Fortune Teller

Chapter 1405 Erasing memory

Qingxiao Realm.

In the deepest part of the Fenling Hall, the thin gray-robed Taoist slowly opened his eyes and said, "Summon the thunder-robed envoy, Gan Du Xing."

A moment later, a messenger in black with thunder and lightning patterns hurriedly walked into the palace.

"My subordinate Qian Duxing has met the emperor."

"A demon spirit from the Nine Difficulties Realm has appeared in Guyang State, Wuyang Sea Realm. You should know what to do!" The gray-robed Taoist said softly.

"Nine Difficulties Demon Spirit?"

Gan Duxing's eyes lit up slightly, "I will do my best to tame this beast so that it can be used by this palace."

It didn't take long.

The messenger in black appeared in the sky above Guyang Prefecture, with thunder and lightning patterns all over his body like the power of heaven, covering the entire prefecture.

"As expected, it's another ferocious demon spirit. I'll let you wreak havoc for a few days before I can enforce the law impartially."

The corners of Qian Duxing's mouth were slightly raised.

The killing methods of the Nine Difficulties Demon Spirits are not much better than those of the Realm Masters of the same level, but the most powerful thing about these beings is not the fighting, but the world that reaches the ultimate level.

A Nine Difficulties Demon Spirit is equivalent to a war fortress that can be moved at any time. It is extremely valuable to Qingxiao Palace.

On the vast land of mountains and rivers, the autumn leaf demon spirit exuded violent aura wantonly, and countless golden leaves continued to spread outward. Little did they know that there was a thunder-clad sergeant above him silently observing him...

Deep underground.

Several World Venerables are practicing with their eyes closed. The leader of the Zhendian Hall is surrounded by causal fluctuations, and his breath is hesitant, like the waves of a river.

To the World Master, millions or tens of millions of years are just a matter of time.

As long as they live, the Witch Gu Palace will not disappear.

But this place has been heavily blocked by the Witch and Gu Heavenly Lord, and a large number of spiritual treasures and treasures have been placed to isolate the cause and effect of heaven and earth. As long as they don't take half a step, even the Destiny Heavenly Lord may not be able to find them.


The master of the town hall suddenly opened his eyes.

"Palace Master, what happened again?" Several world elders asked quickly.

"The cause and effect line of the Ninth Hall Master...disappeared."

The master of the Zhendian Palace frowned, "Junior Brother Chan has always been careful, and he must have been careful about where he hid. How could he be found by the other party?? It stands to reason that there should be no causal connection between them."

Compared with the secret technique of cause and effect, the destiny system is much weaker in tracking and tracing.

Without causal involvement, it is almost impossible to find a Karma Realm Lord.

"Perhaps the Ninth Hall Master accidentally revealed his whereabouts, or one of his disciples leaked the news." The elder Jie Zun guessed.

"At this point, we can only take it one step at a time."

The Lord of the Zhendian Hall sighed slightly, "If I had known this, I shouldn't have interfered with the matter of Killing Heavenly Lord in the first place. I just helped deduce the cause and effect line, and actually caused the disaster of death."

"This Gu Ximing is really a lunatic," one of the elders of the Realm yelled angrily, "The one who is chasing him is Tianjun Lulian. Instead of going to the Yinsha Realm to take revenge, why is he staring at the Witch Gu Palace? There are so many people under Lulian's command. The Master of Multiple Realms is enough for him to take revenge ten times.”

"Pick the soft persimmons and squeeze them?"

Another person snorted, "Slaughter and Lian Tianjun has been practicing for a long time, and he is also a Slaughterer Tianjun. In terms of killing methods, he is far above the cause and effect system. If he dares to go to the Yin Evil Realm, I'm afraid he won't be able to survive for even a moment."

"Shut up, Tianjun is someone you can talk about?" the Lord of the Zhendian Palace scolded sternly.

Several elders quickly lowered their heads, not daring to say anything anymore.

There are also differences in strength and weakness between the same heavenly kings. There is no doubt that the two major systems of killing and life and death are the best at fighting. Slaughter Lian Tianjun is a powerful person who has been famous for a long time, and his understanding of the rules of living beings is far above that of witchcraft.

You must know that it has only been twenty-four years since the opening of the Wu Gu Palace, and it was not until fifteen Dao years ago that the Wu Gu Heavenly Lord finally entered the Nine Difficulties.

In comparison, Lu Lian spent more than twice as many years in the Nine Difficulties Realm as Wu Gu.

How could the realm be the same?

While he was speaking, a wave of destiny struck from a distance, and the face of the master of the town hall suddenly changed, "No, I've been discovered. Get out of here quickly."

Several elders of the realm swayed and were about to escape from the quiet room.

A complicated and exquisite secret pattern suddenly fell down.

puff! !

The secret pattern enveloped the town hall master and the elders of the realm, and the power of fate turned into endless sword light, completely shattering their minds and wills, and the fate line was torn into pieces.

"Four more."

Gu Xiuyun raised his hand and took away all the spiritual treasures and many pills from them, and then flew to another place.

The World Master of the Witch Gu Palace thought he had hidden it deeply enough, but he didn't know that Gu Xiuyun had the Sky of Destiny in his hand. With this treasure, his deduction ability was no less than that of the real Supreme Master of the Universe.

What’s the difficulty in finding a few Karma Realm Lords?

At the same time, inside the cave in Xianchengfang City.

Gongsun Jin and Gongsun Yan were still enveloped by the power of fate, and their consciousness was completely separated from their physical body.

Gu Xiuyun's third clone stood here, waiting silently.

He was waiting for all the Karma Realm Lords to fall, and then he could kill the two brothers Gongsun Jin and Gongsun Yan.

If you take action in advance, the Lord of Karma and Cause and Effect may discover the problem, and even jump over the wall in a hurry and directly curse Yan Suqing to death.

Even if it was only a one in 10,000 possibility, he didn't want to try it.

"After this incident, Lord Slaughter Lian will probably make some speculations, and we can't stay in Wuyang Sea Realm any longer," Gu Xiuyun had a flash of thought in his mind, "If we go to Luo God Realm, we should send our clansmen to Evil Spirit Ruins, my Qiankun Realm. ?”

"No, Evil Spirit Ruins is too dangerous."

He shook his head slightly.

That Qiankun Realm is often attacked and killed by beasts from outside the world, and there are even Qiankun Realm beasts that cast secret spells to kill. With the cultivation level of Madam Yu, Gu Xiushu, Yan Suqing and others, once they are affected by the spell, they will definitely die.

"Only Luo Shen Realm."

"After this incident, immediately go to the Luo Shen Realm and the Ice Orchid Sect... just remind me!"

Time passes slowly.

In just two sticks of incense, five of the six palace masters died. Until the moment before they died, they didn't understand why they cared about their lives and wanted to kill them all.

He's just a Seven-Difficulty Realm Master, what threat does it pose to him?

Another moment passed.

The last Realm Lord fell.

The power of destiny in the cave finally converged. Gongsun Yan and Gongsun Jin regained consciousness and looked at the cyan figures with horrified faces.

"I heard that you two made great contributions when the Witch Gu Palace threatened the Ice Orchid Sect?" Gu Xiuyun said softly, "If the master of the Zhendian Hall of the Witch Gu Palace knew that the root cause of their downfall was you two, what would happen to them? what expression??"

"What nonsense are you talking about? The palace masters are so powerful, how could they fall?" Gongsun Yan suppressed the fear in his heart and shouted angrily, "If you dare to kill us, the Heavenly Lord will never let you go!!"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly and looked at Gongsun Jin on one side, "I am a little curious, how did you know my identity, and how did you find out that my wife understood the rules of the formation?"

"I said, will you let us live?" Gongsun Jin asked.


Gu Xiuyun nodded indifferently.

"You are the Lord of Destiny Realm, you must keep your word," Gongsun Jin said with excitement, "I once went to Fuling Island with Cang Yan's disciples... Later I mentioned this matter to Cang Yan Jieao at the banquet, and he said you are very It might be the Destiny Realm Master, but at the time, I didn’t take it seriously, until the Hunyuan Grand Meeting, when you fought against the Realm Master of the Red Wolf Palace..."

Listening to the other party's story, Gu Xiuyun was secretly surprised.

From these clues alone, many things can be inferred, which shows that Gongsun Jin's mind is extremely high.

If you were someone else, you might not be able to guess it.

"As for the Formation Dao Realm Master, I discovered it by accident..."

Gongsun Jin continued to talk for a long time. While talking, he was secretly using the secret technique of cause and effect to send a message to the palace master.

However, no matter how he called, there was no movement on the other end.

Gongsun Jin's heart became colder and colder, and he gradually believed that the master of the Wu Gu Palace... might really have died.

"Interesting, really interesting."

After hearing the other party's last sentence, Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed with sharp light, and when he turned his palms, the power of fate completely enveloped the two of them.

"You said you would let us go!" Gongsun Jin shouted repeatedly.

"Pindao only said he would let you live, but he never said he would do nothing."

next moment.

The twisted rules of fate poured into Gongsun Jin and Gongsun Yan's sea of ​​consciousness, and countless memories collapsed and scattered, including the past Taoist insights.

At the same time, the traces of time on their bodies are disappearing.

A full half hour later.

When Gongsun Jin and Gongsun Yan regained consciousness, they were already standing on the desolate land, and their internal cultivation levels were only at the early stage of the Venerable Realm.

The two looked at each other blankly, feeling dizzy and completely empty of mind.

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