

If the disciples of the divine sect were to know that the Eight-Eyed God they worshiped devoutly used the lives of their disciples as a stepping stone, their faith would collapse in an instant.

"Go to Qiwu Zhai first, and then take a trip to Fuling Sea Area to take a look at the situation." Gu Xiuyun said.

The two of them walked along the long street.

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