Fortune Teller

Chapter 1436 Wrong


Gu Xiuyun raised his eyebrows slightly. It seemed that during this period, Zhenzun Bai Ze had made quite a breakthrough.

"Bai Ze, there is no grudge between you and me. I only have two things to do with you," the bloody figure said softly, "First, the Zen protector once said that there is a top inheritance of the killing system in the holy world of reincarnation. He Now that you know it, you must also know where it is?"

"Besides, hand over the Mo Mang in your hand! With your mind and will, it's useless to have so much Mo Mang."

In the void, the bloody mist was as calm as water.

Gu Xiuyun didn't have much killing intention towards the True Lord Bai Ze. He was just a True Lord. Even if he beheaded him, it would be of no use.

Moreover, when the human race's real body was weak, the other party gave some help.

Although he had ulterior motives, it did help him a lot.

"It seems that after defeating the guardian and Zhu Yan, you feel that you are invincible," Bai Zezhenzun sneered, "If you want Mo Mang, you can, let's see if you have the ability!"


The true energy surges in the void.

The three origins of thunder, time, and space merged with each other and turned into a thunder sword, slashing towards the bloody figure.

The power of Xuanxian Taoism combined with martial arts Qi is terrifying. Coupled with the mysterious blessing of fate, this move is close to the combat power of a Zen protector after breaking through the realm.

"Xuanxian Taoism? No wonder you are so confident."

The bloody figure shook his head slightly and let the Thunder God Sword fall across the air.


Before the sharp thunder sword light came, it was ground to pieces by layers of void realms.

"How can it be?"

Zhenzun Bai Ze looked shocked and couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

"I understand, you must have relied on the power of Taoist talismans. How could a true master be able to destroy my Thunder God Sword just by relying on his magical powers!"

With a wave of his hand, another sword light appeared across the sky. The sharp sword light contained the power of tearing the sky. Even Zhenzhen Zhu Yan could not stop this move.

Unfortunately, he was facing a warrior who had transcended the fourth level.

The physical strength alone is no less than that of the Eight Difficulties Realm Master, and every particle has reached an unimaginable level.

No matter how powerful Bai Ze is, he can't possibly hurt the Ba Nan Realm Master.

The gap between the two is already ridiculously large.


The thunder sword light collapsed again.

"It's Dao talismans again. It seems that you, a junior, have a lot of talismans in your hands. I want to see how many times you can resist them?"

Zhenzun Bai Ze waved his hand again, and the thunderous sword light struck out horizontally one after another.

Thousands of sword energy were all wiped out by the void realm.

Zhenzun Bai Ze stopped breathlessly. He finally believed that the other party did not use the power of the spell, but he could not understand that the three fusions he had finally mastered after countless years of hard work could not hurt the other party at all.

Caring for one's life is the respect of the world, so that's all.

But the other party is clearly a true master, and his divine power and aura are only at the level of Six Difficulties. A Six Difficulties True Master, who has neither used Taoist secrets nor stimulated his true energy, can he destroy his sword light just by relying on the unique magical field of a warrior?

There are ten thousand people who don’t believe Zhenzun Bai Ze.

"The integration of the three avenues is only the beginning of the world's spiritual practice." Gu Xiuyun looked at the confused and crazy white-bearded old man, "You can understand this secret technique in the holy world of reincarnation, which is amazing. If you can go one step further, Understand the rules of destiny, and there is a place for you as a core disciple of Qingxiao Palace."

With that said, Gu Xiuyun raised his palm.

The wind roared and divine power surged.

The three origins of the five elements, wind and thunder, and time are combined with each other to form Xuanxian Taoism, which is as powerful as Bai Ze Zhenzun's thunder sword light.

You must know that Gu Xiuyun used the divine power of the Zhenzun, not the martial arts energy.

The power level is dozens of times different, but there is no difference in power. It can be seen that in the realm of Taoism, he is much stronger than Bai Ze.

"The fusion of the three great ways... you have actually mastered it?" Zhenzun Baize looked horrified and couldn't believe the scene in front of him. "Impossible, impossible. You have only been practicing for a long time. How can you reach this point?"

"I just said that this is just the beginning of the World Master," Gu Xiuyun explained quietly, while the divine power in his palms surged and changed, forming another secret method, "The fusion of the three paths is also called the Xuanxian Dao Technique. If it is integrated into the rules of living beings, it can Evolved into a world-level secret skill."

"Although there are not many people like you in the outer world, there are also not a few."

"Unfortunately, your path... is wrong. Compared with the material path, the living path is the key."

"If you could persevere and be firm in your Taoism, you would have understood the rules of destiny tens of millions of years ago. Why bother waiting until today?"

One sentence after another struck hard at the heart of Zhenzun Bai Ze.

"Am I wrong? Am I really wrong?"

Bai Ze looked into the distance blankly, "The path of life is the key?"

"It's not that you are wrong, you just don't dare to take that step," Gu Xiuyun looked indifferent, "In terms of talent, background, and opportunities, who can compare with you, but everyone else has understood the rules of life, but you have not. Don't think about it. What’s the reason?”

"Yeah, I don't dare, I'm afraid!"

Zhenzun Baize looked at the sky bitterly, "As early as hundreds of millions of years ago, I have understood the mystery of destiny to the peak of the seventh level, but I still dare not take that step. It's not because I don't have enough realm, but because I'm afraid. Death, fear of insufficient accumulation, fear of being wiped out in ashes, fear of not being reincarnated..."

"I was born as an ancient divine beast. I know the past and the future, and know the misfortunes and blessings of the world. In terms of origin, how many people can compare with me?"

"Stupid Qilin, he only knows how to collect treasures from heaven and earth, he is greedy and ignorant..."

"Zhu Yan is a ferocious beast, crazy and violent, and has no rules at all..."

"True dragons and phoenixes have blood inheritance, but they are also bound by blood and can never break through..."

"In terms of talent, how many people in the past and present can compare with me? But I am timid and cowardly. I claim to be above the world and untainted by the world. In the final analysis, I am just afraid!"

Bai Ze looked at the sky blankly.

For hundreds of millions of years, he has always thought that he was right, because no one in the world is smarter or more knowledgeable than him. Throughout the ages, he can know everything he wants to know, in heaven and on earth.

But precisely because of this, pride blinds the eyes and squanders ambition.

And that Tianxin stone made him no longer have to fear reincarnation. With the space of will, he could wake up in the shortest time no matter how many times he was reincarnated.

until today.

Gu Xiuyun woke him up with a bloody gap. He had been practicing hard for countless years, but he was still not as good as a junior who had been practicing for tens of thousands of years.

Zhenzun Bai Ze only felt empty in his heart, and his previous faith had completely collapsed.

"Pindao is too lazy to waste time with you."

Gu Xiuyun said softly, "Tell me, where is the inheritance of killing? And the Mo Mang you collected, hand it over!"

"Inheritance of killing..." Bai Ze suddenly raised his head, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, "I can give you whatever you want, but you have to tell me, what realm are you in? How could the Six Difficulties True Lord have such a magical power?"

"In terms of cultivation in the Immortal Way, I indeed only have six difficulties." Gu Xiuyun moved his fingertips slightly, and a wisp of true energy filled the void. "But in terms of cultivation in the martial arts, I have already transcended the fourth level, and my physical combat power is no less than that of a real person." World Master, you should understand!"

"The fourth level of transcendence... the fourth level of transcendence..."

Zhenzun Bai Ze was shocked.

Gu Xiuyun took the particle route. Compared with the world route, the requirements of mind and will are hundreds of times higher. The opponent has actually reached the fourth level of transcendence. It is impossible to imagine how terrifying mind and will is.

But he didn't know that if it weren't for Mo Mang, Gu Xiuyun would be at the fifth level now.

"I see."

Zhenzun Bai Ze had a sad smile on his face, "I claim to be the best in the world in vain. It turns out that I am just a frog at the bottom of a well looking at the sky. Ridiculous, so ridiculous!"


The white-bearded old man looked at the sky, with a mixture of sadness and joy on his face, mixed with a strong sense of ridicule, laughing at himself for being too stupid and too cowardly.

After a long time, he lowered his head and pointed to a corner in the distance, "The dark light you want is deep in the void particle. As for the killing inheritance, it is actually the Zen guardian who played a trick on you. You can't even find that place. Not even ”

"Can't find it?" Gu Xiuyun frowned.

"Yes, throughout the ages, only a few people have entered it, and it was all by chance. It is a special secret realm that cannot be described, and it is like an independent world. Those who are destined can enter from anywhere, and those who are not, It will never be found for eternity.”

"As far as I know, that secret realm has appeared in the eastern void and also in the northern void. In history, three enlightened world masters have entered it."

"As for this era, there is only Peng Keng, you might as well ask him!"

Zhenzun Bai Ze turned around and walked towards the depths of the void, his back looking particularly lonely.

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