Fortune Teller

Chapter 1424 Two Secret Patterns

There was a roar!

The Origin Beast Tianjun, who was trapped on the edge of Wulang Reef, fought hard to return to the depths of the reef, but no matter how hard they tried, they could never succeed.

Half a day passed.

The cultivator from the Xi Palace finally arrived, and he saw blood gushing all over his body, and his eyes were like evil ghosts in the abyss, revealing fierce murderous intent.

This is a killing king.


The sound of the sword sounded, and a blood-light divine sword suddenly fell down, directly splitting the huge body of Han Whale Tianjun. Infinite murderous intent filled the void, causing the entire Wulang Reef to fall into cold silence.

"The way of killing is indeed the most terrifying system among the superior ways. This sword is so powerful, I am afraid that the rules of killing have been perfected."

Gu Xiuyun secretly took a breath.

Among the six rules of killing, the weakest is the aura of killing, and it is also the easiest. As long as you endure the loss of your mind again and again, you can reach the peak.

Nearly 90% of the Killing Lords of the Qingxiao Domain are like this.

But this person had perfected the rules of killing. Even Gu Xiuyun couldn't tell whether he had understood two perfect rules of killing or whether he was focusing on killing.


Another sword strike struck down, and Han Whale Tianjun's body disintegrated again. Then came the third sword, the fourth sword... a total of six sword strikes, and Han Whale Tianjun completely lost his voice.

No matter how strong your vitality is, it can't withstand such a waste.

Immediately afterwards, he turned to look at the thunder clouds and the purple lake, but did not draw his sword. "According to the rules, every time the Xi Palace kills an Origin Beast Heavenly Lord, your credit will be reduced three times. Do you still want my help?"

"No, no!"

Hua Jing waved her hands quickly.

Just kidding, if one cold whale dies, it is equivalent to losing the credit of the three Origin Beast Heavenly Lords. One increase and one decrease means four.

How many heavenly kings are there in total in the Kuroshio Sea?

If one more person is killed, the three worlds of heaven and earth may be overturned.

"That's good."

The bloody figure nodded slightly, "I heard that there is a descendant of Hunming in Wulang Reef, and it's still Wei Xinjing. If you can't solve it, the Xi Palace will send someone to take action. As for the credit... I won't deduct it from you."

The words fell.

The bloody figure disappeared from the place like a flash of lightning.

"Who is this person, so powerful?" Gu Xiuyun asked.

"Xiao Sha, the core disciple of Xi Imperial Palace," Hua Jing took a breath, "This time to sweep away the Black Tide Sea, Xi Imperial Palace only sent two core disciples to guard the periphery, except the Nine Difficulties World Master, and he is one of them."

"This is a truly powerful person," Hedu said. "He has understood the two perfect rules. In terms of strength, he is only slightly inferior to the chaotic descendant who only has a state of mind, but in terms of potential, he is much greater than it."

"Powers such as Qingxiao Palace and Xi Palace do not look down upon ordinary heavenly kings at all. Only those heavenly kings who understand the two perfect rules can enter the inner sect and become core disciples. They are the true pride of heaven and are expected to become the acting masters. The existence of a supreme being and even an emperor.”

"He is indeed the proud son of heaven."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly, and the movements in his hands did not stop. Secret patterns fell one after another, constantly attacking the thunder and lightning clouds.

Comprehending the two perfect rules, it can be seen that the strength of the will itself is not weaker than his, and combined with the rules of living beings, it can at least condense the seventh-level physical body.

No wonder the opponent could kill the Cold Whale Heavenly Lord with just six swords.

This is completely different from his secret pattern diagram. The most powerful thing about the alien beast is the physical body, with endless vitality and a slightly weaker soul.

Using the secret pattern to kill the source beast and using the killing sword energy are completely different concepts.

A series of roars sounded.

The thunder clouds and purple lake water were finally wiped out by the three of them. Immediately afterwards, Gu Xiuyun dispersed most of his body and returned to Wulang Reef.

The flying insect clones of the descendants of Hun Ming combined with the soul secret technique suppressed all the heavenly kings and made them breathless.

Fortunately, I had many Dao talismans in my hand, so I was able to hold on.

"Fellow Daoist Xi Ming, thank you this time!" Tianjun Canhen expressed his gratitude.

"I didn't do anything, I just managed to delay for some time," Gu Xiuyun shook his head and said, "The one who killed the narwhal was Xiao Sha Tianjun. His killing sword energy is really powerful."

"Xiao Sha is the core disciple of the Xi Palace. Asking him to take action is too costly."

Luo Fang even shook his head, "The narwhal, plus the three additional source beasts Tianjun, took away nearly half of the harvest of the Black Tide Sea. Who can bear it?"

"If I didn't have to, I really wouldn't want to ask the Xi Palace for help."

The crowd bombarded them repeatedly, gradually moving away from the secret space, and the black sand storm became weaker and weaker. After a long time, they finally broke out of the territory of the descendants of Hun Ming and returned to the outskirts of Waveless Reef.

"Finally it's out. This descendant of Hun Ming almost killed us," Taoist Qian Ming gasped repeatedly. "Fortunately, Brother Xi Ming and Taoist Can Hen are here to resist the invasion of souls. If the two of them hadn't joined forces, we would all have become Its puppet."

"Now that the Xi Palace has spoken, they will be left to deal with the Hun Ming descendant on their own," Luo Fang wiped the sweat from his forehead, "The peak Heavenly Lord in the only state of mind, I really don't know why it is staying in the transcendent state? Queyuan Beasts to eat?”

"How can it be?"

Can Hen shook his head and said, "It's easy for the majestic peak Heavenly Lord to kill a few ordinary Heavenly Lords. Even if it doesn't work, you can still massacre them. It's much easier for them to break through than for us."

"Sweep twice more and then return."

Everyone returned to their respective teams and dispersed.

There are no more source beasts to be found in the Kuroshio Sea. Even if there are fish that slip through the net, they are just one or two, so there is no need to join forces.

In the void.

On the back of the divine beast, Gu Xiuyun sat cross-legged, with weak fluctuations of fate permeating his whole body.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

"What's going on? Your mind and will have grown a lot again?"

Gu Xiuyun tried his best to sense the second true body in the deep place, but he could only sense madness, violence, and cold emotions, and nothing else.

The holy world of reincarnation interferes so much with consciousness that even the weapon spirit of Ziyang Villa did not notice that he had another true body. This shows how isolated the cause and effect of heaven and earth are.

"Over the years, my mind and will have improved several times, but not as much as this time." Gu Xiuyun frowned, "What happened to my clone? If I were practicing the path of destiny, the fluctuations of my will would not be so crazy and violent. , It’s more like killing a cultivator.”

Thinking of this, he shook his head.

If you want to know the secrets inside, I'm afraid you can only ask Lulian Tianjun. The Holy World of Samsara is ethereal and far-reaching, and I don't know how Lulian found it? He actually managed to break through the world barrier and left a trace of his thoughts.

Not only that, he even opened up a space of thought.

It's incredible.

Only by reaching the half-step supreme state of mind-only state can one open up the space of thoughts. Tianjun Liantian only has the state of law, so it is impossible to do it. I am afraid that he has to use some external force.

"It is also a good thing that the mind and will have improved. With my current strength of will, I might be able to try to cast two secret patterns."

Gu Xiuyun thought to himself.

Of course, not at the same time, after all, his energy is limited.

But if you activate one secret pattern first, keep it there, wait for the true energy to recover, and then condense the second secret pattern, and then bombard it at the same time... what will be the result? ?

Maintaining the stability of the secret pattern requires extremely high willpower. He could not do it before, but now, it is really hard to say.

"Give it a try if you get a chance."

Gu Xiuyun gathered his mind and was about to close his eyes to practice, when suddenly his eyes lit up, "By the way, that descendant of Hunming... If I can activate two secret patterns at the same time, plus the twist of fate rules, there will be three pictures, In addition, there is also the cooperation of Tianjun Zhenhen.”

"Zhanhen is not good at the secret technique of killing, but he is the King of Cause and Effect after all, and he still has some research on curse killing and other methods."

"If you can succeed... you will be a peak-level Heavenly King with a mind-centered state, and your contribution will be great."

Thinking of this, he became excited.

Xihuang Tianyu has made a lot of contributions every time he raided the source beast's lair, but how can an ordinary heavenly king compare to a peak heavenly king?

The difference is not ten times, but a hundred times.

A peak heavenly king can almost match the achievements of the Luoshen Realm, Timing Realm, and Bamboo Sea Realm more than ten times.

"It's worth a try. Even if it fails, it's just taking some time to get out of Waveless Reef. What's the point of losing?"

"This kind of peak heavenly king who doesn't even have the power to resist is something you don't see every day!"

Gu Xiuyun summoned the message immediately.

"Use the soul secret technique to deal with the descendants of Hun Ming?" Taoist Qian Ming's eyes widened. "My dear brother Xi Ming is too crazy. That is a peak heavenly king with a mind-centered state. Kill it?? How is that possible?"

"But if it succeeds, the credit we will receive will be beyond our imagination."

Taoist Qian Ming's heart became hot.

You can't find many peak heavenly kings in all major heavens, and every one of them is a core disciple of a super power.

For example, Xiao Sha Tianjun has understood two perfect rules, and his killing methods are almost terrifying.

For such a person, seven or eight heavenly kings can do nothing, unless the Supreme Lord of the Universe takes action himself.

"It doesn't hurt to give it a try."

Taoist Qian Ming gasped secretly.

"Showing two secret patterns at the same time, and not using the twisting rules of fate? How far has Taoist Xi Ming's will reached?"

Tianjun Canhen couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

The more powerful the secret skill, the greater the oppression on the mind and will, not to mention it is a pure secret skill of fate.

Gu Xiuyun is just a Eight-Difficulty Realm Master, but his ability to display such unique skills has already amazed everyone. Who would have thought that he would actually display two secret patterns at the same time?

"If he can really do it, there's no harm in giving it a try. It's just a waste of a few days at most."

Tianjun Zuhen clenched his fists.

The achievement of killing the Peak Heavenly King was so great that it was enough to make everyone's hearts tremble.

"Killing the descendants of Hunming? Am I dazzled?"

Luo Fangtianjun rubbed his eyes and looked at the communication talisman in front of him, unable to believe it.

"How long has it been since?? His mind and will have made another breakthrough. Has he entered the Dharma Sui Realm?"

"It's impossible. It takes a long time to accumulate from the realm of refining the mind to the realm of law. The living rules of fellow Daoist Ximing are only in the early stage of refining the mind. No matter how you break through, you can only reach the middle stage of refining the mind."

"Anyway, let's go to Wulang Reef first."

Tianjun Luo Fang quickly urged the Qiankun beast at his feet to turn around and fly towards the southern area.

The Black Tide Sea has been swept clean. Even if the Origin Beast Heavenly Lord survives, there will only be one at most. Therefore, the Heavenly Lords are divided into eight teams and sweep all areas at the same time.

In this way, not only is the speed much faster, but it is also not easy for the alien beasts to hide.

Team after team flew towards the southern area, heading towards Wulang Reef. The Divine Beasts of the Universe and the Nine Difficulties World Masters looked puzzled.

The heavenly kings didn't bother to explain to them.

Killing the peak heavenly king is such an achievement, there is no need to share it with ordinary practitioners.

Soon, everyone came to the edge of the reef.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming, are you kidding me?" Taoist Duhe asked impatiently.

"I'm not sure, I have to try it first." Gu Xiuyun looked slightly condensed and began to mobilize his true energy.

Countless threads of true energy filled the void, and in just a moment, they condensed into a complete secret pattern.

Then, he raised his right hand to keep the secret pattern stable.

The other hand crazily sucked the divine power from the body of the Qiankun beast, Gulu, Gulu, a massive amount of divine power poured into the body to make up for the consumption of true energy.


Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed with brilliance.


The true energy spread again and turned into countless threads, but this time it was much slower than before, and the connection of each thread was particularly difficult.

"Tianjun's level of killing skills, using two moves at the same time, puts too much pressure on the mind and will." Tianjun Luo Fang shook his head slightly, "Even I can't do it."

"Your willpower is too low, and you are just at the threshold of the Fa Sui Realm. It is naturally very difficult," Tianjun Canhen said, "But fellow Taoist Ximing is different. His living being rules are only in the early stage of the Refining Inspiration Realm, but he has a fifth-level physical body. It can be seen that the strength of will has already reached an astonishing level.”

"If we go further, there is indeed some hope."

Everyone watched silently.

The true energy in the void continued to condense for more than three hundred breaths, and the second secret pattern appeared under Gu Xiuyun.

Moving up and down, they are like two transparent silk millstones, emitting extremely sharp fluctuations in fate.

"Really successful?"

Taoist Qian Ming couldn't help but swallowed.

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