Fortune Teller

Chapter 1402 Betting on Life

Near Akihabara.

The True Master of Five Difficulties was fleeing at high speed in the strong wind, when suddenly his body began to tremble violently, and then his soul collapsed and his breath disappeared.

And all the descendants of the clansmen in his body perished, and no one survived.

The wreckage of the world fell into the earth one after another, making a rumbling sound.

The surrounding cultivators rushed over, not to explore the cause of death, but to compete for the spiritual treasures in his body.

"Another group of true masters have died. Those causal threads... those fighting in Akihabara must be the Karmic Lord. What kind of enemy are they? Even the Lord has to rely on external forces?"

On the top of the clouds, the Eight Difficulties Realm Lord stood in the sky, looking around.

His whole body exudes extremely strong fluctuations of divine power, and there is a token mark belonging to the Wuyang Sect on his chest. It is obvious that he is an elder of the Wuyang Sect.

"The last time Red Wolf Tianjun attacked Akihabara was two years ago, and now Tianjun takes action again. Guyangzhou is really helpless."

Ba Nanjie Zun frowned and smiled bitterly.

The Heavenly Lords are fighting each other, destroying the heaven and the earth at every turn, and the scope of their influence is far beyond what the Red Scale Patriarch and others can compare with.

No matter how high the realm of inferior Taoism is, the means are ultimately limited.

For example, if you practice swordsmanship to the extreme, you can penetrate the sky and the earth with one sword and tear the sky apart.

Another example is the way of painting: one stroke outlines the mountains and rivers, one stroke condenses the Nine Dilemma Beasts, and everything in the world is within the stroke of his pen, but it only stops there.

No matter how powerful a swordsman or painter is, he cannot confuse people's minds, peer into the future, or control cause and effect.

"Old Ghost, what happened in Akihabara?"

A communication talisman lit up, "In just a few moments, the entire Guyang State rioted six times. The spiritual power of the world was completely chaotic. Even the neighboring states were affected. A large number of practitioners gathered near the teleportation array. If this continues , Guyangzhou is almost in ruins.”

"How do I know?" Ba Nanjie Zun responded angrily, "The person fighting in Akihabara is a Karma Lord. Nine times out of ten, his opponent is also a Lord. The two Lords are fighting to the death. Do you think I dare to intervene? ?"

Soon, a piece of news spread.

"There are two Heavenly Lords fighting in Akihabara? One of them is suspected to be the Lord of Karma?"

Seeing the summons, Xing Min Jie Zun's eyes widened.

"Sure enough, it was Tianjun who took action. Fortunately, I walked quickly. Tianjun Karma is the best at borrowing lives to save lives. If I stay there, even I will be in danger."

"I don't know how Binglan, Lingque and others are doing. Ask them."

Xing Min Jie Zun took out two communication talismans and activated them at the same time.

Another state territory.

Hundreds of thousands of practitioners are sitting in the cold valley, ranging from the venerable to the true venerable. At the highest point, a woman in white robe stands in the sky, looking at the sky in the distance.

Suddenly, she looked down at her palm.

"Why is Xing Ming summoned at this time?"

Binglan Realm Master detected his soul thought, and the next moment, his expression changed slightly, "Two heavenly kings were fighting in Akihabara, and one of them was suspected to be the Karma King? Such a coincidence, could it be related to Senior Gu??"

She immediately remembered what Gu Xiuyun said before - not a single blade of grass would grow near Akihabara.

"Yan Suqing has fallen into the hands of the Witch Gu Palace. The Witch Gu Palace is best at killing with causal curses. Once the curse seal is planted, no one can save her."

"The only way is to let the other party take the initiative to release him, but with Wu Gu Tianjun's temper, how can he easily release a Formation Dao Realm Master?"

"I'm afraid this matter really has something to do with Senior Gu."

Thoughts flickered in the mind of Ice Orchid Realm Master.

When she thought about it, Gu Xiuyun must have invited the elders of the master's sect to force the Witch and Gu Heavenly Lord to release Yan Suqing.

At the same time, deep in the void of Hunyuan.

The blood-colored demonic cloud escaped at high speed, constantly crossing many dangerous places.

"Gu Ximing, you are indeed still alive. In just a few hundred thousand years, you can resist the karma curse of the Witch and Gu Heavenly Lord. It seems that your strength is much improved than before.

"But based on this alone, it would be too naive to want to fight against Tianjun."

"When I come to Wuyang Sea Realm, I will let you know how terrible it is to kill cultivators."

The bloody magic cloud trembled violently.

The King of Killing and the King of Cause and Effect are completely different concepts.

Cause and effect and fate systems are not good at fighting.

Destiny practitioners have always been mainly based on heavenly calculations. They have the ability to predict misfortunes and fortunes, seek good fortune and avoid disasters, and their means of fighting are very limited.

Gu Xiuyun is good at killing just because his mind and will are strong enough and his body is tough enough to withstand the terrifying backlash of the twisted rules of fate. In addition, he has the inheritance of the mortal immortal.

Without these two points, his killing methods would not be much better than those of inferior Taoist practitioners.

The cause and effect system mainly focuses on manipulating people's hearts, tracking down traces, cursing people to kill, and saving lives, and the means of killing are also very limited.

Only the killing path is a pure killing system.

Under the Qiankun Realm, no one can compete head-on with the Killing Heavenly Lord. Even if he is half-step supreme, he has to stay away.

Deep in Akihabara, there were roaring sounds.

The Witch and Gu Heavenly Lord has long since changed his appearance, and his whole body has transformed into the form of an insect beast. His silver insect pincers are like a god-cleaving axe, tearing the void and piercing the earth again and again.

But no matter how hard he struggled, he could never get out of the Universe Lock Formation.

"Cherish your life, you can't trap me!"

"I am the Lord of Cause and Effect. What I am best at is cursing to save lives. Cause and effect are immortal. I am an immortal body."

The Witch and Gu Heavenly Lord roared angrily.

"It's just you?" A sneer came from the void, "If you are a life and death practitioner, I still believe it. Your major is causal curse killing. How powerful can you be to save your life?"

The words just fell.

Countless threads of cause and effect stabbed deep into the star tree crown, but were stopped abruptly by the Autumn Leaf Demon Spirit.

Eighty billion miles away from Akihabara, there is no other ability. Its vitality can be called a vast ocean, so vast and endless that even the Lord of Heaven is amazed by it.

No matter how powerful the secret curse-killing technique is, it cannot kill the Autumn Leaf Demon Spirit.

At the same time, two more secret patterns came to the world.


Wu Gu Tianjun's face turned dark, and he took out a jade Taoist Talisman from his arms. The Taoist Talisman emitted bright light, completely covering his whole body.


The secret pattern diagram crashed into the body of Wu Gu Tianjun.

He didn't have the Autumn Leaf Demon Spirit to protect him, so he could only rely on the Dao Talisman Spirit Treasure to help him.

The void trembled, and countless lines turned into sharp swords, spears, and halberds, constantly consuming the will of the soul and tearing apart the thread of fate.

On the surface of the body, the silver insect beast roared and seemed to be in extreme pain.

"According to the current situation, it will take at most three months to kill the Witch and Gu Heavenly Lord." Qiuye Demon Spirit said excitedly.

"How can it be so simple?"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "Witch and Gu Tianjun has been in Qingxiao Tianyu for decades. He must have a few close friends with whom he has a close relationship. Even if he doesn't have any... Slaughter Lian, he won't give me much time."

The secret patterns gradually dissipated, and the aura of Wu Gu Tianjun became weaker again.

"Junior, if you have the ability, keep going!"

"In five days at most, Lu Lian will arrive. By then, you and the Qiuye Demon Spirit will be dead."


A strong wind swept across the sky and the earth, and the power of the Universe Lock Formation superimposed on the world realm, trapping the Witch and Gu Heavenly Lord in place.

"I have no choice but to survive in death."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath.

He doesn't care about the life or death of the Witch and Gu Heavenly Lord, but if the other party doesn't die, Yan Suqing will always be a prisoner of the Witch and Gu Palace.

In Ziyang Villa back then, Chi He, Chi Guang and others only used a Taoist talisman to force Gu Xiuyun to submit, let alone several genuine Karma Realm Lords?

With the power of Karma World Lord's spell, as long as he dares to take people away, the curse mark in his body will explode instantly.

"Witch Gu, I don't care if you track my whereabouts, and I don't care if you attack Ziyang Courtyard, but you should absolutely never... attack my wife."

Gu Xiuyun clenched his fists tightly.

Once you reach his level, once you make up your mind, you will never change it forever.

He was not in a hurry to avenge even the grudges against Master Tianji, let alone Slaughter Lian and Wu Gu. If it hadn't been for Yan Suqing, Gu Xiuyun wouldn't have bothered to cause trouble in the Wu Gu Palace.

But the other party just touched his reverse scale.

"Qiuye, if I don't succeed, you will suppress this person with all your strength and never let him get away. In addition, I will give you three more Qiankun Dao Talisman."

Gu Xiuyun took out three Taoist talismans from his arms and sent them deep into the canopy of the stars.

These Dao Talismans were given by Supreme Qingling to resist the curse of the Qiankun realm source beast, but now they have been sent away by him.

"Don't worry, if he runs away, I will be the first to be unlucky." The crown of the star tree shook slightly.

"Your words are enough."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath, and the energy around him surged like a frenzy, turning into a billion-foot-long rhinoceros and crashing towards the Wu Gu Tianjun.

Under the suppression of the world domain and the Qiankun Lock Formation, Wu Gu Tianjun's strength has been weakened by nearly half. How can he stop the true form of the rhinoceros?

What's more, he is not good at physical fighting.

In just a few breaths, the true form of the insect beast was suppressed by the rhinoceros, and the void domain of the true form of martial arts exploded, completely trapping the Witch and Gu Heavenly Lord.

"Junior, it seems you want to die."

Seeing this situation, Wu Gu Tianjun was not angry but happy.

If the opponent voluntarily breaks away from the protection of the Autumn Leaf Demon Spirit, he will no longer be able to resist the causal curse. What is the difference between doing this and seeking death? ?

"Even if I die, I will drag you to die with me."

Gu Xiuyun's eyes were red, his phantom mind eye suddenly exploded, and his heart-destroying secret technique was activated. These two methods had little effect on the Witch and Gu Heavenly Lord, but they were better than nothing.

Immediately afterwards, the rules of destiny filled the void.

Rootless duckweed!

This is the simplest and most direct secret technique, which contains all the power of the rules of destiny and heart, and brings into full play the Taoist realm of his early stage of artistic conception.

call! !

The consciousness of Wu Gu Tianjun was like a giant tree, deeply rooted in the sky, but even so, it was still forcibly pulled out.

After all, Gu Xiuyun is in the realm of spiritual refinement, and is only one big realm away from the Witch and Gu Heavenly Lord.

If the opponent's consciousness cannot be shaken, the rules of fate are not qualified to be called the superior Taoism.

"It's now."

Gu Xiuyun let out a low roar, and the true energy around him exploded, and the twisted rules of fate enveloped the void.

In an instant, three secret patterns appeared between heaven and earth.

"How can it be?"

The Witch and Gu Heavenly Lord was horrified and wanted to activate the rules of cause and effect to protect himself, but was unable to do so.

At this moment, he has lost control of his body, soul, inner world and even the causal line.

After all, he would never have imagined that the other party would dare to fight with his life and operate two major rules at the same time, and both of them are rules and secret techniques with great backlash.

The rhinoceros and the insect beast were so close to each other that even with the mind and will of the Witch Gu Heavenly Lord, there was no time to break free from the shackles of the rootless duckweed.


There was a faint sound.

The three secret patterns are integrated into the true body of the insect beast at the same time. The power of destiny turns into the divine sword that tears away the sky, and it is like a sickle that cuts off all things in the world, constantly consuming the life essence of the Witch and Gu Heavenly Lord.


Wu Gu roared in his heart. At the moment before his death, he finally broke free and activated a life-saving talisman.

At the same time, the rules of cause and effect are operating at an extremely fast speed, constantly removing the power of the secret pattern map.

The three secret patterns are too harmful to the essence of life.

That was the power that could truly bring him down.

"Junior, I want you to die without a burial place."

The Witch and Gu Heavenly Lord roared with all his strength.

Countless threads of cause and effect turned into curse seals and struck towards the rhinoceros figure. Before they came, the billions of rhinos had turned into dust and disappeared from the world.

Gu Xiuyun has been wiped out by fate one after another.

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