Fortune Teller

Chapter 1464 Emperor’s Projection

Over the Green Leaf Lake, corpses were everywhere.

Gu Xiuyun had left for a long time, and Commander Jin Jia, Tang Bai and others still had not recovered from the shock.

"How could it be him? He is obviously the Master of the Eight Difficulties Realm, and his sense of the world realm is unmistakable." Tang Bai opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief.

"This messenger in wooden clothes is actually the pinnacle Heavenly Lord... and a destiny Heavenly Lord."

The golden-armored commander sighed and shook his head, "It's a pity that I missed the opportunity to make friends with this person."

"Commander, let's deal with the corpses of the Origin Beasts first," another person said, "Now there are Origin Beasts raging everywhere. If a new group of Origin Beasts rushes over and uses these corpses to enter the Qiankun Realm, we will be in trouble."

The golden-armored commander nodded slightly.

In this battle, more than two hundred Nine Dilemma Origin Beasts were killed, including seventeen Tianjun-level Origin Beasts. The huge number of corpses was enough for the Origin Beast Tianjun to break through the barrier and step into the Qiankun Realm.

The source beast is not a practitioner.

This clan is naturally favored by the Hunyuan Void. As long as the realm is sufficient and the accumulation is sufficient, they can break through the realm with almost no obstacles.

"Messenger Xianyun must be in a hurry to support other stations and has no time to collect these corpses. Let's peel off the rare spiritual materials in the source beast and sort them out, and wait for the adults to come and collect them." said the golden armor commander.


The Nine Difficulties Realm Masters quickly led their soldiers to carry the corpses...

In the void, the cyan figure escaped at high speed, flying towards Pinglan Island.

Among the three teleportation arrays, Green Leaf Lake is the closest to Luoshen Realm, followed by Pinglan Island, and finally Wuhai, with other stations further away.

Compared with the Qiankun Realm, Tianwaiyuan Beast prefers to attack the Void Secret Realm and the teleportation array station. After all, there are Half-Step Supremes or Tianjuns in the Qiankun Realm, and they can use the power of Qiankun. If you are unlucky and bump into the Qiankun Supreme, it is really It's to die.

Moreover, apart from countless living beings in the universe, there are not many that are truly valuable.

Those bloodline creatures and incense believers are like ants in the eyes of the source beast. They kill one after another, and it is impossible to kill them all. It is more valuable to destroy a few teleportation arrays.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at the charm on his waist.

Tianjun Luo Fang sent a message: "Fellow Daoist Xi Ming, all of you have arrived at Wulang Reef. There is no trace of Tianjun Xin Mo, only four descendants of Ming Ming."


Gu Xiuyun's eyes brightened slightly.

With the virtual and real magical powers of the descendants of Hun Ming, it is impossible for the fate practitioners to escape. After all, in terms of escape, the virtual system is the top existence.

It seems that the clone of Xin Mo Tianjun has fallen and the inner world has collapsed.

Without the inner world, even the peak heavenly kings cannot compete with ordinary heavenly kings. After all, not everyone is like Gu Xiuyun, who can exert amazing strength without resorting to material rules.

"To reopen the inner world, we must first evolve the heaven gate to form the inner heaven and earth, and then gradually improve it. No matter how fast the speed is, it will take four to five thousand years. Still, with the acceleration of time, after reaching the realm of the realm, the inner world will be enough There are hundreds of millions of miles, and it’s useless to even speed up time.”

Gu Xiuyun had a smile on his face.

At least in a short period of time, Xin Mo Tianjun can no longer threaten him. As for whether this person will leak the news to the Supreme Qiankun... He is not worried. The immortal inheritance is so precious. Even if it is leaked, it will be for his master - —Ancestor Xin Xiang.

He specifically asked Qing Ling Supreme. Ancestor Xin Xiang was currently fighting in Guyang Domain, and it would take at least more than a hundred years to return.

It is impossible for the other party to tell others the news just to save a few hundred years.

"Send my mother and eldest sister to the worry-free world first, and think about the future later."


The cyan figure rushed into the depths of the void.

Waveless Reef.

The whirlpool in the void burst apart, and three god-like figures stood deep in the reef. With every movement of their hands and feet, endless power erupted.

Those Hun Ming descendants who are comparable to the peak heavenly kings can only rely on virtual and real magical powers to save their lives, and have no power to resist.

If Qian Ming and Hua Jing were in the early stages of the Qiankun realm, the peak Heavenly Lord could easily suppress them.

But what came to Wulang Reef at this moment were Luoshen, Bamboo Sea Supreme, and Timing Supreme. The weakest among them, Timming Supreme, had also entered the realm of acting and evolved its own rules.


Supreme Timin waved his hand, and endless vines filled the void. Tens of billions of miles of land were covered with lotus flowers. One after another, the sacred flowers bloomed with murderous intent.

These lotuses are clearly material rules, but they are completely different from any rules in the world.

There are no five elements, no wind and thunder, no time and space, but it seems to be all-encompassing. A lotus contains the power of heaven and earth.

The three realms of Qiankun: acting truth, acting method, and acting intention.

Even in the early stage of the first stage of Yanzhen Realm, she still possesses extraordinary strength, and Supreme Timing is also a demon spirit and has outstanding talents. The combination of the two makes her strength almost comparable to Zhuhai.


The lotus flower looks ordinary, but it easily cuts through the body of the descendant of Hun Ming. Countless flying insects are annihilated, and the destructive power even spreads to the void world.

At the same time, the Bamboo Sea Supreme's fingertips moved slightly, and a thin bamboo stretched across the void, piercing the remaining three descendants of Hun Ming.

Hun Ming's true body melted like ice and snow, leaving no trace.

"Brother Zhuhai's green bamboo power is even better," Supreme Timing said with a smile, "One move can annihilate the three peak kings, and my little sister can't even reach it."

"Don't praise me," Zhuhai Supreme shook his head, "How long have I been practicing, how long have you been practicing, the power of the lotus combined with the demon spirit realm is no less than the late stage of the real realm. After a while, I'm afraid I won't be you. This little girl’s opponent.”

While talking, the descendants of Hun Ming showed their traces again.

Relying on the magical power of virtuality and reality, these descendants of chaos are extremely difficult to kill. They can only rely on annihilation again and again to completely exhaust the spiritual power in their bodies and never return to the living world.

"Every time we kill these descendants of confusion, it takes a lot of time."

Supreme Timin curled his lips slightly, waved his hand, and lotus flowers danced all over the sky, annihilating the body of the descendant of Hun Ming again.

At this moment, the void burst.

A majestic power emerged from the void world, and the mighty divine power turned into a black frenzy, covering the void.

"Void teleportation array, be careful!!"

Luo Shen's beautiful eyebrows trembled slightly, and numerous phantom lights evolved around her body. The endless thought power formed a barrier of incense, blocking the black craziness in front.


The frenzy contained astonishing corrosive power. In just an instant, it broke through hundreds of layers of illusory light and pressed towards the three Supreme Beings of the Universe.

"Emperor's projection!"

Seeing this scene, Zhuhai, Timing, and Luo Shen suddenly changed their expressions.

The Black Frenzy may seem ordinary, but it contains shocking power. Every drop of the tide is condensed with powerful thoughts. There is no other possibility than acting as the emperor of the artistic conception.

"I knew you Origin Beasts had bad intentions and wanted to use the Holy Pill Pearl to destroy the Xihuang Formation. What a dream!"

An arm protruded from the depths of the void, striking at the black craziness.


The sky-wide frenzy was cut into two pieces.

Immediately afterwards, Elder Yi Gong walked out of the depths of the void. His whole body was exuding strong fluctuations of life and death. His physical body was so strong that it was beyond comprehension in the transcendent realm. Every inch of flesh and blood was like crystal jade.

"Performing Dharma Realm!!"

In the black tide, a wisp of shadow condensed and took shape, "If I were to come here in person, I could destroy a junior like you with just a wave of my hand."

"Do you dare?" Elder Yi Gong sneered, "This is the Xihuang Heavenly Domain. As long as you step into half a step, you will be counted by the Holy Spirit as a true spirit and forcibly cursed to death. Although there are many extraterrestrial beasts, the emperor-level There aren’t many strong ones!”

"Hmph, even a projection is enough to deal with you!"

The black tide rose rapidly, completely covering the entire Waveless Reef. Except for the deepest twisted space, which was untouchable, other areas were submerged by the tide.

At the same time, four Hun Ming descendants quietly appeared and fled towards the depths of Wulang Reef.

The power of the emperor's projection alone cannot touch the Holy Pill in the deepest part of the reef. There must be a descendant of Hun Ming as a bridge. The descendant of Hun Ming appeared in the depths of Wulang Reef just to explore the way.

This beast had been stationed in Wulang Reef for hundreds of millions of years without being able to escape. In the end, it was killed by Gu Xiuyun and others who annihilated their mind and will.

"Luo Bing, Zhuhai, Timing, stop those Hunming descendants. I will deal with the emperor's projection by myself."

Elder Yi Gong shouted urgently.


The three supreme beings of the universe stepped forward and blocked the descendants of Hun Ming.


Lotus flowers swept across the sky and earth, green bamboos rose from the sky, and the power of incense turned into endless sword light. The three forces attacked the descendants of Hun Ming at the same time.

At this moment, the three supreme beings are no longer as calm and calm as before.

The projection of the emperor came to the world, which shows that this place is indeed one of the main targets of the source beast forces. If the deepest holy elixir is touched by the other party, the trouble will be big.

"Damn it!"

"The practitioners discovered the anomaly of Wulang Reef so quickly. Gu Mingming sent more than a dozen teams to cover it. There are Hunming Descendants and Peak Heavenly Lords everywhere. How did they discover it??"

Seeing the three supreme beings chasing after the descendants of Hun Ming, the projection of the emperor deep in the tide was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

For today, the Origin Beast Emperor prepared for tens of billions of years before finally gathering a large number of Origin Beasts.

There's nothing wrong with the low-level Origin Beasts, it's mainly the peak Heavenly Kings, each one of them is unruly, and it's not easy to get them to surrender.

Who would have thought that the painstaking plan would be revealed in advance by the practitioners.


A palm print of life and death was pressed down with a bang, shattering most of the tide.

After an instant, the tide gathered in the sky again.

Every ounce of the power of the Emperor's projection is integrated with the immortal will, making it almost immortal. Even if it is stronger than Elder Yi Gong, it cannot destroy these tides.

The two sides were in a stalemate, and the violent power continued to penetrate the whirlpool void, causing the entire Waveless Reef to nearly collapse.

The meeting hall of Xihuang Palace.

A branch deacon hurriedly walked into the main hall:

"Palace Master, the Observation Mirror has discovered an abnormality in the Black Tide Sea. A Origin Beast Emperor used the void teleportation array to send the projection to Wulang Reef. He is currently fighting with Elder Yi Gong."

"Even the emperor's projection has come out, and there is indeed a problem," Palace Master Yi Ming said with a smile, "The source beast forces are in chaos, and they want to prevent Lord Xihuang from supporting Emperor Jingxuan. I won't be able to use much power. If I You’re right, their real targets are no more than three.”

"The descendants of Hunming are best at void teleportation, and they are part of the void system. They have special magical powers for cross-domain teleportation. The area where they are located is probably the real target of the Origin Beast Emperor. Find out as soon as possible what is going on in the other places."

"As commanded."

The branch deacon bowed and left.

"The Emperor's projection actually appeared on Wulang Reef, and that bitch Luo Bing made her get a share of the credit in vain." Guo Nujun was full of resentment.

The emperor's projection does not just come when it arrives, a lot of preparations must be made, such as the Qiankun Dharmakaya that carries the emperor's thoughts.

After acting in the true realm, each Supreme Supreme Being will evolve its own regular divine power.

For example, the Supreme Being Timin evolved the power of the lotus, and his divine power and body will also change accordingly, forming a double lotus body.

The Supreme Bamboo Sea evolved the power of green bamboo.

Luo Shen evolved the power of Wuchen Thought.

These divine powers are far from comparable to any energy in the world... When they reach the emperor level, they are even more shocking. If you want to carry the projection, you must first use your own regular divine power to refine a Dharma body and send it to Wulang Reef before it can suddenly come.

The spiritual materials needed to refine the Dharma Body are so precious, it is not easy to dispatch three.

After all, the Origin Beast forces are still fighting against the Qingxiao Palace, and those places need the Dharma Body to be in charge.

At this moment, another deacon from the branch hall hurriedly walked into the hall, "Palace Master, there are fluctuations in the Supreme Qiankun around the Yihe Realm. It is suspected that the Origin Beast Heavenly Lord has broken through the realm barrier and stepped into the Qiankun Realm."

"The Qiankun Realm Source Beast finally appears."

Palace Master Yi Ming took a deep breath, "Origin beasts are different from practitioners. When you step into the Qiankun realm, your life essence will undergo a great transformation, and your strength will skyrocket several times. I hope that it is an ordinary heavenly king, and the core disciples of the sect can still do it." If you deal with it, it will be really troublesome if it is a peak king."

When the Peak Heavenly King enters the universe, his strength will be no less than that of the Supreme Lord Timing, and the damage to the Xihuang Heavenly Domain will be a hundred times more serious.

"Palace Master, let your subordinates go there!!" Guo Nujun stepped out and said respectfully.

"No," Palace Master Yi Ming waved his hand, "Compared to those transformed Origin Beasts, the army of Origin Beasts around the Tianyu is more dangerous. If they are attacked and destroy the Xihuang Divine Formation, then the real power of the Tianyu will be Disaster."

"This matter is handled by the disciples of each hall and the deacons of the branch halls. It is better for some practitioners to die than for the Heaven Realm to fall."

"Yes!" Guo Nujun bowed and nodded.

"The Qiankun Realm Origin Beast, even an ordinary Heavenly King, is no less powerful than the Peak Heavenly King at this moment. I wonder how many Universe Realms can stop it?" An elder shook his head and sighed.

"There are many disasters in the cultivation world, and there has never been peace. Those practitioners are lucky to be able to live safely for hundreds of millions of years." Another person said indifferently.

"If you don't experience life and death, how can you know the value of living? As long as an emperor appears among these practitioners, their death will be worthwhile."

The Qiankun Supreme on both sides of the palace was calm and indifferent.

To reach this point in their cultivation, they have experienced unimaginable years. Some of them have lived for hundreds of years, and have seen countless lives and deaths. In their eyes, the chaos in Emperor Xi's realm is just a small disturbance.

However, this turmoil came at the cost of the death of countless practitioners.

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