Fortune Teller

Chapter 1492 Mental Realm Barrier

In the Huanyu Hall, Elder Wu Shang sat on the main seat with a gloomy expression.

"Elder Wu, news has come from the main hall. Taoist Xi Ming is extremely powerful. He has defeated two core disciples, Qiu Xin and Xiao, in a row. He has also severely damaged Yin Wusheng. He is allowed to enter the main hall in advance, and all treatment is the same as that of core disciples. "

Luo Shen stood before His Highness and said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone.

"I already know, you go down first!" The old man in brocade robe waved his hand, his face full of impatience.

"Please also ask the elders to pass down the talisman and allow Taoist Xi to go immediately. If he can make a breakthrough and break through the Hundred Battle Platform within ten thousand years, the face of Huanyudian will be a little more glorious." Luo Shen continued.

"I asked you to go out, didn't you hear me?"

The expression of the old man in brocade robe suddenly turned cold.

"Please ask the elder to give you the talisman." Luo Shen bowed and clasped his fists.

"Presumptuous, are you forcing me?" Elder Wu Shang was furious, "As the elder in charge of Huanyu Hall, I have so many things to deal with, how can I have time to pay attention to this junior? Get out quickly and don't bother me."

"Wu Shang, although you are the chief elder, you can't cover the sky with just one hand." Elder Yi Gong walked in unhurriedly, "Junior Xi Ming's strength is obvious to everyone in the Xi Palace. I'm afraid even the Emperor of the Universe has received the news. ”

"Have you ever thought about the consequences if you insist on going your own way and the news reaches the ears of the emperor?"

"Yi Gong!" The old man in brocade robes had a cold look on his face, "I have been in charge of the Universal Palace for a hundred thousand years and have the power to make decisions about everything. What does a trivial matter mean?"

"If Yin Wusheng has not broken through, this is indeed a trivial matter," Elder Yi Gong sneered, "But now, the news of her breaking through has spread throughout the Xihuang Heavenly Domain. If other people ask a few casual questions, they will care about their lives. With the strength of a peak heavenly king, why has the Xi Palace not been promoted to a core disciple? How can the Huanyu Palace explain it? "

"Do you want to wait for the emperor to personally blame you?"

Emperor of the Universe... Elder Wu Chang's eyes flashed with an imperceptible fear. What an emperor he is. Although he is the master of a palace, he never interferes with the affairs of the palace.

In the same way, once he intervenes, Elder Wu Shang will be in big trouble.

Thinking of this, he flicked his fingertips slightly, and a roll of talisman flew out of his sleeves and landed in front of Elder Yi Gong and Luo Shen.

"Even if you have the treatment of a core disciple, so what? If you can't get through the Hundred Battle Platform, you are not a true core disciple," the old man in brocade robes said indifferently, "I would like to see how far he can go?"

"Thank you, elder."

Luo Shen held his fists and saluted expressionlessly, rolled up the talisman with his divine power, and walked out of the hall.

"Wu Shang, don't overdo anything," Elder Yi Gong shook his head slightly, "Now Taoist Xi Ming is just a small world master, but if one day, he becomes the supreme master or even the elder of Yanfa, how should you deal with it? ?”

"Elder Yanfa? Just rely on him?"

The old man in brocade robes had a sneer on his face, "Understanding the secret knowledge of destiny is tantamount to ruining one's own future. Not everyone can break through like Yin Wusheng. He will be a realm master in this life."

"You can never be sure of anything in this world."

Elder Yi Gong turned and left.

The side door of the main hall of Xihuang Palace.

Luo Shen and Gu Xiuyun stood up, the two puppet beasts looking eagerly ahead.

A moment later, a Taoist priest came over in a hurry, "Elder Fu's edict is accurate, and the handover has been completed in the main hall. From now on, Gu Ximing will belong to the main hall, and he will temporarily have the authority of a core disciple."

"Thank you, senior brother."

Luo Shen bowed slightly.

"There is no need to thank me. He can defeat Qiu Xin and Xiao Sha. He is already a veritable core disciple. I am just going through the process." The Taoist took out a storage crystal, "Gu Ximing, this is your command talisman and After the robe is refined, it will be recognized by the main palace and can be entered and exited at will."

"Thank you, senior."

Gu Xiuyun bowed and clasped his fists, then saluted Luo Shen.

Half a month had passed since the incident at Baizhantai, and there was still no conclusion from the Huanyu Palace. He knew that Elder Wu Shang must have done something.

If Luo Shen hadn't personally asked for the Fu Zhao, I'm afraid that in another ten thousand years, Gu Xiuyun would still be an inner disciple of Huanyu Palace.

"Come in quickly!"

Luo Shen waved his hand, "The core disciples of the main hall can go to each secret realm for free once, and can also view the statue of the Holy Saint. With your current state, listening to the Holy Path Tianyin is of little use. It is better to see the breakthrough of the destiny practitioner. The handbook may be of some benefit."


Gu Xiuyun nodded in response, walked through the palace gate and walked deeper into the main hall.

The layout of the main hall of Xihuang Palace is similar to that of the main hall of Qingxiao Palace. They are divided into several side halls, and practitioners of different systems live in different areas.

In the square in front of the temple, there are elders giving lectures.

Cause and effect, destiny, life and death, killing, reality and reality are all different. Occasionally, they also talk about cultivation techniques and methods to break through the realm.

In addition, there are a large number of classics placed deep in the main hall, including the superior Tao, the middle Tao, and the inferior Tao. They are all secrets that are difficult for outsiders to know.

"There is no rush to understand the Holy Statue. Let's first take a look at what books there are in the Xi Imperial Palace!"

Gu Xiuyun stepped towards the depths of the main hall.

The Qingxiao Palace was created by the Taiyi Immortal Emperor. Most of the sect's classics are about the causal system and the Middle Vehicle Taoism. There are countless elixirs, formations, talismans, tools, etc. There are not many stories about the Tao of Destiny.

But Xi Palace is different.

What Xihuang cultivated was destiny, and he created the two major inheritances of Yi Shu and Bagua. Yi Shu was the fortune teller, and Bagua was the formation. From then on, fortune tellers used fortune tellers, and even the Tianming tribe in China was no exception.

One can imagine how widely spread Xi Huang's teachings were.

As the source of the destiny system, the scriptures on destiny in the Xi Palace are undoubtedly the largest, most complete, and most exquisite.

After a while, he passed through the inner hall and came to a vast void.

Countless jade slips are floating between the sky and the earth, the big ones are as big as mountains, and the small ones are only about the size of mustard seeds. If Gu Xiuyun didn't possess the magical power of martial arts, he might not be able to find them.

"After ten thousand years, the Hundred Battle Platform will be reopened. I have to hurry up." Gu Xiuyun secretly operated the rules of time and space, causing the flow rate around him to increase sharply.

At the same time, a jade slip was unfolded, and the soul thought penetrated into it.

‘People often say that there are three methods of destiny: internal cultivation, external cultivation, and internal and external cultivation. In my opinion, it should be five methods. ’

‘Internal cultivation: twisted destiny, entangled destiny…’

'External cultivation: field of destiny, shadow of destiny...'

'In addition, there are three types of cultivation, namely, heavenly cultivation, human cultivation and heart cultivation. Heavenly cultivation - the evolution of heaven's secret, human cultivation - the source of destiny, and the third kind of change of heart cultivation...'

‘Internal cultivation seeks oneself, external cultivation relies on sentient beings, and the last three dharma are the foundation of everything. ’

"The foundation of destiny?"

Looking at the contents in the jade slip, Gu Xiuyun frowned. The five methods of destiny were completely different from the classics circulating in the world. Which one is correct?

In just a few moments, he finished reading the jade slip and continued to look at another jade slip.

‘Seven ways to apply the rules of mind…’

'A special twist on the rules...'

'The true nature of the evolution of Tianji...'

The contents recorded on each jade slip are very scattered, without a complete and systematic explanation, and many of them are just guesses, without even practical evidence.

"This is the secret codex from the deepest part of the Xi Palace? The supreme book that can only be read by core disciples??"

Gu Xiuyun was at a loss.

As a core disciple, his status is completely different from that of the inner disciples, and he receives countless resources.

For example, to break through the realm and enter the universe: practitioners of inferior Taoism must fail at least three or four times before they can finally break through. It is even more difficult for practitioners of superior Taoism. It is common to fail thirty or forty times, and one time requires three stars. Who can bear the Du Zhen Guo?

Therefore, you must first understand the source of Taoism before you can break through it.

But core disciples don’t need it.

As long as they can step into the state of mind, the Emperor of Destiny and the Emperor of Karma will help them for free, helping them reverse their foundations and make up for their shortcomings again and again until they achieve a successful breakthrough.

With such treatment, how could it be possible to give some useless classics and mislead people to practice?

"The Xi Palace will not harm us, so there is only one possibility. The contents of these secrets are most likely true, but it is difficult for ordinary heavenly kings to accept them. Only the true geniuses and elites can try it."

Gu Xiuyun secretly guessed.

For example, the previous Five Methods of Destiny require that before breaking through the realm of Qiankun, you must first understand the three major foundations: heaven cultivation, human cultivation, and heart cultivation. Only with the foundation can you try to become the supreme master of the universe.

If you can't solidify your foundation before breaking through, you will never be able to comprehend the three major methods and nine rules in the future, and you won't be able to achieve perfection until you die.

Once this statement spreads, which destiny god will not try to understand the cultivation of heaven, human cultivation, and heart cultivation?

But the problem is that the destiny system, as the superior Taoist method, is extremely difficult, and there are three additional rules that need to be understood.


I'm afraid I won't be able to become the Supreme Being of the Universe in this life, and I won't even be able to reach the Nine Difficulties.

"And that volume - the true essence of the evolution of the heavenly secrets. It actually says that the changes in the heavenly secrets originate from the rules of the mixed source void. If the heavens and the earth intend to deceive, no matter how the calculation is done, it will be wrong. It's simply..."

Gu Xiuyun sighed in his heart.

If such remarks were spread, I don’t know how many people would laugh.

Can the Hunyuan Void deceive people? Will the rules of heaven and earth lie to people? How can it be? ?

But these words were not only found in the ancient books of the Xi Palace, but Emperor Ziyang had also personally said it to the true form of Killing. The fact that the majestic emperor would actually say such things showed that there was really something wrong with heaven and earth.

Hunyuan Void can also deceive people.

Gu Xiuyun walked along the void step by step, constantly flipping through the jade slips in front of him. After a long time, he came to a tall mountain.

This mountain turned out to be the manifestation of a jade slip, emitting astonishing fluctuations.

"What exactly is recorded in this handbook that has such power?" Gu Xiuyun asked in his soul.

An instant later, his mind was enveloped by the jade slip, and he flew deep into the mountains.

In the vast void, a plain-robed figure sat cross-legged, looking at the endless void of mixed sources, "So that's it, this is the only state of mind..."

Before he finished speaking, the plain-robed figure looked suspicious, "How could I say this? No, this is not my body at all."

Gu Xiuyun quickly lowered his head. At this moment, he looked like a withered person. His whole body was dirty and withered, and his clothes were torn. Even he didn't know how long he had been sitting here.

Millions of years? Tens of millions of years? Billions of years?

After sitting there day after day, I finally broke through the bottleneck of Dharma Suijing and stepped into the mind-only state.

Invisible changes permeated his heart, and he seemed to see the barrier between Dharma Suijing and the mind-only state. The rules of Taoism and the mind and will were perfectly integrated, and they were no longer distinguishable from each other...

Immediately afterwards, Gu Xiuyun came into another physical body.

It is a similar scene again, from the state of Dharma to the state of mind, the rules of Tao and the law are combined with the mind and will. The process, changes, and feelings are all detailed.

The third body…

The fourth body…

Every body is at a critical moment from the state of Dharma to the state of mind. Countless changes are melting into the heart, and Gu Xiuyun becomes more and more profound about the changes.

"The law follows the situation, only the state of mind. That's how it turns out."

He looked at the vast world and suddenly realized that the only state of mind was the perfect combination of the rules of Taoism and the mind and will.

Comprehending the perfect rules of Taoism does not mean becoming the supreme being of the universe. One must integrate the rules with the mind and will to form a perfect imprint.

From then on, rules are will, will is rule, and he is the true Supreme Being.

And this is not clear to practitioners of inferior Taoism, because they only have one rule, and there will be no changes after fusion.

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