Fortune Teller

Chapter 1433 Guo Nujun

Half a month later.

Gu Xiuyun finally returned to Wushan Courtyard in Luoshen Realm.

In the courtyard, three women gathered around the stone table, talking and laughing. One of them had a slightly bulging belly and a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Mother? Sister? When did you come back?"

Gu Xiuyun looked surprised.

"If I don't come back, how will I know that I have a granddaughter?" Mrs. Yu stared, "You two have hidden it well enough. If Shu'er hadn't had a whim and wanted to go back to Wushan to live for a few days, would you have still Want to hide it?”

"Brothers and sisters, how old is this child?" Gu Xiushu asked, blinking.

"Four to five thousand years."

Yan Suqing's face turned slightly red.

"So long?" Mrs. Yu and Gu Xiushu looked surprised. "Even the descendants of those bloodline families only take more than a thousand years to be born. How could you be pregnant for four or five thousand years?"

"Because they have a bloodline system, as long as they draw enough bloodline, they can be born smoothly," Gu Xiuyun explained, "And Suqing and I are both warriors. Logically speaking, it is impossible to have children. I used the help of Wanfa Pavilion to Only by practicing the secret technique can he be born.”

"But because of this, this child has endured magical powers that transcend the fifth level. It takes a long time to accumulate. According to the current situation, a million years is considered a short time."

Gu Xiushu couldn't help but take a breath.

It actually takes a million years to conceive a child? Those top monsters haven’t lasted this long, either!

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

The higher the level of the creatures in the world, the longer the gestation time. For example, for the demons in the underground abyss of the Holy World of Reincarnation, which one does not take millions of years as a unit?

It takes hundreds of millions of years for an alien beast to come into the world from its conception.

But at the same time, the talents of underground demons and alien beasts are not comparable to those of ordinary demon beasts.

The underground demon is a venerable from birth.

The beasts from outside the world, even the lowest level of life, have reached the realm of true respect.

Madam Yu and Gu Xiushu knew so little about the outer world that they were so shocked. Little did they know that there were some more heaven-defying beings in this world that would take hundreds of millions of years, or even countless Taoist years, to accumulate before they could truly be born.

As he was speaking, a message fell into Gu Xiuyun's ears, "Come to the main hall of the temple quickly. The merits of the Xihuang Palace have been confirmed. I will take you to the Xihuang Realm."


Gu Xiuyun quickly bowed and saluted, separated a section of his body, and fled towards the main hall in the deepest part of the Luo God Realm.

In the void, a ray of aurora traveled very quickly along the gap in space. The twisted void was layered on top of each other, shortening the distance countless times.

Deep in the aurora, three figures sat cross-legged, their faces filled with excitement and anticipation.

"My dear brother, when I went to Wushan Cave before, I asked a few questions. Your wife said it would take three to five hundred years. I thought you would be unable to catch up. I never thought that you would be back in just half a month."

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming is a core disciple of Qingxiao Palace. He can directly ride on the cross-domain teleportation array. How could it take so long? In my opinion, you didn't ask the right question and people misunderstood."

"That's right. The core disciples of Qingxiao Palace can all ride on the cross-domain teleportation array."

Taoist Qian Ming and Tianjun Luo Fang murmured incessantly.

Gu Xiuyun smiled slightly and turned to look outside the Aurora. Invisible power shrouded the void, causing the space to continuously distort. The void of tens of billions of miles was compressed to one ten thousandth, and he could cross the distant void every moment.

"This is the unique magical power of the Supreme Qiankun... a thought of the universe?"


Taoist Qian Ming nodded slightly, "The universe can evolve in just one thought. It's truly an infinite power."

"When they reach the Qiankun realm, they don't have to be affected by the inner world, because they can evolve the universe in a flash of thought and open up a vast world. Although it won't last long, it is enough for fighting."

"This time I go to the Xi Palace. I don't know if I can successfully break through and take the last step. If I still can't..."

Taoist Qian Ming looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Don't worry, you have failed three times. All the shortcomings in your past practice have been made up. There is at least 70% hope this time," Luo Fang Tianjun said. "It's not like me. My state of mind is far away. I can only change some pills to assist my practice. Qizhen, or just find a secret place to cultivate, it is too difficult to break through..."

"The two fellow Taoists are already standing at the threshold of the Qiankun Realm, and you can't even see the shadow of the Fa Sui Realm below. It's even worse." Gu Xiuyun smiled bitterly and shook his head.


Luo Fang and Qian Ming stared at each other, "Lord Luo Shen said that you have only been practicing for more than 10 million years, and you have already entered the realm of refining the mind, and you have understood a secret art of destiny, and you are still not satisfied?"

"In more than 10 million years, we can kill the peak king. If it were the two of us, we would have to wake up laughing even in our dreams."

"With your accumulated merits, you can definitely exchange for a large number of cultivation treasures, such as Tianxin's fossils. Although those things are expensive, they are of great benefit to comprehend the material path. Use your destiny attainments to cooperate with Tianxin's fossils to comprehend the four paths. Fusion doesn’t take much effort.”

"As for the rules of life, you have understood the secret of destiny, and it shouldn't be difficult to practice it. You can become the Nine Difficulties Heavenly Lord in a few years at most. By then, with your physical combat power combined with the secret of destiny, you will definitely be no better than the core disciples of the Xi Imperial Palace. Not half as good.”

The two of them became more and more sour as they talked, and couldn't help but roll their eyes.

Gu Xiuyun couldn't help but shut his mouth. Indeed, whether it was Ziyang Villa or the Immortal in the World, it was a rare opportunity in the world, which made others envious.

But you must know that any opportunity is accompanied by crisis.

Not to mention how much Gu Xiuyun has experienced in the Holy World of Reincarnation, just after leaving the Holy World, he has narrowly escaped death many times:

Ziyang Villa... was held hostage by the Red Scale Palace and tortured by the Red Scale Ancestor for hundreds of thousands of years.

Hunyuantian, Xumingshayuan... The true form of the ancient beast is indeed a rare opportunity, but how many people can fuse the six true forms? Even if you get this opportunity, there are still strong men from the Blood Dragon Palace waiting outside, waiting to eradicate the root cause.

The inheritance of the mortal immortal... is in even greater danger.

Thirty-six secret pattern diagrams are enough to drive Qiankun Supreme crazy, and Destiny Sky has attracted the covetousness of many powerful people. It has not exploded yet, just because the news has not been leaked yet. But that day will come sooner or later.

Qian Ming and Luo Fang were not aware of Gu Xiuyun's worries, so they continued to talk.

"When I step into the Qiankun Realm, the first thing I will do is to try thinking about the Qiankun," Qian Ming said. "Every time I see the Supreme Masters perform this trick, there are thousands of ants crawling in my heart. I am really curious. ah!"

"What's there to be curious about? Isn't it the mind space?" Luo Fang Tianjun curled his lips slightly.

"What do you know??"

Taoist Qian Ming stared, "Understanding the mind-only state can open up the space of thoughts, but every time it is used, it will consume the mind and will, and it will not last long."

"The Qiankun Supreme's thoughts about the world are completely different. In the flash of a thought, all things in the world are evolved, and even the real rules of the world are condensed. This is the great supernatural power."

Gu Xiuyun listened quietly.

Regarding Yi Nian Qian Kun, he had only seen it in classics before.

This is the unique magical power of the Supreme Being of the Universe, and it is also the basis for the Supreme Beings to travel in the void. When a thought arises, the world arises; when a thought disappears, the world disappears. Whether or not there is an inner world is meaningless.

Because the place where their thoughts are located is the place covered by the world realm.

Of course, the natal world still has some uses.

In his own world, the origin of the universe is vast and endless, and his own combat power will skyrocket. As long as the gap is not crushing, his life will not be in danger.


The voice of Luo Shen came, the tens of billions of miles of void returned to calm, and the world domain quietly disappeared.

The three of them looked up and saw a vast and vast world in front of them. The void was extremely stable. Every inch of space seemed to be made of steel and was filled with astonishing oppression.

"This space force——"

Gu Xiuyun had a strange look on his face, "It's almost close to the Hunyuan Void."

"Of course," Qian Ming nodded, "Xihuang Realm is the world of Qiankun created by Lord Xihuang himself. It has surpassed the level of Qiankun and reached more astonishing heights. The void is naturally more stable."

"The cultivators born in the Xihuang Realm are at the lowest level a venerable. Their bloodline level is not high enough and they cannot survive at all." Luo Fang Tianjun said.


Gu Xiuyun shook his head, "I have been to the Qingxiao Realm before. It is no different from the ordinary Qiankun Realm, except that the space is slightly wider. As the main realm of the heaven domain, the Qingxiao Realm should have been opened by Taiyi Immortal Emperor himself, right?"

"I've been there too, and it's indeed a little different from the Xihuang Realm." Qian Ming frowned slightly.

"The Qingxiao Realm does not belong to Taiyi Immortal Emperor," Luo Shen said, "As early as many years ago, Taiyi Immortal Emperor's natal world collapsed. This matter is related to a secret, so not many people know about it."

The three of them looked surprised.

"Zhuhai and Timing have arrived, let's leave quickly," Luo Shen glanced into the distance, "Qian Ming, you have failed three times. You must succeed this time. You have stepped into the Qiankun realm, and I can also contribute more. "

"I will do my best." Taoist Qian Ming bowed and nodded.

The three of them followed Luo Shen Supreme towards the Xi Palace in the distance. The majestic and vast palace emitted inexplicable fluctuations. Every time he took a step, Gu Xiuyun's mind trembled, like an ant crawling on a giant dragon. , every step was filled with fear.

"Every time I come here, I break out in a cold sweat," Taoist Qian Ming whispered, "Lord Xihuang's aura is too terrifying. Even a wisp of soul thought is not something we can bear."

"Keep your voice down, Lord Xihuang has endless power, how can you discuss it?" Luo Fang Tianjun said.

After a while, they arrived at the square in front of the palace.

There are already nearly a hundred figures here. In addition to the Supreme Beings such as Luo Shen, Zhuhai, and Timing, there are also many Nine Difficulties Realm Lords. Each of them shows expressions of excitement and anticipation.

"I heard that during this sweep of the Black Tide Sea, you encountered a descendant of Chaos? And it was in the only state of mind?"

A high-pitched voice sounded.

Gu Xiuyun turned his head and saw a beautiful woman in black robe standing in the distance, with a strong spring color between her eyebrows. From the aura around her, it could be seen that she was the supreme being of the universe.

"What, are you jealous?"

Luo Shen said indifferently, "It's useless to be jealous. As for your disciples, even if they meet the descendants of Hunming, they will only die."

"What do I have to be jealous of??" The gorgeous woman in black robe raised her eyebrows, "In the past ten years, I have had three Supreme Beings of the Universe under my command. You are the only one. I am almost tired of staying in the Phantom Wave Pond."

"Junior Qian Ming, I heard that you have failed three times, so hurry up!"

Qian Ming lowered his head and did not dare to say anything.

"Who is this??" Gu Xiuyun asked quietly.

"Guo Nvjun, another guest of the Xi Imperial Palace," Luo Fang responded quietly, "Both of them are practitioners of the path of lust. Lord Luo Shen cultivates a pure heart and detached thoughts, while that one is just the opposite. , they are cultivating the path of lust, and both of them need to use the Phantom Wave Pool. As time goes by, the grievances will naturally become deeper and deeper. "

"Phantom Wave Pool?"

Gu Xiuyun was a little curious.

"Huanbo Pond is one of the holy places of cultivation in the Xihuang Heavenly Realm. It is of great benefit to the path of lust. Only the Supreme Lord Qiankun can go there. Master Luo Shen and Guo Nujun are both top figures in this lineage. Apart from them, it is difficult for others to go there. Enter the Phantom Pool."

Luo Fang continued, "In the past ten years, the disciples of Luo Shen Realm have withered away, and several half-step supremes have been killed by the source beasts, so there are only a few who have become supremes of the universe. The Phantom Wave Pond has been occupied by Guo Nujun for most of the time. "

"I see."

Gu Xiuyun suddenly felt enlightened.

They need to kill the Origin Beast and clear out the lair. The Universe Supremes also have ways to gain credit. Cultivating a new Universe Supreme is undoubtedly the greatest credit.

If you can cultivate a Supreme Being of Destiny and Karma, the merit will be even greater.

"Over the years, there have been frequent attacks and killings by origin beasts at the junction of the Xihuang Heavenly Realm and the Qingxiao Heavenly Realm. The losses to the three Qiankun Realms have been too great. If not, how could the core disciples of the Xihuang Palace be invited to help guard the edge of the Black Tide Sea? Losing a piece of credit in vain?”

Luo Fang shook his head and sighed, "Those fellow disciples have not exchanged for the quota of reincarnation. According to the rules, even if they die, the Xi Palace will not ask strong people to resurrect them."

"Qingxiao Palace also has this rule." Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

"There is no way. There are too many Half-Step Supreme and Nine-Number Lords. If they are all resurrected for free, they will definitely take risks unscrupulously. Powerful people such as Taiyi Immortal Emperor and Xi Huang will not have to do anything."

"You still have to rely on yourself to cultivate your spiritual path. It is right for you, sir, to do this."

The Supreme Being of the Universe only has one chance to be resurrected for free. After that, he has to rely on his own merits to fight for it. There is no free lunch in the world. Great beings cannot waste their precious time and send low-level practitioners to reincarnation every day.

After a long time, the door of Xihuang Palace suddenly opened, and a white-haired old man stepped out, "Half-step Supreme Master who has accumulated enough merits will follow me. Those who want to exchange for treasures can go to the side hall on their own."


The transcendent practitioners in the square saluted one after another.

"Qian Ming, you must succeed this time, don't let some people laugh at you again." Luo Fang whispered.

"Brother Qian Ming, I wish you good luck." Gu Xiuyun followed.

"Don't worry, I will succeed if I don't succeed this time."

Taoist Qian Ming took a deep breath and walked into the Xihuang Palace.

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