Fortune Teller

Chapter 1474 The Essence of the Way of Killing

There are twelve jade platforms at the foot of the thousand-foot statue, and on six of them there are figures sitting cross-legged, either human or demon, practicing with their eyes closed.

The jade platform is very close to the statue, and faint light can be seen vaguely, shrouding the six people.

In addition, there are many practitioners sitting around the palace. Although there is no dim light, the effect of practice is much stronger than that in ordinary secret realms.

"There are so many core disciples of the killing system in the main palace of Qingxiao?" Gu Xiuyun glanced at the palace and frowned slightly.

Doesn’t it mean that the threshold for core disciples is extremely high and they must understand two rules of perfection?

There are over a hundred practitioners in the square in front of the temple alone, and there are more than 60 practitioners here, and they are all from the killing system. Based on this calculation, there are probably more than a thousand core disciples in the entire Qingxiao Temple.

"Sir, those who practice here are not necessarily the true core disciples," the puppet beast explained via voice transmission, "Qingxiao Hall has a total of twenty-four branch halls. In addition to the main hall, each branch hall has ten additional core disciples. , when these core disciples enter the Qiankun Realm or die, new core disciples will fill in. "

"They have the name of a branch hall. Although their status is high, their cultivation is not much better than that of the Five Elements practitioners, and they are not even as good as the inner disciples."

"In addition, Qingxiao Palace will select juniors through various channels. Although some are weak but have only a very short training period, they can also become core disciples."

Saying that, the puppet beast glanced at Gu Xiuyun.

In its opinion, the other party most likely entered Qingxiao Palace in this way.

"Those core disciples who belong to the branch hall, as well as those who are promoted under special circumstances, are not real core disciples. Apart from basic resources, they cannot go to many secret treasure places, do not need to accept sect missions, and do not even know their names. Appears on the Taoist Stone."

"The Youlong Demon Lord you fought with before is a disciple of the branch hall."

"Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, there are only one hundred and five core disciples of Qingxiao Palace, and they are the only ones who understand the two perfect rules and are the top figures comparable to the peak heavenly king."


The puppet beast kept talking for a long time, explaining everything from the distribution of the various halls of Qingxiao Palace to the permissions and taboos of the core disciples.

"What's going on with those jade platforms?" Gu Xiuyun pointed forward.

Of the twelve jade platforms, only six were occupied, and the other six were empty, but no cultivator around them dared to step forward.

"The jade platform at the foot of the Holy Statue can only be used by the true core disciples. The sect specially arranged it for them. There are twelve core disciples of the killing system in Qingxiao Palace, so there will be twelve jade platforms."

Puppetmon explained in a low voice.

"That's it." Gu Xiuyun suddenly understood.

Obviously, the twelve jade platforms have special effects and are of great help in understanding the way of killing. Otherwise, Qingxiao Palace would not be so stingy. If you practice on the jade platforms, even if it is not as good as the holy way Tianyin, it will not be much worse. .

"It's a pity that the real body of the human race left the Holy World of Samsara early and was unable to become a core disciple. Without these opportunities, how can one compete with Xin Xiang with just a piece of Destiny Sky?" The real body of Killing curled his lips slightly.

Core disciples can't just do it, they need to be selected at all levels, and they also need the support of the elders of each temple.

If there is nothing, you can only go to the battlefield outside the territory and slowly accumulate military exploits.

The battlefield outside the territory is so dangerous. The supreme beings of the universe appear one after another, and the realm of acting and artistic conception also often appear. Once affected, there will be death but no life.

There, the peak heavenly king may not necessarily live longer than the ordinary heavenly king.

On the contrary, ordinary supreme beings at the lowest level such as Qian Ming and Hua Jing, who are protected by Xi Palace and Qingxiao Palace in the Qiankun Realm, can fight again and again without fear of life and death.

"Sir, there is no need to rush your practice. I will take you to the cave's quiet room first," said the puppet beast. "The cave of the core disciples is no less than a small world of heaven and earth. It has a vast space, abundant spiritual power, and a time-space formation that can be adjusted at any time. Flow rate…”

"That's fine."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

After a while, the puppet beast led the killing body to the sixth palace. There were thousands of stone doors on both sides of the wide corridor, and each stone door was a quiet room.

The puppet beast walked along the corridor for a long time before he stopped and said, "This is your cave's quiet room. After you refine it with your mind and will, no one can open it."

"For countless years, these caves have experienced generations of owners, so there may be some relics from the past..."

"Your servants and descendants can live in the cave's quiet room, but they are not allowed to leave, otherwise they will be regarded as foreign enemies by Qingxiao Palace. Of course, your cave's murderous spirit is too strong, so it is best to live alone..."

The puppet beast talked for a long time before finally putting away his words, "If you have no other instructions, the little demon will go back."

"Wait a minute," Gu Xiuyun took out a storage spirit treasure from his arms, "You just said that Qingxiao Palace has a branch hall dedicated to reincarnation. Can you send a Half-Step Supreme to reincarnation for me?"

"Little demon, I obey." The puppet beast bowed and nodded.

"In addition, help me send a group of practitioners away and let them do handyman work around Qingxiao Realm. It is better than running out and losing their lives."


After a while, the puppet beast left.

Gu Xiuyun used his mind and will to form a mark of will on the stone gate. The ancient stone gate slowly opened. Inside the gate was a vast world with a radius of trillions of miles. The mountains were dry and silent, and the rivers flowed like blood, filled with the aura of killing.

According to what Puppet Beast said, caves in different systems are different.

His cave is tailor-made for killing cultivators. If others stay in it, their minds will collapse within three to five years at most, but killing cultivators can stabilize their Taoist minds and improve their cultivation.

"First break through the sixth level of martial arts, and then go to the Holy Palace to understand the rules of killing."

The bloody figure stepped into the quiet room of the cave. The huge body quickly collapsed, and at the same time, a massive amount of divine power was integrated into the depths of the particles.

"The core disciples of Qingxiao Palace actually have so many benefits?" In the Qiankun Realm, the human race's real body's eyes moved slightly.

Qingxiao Palace, he didn't dare to think about it.

With Xin Xiang's supreme status, he can be killed with just a flick of his finger, unless he actively sacrifices his destiny to the sky.

Without this treasure, the path of cultivation would be even more hopeless. How could he hand it over?

"If I want to compete with Elder Xin Xiang, I must become the supreme master of the universe within tens of millions of years. Not only must I enter the mind-only realm, but I must also understand the rules of the source of destiny. Both are indispensable."

Within tens of millions of years, he has entered the mind-only state and mastered a new kind of biological rules, which is a direction that he is extremely bad at.

It is almost impossible to rely on the sky of destiny alone.

We can only rely on superpowers and various external resources.

"Except for the Qingxiao Palace, only the Xi Palace and the Ancient Ancestral Platform have this strength. The Ancient Ancestral Heaven Realm is far away on the other side of the void. With my cultivation, I will not be able to fly there in a hundred thousand years."

"There is only Xi Palace."

"Since Mr. Luoshen is a guest of the Xi Imperial Palace, it will not be difficult to recommend one or two inner disciples. You just have to be careful not to be found by Supreme Xin Xiang."

Gu Xiuyun made a decision in his heart.

If he wants to become the Supreme Master of the Universe in a short period of time, he can only rely on the power of the Xi Palace. With his current strength, as long as he perfects the material rules, it is not impossible to become a core disciple.

"Before that, we must first overcome the ninth catastrophe and raise the martial arts true body to the seventh level of transcendence. One hundred thousand years should be enough."

Gu Xiuyun closed his eyes and continued to comprehend the rules of matter.

Now, his mind and will are only a little short of transcending the seventh level of transcendence.

The rules of destiny have reached a bottleneck. It is difficult to make progress in a short period of time, and the tempering of ghost purgatory on itself is getting weaker and weaker.

But in addition, he also has a second true form.

The True Body of Killing has just become a core disciple. He has not yet read the Taoist scriptures in Qingxiao Palace, nor has he gone to the secret treasure land. After digesting these resources and foreign objects one by one, the True Body of Killing will surely make great progress in the realm of Taoism.

At that time, the physical body will be able to withstand the seventh level of martial arts.

In the Wushan courtyard, a green figure sat cross-legged and practiced quietly.

at the same time.

Deep in the Qingxiao Palace, a ray of will emerged from the true identity of Killing, and entered the Wanfa Palace along the nine layers of cloud sky.

There are countless Taoist books in the Wanfa Hall. As a core disciple, the number of books that can be viewed and read is even greater, almost comparable to that of the Qiankun Supreme.

Compared with the cultivation treasure land and the Holy Palace, these books are what he needs most at the moment.

For the Dao of Killing, the True Body of Killing has never had a systematic understanding, and it relies entirely on the Law of Heaven's Heart to forcibly understand it.

After that, he understood the bloody sword marks in the secret world, and initially integrated the four rules of killing intention, killing soul, killing body, and killing intention. It seems that the realm is quite high, but in fact the foundation is very poor.

In front of the ten thousand-foot-long stone tablet, a bloody figure sat cross-legged, quietly looking at the inscription in front of him.

'The aura of killing is completely opposite to the power of incense. The two have the same origin, but are completely opposite. ’

‘Incense Shinto is practiced through the worship, belief, and gratitude of living beings in the world. The higher the cultivation level, the more tenacious the Taoist heart, and the more pure the power of belief. The killing aura is based on the resentment, fear, and anger of the living beings in the world. Both are based on the power of mind, but the former is voluntary dedication, while the latter is forcible deprivation. ’

‘Therefore, the higher the realm of killing cultivators, the greater the possibility of Taoist heart collapse. It must be supported by a strong enough mind and will to sustain it. ’

‘As for the incense divine way, there is almost no threshold, and it has no requirements on the mind and will. Even a mortal can practice all the way to the peak of the ninth level. ’


"The power of incense and the power of incense actually have the same origin as the aura of killing. They have two sides in one body." Looking at the stone tablet in front of him, the bloody figure was secretly surprised.

No wonder the killing energy is invisible and formless, but it can exert great power. It can not only replenish soul thoughts, but also be used as true energy and divine power.

He continued to read the stone tablet.

'The Qi of Killing - there are six ways to practice. The lowest level: slaughter all living beings... The highest level: kill the extraterrestrial beasts of the same level or even higher realms. The origin beasts are the highest beings in the mixed-source void and plunder their resentment. It is of great benefit to one’s own practice. ’

'The rules of killing are biased towards the material path, similar to the inferior path methods. If you want to improve your realm, you might as well use the lower path methods of sword, gun, palm, boxing and other killing methods as the foundation...'

'The rules of killing souls - it is biased toward the path of lust, and focuses on killing souls. If you want to improve your realm, you should use the middle vehicle methods such as resentment, fear, and anger as the foundation...'

‘The Rules of Killing Mind—the most mysterious will-based killing method in the killing system. If you want to improve your realm, you must learn from the systems of fate, cause and effect, etc., so it is also the most difficult. Even the most powerful actors can understand the rules. ’


Each stone tablet made him understand the path of killing more and more deeply, and he gradually understood the true nature of the path of killing.

Killing is actually deprivation.

The aura of killing deprives the mind of faith;

Kill one's body and deprive the inferior Dharma;

Kill the soul and deprive the middle vehicle of the Dharma;

The murderous intention deprives the superior Tao and Dharma;

When you seize everything in the world, you will be invincible.

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