Fortune Teller

Chapter 1292 The Fall of Hanjian

In the depths of the sea, Hongbo Realm Master and Kuri Realm Master stood side by side, with serious expressions on their faces.

In that move just now, the two of them had used all their strength. The power of the world combined with Taoist secrets, coupled with the rules of living beings, was the ultimate of ordinary world masters.

One move, the Setting Sun Killing Immortal, and the other, the Undercurrent Shattering Veins, are secret techniques that a powerful World Master can master after countless years of practice. With the combination of these two secret techniques, it is indeed possible to instantly kill a new World Master.

"No, his causal line is still there."

Hongbo Realm Master held the talisman of cause and effect, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Not dead yet? Did he practice martial arts?"

Inside Zhenzun Fuhuai's body, Lord Hanjian Jie held another talisman of cause and effect, his eyes changing.

At this moment, a breath burst out from the depths of the ocean floor, tearing open the void like a sharp sword and escaping towards the depths of the dead space.

"Sure enough, he's still alive!"

Hongbo Realm Master and Kuri Realm Master tore open the void and chased into the depths of the Nirvana Space.

After a while, the Master of the Cold Sword Realm walked out of the body of the True Master Fuhuai, holding the Taoist Talisman in his left hand and the Divine Sword in his right hand.

"No wonder he dares to step out of the secret world. As a martial arts practitioner, is his physical body the twelfth level of the true meaning or the early stage of the Venerable Realm?"

"If it were a martial arts master, it would be much more troublesome to deal with him."

The Lord of the Cold Sword Realm waved his long sword, and the red edge tore through the void thousands of feet away, revealing a dark, dead space.


With just one step, he crossed a million miles and reached the depths of the dead space.

In the dead space, there are no time fluctuations, no space fluctuations, and no five elements of wind and thunder, but none of these can affect the World Master.

What is a Realm Master?

When the inner world is complete, it is equivalent to a small world. The rules of the material path originate from itself, and the rules of the living beings also originate from itself. No matter where it is, the strength of the World Master will not be weakened in the slightest.

The power of time and space circulates, increasing the speed of time of the Cold Sword Realm Master by nearly a hundred times.

In just a few breaths, he had already seen the cyan figure and the two world masters Hong Bo and Ku Ri.

The three of them were chasing and fleeing while fighting, and the divine power and energy formed a frenzy that shook the space.

Compared with Wuyang Sea Realm, the stability of the dead space is obviously much higher. No matter how bombarded, the void is still dead and does not change at all.

"As expected, he is a martial arts master."

Looking at the cyan figure in the distance, the Master of the Cold Sword Realm narrowed his eyes, "Martial arts practice requires a huge amount of spiritual power, and it also requires practitioners of destiny to calculate the method again and again. It was easy to say before the true meaning, but after the true meaning, every deduction has to be done It took a lot of effort. It seems that he really got a lot of wealth to invite the fate practitioner."

When Hanjian Realm Master saw the three of them, the three of them also saw him.

"Senior Brother Hanjian, this person's strength is much stronger than we expected," Kuri Jie Zun shouted urgently, "He is a martial arts master, blessed by the power of the void domain and the world, and the Taoist secrets have great influence on him. The effect is much worse.”

"Don't worry, this person is just a fusion of two paths after all. His Taoist level is still at the extreme level of a true immortal. The void realm cannot save his life."

The corners of Hanjian Realm's lips curled up slightly, and he walked over leisurely.


The sword shines like a rainbow.

The vast dead space actually fluctuated slightly.

The rules of swordsmanship are originally based on killing, and the destructive power can be regarded as the ultimate in inferior Taoism.

The Cold Sword Realm Master is at the pinnacle of the Concentration Realm, and his regular power is many times stronger than Hong Bo and Ku Ri. In addition, the fusion of the three realms is close to perfection.

Even if Gui Ao Ancestor were to fight against this sword, he would still be wary of it.

"finally come!"

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes, and the true energy in his body surged violently.

In the previous fight with Hong Bo and Ku Ri, he only used the true energy power at the early stage of the Venerable Realm. The difference between the early stage and the fourth level was nearly a hundred times.

Not to mention magical powers such as physical strength and void realm.

These methods alone are no less than the peak of Condensation Realm, and all of this is waiting for the arrival of the Lord of the Cold Sword Realm.

"It's a pity that the fusion of the three paths has never been broken through. Otherwise, there would be no need to expend any effort. With the combination of true energy, Taoist secrets, and the twisted rules of fate, Hanjian can be wiped out with just one palm."

His current strength is equivalent to the peak of the Concentration Realm of practicing lower-level Taoism, and is slightly stronger than Han Jian.

If you integrate the three avenues, you can enter the level of the Eight Difficulties Realm, and your strength will increase at least several times.


The sword energy comes.

The extremely violent sword light instantly tore open the void realm, but as it went deeper and deeper, the power of the sword energy also faded rapidly.

Finally, the sword energy touched Gu Xiuyun's palm.


The palm of his hand shattered and was pierced by the sword. The ultimate Taoist skills of the true immortal combined with the fourth-level true energy, coupled with the void domain and martial arts body, still could not stop the bright sword.

However, the Cold Sword Realm Master suddenly changed his expression.

The power of this sword was much weaker than he expected.

"Could it be that...he is hiding his strength?"

As soon as the thought flashed through my mind, invisible waves flowed into my mind along with my true energy - rootless duckweed!

The mind and will at the peak of the Concentration Realm were pulled out, separated from the physical body, separated from the soul thoughts, and separated from the fate line.

"The power of destiny? He is a practitioner of destiny?!" The Lord of the Cold Sword Realm was horrified.

The other party turned out to be a practitioner of superior Taoism.

At this moment, he thought of a rumor in Zhishi Tower: Hundreds of years ago, the ancestor of Yaoyang in Qingyang Prefecture was killed by an unknown practitioner. Yaolan Jiezun did not carry the inner world, so he was lucky enough to save his life.

After Jiao Lan Jie Zun woke up, he told the Red Wolf Palace that this person cultivated the destiny system and his material realm was extremely low. However, he killed two Jie Zun by relying on the rules of fate and heart.

"It must be him! It must be him! Destiny practitioners are at a very low level in the material realm. It is impossible for two of them to appear at the same time in the entire Wuyang Sea Realm."

The Lord of the Cold Sword Realm roared with all his strength, and his mind and will turned into a divine sword, slashing at the power of fate crazily.

However, he had just performed a unique sword skill and his mind and will were in a weak state. How could he break the restraints in a short period of time?

Gu Xiuyun deliberately waited for him to display his sword skills just for this moment.

While the Lord of the Cold Sword Realm was being controlled by Wugen Duckweed——

Two dark palm prints fell suddenly.

The power of the world, the true energy of martial arts, the ultimate Taoist skills of true immortals, the twisting rules of fate, and the shocking thorns are integrated into it. The palm seals are stacked layer by layer, and a dozen levels of power are integrated into it.


The dark palm print instantly annihilated the bloody setting sun. Before the Withered Sun Realm Master had time to activate the Tao Talisman, the divine armor around his body had been smashed into pieces, and his body and soul collapsed.

The world within billions of miles was also smashed into pieces.

Fate twisting the rules is Gu Xiuyun's most terrifying method.

After all, this rule is the heaviest in killing, and it has reached the middle stage of Concentration Realm, instantly superimposing the power of Taoism more than ten times.

"How can it be?"

At the moment of death, Kurijie Zun finally understood who he was meeting... The majestic rules of fate pressed down like the power of heaven, crushing all the forces in the world.

The other side.

Not surprisingly, Hongbo Realm Master also turned into flying smoke.

Faced with a practitioner of destiny, even if there are thousands of means, the calculation is clear. Do you want to survive? There is only one possibility, absolute strength gap.

"Hongbo! Kuri! This is impossible!"

The mind and will of the Cold Sword Realm Master were completely shocked. The rules of fate and heart focus on soul means, which had little impact on the killing power. The opponent killed the two World Masters at the same time with just one move.

And it is the realm master who carries the inner world.

"That power... that fluctuation... must be the twisting rule of fate. He actually mastered two rules of fate at the same time. No, these two are internal rules. Doesn't it mean that... there is a third rule of fate? , is he really in the concentration state?"

The Lord of the Cold Sword Realm no longer has any thoughts of confrontation.

There are three fate rules that few Destiny World Masters in the Eight Difficulties Realm can achieve. What's even more frightening is that two of them are internal cultivation rules, which are extremely useful in fighting.


With a muffled sound, the power of fate dissipated, and the Cold Sword Realm Master broke free from the rootless duckweed.

Before he could leave, the void domain suddenly suppressed, and the Nine Curves of Heavenly Forbidden Covered the void, completely sealing off the space of billions of miles.

"Spare my life, I swear that I will never reveal your secrets." The Lord of the Cold Sword Realm shouted urgently.

"Secret? It seems you already know it."

Gu Xiuyun's eyes became colder and colder, "I can't believe that you are a low-level Taoist practitioner. It's best to die."

"If I die, your secret will definitely spread, and the Red Wolf Palace will not let you go." The Lord of the Cold Sword Realm roared sharply, and tried to activate the soul imprint in the disciples of Luojian Island, but , there was no movement at all.

"The poor Taoist tried every possible means to lead you into the dead space, and then deceived you here. Why do you think that is?" Gu Xiuyun's mouth curled up slightly, "The void realm that transcends the fourth level, combined with the dead space, cuts off all soul thoughts. I want to Want to be summoned? "


The dark palm print suddenly fell.

The twisted rules of fate filled the void, increasing the power of the palm print by more than ten times, and smacked it towards the Lord of the Cold Sword Realm.

"Zhan Yuan Sword Qi!"

The Cold Sword Realm Master gritted his teeth and swung his sword again.


The sword light was so powerful that it broke through the dark palm print, leaving a shallow white mark on Gu Xiuyun's palm.

"Under the blessing of the twisted rules of fate, his strength has increased too much. He is already close to the Eighth Difficulty Realm. He is also a fourth-level warrior. His physical body is no less than that of the Eighth Difficulty Realm Master. How could this happen? How could his mind and will be so strong? The situation?”

The Lord of the Cold Sword Realm cannot understand.

A warrior who has transcended the fourth level of transcendence and whose physical body is comparable to that of the Eight Difficulties Realm Master in the bloodline system. Gu Xiuyun may not be able to kill Han Jian, but with the strength of Han Jian, he will definitely not be able to hurt Gu Xiuyun.

"The only way to save your life is to rush out of the Void Domain." The cold sword realm master's thoughts flashed, and he waved the long sword in his hand one after another. The power of time and space increased his flow speed a hundred times, and fled towards the outside of the domain.

"Want to leave? I'm afraid you've forgotten another way of twisting the rules of fate."

Gu Xiuyun turned his palm, and the power of fate swept through the void.

In an instant, the Master of the Cold Sword Realm returned to him.

The rootless duckweed falls again.


The strong wind swept through the dead space, taking away the mind and will of the Cold Sword Realm Master.

A series of jet-black palm prints struck the Cold Sword Realm Master's body like a frenzy. The Taoist talismans flashed violently, the divine armor trembled, and the Seventh Refining Realm's physical body was shattered inch by inch.

After two breaths.

The Lord of the Cold Sword Realm finally broke free from the shackles of the power of fate. All the Taoist symbols that protected him had collapsed, the divine armor was reduced to pieces, and only the bones were left in his tough body.

"Fortunately, it only took me two breaths. If it had been half a breath more, I would have really died."

The Cold Sword Realm Master quickly used his divine power to repair his body and soul, and activated the rules of time and space. The sword light flashed, tearing open the shackles of the void.

The speed of time is a hundred times faster, making him far faster than his peers, and even Gu Xiuyun is far from catching up.

After all, in terms of material realm, the gap between the two is too big.

However, before the Master of the Cold Sword Realm had traveled three thousand miles, he was pulled back to his side again by the twisted rules of fate.

"It's over!"

The Lord of the Cold Sword Realm was completely in despair, and deep regret filled his heart.

Peng! Peng! Peng! !

One after another, pitch-black palm prints continued to fall, destroying Taoist talismans and physical bodies. Every few dozen breaths, rootless duckweeds would arrive as scheduled, stripping away his mind and will.

After six times.

All the Taoist talismans and spiritual treasures on the Cold Sword Realm Master were exhausted, his physical body completely collapsed, and his soul was almost annihilated, leaving only a majestic inner world.


Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he was about to launch a powerful blow when he suddenly frowned slightly.

In the dead space far away, a gaze quietly looked over.

After an instant, several more eyes appeared in other directions.

The Jinshi Jie Zun, the Jie Zun from the three Qilian sects, and the Junshan Jie Zun all noticed the fight and followed them.

"That's fine."

Gu Xiuyun sneered, restrained the power of fate, exploded the physical power and true energy to the extreme, and at the same time activated his mind and will.


The palm prints were like thunder, splitting a gap in the inner world.

Then he waved his palms several times, forcibly destroying the inner world of the Cold Sword Realm Master, and took away all the divine crystals and spiritual materials deep in the world, leaving only the dry wreckage of the world.

After doing all this, he returned to Wuyang Sea Realm along the dead space.

"Han dead?"

"How is it possible? Hanjian is at the peak of the Concentration Realm and a practitioner of swordsmanship. He is so powerful. How can Kuyu Realm Master be his opponent??"

"Didn't you feel it? The power of the true energy just now? That is at least the martial arts true energy that transcends the third level!"

"Doesn't the third level of true energy mean that... his mind and will have reached the early stage of refining the artistic conception? Or even the middle stage of refining the artistic conception?"

The Realm Masters in the dead space looked horrified.

The mind and will in the middle stage of refining the artistic conception?

There is actually an existence in the floating sea area that is suspected of being the Master of the Eight Difficulties World. No wonder the other party allows his disciples to read the secret book of Taoism for free. How can such an existence care about a few divine crystals? ?

If you want to search for wealth, Ba Nan Realm Master, you can go to Hunyuan Void and kill everywhere.

For those in the early stages of the Concentration Realm, the Hunyuan Void is very dangerous. Every step must be taken with caution, and you cannot even leave the world of Qiankun too far.

If you go a little further, you will encounter a large number of extraterrestrial beasts.

But for Lian Yi Jing, the danger is much smaller. The siege of ordinary realm master level source beasts is just a joke in their eyes. As for high-level source beasts, they will only suffer some injuries at most and want to kill the eight difficulty realm masters. , very difficult.

"The Floating Sea Territory is going to change!"

Junshan Realm Master sighed, turned and left.

"Han Jian and I are allies. If Han Jian dies, will Patriarch Kuyu bring trouble to me?" Jinshi Jiezun's face changed, as if he was thinking about something.

PS: Alas, after thinking about it for a long time, I still can’t figure out what the name should be after True Immortal Taoism, Golden Immortal Taoism? World Immortal Taoism? It's so ugly.

Can someone help me think of one? If it doesn’t work, I’ll just call it three-way fusion (——!)

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