Fortune Teller

Chapter 1431 Ghost Purgatory

In the void, the main battle clone that was escaping rapidly suddenly stopped. Immediately afterwards, countless particles collapsed, and the flesh and blood together with the true energy disappeared between the sky and the earth.

at the same time.

Gu Xiuyun's consciousness passed through the light gate and came to the vast sea of ​​clouds. There was a majestic palace above each cloud.

Dangmo Palace, Fenling Palace, Thousand Swords Palace, Mingkong Palace...

The most majestic among them is the Wanfa Palace. The palace is hundreds of millions of feet high, and the square in front of the palace is nearly a million feet tall. Many figures are listening to Taoism in the square.

And Gu Xiuyun was standing on the edge of Wanfa Hall.

"Although the formation method is a heretic, it has the miraculous power to evolve the heaven and earth. It is also the most special system among the Zhongyuan Tao methods." The white-bearded old man sat in front of the square and narrated leisurely. "Since you are mainly based on the formation method, , you should deduce more frequently..."

"This is... Qiankun realm formation?"

Gu Xiuyun listened for a moment, with a look of surprise on his face.

Sermons at the level of the universe are beyond the reach of many practitioners, but here they are spoken openly in the square without even the slightest cover.

On the edge of the square, occasionally practitioners passed by without any intention of stopping.

At this time, countless messages came to my ears.

‘Taoist Xianyun, the Master of the Destiny Realm of the Eight Difficulties Realm, was recognized by the Supreme Qingling and granted the Wooden Clothes Envoy Order. ’

'Five practitioners can read Taoist books and listen to sermons in the Wanfa Hall, and can also borrow teleportation arrays everywhere in Qingxiao Tianyu. However, they must pay a cloud stone every other year, otherwise they will be deprived of it. Messenger status. ’

‘Cloud stone can be used to travel to battlefields outside the territory, or it can be used to refine various spiritual treasures and array diagrams, or to complete bounties in Qingxiao Palace to obtain...'


One message after another reached his ears, and he gradually understood the rules of Jiuchongyuntian.

This is a mental space that belongs to practitioners. Anyone can go there as long as they have permission.

Here, there are Taoist books for people to read, and there are also daily sermons by the Supreme Lord Qiankun.

The five elements, wind and thunder, time and space, formations, spells and even fate, cause and effect, long as it is the Tao of the world, they will be described one by one.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. If you want to stay here forever, you must accumulate merit and exchange for marble.

"With my current status, I can only enter and leave the Wanfa Palace. No other palaces are allowed to go there, not even the Demon Palace." Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "Forget it, let's go to the Wanfa Palace first to see what it is like. "

He walked along the edge of the square and walked into the depths of the palace. In front of him was a vast void, with countless stone tablets standing in it, extending into the distance.

"This is... Wanfa Tower?"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes suddenly widened.

It turns out that the so-called Wanfa Hall is the Wanfa Tower that can be seen in every fairy city. For outsiders to enter the Wanfa Tower, it will cost three million cubic divine crystals a day, but the Five Elements users do not need to spend any money, so it counts. Not bad.

"Unfortunately, it's of no use to me."

No matter how many classics there are in Wanfa Pavilion, they can't compare to the Secret Diagram and the Sky of Destiny. As for the sermons... you can listen to them. It's hard to say how much benefit they will have.

At this moment, a pleasant bell sounded.

Gu Xiuyun turned his head and saw two side halls standing towering on the edge of the void. One was filled with golden light, and the other was as black as ink, as if it was dug out of hell.

"There are actually two side halls in Wanfa Tower. I have never seen them before. Could it be that only practitioners who have entered the Nine Clouds Sky can see them?"

Gu Xiuyun stepped forward and soon arrived in front of the golden palace.

The hall is full of dazzling displays, with countless illusory rare spiritual materials placed at the front. At the front is a row of Duzhen fruits, all crystal clear and full of inexplicable fluctuations.

‘The True Crossing Fruit can make up for the damage to the Dao foundation, return the inner world to its original form, and break through the realm again. If you are a middle-vehicle Taoist practitioner, you must obtain two True Crossing Fruits. Price: 13 marbles. ’

"It's really expensive."

Gu Xiuyun's forehead trembled slightly.

One piece of cloud stone can stay in the Jiuzhongyuntian for a year, but it takes thirteen pieces of cloud stone to cross the true fruit. No wonder Qian Ming, Du He and others have never broken through.

"A middle-level Taoist practitioner actually needs two True Realm Fruits to make up for the foundation of the Tao? The requirements of the superior Taoism may be higher. Fortunately, the superior system has the rules of the source of Taoism, which saves a lot of money." Gu Xiuyun whispered secretly. .

Having said that, not every heavenly king can understand the source of Taoism.

Some people's Dao mentality is completely contrary to it, and even if they practice till death, they may not be able to understand it.

"Huh? What is that?"

The corners of Gu Xiuyun's eyes suddenly trembled, and his eyes were attracted by the strange and stubborn rocks in the distance.

It was a piece of stone with an extremely simple color. Its surface was engraved with magical patterns, and there was also a faint wave of will, as if it contained the mysteries of heaven and earth.

‘Tianxin created the fossil, and after refining it, you can use the power of Tianxin to open up a small space of thoughts, and feel the mystery of Tianxin’s creation, which is of great benefit to understanding the material path. Selling price, five marbles. ’

"It can actually allow practitioners to open up a thought space? A thought space of their own?" Gu Xiuyun was surprised, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "By the way, the thought space opened by the Killing Heavenly Lord in the Holy World of Samsara may be based on this. Things!”

He couldn't help but think of another thing.

The master of the Time and Space Palace - Bai Ze Zhenzun, this person has established a secret space in the chessboard realm and the surrounding realms.

The secret is nothing, just a cave world hidden deep in the void particles, but the war monument in this person's hand is quite mysterious.

It can actually allow the practitioner's mind and consciousness to enter and fight.

These methods are so similar to the mind space. In the past, he always thought it was some kind of special spiritual treasure. It was not until he entered the Wuyang Sea Realm and read a lot of Taoist books that he finally understood... The mind space cannot be opened up by any spiritual treasure. from.

You can only rely on your own thoughts.

Baize Zhenzun doesn't even understand the rules of living beings. How strong can his mind and will be? How is it possible to open up space for thought.

So he has been puzzled.

Now I finally understand that Bai Ze Zhenzhen must have obtained a Tianxin stone to open up a space of thoughts, and his mind and will were integrated with it.

It's a pity that Bai Zezhenzhen's mind and will are too weak. Even with the help of the Tianxin Stone, the space of his mind is still weak and can only withstand Douxiao realm practitioners.

"For billions of years, others have experienced countless reincarnations and have already fallen. Only Bai Zezhenzhen... can wake up safely in every reincarnation. I'm afraid it has something to do with the space of his mind."

Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart.

After a long time, Gu Xiuyun walked out of the golden palace.

There were a dazzling array of rare treasures there, but none of them were something he could afford. No matter how much he looked at, he could only stare.

Next to the golden palace, the dark palace exuded a cold atmosphere. The door of the palace only cracked a gap, and there was a faint roar coming from the palace.

"There shouldn't be any danger in Jiuzhongyuntian. Even if there is any danger, it will only result in the loss of some thoughts."

Gu Xiuyun came to the dark palace and looked through the gap.

The hall was empty, but filled with deafening sounds of killing, as if countless strong men were fighting.

"Boy, if you are timid, don't go into Ghost Purgatory, lest you lose your mind and your Taoist mind." An indifferent voice came from the side.

Gu Xiuyun turned his head and saw two practitioners in armor pushing open the palace door and stepping inside. After only taking a few steps, their whole bodies began to tremble.

"There are ninety-nine stairs on the first level of Ghost Purgatory. I don't believe it can't be reached within thirty steps."

One of them clenched his teeth and clenched his fist so hard that the veins on his arm exploded.

"Thirty steps? Do you really dare to think that Senior Brother Qu Zhan persisted here for seven thousand years and only took twenty-nine steps? If we can hold on beyond ten steps, we should have hope of entering the Qiankun Realm."

The two sat down cross-legged, their whole bodies shaking violently.

"Ghost Purgatory?"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly, "It seems that this is a place to temper your will. I have the help of Destiny and Heaven, but I don't need this place."

"But since I'm here, it doesn't hurt to give it a try."

He pushed open the palace door and walked into the palace.

As soon as he took half a step, his body trembled suddenly. He was actually cut off from the mental power given by the rules of fate, and he could only rely on his own will to contend.

What's even more frightening is that the heartbreaking pain permeates the whole body, as if thousands of insects and ants are biting him, and it's also like knives slashing at the body, cutting open the skin and flesh, and sprinkling sea salt on it.

The heartbreaking pain and bone-chilling torture made Gu Xiuyun's face turn pale.

"A mere five practitioners actually dare to enter the ghost purgatory," one of the armor cultivators sneered, "Don't think that half-step supreme is powerful. You only rely on the power of will given by the rules of living beings. Without the blessing of the rules, your mind and will are not as good as seven The Master of the Difficult Realm can take at most three steps and his mind will be annihilated."

"Messenger in wooden clothes, I advise you to leave here quickly. This is where the disciples of Qingxiao Palace practice. We need to endure will torture and reach a certain level before we can try to break through. But you... there is really no need to endure this. bitter."

Gu Xiuyun remained silent.

After entering Jiuzhongyuntian, a layer of green armor appeared on his body, and there were vegetation patterns on his chest.

Although the other party couldn't see his face clearly, he could tell the origin of the armor.

"Ghost Purgatory...the torture of the will is really powerful."

As his thoughts flashed, Gu Xiuyun took another step.


The two armor practitioners were surprised.

It's amazing that a Five Elements user could actually take two steps in Ghost Purgatory without swaying.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Xiuyun took another step and came to the stairs where they were.

"How is that possible?" one of them exclaimed.

Don't underestimate these three short steps. Ghost Purgatory is extremely difficult. Even the first step makes countless half-step supremes despair.

From then on, the pain increased a lot with every step I took.

As a disciple of the Qingxiao Palace, the armor cultivator has outstanding talents, is guided by top experts, and has experienced countless battles. He can only reach the third step. You can imagine how difficult it is.

How could a Five Elements user come this far?

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun took another step, the fourth step, the fifth step, the sixth step... He took a full nine steps before stopping temporarily.

"Nine steps, impossible!"

The armor cultivator looked horrified, "This is already the threshold for entering the Qiankun realm. Most of the disciples in the temple have not been able to achieve it. How can a Five Elements practitioner succeed??"

"Who is he?"

The other person frowned.

In Jiuzhongyuntian, armor and clothing cannot be changed at will. The opponent wearing wooden armor must be the messenger of wooden clothes. There is no mistake about this.

But how could a Five Elements user walk nine full steps in Ghost Purgatory?

"The will torture here is much more severe than before," Gu Xiuyun closed his eyes tightly, his whole body was surrounded by bone-chilling pain, "But fortunately, this torture did not make me mentally exhausted."

The pain in Ghost Purgatory is extremely terrifying. The further you go inside, the closer you get to the limit, but at the same time, it also greatly improves your mind and will.

Compared with the Soul Locking and Heart Devouring Technique, practicing here is undoubtedly much better. No matter how painful it is, it will not be life-threatening. At most, you will lose part of your mind and you can recover it in a moment.

"It's still a little weak, let's look forward."

Gu Xiuyun stepped forward and walked another seven steps.

The armor practitioners at the rear were already dumbfounded. They couldn't believe that a Five Elements practitioner could actually reach the sixteen-step area.

Sixteen steps, he is considered an elite among all the Realm Masters in Qingxiao Palace.

What's more important is... after reaching this point, you already have the qualifications to become a core disciple, because only by walking sixteen steps away can you bear the two rules of perfection.

"Almost, close to my limit."

Gu Xiuyun pondered for a moment, then stepped forward again, one step, two steps, and three steps again.

The moment he reached the 19th step, Peng's body suddenly collapsed, and his consciousness disappeared from the sky.

"Nineteen steps, did you see that? The man took nineteen steps."


"How is it possible? He is clearly a Five Elements user. How could his mind and will be so strong? Nineteen steps!!"

Their faces were full of shock and disbelief.

Nineteen steps are extremely rare in the entire Qingxiao Palace. Almost all the people who walk there are Supreme Lords of the Universe.

Senior Brother Qu Zhan had reached the 29th step and was famous in Qingxiao Palace. His strength was almost terrifying, so he was mentioned by two people. That kind of person was already one of the most terrifying disciples of Qingxiao Palace.

"The messenger in wooden clothes who appeared out of nowhere has such a will. If he practices martial arts..."

The two looked at each other, their faces filled with deep shock.

Soon, a piece of news spread in Jiuzhongyuntian. A messenger in wooden clothes entered the ghost purgatory and walked a total of nineteen steps.

As soon as the news came out, countless people were amazed.

The supreme beings of the universe are all wind and thunder messengers, as well as the higher punishment messengers and command messengers, and will not serve as the five elements.

This person must be half-step to the Supreme. He is only half-step to the Supreme, but he has taken nineteen steps in the Ghost Purgatory. How can he not be amazed?

"The messenger in wooden clothes actually walked nineteen steps in the ghost purgatory? It's amazing. He must be a killing king."

Lord Slaughter Lian raised his brows and looked at the majestic palace.

All the Nine Difficulties Heavenly Lords and Half-Step Supreme Lords who enter the battlefield outside the territory can refine a temporary spell to enter and exit the Nine Clouds Sky.

In addition to Wanfa Palace, they can also go to another palace and exchange news there for ready support.

"Only killing cultivators need to sharpen their minds and wills and withstand stronger killing energy." Tianjun Slaughter Lian clenched his fists. "Taking care of your life, just wait for me. I will soon accumulate enough merits. Please The Supreme Lord of Heaven and Earth has calculated that by then, your death will have arrived."

"Messenger Muyi, have you walked nineteen steps in Ghost Purgatory? Isn't it that junior Xianyun?"

After hearing the news, Supreme Qingling was a little stunned.

After all, not long ago, he had just given a Wooden Clothes Messenger Order, and Gu Xiuyun...with just eight difficult cultivation levels, he was able to condense a body that transcended the fifth level, and his mind and will must be ridiculously strong.

"Perhaps it's really him," Qing Ling Supreme's eyes flashed. "The prophet would give Luo Lang and Lie Jun a few words to prevent them from leaking the news. If Qingxiao Palace pays attention to this person, I won't be able to hide what happened in the underground city. ”

While thinking, Supreme Qingling's fingertips moved slightly and sent out a message.

Repairing the underground divine city requires a large amount of spiritual materials. Even if it only saves 10%, it is no less than several times the net worth of the Supreme Being in the Dharma Realm.

According to the archives of Qingxiao Palace, the person responsible for repairing the divine city is the White Deer Demon Lord. This person's calculation ability is very clear to Qingxiao Palace, and he can also calculate how much spiritual materials need to be consumed.

But if it was Gu Xiuyun... it would be completely different.

At least most of these benefits will go into the pockets of Supreme Qingling, and Lie Jun and Luo Lang can also get some benefits.

How could they not be interested?

Soon, Luo Lang and Lie Jun received the news. They were surprised and shocked and sent messages to Gu Xiuyun one after another.

"Fellow Daoist Xianyun, have you gone to Ghost Purgatory?"


"How far have you walked??"

"It's only about ten steps. I heard from others that a senior brother Qu Zhan walked twenty-nine steps, which is much better than me."

Looking at the communication talisman in front of them, Lie Jun and Luo Lang were speechless and choked.

Sure enough it was him!

Nineteen steps of Ghost Purgatory. Only the disciples of Qingxiao Palace know what this means - becoming a core disciple and having countless opportunities.

"Fellow Taoist Xianyun, don't go to Ghost Purgatory in the future. What you need most now is to understand the rules of life and matter, and to improve the realm of Taoism." Luo Lang hurriedly sent a message.

"Jiuzhong Yuntian is not interesting. I just listen to the Taoism and read the classics. Those classics are of little use to destiny practitioners. They are not as useful as deducing formations in the underground divine city." Lie Jun sent a message.

"It's really useless."

Gu Xiuyun replied.

After receiving the message, the two couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly warned them not to tell anyone about the Ghost Purgatory.

"These two people... are really interesting." In the stone palace, Gu Xiuyun looked at the communication talisman, shook his head and laughed.

Even if he wanted to say it, who could he tell it to? ? Yan Suqing? Qian Ming? Luo Fang?

Who doesn't know that he is a warrior who has transcended the fifth level, and his mind and will are naturally extremely strong.

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