Fortune Teller

Chapter 1449 Treasure

Qingxiao Realm.

Deep in the sea of ​​clouds, the teleportation array erupted with bright light.

Immediately afterwards, a practitioner in green robes appeared in the sky.

"There is a special place in Qingxiao Palace to exchange for merit, and dry-signed signatures should also be sold there."

Gu Xiuyun glanced around and flew out of the sea of ​​clouds.

Compared with the Xihuang Realm, the Qingxiao Realm is much smaller, and the space binding force is also extremely weak. Even Douxiao Realm practitioners can survive in it.

In the misty clouds, figures came and went, most of them were Realm Masters, but there were also some True Masters with pure auras.

These true masters are elite disciples selected by various forces. There are middle-level Taoist practitioners and some superior Taoist practitioners. Almost all of them have reached the seventh-level mystical peak.

"Supreme Qing Ling once said that there are no great beings in the world of cultivation who have understood the Way of Ten Thousand Dharmas, so practitioners of the Middle Way can easily perish, and their number is hundreds of times less than those of the Inferior Way."

Gu Xiuyun looked around.

Those true masters have different auras, half of which are systems of fate, cause and effect, life and death, killing, etc., and the other half are the Dao of Formation, Talisman Dao, Alchemy Dao, Instrument Dao, Puppet Dao, Illusion Dao...

Among them, array path and talisman path are more common.

This was the first time that Gu Xiuyun saw the Alchemy Way, the Weapon Way, and the Puppet Way. These kinds of Taoisms could not be cultivated without massive amounts of money.

Formation Dao and Talisman Dao mainly focus on carving patterns and deducing mysteries, and the requirements for external objects are slightly lower.

However, the daily practice of Alchemy, Weapon, and Puppet Dao requires a large amount of magical medicines, rare treasures, and spiritual materials. Without money, you can't even cross the threshold. However, this system does not have a great being sitting in charge, and it is dead when it dies, so it is extremely rare.

Gu Xiuyun stepped forward and soon came to a golden side hall. The hall was full of dazzling things, and many practitioners were walking around inside, with longing in their eyes.

The treasures here are no less than those in the side halls of the Xi Imperial Palace, or even a hundred times more.

For example, the Duzhen Fruit, the Tianxin Creation Fossil, the Condensing Pill... you can find them all, as well as many weird-looking pill beads, spiritual treasures, and puppet beasts.

‘Wuqiu Dan, after refining it, there is no desire or desire, and the mind falls into a state of emptiness. It is of great benefit for understanding the rules of certain living beings. It can be used by anyone below the level of acting. The price is one marble. ’

‘The Black Bone-Breaking World Needle is a one-time spiritual treasure. When activated, it has the power to destroy the heaven and the earth. It can penetrate the universe and destroy the magic-level divine formation. Selling price: five marbles. ’

‘The demon soul puppet, after being refined, can form the soul of gods and demons and attach itself to the sea of ​​consciousness. It can be used to fight and save lives. It is of great benefit in resisting the cause and effect of heaven and the secret of curse killing. The price is twelve marbles. ’

Looking at the dazzling array of treasures and treasures in front of him, Gu Xiuyun couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

He suddenly understood why Luo Fang and Qian Ming would sigh - Qingxiao Palace is the greatest power among immortal practitioners.

Most of the treasures in the Xi Palace are based on magical medicines, rare treasures, and secret realms. They are naturally raised by the earth and do not need to be refined by humans.

Most of the treasures in the Qingxiao Palace were refined the day after tomorrow, such as the Wuqiu Pill, which can even affect the Dao Heart of the Supreme Lord of the Universe, which is outrageous.

The Black Bone Crushing World Needle seems to be a spiritual treasure, but it is beyond the scope of spiritual treasures. It can be used by any practitioner. Once it explodes, it can tear apart even magic-level divine formations. You can imagine how powerful it is. fear.

But compared to the first two, the Demon Soul Puppet is the real mystery.

"The demon soul puppet is as powerful as the soul of the Nine Difficulties Realm Master, and has countless curse seals condensed on it. It has the power to withstand the cause and effect of heaven and the power of secret curses. It can also be used to fight. With this treasure, It’s like the soul level has reached the Nine Difficulties Realm.”

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath, "This is much more powerful than the Boundary Stone, almost comparable to the Black Jade Platform, the most precious treasure of Black Suo Mountain."

The black jade platform can only allow the soul to temporarily reach the early stage of the Qiankun realm, and it cannot fight or kill.

The Demon Soul Puppet can allow practitioners to possess the soul of the Nine Difficulties Realm Lord. It can not only assist in cultivation, but also fight in battles. It is perfect.

"Twelve marbles are a bit expensive. Let's see how much the dry calligraphy signatures can be sold for."

Gu Xiuyun walked towards the deepest part of the side hall.

After a while, he came to the quaint quiet room. The stone door was closed tightly, and a golden lion puppet lay beside it.

"There's someone inside, please wait outside." The golden lion puppet said, shaking its head.


Gu Xiuyun clasped his fists slightly.

Not long after, the stone door opened, and a half-step supreme man wearing a bun stepped out, his whole body filled with astonishing fluctuations of will.

"It's only two marbles. I almost lost my life for that treasure!" Banbu Supreme murmured and walked out of the hall.

"go in!"

The golden lion puppet looked indifferent, "Remember, it must be a truly valuable treasure. If it is not valuable, Qingxiao Palace will deduct your credit. If you deduct too much, the Five Elements Order will also be taken away."

"What is a truly valuable treasure?" Gu Xiuyun frowned.

"At least it can be listed in this palace, or it is a rare treasure that has never been heard of before." The golden lion puppet said.

"Thank you, senior."

Gu Xiuyun walked into the stone hall.

Dry calligraphy signatures should be considered relatively rare.

After all, it is comparable to the Ning Dao Pill, and has a wider range of uses than the Ning Dao Pill.

This kind of treasure can only be refined by the Emperors of Destiny, but the Taoism of Destiny violates taboos, and those Emperors will not easily refine it. If they refine it too much, they may be feared and targeted by Hunyuan Void, just like Gu Xiuyun back then. Misfortune is everywhere you go, and divine punishment can come at any time.

The Holy World of Samsara is just a world, and the rules of heaven and earth have limited power.

But Hunyuan Void is different. The supreme rules impose punishments that only the great beings above the universe can resist.

Quiet room.

A wave of fluctuation came, "Practitioner, take out your treasure, and I will appraise its value."

Gu Xiuyun took out the dry calligraphy sign from his arms and held it with both hands, looking a little uneasy.

It stands to reason that this kind of treasure can be sold for one or two hundred marbles, but no one can say for sure until the last moment. If Qingxiao Palace is only willing to give him 50 marbles or even lower value, he can only Risked selling to someone else.

"The dry calligraphy signature is from the hand of Emperor Ziyang. It is perfect. It has never been damaged or used. It is full of the power of fate. It is judged to be worth one hundred and twenty-five marbles."

The voice in the void was cold and merciless.


Gu Xiuyun exhaled a breath, one hundred and twenty-five marbles, not high, but not low, at least you can buy a Dao Condensing Pill.

"Five Elements User, the merit points have been calculated into your token. You can go to the front hall at any time to exchange for treasures. You can also use it to ask the Supreme Lord of the Universe or even the Emperor to do something for you." The voice in the void said.

"Do something for me?" Gu Xiuyun couldn't help but stare.

Marble actually has this use.

He thought he could only use it to buy rare treasures and enter the secret realm to practice!

"With thirty cloud stones, you can ask ordinary supreme beings of superior systems, such as the Supreme Destiny and the Supreme Karma, to help you figure out the whereabouts of a treasure, or the whereabouts of others, or it can be a bottleneck in your practice. As long as you want to, it can be solved. can do."

"One hundred marbles, you can ask Elder Yi to help you with something."

"If you have five hundred marbles, you can even ask the emperor to personally help you kill people, seize treasures, guide you in practice, or even accept you as a disciple. As long as there are enough marbles, anything is possible."

Gu Xiuyun took a breath.

Qingxiao Palace is really straightforward. With cloud stones, you can ask the Supreme Lord of Heaven and Earth to do something for you. So, if you spend a hundred cloud stones, you might be able to find the whereabouts of the founder of Tianji?

"Forget it, I only got a dry-signed sign because of the respect of Emperor Ziyang. I'm afraid I won't be able to get a second dry-signed sign in this life."

"One hundred and twenty-five marbles, let's use Taoism to comprehend and practice secret techniques!"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

It is not easy to accumulate marble. Even with his current strength, he still needs to take a lot of risks to collect more than ten or twenty marbles.

For example, going to a certain Origin Beast lair, killing a large number of Heavenly Lords, but doing so would most likely trigger revenge from the Supreme Lord of the Universe.

The stone door opens.

Gu Xiuyun returned to the front hall, glanced around, and then looked directly at the words on the side of the stone wall.

It records a large number of treasured cultivation places, among which there are many that are as good as the Huanbo Pond and the Yuqing Pond. There are also secret cultivation realms comparable to those of the Holy Path Tianyin, including the destiny system, the causal system, the life and death system... everything.

'The Black Spirit Pond can enhance the mind and will, temper the soul, and allow practitioners to comprehend Taoism three points faster. It can also weaken the bottleneck of practice. Practitioners at the peak of spiritual realm can go there, and there is a 30% chance of breaking through the barriers and stepping into The law follows the situation. Worth five marbles. "

'In the mountains and peaks, the divine wind roars, and a corpse of a world-suppressing god and demon is hidden among them. Practicing there is of great benefit to understanding the ancient holy way. Practitioners of the ancient holy system can go there. If you are lucky, you can even Gain recognition from gods and demons and master one more true form. Worth Yakumo Stone. ’

"There are so many secret treasures in Qingxiao Palace!"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes glowed.

The Black Spirit Pond and the mountain peaks all have miraculous effects on his practice, and they are not expensive. With his current wealth, he can give it a try. Maybe he can break through the bottleneck, become a powerful person in the Dharma Sui Realm, and even comprehend new things. The true form of the ancient beast.

The true forms of the seven ancient beasts are also of great benefit to the rhino's magical power.

"That's it. Let's go check out those two places first."

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