Fortune Teller

Chapter 1296 Sect Trivia

The strength of the Jinshi Realm Master is well known to everyone in the Floating Sea.

At the peak of the Concentration Realm, one cultivates the extremely rare Golden and Stone Sacred Mountain Tao. It is said that the source of Taoism comes from a special golden sacred mountain.

The Way of Swordsmanship, the Way of Painting, the Way of the Burning Sun, and the Way of Mountains and Rivers are all major categories of practice. In fact, there are countless trails in every direction.

If you follow one path, you can become a Realm Master.

The Golden and Stone Divine Mountain Path of the Golden and Stone Realm Master can transform the inner world into a golden sacred mountain. It is extremely powerful. It has miraculous effects in frontal fighting, sealing, and defense. Its strength is much stronger than that of its peers.

How could such a strong man act so humble?

The deputy sect leader must have made a mistake... the twelve law enforcement elders secretly guessed.

"It's not necessary to visit, just respond with a few words." Gu Xiuyun said quietly.

"Disciple, obey."

Jia Shu bowed and saluted, secretly thinking about how to respond.

Gu Xiuyun could not care about the Gold and Stone World Master, but she couldn't. After all, he was an ancestor of the World Master at the peak of the Concentration Realm. No matter what, he had to do enough to save face.

"By the way, in addition to the twelve branch halls you proposed before, we will also open an additional Enlightenment Hall. True disciples and elders can go there," Gu Xiuyun said. "Compared to other sects, Kuyu Sect does have fewer true masters. "

The Hall of Enlightenment?

Ji Dun, Yin Fang and others looked at each other, secretly excited in their hearts.

Looking at the Fuling Sea Area, only Chilin Palace and Guiao Island have opened enlightenment halls. Building this hall requires a huge price, not to mention that the crystal stones and jade arranged in the palace are of great benefit to enlightenment and practice. The orifice-inducing incense in the Hall of Enlightenment is worth hundreds of millions.

An Enlightenment Palace would cost at least 20 to 30 billion divine crystals.

Half a day later.

Jia Shu led the twelve law enforcement elders out of the corridor and entered the main hall of the sect.

"Your identities have been recognized by the ancestors. From today on, you are the masters of each hall and the law enforcement elders of the Kuyu Sect. Your status is second only to me."

Jia Shu looked around and said, "As the master of a palace, practicing Taoism is much easier than others, but at the same time, you also shoulder the heavy responsibility of running the sect. I hope you will not disappoint our ancestors."

"I will obey the orders of the deputy sect master."

The twelve true deities bowed and saluted.

"Deputy Sect Leader, Miao Wufang secretly contacted his subordinates not long ago and wants to find a position in the Formation Palace. I wonder if I should apply?" Ning Jiao asked.

Miao Wufang was one of the Zhenzun who had previously watched from the wall.

If it were a normal sect, such disciples would have to be severely punished for ten thousand years at least. Letting them stay in the cave to practice is already a great mercy.

To hold a position of power? Totally impossible.

However, it has been less than a thousand years since the Kuyu Sect was founded. The loyalty of the disciples is very limited, and many things cannot be too harsh.

"They can remain neutral under the power of Luojian Island and Hongbo Mountain, which is considered reliable. Being a deacon is not a big deal," Jia Shu said in a deep voice, "The branch halls are about to be established. Logically speaking, in addition to the hall master, there are also We need two deputy palace masters, four directors, and a large number of deacons. It’s time to hire people, so it doesn’t hurt to give them some benefits.”

"As commanded."

Ning Jiao bowed and cupped her fists.

The other elders also looked thoughtful.

Although the status of the deacons of each temple is a little lower, they are still at the core level. In addition to the annual contributions from the sect, they also have many cultivation conveniences.

Back then in Qingmo Library, Jia Shu, Chu Yuan and Yang Lingzhi didn't even have positions and could only be ordinary disciples.

In terms of status, it is much lower than the deacon of Bidian.

"Deputy Sect Master, you can follow the rules of the major sects for the Formation Hall, the Pill Hall, the Punishment Hall, the Lingbao Hall... but the Enlightenment Hall - except for the Scarlet Scale Palace and Gui'ao Island, the other sects have never been established. Is it open to sect disciples? If so, how much contribution is required?”

"Deputy Sect Master, according to the current situation, Kuyu Sect needs to recruit a large number of disciples. How to determine the assessment requirements? And how to deal with the spiritual veins, medicine gardens, and mines everywhere?"

"The disciples within the sect have different cultivation directions. In the past, they could just immerse themselves in enlightenment, but now the status of the sect is completely different. Do we need to follow the rules of the Scarlet Scale Palace and send disciples to various sects to practice their Taoist secrets? ?”


Questions were raised one by one.

The number of trivial matters in charge of such a large sect is mind-numbing. Even if the power is delegated to the twelve palace masters, there are still many major matters to be dealt with.

For everything, regulations must be established, and there is no room for sloppiness.

But Jia Shu didn't show the slightest hint of impatience. Instead, she listened with great interest. From the specific division of the sect's contribution to the recruitment of disciples and communication intentions with other sects, everything was discussed in great detail.

A few days later.

Ji Dun and Ning Jiao took two of the Six Difficulty Realm monster slaves, eight disciples of the True Master, and hundreds of sages, and rushed to Jinshi Island with loud gongs and drums.

The two palace masters led the team, no matter what, at least it showed the importance they attached to Jinshi Island.

Three months later.

Yin Fang led the team to visit the only six remaining sects in the surrounding waters, firstly to calm the hearts of all parties, and secondly to confirm cooperation with each other.

In any case, Kuyu Sect's current strength is indeed weak.

Seeing that no one is in charge of the spiritual veins, medicine gardens, and mines in various places, it is better to hand them over to the six sects. As long as they provide part of the resources regularly, they can continue to enjoy them.

Among the six sects, Bichao Sect has the toughest attitude and is only willing to give up 30% of the benefits, while the other sects will give up 50% to 50%.

The deepest part of the Bichao Gate Underground Palace.

The elder of the Six Difficulties Realm bowed and knelt down, "Ancestor, although the Kuyu Sect is weak, there is a Kuyu Realm Master with unpredictable strength behind it. If we do this, will it anger that Realm Master?"

"It doesn't matter."

Ancestor Bichao said indifferently, "This person has been keeping quiet since he founded the sect. It can be seen that he acts very low-key. He will not take action just because of such a trivial matter."

"But if you do this, you will offend him after all -" The Six Difficulties True Master continued to persuade, but was pushed out of the hall by a force of the world.

In the hall, Patriarch Bichao's eyes were cold and his face was like a piece of ice that would never melt for thousands of years.

"Even if you are the Master of the Eight Difficulties Realm... so what? Small matters between sects will ultimately be resolved by the disciples of the True Master."

"I am not Hongbo or Kuri, and I don't need to rely on Hanjian. If you really dare to force me, the worst I can do is give up my foundation and join the Wuyang Sect as a guest."

Ancestor Bichao clenched his fists.

To him, a few divine crystals were nothing, what was more important was his face.

Everyone knows that when Hongbo Mountain and Kuri Island besieged Kuyu Sect, Bichao Sect cooperated with Luojian Island to plot against Kuyu Realm Master.

The so-called alliance is just a bait to lure out the Kuyu Realm Master.

Under such circumstances, he naturally couldn't beg for mercy. The arrogance of the ancestor of the world made him unable to lower his head.

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